Shadow of the Wolf (5 page)

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Authors: Anastacia Kelley

BOOK: Shadow of the Wolf
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     Being from New York, surely she would have been in the habit of locking her doors.  True, some people around here really didn’t lock their doors all the time, but she wasn’t from around here.  She couldn’t have gotten comfortable with the notion just yet.

     He went inside and couldn’t find her downstairs.  He raced up the stairs two at a time. 

     The bathroom door was slightly ajar and he heard the shower running and music playing.

No wonder she didn’t hear me
, he thought, relieved. 

     He knew she had told him that she didn’t need a bodyguard but he couldn’t help himself.  He knew what he was and she didn’t.
  In a sense, that gave him every right to make sure she was protected.  He could honestly say that he didn’t care if she liked it or not. 

     He heard the shower cut off.  His gut clenched when he saw a flash of white.  Serenitee was wrapped in a towel.  Not a very concealing one but she t
hought she was alone so she probably didn’t see the need for one.

     Through the tiny slit in the door, Trevor could see little beads of water cling to her soft skin.  All he could think
about was taking his tongue and licking off every droplet of water right down to the dewy beads clinging to the sweet curls between her legs.  He would lick her dry while still making her wet. 

     He swallowed as his crotch tightened.  Seeing her wrapped in nothing more t
han a flimsy towel, all wet, glowing and smelling of her flowery bath soap, challenged his celibacy.  For once, he decided to let his impulses win.  She wanted him, for that he was sure.  He definitely wanted her.  Why wait?

     The door creaked slightly as he pushed it open.

     Serenitee gasped when she saw Trevor on the other side.  She should feel intruded upon.  She should tell him that it wasn’t polite to walk in on someone showering without their knowledge.  She should tell him to wait outside until she was dressed.

     She should.  But she wouldn’t.  Seeing that carnal look in his feral eyes
didn’t make her scared of his intrusion.  No, what she felt was aroused beyond belief. 

     “I knocked outside, but there was no answer.  I got worried.”  He was looking her up and down.

     Serenitee tingled with lust.  “Checking up on me?” Her voice throaty and low.

     “I had to see if you were all right.”

     “You see me.  Do I look all right?”  She was teasing him and loving it.

     Trevor growled.  “You look more than all righ
t to me.”  He walked to her until they were a breath away from touching.  He bent down to her ear and whispered, “I want you, Serenitee.”

     When he looked up,
he saw the approval in her heated gaze.  That’s all he needed. She didn’t have to voice an answer.  He knew without a shadow of a doubt that she wanted him at this very moment. The room suddenly felt too hot and cramped. Electricity filled the space.      

Trevor grunted as he removed the towel from her wet body.  Just as he had fantasized, he let his tongue glide over the column of her neck.  He caught the water beads as they traveled between her breasts. He licked her nipples clean then moved downward. He dipped his tongue into her belly button. Serenitee let out a sharp cry of surprise as he got every bit of water from between her legs.  They trembled as his tongue worked her. Trevor worked his way back up and found her lips ready to be kissed. He did so, thoroughly, as he grabbed Serenitee by her waist and placed her on the vanity.  The coolness of the marble was a sharp contrast to the fire flowing through her blood and heated skin.

Serenitee reached for his shirt and pulled it over his head.  His fingers moved swiftly to pull down his zipper.  He couldn’t be inside her fast enough.  He pulled Serenitee’s hips to the edge and grabbed her legs to wrap around his waist.  As Serenitee’s hand caressed his cheek, he plunged inside her, never once taking his eyes from hers. 

Serenitee’s eyes drooped and her head fell back in a soft moan.  That position exposed her luscious neck for Trevor to enjoy.  He brought his lips to the pulse of her neck, massaging the tender skin.  He pulled out of her slowly before diving back into her soft folds.  Serenitee snaked her arms around his hips and squeezed his hard backside, pushing him into her harder as she crushed her lips into his.  They bit, sucked and nibbled each other.  Trevor buried himself deeper and deeper into her slick, moist heat. 

Trevor moved away for a second to turn Serenitee around so she could face the mirror. She used one hand against the mirror to brace herself.  The other hand, she planted on the marble counter.

pulled her hips to him and again, let his manhood disappear inside her.  He watched her facial expressions in the mirror.  He smiled at the seductive sway of her breasts, blushed in arousal, as he pumped into her.  He could see the veins bulging in his arms from exertion and mounting tension.  Trevor bent forward and put his arms around Serenitee to palm each of her breasts.  He gave them a playful squeeze, letting his index fingers tease her taut nipples.  He buried his face in her soft tresses.  His body tightened as his hands squeezed her breasts harder.

Serenitee let out a loud moan.  “Unh.  Trevor,” she whispered.  “---so good.”

“Yes, Serenitee.  Yes.”  His manhood throbbed with a need to release.  “Let go for me.  Let me hear you.  See you.”

     He felt her tighten around him, squeezing his manhood, wanting him to explode. 

     Serenitee threw her head back.  Trevor saw her come apart for him in a loud cry, making his own sweet surrender a powerful completion. 

     Trevor carried her to the bed and there they rested in one another’s embrace.


     Serenitee woke up feeling more rested than she had been in a while.  She looked over to find Trevor still sleeping soundly.  Her body still tingled at what took place last night.  Never in her wildest dreams had she felt this way.  Trevor was an excellent lover.  He knew how to use his body to her advantage. 

     Trevor had the sheet just up to the edge of his hips.  He slept on his back and it gave Serenitee the perfect time to admire that gorgeous, hard chest, nice sized biceps and the muscles in his abdomen. 

     Of course, when she first met him, she saw none of these features.  Even now, with him naked and beautiful, his intense green eyes were still what had drawn her in.  It was the way he looked at her.
Like he could see more than you wanted him to but didn’t care.

His eyes were still her favorite thing on him. 

     Well, she thought, feeling a little giddy, she might have one more favorite thing to add.

     Serenitee studied him.  Upon closer inspection, she noted a few deep scars on his sides.  They weren’t very big but they were puckered.  They must have been there for quite a while, given the way they looked. 

     She wondered what had happened to him.  Who or what did this to him?

     Her mind wandered to the conversation she had yesterday with Rue.  Could his mysterious illness be the cause of these scars?

Rue’s words replayed in her head.
‘Poor thing’s been through so much in his short life.’ 

     She wanted to ask Trevor what kind of torment he suffered all throughout his life; what curse had consumed the men in his family.
  With what Rue was saying, it appeared the whole town knew one thing or another about the Van Holden’s and their wretched family curse.  She wanted to help him.  But how could she if she didn’t know what was going on?  Would he even tell her?  Being as private as he was, he might not take kindly such a personal intrusion in the short time they’ve known each other. 

     This secret everyone seemed to be hiding made her think back to the Van Holden journal and the mention of werewolves, full moons and tinctures.

Then tell him about the journal you found
, her inner voice nagged
.  It’s not yours.

     Serenitee decided to go ahead and confess that she had found the Van Holden journal and hope he didn’
t kick her out of the house; out of the state and out of his life for good.

     Could it really be true?  She shook her head sharply. 

     No, she couldn’t start entertaining thoughts about werewolves.  It was ludicrous.  And she was crazy for even thinking about the possibility that werewolves even existed. 

Wolves, yes.  Coyotes, definitely.  But a human transforming into a wolf during a full moon?

Maybe I should’ve laid off the Lon Chaney movies
, she quipped silently.

     She got up, careful not to disturb Trevor.  She went downstairs to start breakfast, the last question unanswered.

Chapter Six

     Serenitee finished buttering the toast when she heard Trevor make his way downstairs.  She hid a smile as she set the plates on the table.

     “Good morning.”  Trevor’s voice was still raspy from sleep.

     Serenitee thought he sounded and looked
just a little too sexy for someone who just tumbled out of bed.  His hair was slightly mussed and he only had his jeans on.  The sun peaked through the windows, making the fine sprinkling of chest hair catch the rays.

“Good morning to you.”  She poured their coffee and they sat down to breakfast.  “You sleep well?”

     Trevor picked up his fork.  “Better than I have in months, actually.”  He put a forkful of scramble eggs into his mouth and chewed thoughtfully. 

     Serenitee rather liked the pensive look he sometimes had on his face.  She was sure she couldn’t be privy to his deeper thought just yet.  True, they had made love but that didn’t mean he was ready to spill his guts to her.  She didn’t expect him to and she wasn’t the kind of woman that demanded a man share everything just because they’d slept together.

     They chatted while finishing breakfast.  Trevor offered to help with the dishes, stating he was a much better drier than washer.

     Serenitee laughed and ran some warm sudsy water and they completed the task in no time.

Trevor carefully folded the dish towel.  “Let me grab my shirt.”

     Serenitee nodded.  “I have to tell you something when you get back.”

     Trevor bounded upstairs and looked for his shirt.  He grabbed it and was about to put it on when something on her dresser caught his eye.  He went over to it and saw the book lying facedown on top of the polished wood.  He flipped it over to reveal the cover.  He felt as if he were kicked in the gut.

The Van Holden journal?!  She had it!

     He grabbed the book and went downstairs to confront Serenitee.

     “Where did you find this book, Serenitee?” Trevor demanded.

     Serenitee saw the leather bound book, ‘Shadow of the Wolf’, in his white knuckled grasp.      Words failed her.  Should she be scared right about now?  That fierce glow in his green eyes sure made it easier to feel that way.

     “Answer me, dammit!”

     “I found it under one of the floor boards in the hallway.”

     “Have you read it?”  He realized it was a foolish question but he needed to hear the truth from her.

     A small nod was all Serenitee could manage.

     Trevor shook his head, dropped the book and narrowed his eyes.  “This curse?  Do you believe it?”

     She searched his eyes for an answer, finding none.  “I don’t know.  I’m sorry.  I should’ve told you.  I had no business reading any of it.  I was just about to tell you that I had it
after you got your shirt.”

     Trevor took a step toward her.  In a raspy whisper, he asked, “Are you scared of me?”  There was no hint of threat in his tone, just an intense heated gaze
.  He should be feeling more than ticked off at her.  But the look in her eyes made him back off.  The anger fled his body in seconds and was replaced by this need to have her body under his.

     Serenitee’s heart quickened, which his keen ears picked up on.  “Should I be?”

     Trevor dared to take another step. “Don’t tell me your heart’s not racing,” he said as he placed a palm over her left breast.  “I already know how your naked body feels against mine.  You know how I feel when I’m inside you.  It’s too late to feel frightened.”  He let his hand glide down her body and under her dress.  “What you should be feeling is……wet.”

     Serenitee’s tongue darted out to her bottom lip and Trevor’s eyes darkened. 

     “You want me right now.  I see it in your eyes.  You want me to make mad, passionate love to you.”  His index finger traced her jaw.  “Just say yes, Serenitee.”

     Serenitee could barely breathe, what with that lascivious stare he was pointing her way. 

     What was she waiting for?

     With a boldness that surprised her, she answered, “Yes.”

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