Shades of Ménage : A Dystopian Romance Ménage & Post Catastrophic Romance Ménage Boxed Set Series - Ultimate Four-Book Collection (13 page)

Read Shades of Ménage : A Dystopian Romance Ménage & Post Catastrophic Romance Ménage Boxed Set Series - Ultimate Four-Book Collection Online

Authors: Jan Springer

Tags: #new adult romance bdsm menage science fiction collection, #love triangle dystopian mnage post catastrophic romance

BOOK: Shades of Ménage : A Dystopian Romance Ménage & Post Catastrophic Romance Ménage Boxed Set Series - Ultimate Four-Book Collection
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Are you sure?”

He hasn’t turned me in yet. He’s reliable.”

He became painfully aware of the sharp ache in his heart as he realized she’d gone to the preacher for help instead of him.

It hurt.


A red-hot anger uncurled through him and he caught her gaze. “Exactly how long have you been here?”

She looked away, opting to concentrate on smearing more of that goopy stuff around his wound.

Callie? I asked you a question.” He tried hard to contain his anger but his rising voice gave him away. “And why the hell didn’t you come straight to me? Which leads to my next question where have they been hiding you?”

Fear flashed in her eyes. Fear of him? Or fear of his questions?

Calm it down
You’re scaring her

She pulled away from him and slapped the lid onto the container holding the ointment.

You weren’t supposed to know I was here.”

He wasn’t supposed to know?

His gut twisted as if she’d just stabbed him. The pain hurt worse than the bullet wound that scorched through his shoulder.

Why not?” he asked.

It’s too dangerous. I don’t want you involved in my troubles.”

She didn’t want him involved? What the hell kind of answer was that from a fiancée?

His anger twisted tighter. He tried to relax.

He couldn’t.

His mind whirled with questions. Questions he needed answers to. Answers she obviously didn’t want to give him.

I asked you a question, Callie. Where have they been keeping you?”

Her face whitened in the candle glow.

One of their top-secret labs. They have one in Bangor,” she whispered as if she was afraid to say it too loud.

It was what the police department had told him when they’d located her car in a shopping mall in Bangor right after she’d disappeared. They’d said she’d most likely been taken against her will by the government. They’d said if that was the case there was nothing they could do. All records regarding X-virus-free women were sealed. They’d pretty much told him not to expect her to ever be released.

He hadn’t stopped looking for her after hearing that news. He’d mortgaged his piece of the Outlaw farm and used his entire life savings to hire a lawyer to cut through the bureaucratic red tape in his efforts to find her. In the end, the lawyer had gotten rich and Luke had nothing.

Despaired and depressed and utterly hopeless, he’d followed his brothers overseas and taken his rage out by fighting the terrorists who’d ruined his life.

Are you hungry?” she asked meekly. She acted as if she was still scared of him.

Her timid attitude toward him angered him more.

What the hell did they do to you in there?” And why was she cowering away from him like some submissive woman who was being berated by an overbearing husband?

Tears bubbled up in her eyes.

Oh, man. He’d made her cry.

She’d never been able to handle anger very well, compliments of an irate mother who’d enjoyed yelling and beating her three daughters when she was drunk.

Man! He was a nasty son of a bitch.

I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have yelled at you. I’m just pissed off. I don’t understand what the hell is going on here. They told me not to expect to see you again.”

The burst of anger he’d just experienced had bitten away at his strength. Weariness washed over him.

She said nothing as she headed over to the cast-iron stove he’d installed after he’d built the cozy home for them. A home they hadn’t been able to use.

He fought the sleepiness but it was getting stronger, like a current trying to pull him under.

He closed his eyes and listened to the clattering of a spoon hitting the side of a pot.

She was preparing something for him.

He wasn’t hungry.

He wanted answers.

As what happened whenever he was mad or upset he forced the visions of Callie to the forefront of his mind.

Visions of pinning her to the bed, removing her clothes piece by piece, until she lay naked before him. Her legs spread wide. Her pussy fully exposed to him, her juices making it easier for him to slide his engorged cock into her tight channel.

Luke’s cock hardened painfully.

Well, at least that part of him wasn’t tired or sick.

He gritted his teeth in annoyance.

He’d better get on the mend and pretty fast or she’d slip away before he could show her that he wanted her more now than ever.

* * * * *

Callie turned from the stove with the cup of broth and saw his eyes fluttering sleepily. She didn’t miss the breathtaking erection bulging against the sheets she’d covered him with before he’d awoken.

She trembled at the sensual sight.

Fear, excitement and a fierce sexual hunger shot through her all at the same time and all those sensations of desire and lust she’d had for him, along with some new and powerful emotions she couldn’t put a name to, swarmed over her, leaving her hot and breathless.

By the way his cock was pushing up the thin sheet Luke Outlaw was definitely on the mend.

Soon he’d start pursuing her.

Despite him being injured and weak, she knew Luke had a ferocious sexual appetite. He hadn’t been able to go more than two days without asking her to go down on him.

Right now though wasn’t the time to be hot and bothered. She needed to get some food into him so he could fight off the rest of the fever.

Luke?” she said as sat on the bed trying hard not to look at those bulging muscles in his arms or the way his chest muscles flexed magnificently at the sound of her voice.

His eyes snapped open and his gaze snared her.

Lust shone in his brown depths and the sensual sight of it whispered seductively over her skin, making her want to tear her clothes off and have his hot hands running all over her, touching her in the most intimate places, kissing her…

Oh, dear. Resisting Luke wasn’t going to be half as easy as she’d thought.

I’ve got some broth for you, open your mouth,” she instructed trying to act as if his nearness wasn’t affecting her.

At the moment broth isn’t what the doctor would order,” his voice trailed dangerously over her and he watched her carefully for a reaction.

In response, she shoved the warm spoon against his sensually shaped mouth.


The pink tip of his tongue snaked out and dabbed at the liquid and she couldn’t help but remember all those times that same rough tongue had dabbed at her pussy opening or teased her clit with strong sensual strokes.

Chicken soup, my second favorite type of liquid,” he whispered softly.

Her breath caught at his words. His favorite being her pussy cream, if memory served her correctly.

He smiled, his white teeth stark against the flushed skin of his face.

It’s good,” he whispered as he licked his lips in a sensual way that had her moaning with want.

It’s your mom’s recipe. I had all the ingredients except the bullion cubes. Those are pretty hard to get these days in the store.”

His heated look vanished, replaced by a dark anger that frightened her.

You were in a store?”

That was the preacher’s job. Do you think just because I’ve been locked up in the labs that I didn’t know what’s been going on in the outside world…or in the Wars?”

A flash of guilt shot into his eyes and she knew instantly he’d been unfaithful to her during his tour of duty. As if she’d expected him to be true to her when sex was mandatory for a soldier.

Besides, Luke Outlaw had had no idea if she were alive or dead, so why should she care what he’d done with those women in the Wars?

Callie…” The sound of his voice shot her back to the present. Instinctively she knew he wanted to explain his infidelities.

She didn’t want to hear it.

At least not right now.

Don’t talk, Luke. I want you to save your strength and concentrate on drinking as much of this soup as you can. You still have a slight fever and I want you to sleep it off. We can talk later.”

Will you be here to answer my questions later?”

The dark undertones of his question made her frown.

She didn’t answer. Couldn’t guarantee she would be here when he got better. As if sensing her thoughts his eyes narrowed into dangerous slits.

If you leave, I’ll hunt you down until I find you and rest assured I’ll make you mine in every sense of the word. Do you understand what I’m saying, Callie? You’re mine.”

Okay, so those words pretty much confirmed his intentions toward her.

She nodded, trying hard not to cave into the lusty excitement shooting through her at Luke’s dark threat.

He opened his mouth and awaited the next spoon of broth.

His wet tongue was now lying dormant. Resting. Waiting for when he was strong enough to pleasure her.

Callie’s pussy trembled and creamed hot with anticipation.

Despite her need to walk away from him in order to keep him safe, she had a feeling she’d never be able to walk away from Luke Outlaw again.

Chapter Three


After she’d spoon-fed him Luke had fallen into a deep satisfied sleep filled with erotic dreams of Callie.

She arched against his mouth as he tunneled his tongue deeper into her wet pussy. Eagerly he sipped the warm, sweet cream sliding down her channel into his mouth.

Her whimpers of pleasure made his cock rock-hard. Made his whole body hum. Made him want to brand her his forever. Made him want to claim her legally, even if it meant asking his brothers to join him

Delicate fingers slid sensuously over his injured shoulder making him open his eyes and he relaxed beneath her seductive touch as Callie smeared a thick greasy substance around the edges of the bullet hole.

To his surprise, his wound wasn’t hurting near as bad as the last time he’d woke up. And he wasn’t as tired either.

He smiled.

He was on the mend.

And that meant he could soon concentrate on seducing Callie back into his life.

What is that stuff you’re using?”

Her hand stilled for a moment. He’d surprised her. She hadn’t realized he was awake.

Comfrey plants and lard melted together. Promotes healing,” she shrugged her thin shoulders and smeared more of the thick greasy substance around the angry, red-ragged hole. “It’s the best I can do.”

It’s working.” The soothing balm extinguished the throbbing pain.

Good. Do you think you can get onto your side? I need to check the other wound.”

He nodded.

It wasn’t a feat he wanted to do anytime soon as with her help he managed to get into the position she wanted him in.

When he was on his side, he breathed through the pain that lanced his shoulder and when the pain became less intense he became very aware of the mild air slapping his ass.

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