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Authors: Wynter Daniels

Shades of Sexy (25 page)

BOOK: Shades of Sexy
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He withdrew a moment, gave her ass a hard slap before stroking into her again.

She rewarded him with a joyful moan. “Thank you.”

He clutched her hips, sank his fingers into her flesh, slamming into her with all his might. His balls constricted as he rode her relentlessly.

Christ, he was so close. His head swam in pleasure as he detonated in a white-hot blast. He thrust hard into her pussy, ecstasy swamping his entire body. When he finally stilled, he rubbed his hands over her back, felt the waves of satisfaction rolling off her damp skin. “You okay?”

“Oh, yes.” She shuddered a sigh. “That was…the best.”

He bent to kiss her back.

Belle shivered as his lips grazed her skin. Then he untied the blindfold and released her hands, pulled her into a comforting embrace. Her body felt totally used, as if she’d had a perfect workout. And completely satisfied. She’d never come so much or so hard her whole life.

Ram rubbed her stiff arms then turned her around to face him. His eyes were half-glazed and his skin glistened with sweat. “Would you stay the night?”

Her heart double-timed. “Sure.”

He led her into the master bedroom and pulled back a velvety comforter on a huge bed. “Bathroom’s right there.” He gestured to a closed door behind him. “Feel free to use my robe. It’s hanging on the back of the door. Although you look…” His gaze caressed her nude body. “Great just like that.”

“I could say the same for you.” She allowed herself a good long look at him. His broad shoulders and thick arms were roped with enough muscle to make her drool. Not to mention his six-pack. And his cock was damn fine. It was a shame to cover those granite-hard legs in long pants for work every day.

Biting on her lower lip, she headed for the bathroom to clean up. As she pulled on his robe, she inhaled his scent.

What happens now?

With her having a higher rank at the jail, they couldn’t be seen in public together so the notion of going on a date was a moot point. That thought destroyed her velvet mood. Hell, for all she knew they’d go their separate ways in the morning and never go out again. But she was too tired to think about it.

Staring at her reflection, she imagined what all that heavy makeup would look like in the morning. At least she’d thought to throw lip-gloss in her purse along with a fresh pair of panties. She scrubbed her face clean then returned to the bedroom.

Ram was already in bed. He lifted the covers and patted the mattress. “Come here, you.”

His simple request warmed her skin. He didn’t have to ask twice. She shut her eyes and sighed when Ram wrapped his big body around her. Maybe they could have more than just sex. Did she dare dream?



Chapter Three


The loud shriek of his cell woke them both. Ram reached around her to grab the phone from the night table.

“Sergeant Ramsey,” he growled. “Mm hmm. Really?”

Belle peeled open her eyes and tried to make out what the caller was saying, but couldn’t.

“Yes, sir, that’s great news. Thank you.” He dropped the cell on to the wood tabletop then rolled over.

Curiosity gnawed at her insides. No way was she going back to sleep. She sighed and yanked the covers away from him but he just lay there with his back to her. Clearing her throat, she purposely poked his side. “Sorry. Accident.”

He grunted something unintelligible.

She threw back the sheets then sat up and made a show of a loud yawn. When he didn’t move, she stretched her arms, sighed again. Still nothing. Rolling her eyes, she whacked his arm. “Hey.”

“Ow. That hurt.” He turned over and clutched his forearm. “What did I do?” But the glint in his eyes assured her he was messing with her.

“What was your great news? I assume it was the jail, right?”

He skimmed his eyes over her bare breasts and grinned.

She gave him another swat. “Was it?”

He met her stare with barely disguised amusement. “What?”

“Ram!” She set her fists on her waist. “Quit teasing me and tell me what the good news is.”

He shrugged. “No big deal, just some realignment of management at work.”

“What does that mean?”

He propped himself up on one elbow and ran a finger over her hip. “That means the chief decided he wanted more coverage in certain areas. He made a couple promotions.”

Her breath locked in her throat. If they were the same rank they could date without directly violating a policy. If Ram even wanted to date. Did she dare hope? She mentally crossed her fingers. “And?”

“And you’re looking at Lieutenant Ramsey.” He touched his finger to her lips. The gesture was sweet and gentle and gave her hope that he wanted more than to master her.

She threw her arms around his neck. “Congratulations. That’s so…perfect.”

“Why is that?”

“Well, we can…I mean, if you wanted to we wouldn’t be violating…you know. It would just make it easier if we…” She waited for him to comment, but instead, he threw the covers back and strode to the bathroom.

Infuriating man. Wasn’t he even going to say anything about them being equal in rank now? Unless it didn’t matter to him. Would he give her some excuse like he had two years earlier? Maybe he didn’t want to date her. Maybe he just wanted last night.


* * * * *


Ram finished shaving then pulled open the bathroom door. Belle was still in his bed. And from the way her hands were tightly fisted on the covers, she was apparently still angry. How could he resist teasing her? Her face was red and every muscle in that sexy body was tensed up tight.

He pulled on a pair of shorts and a T-shirt. “How does bacon and eggs sound?”

Her adorable chin jutted forward. “I’m not hungry.”

He tried to keep a straight face as he watched hers contort with confusion and irritation. Should he let her know he was messing around with her? He knew what she wanted. It was obvious from every conversation they’d had. Of course he wanted to pursue a relationship with her. Wasn’t his style to sleep with a woman then walk away. But he knew she had the policies at the jail committed to memory and she’d never openly violate one of those rules. “What about a cup of coffee then?”

She hugged her knees to her chest and shook her head.

He sighed loudly. “Well, if you won’t let me make you breakfast, you’re forcing me to take you to dinner later. If you’re free. How do you feel about Chez Normandy?”

The confusion on her face was priceless.

“Unless you have a problem dating another lieutenant.” He sat on the edge of the bed to put on his socks and shoes. “Because I think we have some celebrating to do, don’t you? It’s not every day that we’re promoted.”

Her eyes brightened and her shoulders relaxed. She nodded and finally allowed her smile to come out.

“Good. Because we need to have a real date,” he said.


He squeezed her thigh. “Yeah.”

A deep furrow formed on her forehead.

“What is it, Belle?”

She huffed a breath. “I’m curious. Remember when we went out two years ago. I thought things were going great then…” She lowered her gaze.

“Then I dropped off the radar.”

She nodded. Damn, he never wanted to see sadness in those eyes again.

He took her hand. “I’ll be honest with you, Belle. I was going through a divorce, just like I said. And it wasn’t pleasant.” He tried to relax the starch in his shoulders. Talking about his emotions wasn’t something he did easily. “But that wasn’t the only reason I ended things between you and me. You see, I felt something there, something I wasn’t ready for.” He brought her hand to his lips and kissed her soft skin. “I’m not a man who admits fear, but you scared the hell out of me.”

Her gaze narrowed on his. “Why?”

“Look at you. You’re gorgeous and incredibly sexy. But when I started getting to know you better I realized you were much more than a pretty face and a smoking hot body. You’re smart and caring and funny. You felt way too much like…home.”

Her expression softened. “I felt it too.”

He pressed a kiss to her lips. “Can I let you in on a secret?”

Wide eyed, she nodded.

“Last night was the most amazing sex ever.”

Her cheeks flushed pink. “For me too. I’m not saying I want it that way every time, but I do like it. A lot.”

He chuckled. “Yeah, I gathered that.”

She elbowed him but her face grew even redder. “So you want to pursue this, huh?”

He cupped the side of her face. “I’m in, Belle.”

Her smile broadened. “That makes two of us.”





Horsing Around


Chapter One


Paige Eastman lifted her gaze from her laptop when the taxi came to a stop in front of a white two-story colonial-style home. Could this be her father’s place? She surveyed the lush green landscape and rolling hills. Fishing in her purse, her fingers closed around the money she’d stashed for the fare. Maybe being here would answer some of the gnawing questions she had about the father she’d hardly known.

“This is the Circle O Ranch, right?” She handed the driver a fifty.

“Yes, ma’am.” He stepped out of the car. Seconds later the trunk clicked open.

She climbed out of the cab and drew in a deep breath infused with the scent of fresh cut grass and something else, something vaguely unpleasant. Another sniff. Manure? Nausea threatened, but she forced it back. Lord, it had to be a hundred degrees out. Why would anyone choose to live in such a hellishly hot place?

No one had even contacted her until more than a month after his death. Now she had the unwanted task of disposing of the assets of a man she hadn’t spoken to in more than ten years.

The ranch seemed inviting enough, though. The house looked well cared for and freshly painted. A porch wrapped all the way around it, the kind she’d always dreamt of. With the sprawling green meadows and a white split-rail fence, the property appeared exactly how she’d envisioned it.

The driver ascended the three wide steps to the wraparound porch and set her suitcases near the front door of the house. “Would you like me to take them inside for you?”

Giving the man a smile, she shook her head. “I’ve got it from here, thanks.” She waved as the cab pulled away.

Glancing around, she heard the whinny of a horse. Curiosity niggled at her. The only horses she’d ever laid eyes upon in real life had been with the mounted patrols she occasionally saw near Times Square.

Abandoning her luggage, she followed the sound around the side of the house. A huge black and gray horse approached. White markings dotted its face and its thick legs. The steady clomp of the animal’s hoofs mirrored the pounding of her heart.

It wasn’t the horse, but the rider who stole her breath away. Still a good twenty yards from her, she could already see the broad, muscled shoulders beneath his T-shirt, the long, powerful legs covered in faded denim.

Lord, the man was hot. With scenery like him, she could deal with the hellish temperatures, at least for the week or so this ought to take. With the ink still wet on her divorce decree, she deserved to make this forced trip part vacation.

Tugging at her collar, she realized she should have changed her clothes before she left the office. Sweltering heat engulfed her as the man drew near. His icy blue stare raked over her body. Despite the stifling temperature and humidity, a chill skittered across her skin. He must have noticed, because he gave her a crooked grin that charged the air with a crackle of sensual energy.

He patted the horse’s neck then dismounted. After he’d tied the reins to a post, he strode across the thick grass toward her. Great walk, amazing legs, strong jawline and prominent cheekbones. His dark hair brushed his shoulders and he had just enough stubble on his face to be sexy, but not messy looking.

“You must be Owen’s daughter.” His smile revealed deep dimples. “Welcome to Ocala.”

Offering her hand, she prayed her voice wouldn’t fail her. “Paige Eastman.” When they shook, electricity arced between them, nearly knocked her off balance. She let go, cleared her throat.

His eyes shone even bluer up close. And his lips, oh, Lord. He licked the bottom one and she imagined that tongue licking her. Her legs turned to jelly. Maybe this trip didn’t have to be all business. No reason she couldn’t put the property on the market and have a hot fling during her time here. She couldn’t remember the last time her body had responded to a man this way.

“Sorry about Owen. He was a good man.”

Not really. Her father had abandoned her and her mother fifteen years ago. Just picked up and left. That didn’t exactly qualify him as a good man in her book. He’d been distant even before he’d gone away. Yet she remembered some fun times with him, an occasional hug. For some reason she cherished those memories, even though animosity still remained. “Thank you.”

“I’m Jake Skinner. Your dad’s lawyer told me you planned to come.” He set his hands on his waist. “Did he explain about the damage to the bunkhouse?”

How could she think rationally with this incredibly sexy man standing in front of her? Who was he, anyway? Caretaker? Friend? Employee? Whoever he was, he was beyond fine. She hoped he planned to stick around for the length of her stay. Her nipples hardened and strained against the lace fabric of her bra, reminding her of her unfulfilled needs. “Um, no. He only said I needed to come down to decide what to do with the ranch.”

Jake’s face only grew more handsome with the slight furrow of his brow. He shifted and pointed past his horse. “Last big storm through here took out the roof of that building over the hill. Guess y’all heard about tropical storm Emily even up in New York City, huh?”

She tried to concentrate on what he’d said. “No, we didn’t. At least, I didn’t.” Guilt stabbed at her for not paying more attention to potentially catastrophic events in her father’s adopted state. Not like he’d paid her and her mother much attention, though.

She reluctantly dragged her gaze from Jake’s eyes and scanned the green pastures. A small brown building sat near a traditional looking barn. Blue tarps covered one side of the roof. “I assume the bunkhouse is where you live?” Her heart pounded so loudly she prayed he couldn’t hear it.

“Right. At least I did until the storm opened a skylight. Roofers are coming in a few days. I’ll pay them from the operating account.”

The bookkeeper in her honed in on his words. “Operating account? You’re a signer on one of my father’s bank accounts?” All her father’s assets should have been frozen after his death.

He visibly stiffened. “Owen didn’t share much information with you about his business, did he? The tour operations are incorporated. We each had a stake in the company. His half goes to you now from what I understand.”

“Tour operations?” She had no idea what the man was referring to. Far as she knew, she’d been summoned here to dispose of his house, nothing more. Could he really be her father’s business partner? She wished someone had told her he’d had a partner. So much for a fling with him. Damn. Not a good idea to sleep with someone she might have to do business with. “What sort of tours are you talking about?”

A broad grin lit up his face and made his eyes sparkle. “Sounds like I need to show you around the ranch. You ride?” Her eyes widened and Jake had to laugh. “I’ll take that as a no. Might want to change out of those clothes.” He slid his gaze over her white blouse, buttoned clear up to her chin. She reminded him of all those stuffy bankers he and Owen had to placate a few years ago to get their original business loan. Stuffed shirts made his head ache and his skin itch. He didn’t trust them for a minute.

He could just picture her behind a desk under glaring fluorescent lights surrounded by mountains of adding machine tape. She could use some lessons on loosening up. Her pants looked way more suited to a sterile office than to riding a horse. Despite the conservative digs, he glimpsed a hot body underneath. If she’d release her chestnut hair from that severe ponytail she’d be downright sizzling. Way hotter than anything he’d seen in a long time.

Most of the women he knew had been born and raised in the area. Dating someone he’d known since kindergarten would be akin to incest in his book. But dating a banker type might be even worse. Anyway, she’d be leaving after she took care of the estate. Last thing he needed was a broken heart.

“I’ve never ridden a horse. Never even touched one.” She gasped when he grabbed her hand, easing it toward Daisy.

Even her skin felt different than that of the local women. Soft and velvety, her hands had probably never been calloused from gripping a pitchfork or holding reins for hours on end.

When they stopped right next to Daisy, Paige’s eyes grew huge and her complexion paled. No problem. He had loads of experience setting city folks at ease around horses. Giving her a reassuring nod, he set her palm on the mare’s side. “This is what you call a shire. She’s real gentle. Pulls the kiddie wagon.”

“The kiddie wagon?” She snatched her hand away and tucked it behind her back. “I’m afraid you’ve lost me.”

Owen had hardly ever mentioned Paige and she’d never visited in the three years he’d known his former business partner. Hard to believe the old man hadn’t shared anything about their business with his only daughter. “We do horse and buggy tours, carriage rides, hayrides, that sort of thing. Take tourists around the local horse ranches.”

Understanding registered in her dark eyes. “I see. Then I suppose I ought to take a look around the place. I didn’t realize my father’s estate included a business, or his half of it.”

“It’s a working ranch. Fifteen acres of prime North Florida real estate.” Which Owen had leveraged to the max. He hoped she hadn’t inherited her father’s controlling nature. Never again would he blindly trust a partner, a decision that had cost him dearly.

She shielded her eyes from the sun and looked toward the stables, then the meadow. “It looks pretty, but I have no idea how anyone lives in this heat.”

He shrugged. “You get used to it pretty quick. Your father said his first summer here took a lot out of him, but after that it never bothered him.” Why did he even care if she liked the place? Only he did. “There are a few orange trees ’round the other side of the house. Should even be a few ripe enough to eat.”

She ignored his statement. “How big did you say it is?”

He couldn’t resist the opportunity to tease her. She needed to lighten up some. “Real big. Probably bigger than you could handle.”

Lifting an eyebrow, she met his stare. For a fleeting moment, he caught her full lips lifting in a grin, but quick as a wink, she frowned. “Excuse me?”

Straightening, he cleared his throat. “Fifteen acres.”

“What’s land going for around here?”

No way would he sell. Not unless she forced him. He swallowed back the fear. “I haven’t checked recently. But the Circle O is more than just acreage. It’s a tourist destination. We’ve been written up in all kinds of travel magazines.”


He was about to tell her about some of the plans he had to expand the business when Daisy whinnied and stomped a hoof on the ground.

Paige gasped and jumped back.

He couldn’t hold back a grin as he grasped her upper arm to calm her. “It’s all right. She gets a little restless sometimes.”

Her pretty face took on a pink flush. “Thanks.” She shrugged off his hand, but her smile sent a zing of heat coursing through him. She might be a cool, all-business city girl on the outside, but he definitely sensed a fire burning somewhere inside her, one she kept well hidden. Everything inside him warned him against starting something with her. But his cock had other ideas as it strained against his fly.

“You ought to change if we’re going to see the grounds.” He started toward the main house and she followed.

When they rounded the front of the building she stopped and huffed. “My bags are on the porch, but—”

He cut her off with a raised hand. “I’ll bring ’em inside. Guest room or your father’s old room?”

Her face clouded and he winced.

Did I just say something that insensitive?

Of course she didn’t want to stay in Owen’s old room. “Jeez, I’m sorry. The guest room’s nice. I’m sure you’ll be more comfortable in there.” Recalling how painful it had been for him to stay at his grandmother’s house right after she’d passed away, he mentally kicked himself. He hoped he hadn’t upset her.

She gave her head a sharp nod. “That’s fine. I’ll carry my own things.”

He started to protest, but she practically ran to the porch ahead of him as if she couldn’t wait to get away.

He followed, circled past her and reached for her suitcase the same instant she did. Their fingers twined together on the leather handle. The warm softness of her skin struck him again. Their eyes met for a moment, locked. Her lips parted and her chest heaved. A sexy pink flush colored her cheeks.

Heat swirled in his belly and his pulse quickened. Her skin felt warm, inviting.

Suddenly she snatched the bag from his grip. “I’m not some silly little southern belle you have to treat like a flower. I’m perfectly capable of carrying my own suitcases.”

“Whoa.” He backed away and raised his hands in surrender. She acted as stubborn and independent as her old man had. Would she be as mule headed in business? His gut tightened. The fate of the business he loved lay squarely in her hands.  He prayed she wouldn’t make any rash decisions about the ranch.

She reached into her pocket and pulled out a key. Why tell her the door was unlocked? Pushing it open, she labored through with her suitcase, a smaller bag and a laptop case. She dropped her things in the foyer then turned to him. “Thank you, Mr. Skinner. I’ll come out after I’ve changed and had a look around the house.”

He held back a chuckle. Folding his arms over his chest, he leaned against the doorjamb. “Guest room is at the top of the stairs. First on the right. Mine’s at the other end of the hall. Last door on the left. In case you get lonely.” He threw her a wink.

BOOK: Shades of Sexy
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