Read Shades of Sexy Online

Authors: Wynter Daniels

Shades of Sexy (30 page)

BOOK: Shades of Sexy
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After they returned to the stables, she waited as each passenger personally thanked Jake.

Finally, the last stragglers left and Paige drew a calming breath. “We need to talk.” She wrung her hands, watched him free the horses from the harnesses.

He nodded but refused to spare her a glance. “Give me a few minutes to finish here. I’ll meet you up at the house in half an hour.”

She strode across the pasture, trying to come up with reasons to keep the Circle O going, but logic kept prevailing. Jake would be heartbroken. But he had to know she had few options. She’d learned he was no simple cowboy, but an intelligent man. No doubt he’d find a way to start up a similar operation or move on to something else.

Yet half an hour later as she paced her father’s study, waiting for Jake, her mouth felt stuffed with cotton. The deafening silence in the big house hung heavy in the air. Would he even want to touch her after this conversation? The notion of never kissing him again, never making love with him again, ripped through her. A painful emptiness settled in the pit of her stomach.


Wasn’t as if they’d planned to continue their relationship past this visit. She’d have to deal with the loss now or in a few days. Either way, the prospect of walking away left a great big hole inside her.

The creak of the front door had her trembling like a kid waiting outside the principal’s office. She took a seat behind her father’s desk, but immediately realized she didn’t want that massive oak barrier between them. She quickly switched to one of the chairs against the side wall and laced her fingers together to keep her hands from trembling.

Jake’s heavy steps resonated through the house. He held his chin high and his hat in his hand. Deep lines etched his forehead. “Let’s get this over with.” Sitting in the chair beside hers, he turned toward her and tossed his hat onto the desk.

She cleared the thick clog in her throat. “Well, as you know, I met with the lawyer.” She stood and took several steps toward the desk, retrieved the file folder she’d left in the top drawer. Tense as a spring, she returned to her seat.

“I’m sure you know the Circle O has steadily lost money.” She couldn’t help hoping he’d dispute the findings, show her the accounts had been wrong. And that he hadn’t kept that information from her on purpose. But she knew better. Working in bookkeeping had taught her that numbers didn’t lie. And being married to an asshole had convinced her men couldn’t be trusted. But she’d thought Jake was different. She wanted to trust him, wanted to think he’d never meant to deceive her.

He nodded and the tiny muscles around his jaw ticked.

She opened the folder, took out the financial report. “Would you like to take a look?”

Deep frown lines formed on either side of his mouth. “I’ve seen it.”

She wished he’d say more, that he’d help her somehow. But how could she expect him to make this easier for her? His whole life would be affected by her decision. She set the papers on the desk and swallowed hard. “Unless you want to buy my share of the company, I don’t see any other option than to sell.”

Jake abruptly stood, his hands fisted at his sides. “Do what you have to do.”

She diverted her gaze, held back her tears. Guilt and regret stabbed at her head.

Heavy footsteps receded. The air cooled as Jake stormed from the room.

It’s business. I can’t cloud my decision with emotion.

She reached into her pocket and removed a business card. The real estate broker her lawyer had recommended had an Ocala address. Maybe the woman would agree to come over immediately. No sense putting off the inevitable. She lifted the phone to her ear and blocked out the pain clawing at her heart.


* * * * *


Jake hammered a nail into a broken section of fence and tried to ignore his clenched gut. He recognized the woman standing beside Paige, snapping pictures of the house. According to her TV ads, she sold more real estate in the area than anyone else.

Paige certainly didn’t waste any time. Thought he knew her better, but just like all those bankers he’d spoken to, nothing mattered to her except cold, hard numbers. He never imagined she’d cut him off at the knees like this, so fast and final.  But could he blame her? That lawyer had probably spelled out the bottom line—in red.

Paige crunched numbers on her job. Only natural she’d not been able to see past the hard facts. But there had to be a way. He wished he could make her understand the potential the ranch held.

He brought the hammer down hard, but instead of the nail, he smashed it into his finger. Pain instantly flared. He dropped the tool and shook his aching hand. “Son of a bitch.”

Both women turned toward him, gaping.

Great. Last thing he needed was an audience. Cursing under his breath, he returned to his task. Couldn’t meet Paige’s gaze. Should he tell her how her old man had swindled him? How the bastard kept him out of the loop just long enough to run the place into the ground?

What’s the point? She’s already made up her mind.

That stodgy lawyer’s opinion mattered more than his. Paige would fly back to New York and never think about this place or him again. Why would she want anything to do with a country boy, anyway? She’d probably find some rich stockbroker who’d be more her type than he was. They’d both be better off to stick to their own kind.

He pictured her in some fancy restaurant, drinking expensive champagne and playing footsy with a rich guy in a designer suit. The image ripped through him.

No, damn it!

He wouldn’t give up on them so easily. And he refused to walk away from all he’d worked for at the ranch. He’d make Paige see the possibilities. Tossing the hammer to the ground, he marched toward the women, grabbed Paige’s arm and led her up the steps and inside the house.

Behind them he heard the real estate agent get into her car and start the motor.

Good riddance.

He pushed through the door to the study and yanked Paige into the room.

“What are you doing?” She jerked her arm away and set her hands on her hips, exactly as he’d seen her father do a hundred times.

“I haven’t said my piece yet.” He pointed to a chair. “Sit.”

She lifted a challenging eyebrow.


That time, she listened. Her lips flattened into a thin line.

“I want to tell you about your father, how he screwed this place all to hell. And I was dumb enough to trust him. My first mistake.” His chest tightened at the thought of how his former partner had bilked the ranch for all its assets, how angry he’d been—still was—at Owen’s reckless business practices.

Her eyebrows drew together. “I know this isn’t all your fault. My father certainly had a hand in it, but businesses fail all the time.”

“All my fault?” He rocketed toward her chair, poked a finger at her. “Let me tell you something, Paige. I trusted your father when he told me he’d run businesses all his life. He insisted on handling the financial end of things.” He scrubbed a hand over his face and drew a deep sigh, trying to calm himself. “I’m sorry for shouting. None of this is your doing. But your father purposely kept me out of the loop on some key decisions. He doctored the books he showed me and made me believe he had everything under control. By time I found out what he’d done it was too late.”

The revelation hit her like a slap of icy winter air. “I-I didn’t know. I’m sorry.” Her father sounded like just as big a jerk she’d remembered.

Jake rubbed the bridge of his nose. “Bank won’t give me a loan to buy you out. I sank everything I had into this place. I’ve been trying to get it back on its feet, but I’ve had a couple of months and I’m afraid it’s going to take a lot longer than that.”

She flashed on the tour, how he’d seemed so in his element as he recounted local history to the clients, when he’d shared his knowledge of the local architecture and the practices at the various horse farms. How could she take that from him knowing her own father had caused the business to collapse?

No. Think with your head, not your heart.

“I’m so sorry my father deceived you. But it doesn’t change the facts. This place is losing money.”

His Adam’s apple jumped and a frown marred his handsome face. “I’m so sorry I didn’t come clean with you about the ranch losing money. That’s not my style. I was just trying to get you to see how great this place could be before you saw the numbers.” Muscles around his jaw ticked.

Sure, he’d kept the information from her, but she believed him, believed that his deceit had been borne of hope, not malice. He’d never meant to hurt her.

“I have ideas, Paige. Ideas that could make the Circle O turn a profit. I’ve already saved a bunch of money by undoing some things your father put into place. Would you hear me out before you make a decision?”

The emotional thumbscrews tightened. What could it hurt to listen to him? “Of course.”

Paige settled into her chair and watched Jake’s eyes come alive as he talked about all his ideas for the ranch. Not that she knew anything about running such a business, but his plans made sense. And best of all, most would require little or no additional cash. But more than his ideas, his passion convinced her.



Chapter Six


When Jake finished speaking, he studied Paige for a reaction. She’d appeared interested a few minutes ago, but now she seemed lost in her thoughts. He schooled his expression, hoping not to come off as overconfident. Praying he’d made some headway with her, sucked in a deep breath. “Well?” he finally said after several long beats of silence.

She crossed her legs, furrowed her brows. She started to say something, but stopped herself. After a heavy sigh, she met his stare. A smile slowly formed on her face and he desperately wanted to kiss her, but he refrained. Maybe he’d read too much into her reaction.

Her brow knitted and she rubbed the bridge of her nose. She drummed her fingers on the file folder on the desk. “I like your ideas. I think you might have something here. Something that can turn a profit.”

I like

He replayed her words again and again. But did that mean she’d agree to hold off on selling? Clamping down on his excitement, he waited, held his breath.

“What would you say to us holding off on selling—for the time being?” She scooted to the edge of her chair. “After hearing your plans, I’m definitely on board with your vision for this place. You know the ranch better than anyone. And I love that contest idea.”

Relief flooded his veins. “I say you’re a smart woman.” Not only would he have the chance to make the ranch profitable, but he’d keep Paige in his life at least a while longer. She might be a city girl, but she was anything but cold and hard.

He closed the distance between them and scooped her into his arms. “I say it makes my dick hard to be within a hundred feet of you.” Latching onto the elastic around her ponytail, he unfastened it. Her silky strands spilled onto her shoulders. His cock strained against his jeans. “I want you, Paige. Right here, right now.”

Her eyes turned darker than sin. A devilish grin curled her lips. Fast as a whip, she shucked off her shoes, jeans and T-shirt.  Swiping her arm over Owen’s desk, she sent the few items on top careening across the room. She climbed onto the surface and crooked her finger at him.

City girl or not, she’d already changed his mind about that seemingly buttoned-up type. Under the cool exterior she was hottest woman he’d ever met. His initial impression had been dead wrong. He leaned toward the desk and kissed those sweet lips. She hooked her hands around his neck and grabbed handfuls of his hair. He deepened that kiss, savored her unique taste. She sighed her approval. He swirled his tongue over hers, skimmed the edges of her teeth. Her grasp on his hair tightened, but the momentary pain only heightened his desire for her.

He broke away and shook his head. “You make me lose control, woman.”

That musical laugh. “Good.”

He bit at a lace-covered nipple and she arched her back in response. Cupping her other breast, he tamped down the desire to fuck her immediately, hard. But he needed to wash the sweat and the horse smell from his skin. Soon.

Slipping the fabric of her bra away, he stared down at her ripe nipple, red from his bite. Christ, he was rigid as steel. “Paige?”

“Hmm?” She looked at him through half-hooded eyes and damned if he didn’t get even harder.

“I ought to take a shower. I smell like the stables.”

She sat up, moved to the edge of the desk. “Okay. Mind if I join you?”

“Is that a loaded question?” He offered his hand and she accepted it. “I hoped you would.”

Unable to keep his eyes off her luscious body, he climbed the stairs behind her and barely made it to the top without taking her along the way. When they entered the bathroom, Paige immediately started undressing him.

He helped her lift off his shirt. She unfastened his belt buckle and slid his zipper down, slow enough to make him suffer. His cock sprang free, ready to play. “You’re killing me here.”

Her wicked smile widened. “I’m trying.” She crouched to help him off with his boots and get his pants down the rest of the way.

She ripped off her top and her bra.

He grabbed her wrist before she removed anything else. “Let me.” Licking his lips, he lowered the zipper on her pants, eased the material over her luscious hips.

She wriggled to push the slacks lower. Heat galloped through him. Circling her thigh with both his hands, he slid each leg down, skimming her satiny skin. He shoved the garment aside so he could focus on getting off the tiny scrap of fabric parading as panties. Struggling to take his time, he rolled the underwear down, inch by inch. When the lacy thing pooled at her ankles, she kicked it away.

He’d never make it to the shower at this rate. Not with her driving him completely crazy with her floral scent and her hot little body. Was it his imagination, or did he really smell her cream? He sucked in a deep breath and caught it again. The instant he reached for her, she slipped out of his grasp and started the shower. She pushed back the curtain and stepped inside. “Coming?”

“Not yet, but real soon, I reckon.” He followed her in. She had a bar of soap in her hand and started lathering those perky mounds, slow and sexy. The sight of her—soaking wet, water running over her pebbled points and sliding down her stomach into the tuft of curls between her legs—heated him to the bone.

The shower ought to be cold or he’d risk burning up. He moved closer. Taking the soap from her, he felt her soften into his body. Her nipples pressed against his chest. He wrapped his arms around her, kneaded the globes of her sexy ass. She purred like a kitten. Running the soap up and down her back, he marveled at her soft, slick skin.

He breathed in the steam and her scent and let out a low growl. Just being near her did things to him no other woman ever had. And she believed in him. He had no idea what a powerful aphrodisiac her confidence in him would be.

She took the bar back and lathered his chest and his back. Her hands lingered on his shoulders and upper arms. He shut his eyes and tried to keep his building lust under control.

“I like your muscles.” She moved her attention lower, over his stomach, down to his erection. Her slick fingers wrapped around his cock. She slid her hand back and forth, using the water and the lather as a lubricant.

Steadying himself with a hand to the wall, he watched her work his shaft and his heat rose tenfold. He hissed out a pleasured breath.

She gestured toward the ledge of the tub. “Sit.”

When he did, she moved closer and closed his cock in the valley between her firm breasts. He pushed up and down, fucking her cleavage as she held those beautiful tits together. “Oh God.” His control slipped with each stroke.

“Give me a pearl necklace, Jake.”

Enjoying her sexy body’s movements, slippery with water and bubbles…Christ, he couldn’t take much more. Pleasure spiraled through him, electrified every cell in his body. His balls tightened, ready to explode. He detonated with a loud gasp, shooting her chest and neck with the pearls she’d asked for.

Paige’s satisfied expression made his orgasm that much sweeter. He’d never been with a woman so giving in the sexual department. She seemed to relish his delight as much as she did her own. He leaned his head against the cool tiles, recovering.

His seed slid down her skin. She rubbed it over her nipples, tweaking them as she did. Raising an eyebrow, she fixed him with a sultry stare. “You like what you see, cowboy?”

He took her hand, pulled her closer to him and circled his arms around her waist. “What do you think?”

“I think I’d better wash while there’s still some hot water left.”

Paige twisted away and sluiced lather over her arms and shoulders. Jake reached around her to help her. Well, not exactly help. How much lathering and massaging did her breasts really need?

She turned to face him and looked into those clear blue eyes. The desire she found there stole her breath away. He stood and stroked his thumb along her jaw, followed with hot kisses.

Taking her head in his hands, he met her stare. “You’re the hottest woman I’ve ever known.”

Although his comment deeply touched her, she had to laugh. “Come on, Jake. I’m sure you’ve had your pick of beauties.”

He shrugged. “Maybe so. But you’re the whole package, baby.” He tapped a finger to her temple. “Brains, personality, looks and…” He slid his gaze over her. “The most incredibly sexy body I’ve ever seen.”

“Whoa.” The man could set her on fire merely with a word.

He kissed her forehead, the tip of her nose, scraped her earlobe between his teeth. “I want to kiss you from head to toe.” The whispered words sent a shudder of desire through her. Her pussy quivered with yearning.

He cupped her breast, shaped and kneaded it. “I want to spread those beautiful legs wide and lick you until you scream.”

Her nipples hardened and ached for more attention. Anticipation heightened her senses.

“I want to drive my tongue into your sweet pussy and lap up your juices.”

Molten lust flooded her veins. Reaching to the faucet, she shut off the water with a trembling hand.

Jake grabbed a big towel from the rack and wrapped them both in it, rubbed the cloth quickly over them, then tossed it aside. “Bedroom.” He gave her backside a playful swat.

She didn’t hesitate. Taking his hand, she led him to her room and immediately climbed onto the bed. Her pussy had already grown wet and pulsed with yearning.

Jake straddled her, set a hand on either side of her and lowered his mouth to her ear. He traced the shell of her ear with his tongue, pulled the lobe into his mouth and raked his teeth over it. “Do you trust me?”

She turned her head to his at the question. “What?”

“You heard me. Do you trust me?” Sliding lower, he drew a taut nipple into his mouth and sucked. Hard.

She bucked and whimpered.

“Hmm?” he pressed.

She had to think about that for a second. Since she’d agreed to be his business partner and she’d had the best sex of her life with him, she must trust him. “I guess I do.”

He moved above her, brushed his lips over hers. His eyes bored into hers. “Don’t guess. Tell me yes or no.” He moved to the other nipple and swirled his tongue around it.

Pleasure radiated from where he touched. She lifted her hips, hoping he’d pay her pussy the attention he’d promised. And soon. “Yes.” She’d known him such a short time, but for some reason, she did trust him.

He gave each breast a generous swipe with his tongue, trailed wet kisses along her belly, lower, lower to her inner thighs. Every nerve ending came to life. She shook with pent up desire.

Suddenly Jake rolled off of her and climbed off the bed.

No! I need him now.

“Where are you going?”

He held a finger in the air. Then he circled around the bed and strode to the window. She squirmed with cravings that begged to be satisfied. He monkeyed with the drapery, muttered under his breath. God, couldn’t he wait to close the curtains. “Jake?”

Her patience wore thin. “What are you doing?”

Returning to the bed with a shit-eating grin on his face, he climbed on top of her and grabbed her wrists in one of his strong hands.

“What the—”

“Shush.” He silenced her with a finger to her lips. Then he rolled her over onto her stomach.

“What are you doing?” Excitement swirled inside her. Whatever his plans, she knew she’d enjoy herself.

I trust him, she silently chanted.

Reaching over her, he tied her hands together and fastened them to the headboard with fabric.

She craned her neck and caught sight of her tethered wrists secured with the curtain tiebacks. “Did you seriously tie me up?” But a shot of excitement ricocheted through her body. She’d never worked up the confidence to ask her previous lovers to play this game, although she’d always fantasized about it.

He stared down at her. “I seriously did. And I can tell you like it already.”

“What?” Her shock came out cheap as tin even to her ears. Vulnerability washed over her and she liked it. Liked the idea that he had total power over her. She yanked her arms, swallowed back the apprehension. Learning to trust Jake was imperative if they planned to share a business.

He nipped her hard points in succession. Knowing he could do whatever he wanted to her raised the stakes tenfold. She squirmed against the rush of liquid heat that flooded her sex.

Jake pushed his hand between her thighs and rubbed near her entrance. He slid a finger inside her and she let out a pleasured gasp.

“You’re soaking wet. And you’re going to get even wetter.” He removed his finger way too quickly and sucked it into his mouth. “Mm.”

She licked her lips, rasped out a breath.

“Do you like spankings?”

The question caught her off guard. “Do I…what?” She’d heard him perfectly, and she’d always had a glimmer of interest or at least curiosity about such kink, although again, she’d never had the nerve to ask for it. Thought her partner might find her some sort of deviant.

“You heard me.” He smoothed a calloused hand over her ass, then lightly traced his finger along the crease between her butt cheeks.

BOOK: Shades of Sexy
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