Read Shades of Ménage : A Dystopian Romance Ménage & Post Catastrophic Romance Ménage Boxed Set Series - Ultimate Four-Book Collection Online

Authors: Jan Springer

Tags: #new adult romance bdsm menage science fiction collection, #love triangle dystopian mnage post catastrophic romance

Shades of Ménage : A Dystopian Romance Ménage & Post Catastrophic Romance Ménage Boxed Set Series - Ultimate Four-Book Collection (11 page)

BOOK: Shades of Ménage : A Dystopian Romance Ménage & Post Catastrophic Romance Ménage Boxed Set Series - Ultimate Four-Book Collection
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Callie’s eyes drew to the magnificent muscles that strained against Luke’s shirtsleeves as he deposited one of the guns on the other side of him and lifted his free hand, wiggling his fingers in anticipation.

She took the larger ring from the preacher, trying hard to ignore the pleading look in his eyes for her to go along with this farce of a marriage.

This is crazy

Yet Luke’s nearness intoxicated her and she couldn’t resist sliding the gold ring onto his finger.

And now you, Mr. Outlaw.”

Luke’s face broke into a big smile allowing those cute little laughter lines around his mouth to blossom.

Something erotic and exciting sizzled to life deep inside her and she held out her left hand.

Without hesitation, he slid the ring onto her finger.

Oh, dear. A perfect fit.

The instant the ring slipped onto her finger, she saw the tension leave Luke’s face.

With this ring, I thee wed,” Luke slurred as he thankfully placed the remaining gun onto the bed.

The flash of lust in his eyes made Callie shiver with a pleasure she’d thought long dead.

The preacher broke in, “I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride.”

Silence split the air.

Callie held her breath awaiting Luke’s next move. An odd tingle swept through her at actually being married to him. It had happened so fast, her head was spinning.

Her breath caught in her lungs as he moved closer. She smelled the whiskey on his breath. It was the first time in her life that she actually thought of whiskey-scented breath as smelling nice. She had to be crazy thinking these thoughts, especially with her mother having been a violent alcoholic.

His full lips parted.

She whimpered with pleasure the instant his hot seductive mouth claimed hers.

His lips were moist and rough with an erotic desperation. His hands came up to cup both sides of her head, his long fingers spearing through her short hair. He kissed her so deeply, so soundly, so hard, it was as if he were branding her his forever.

To her surprise she melted against him, the tension she’d been carrying around inside her for so many years disintegrating. She felt as if she’d finally come home, as if she finally belonged somewhere.

Belonged to him.

In total contrast, sexual heat spread through her.

Her pussy creamed with arousal, the slickness drenching her panties. She wanted his head between her legs. Wanted his tongue to lap at her throbbing clit.

Her heart thundered madly in her ears, her hard nipples raked his chest, her breasts felt so unbelievably swollen and heavy.

Five long years she’d dreamed of this moment, but nothing had prepared her for the sensual assault that zinged through her as she opened up to him allowing his strong tongue to slip inside her mouth.

He groaned and tore his mouth away.

She cried out in protest.

Breathing harshly, his head dipped sideways onto her shoulder.

Don’t leave me again, Callie,” he whispered into her ear.

I won’t,” she answered.

Promise?” his voice was so soft she barely heard it.

Yes,” she said, surprised that she hadn’t hesitated in her answer.

Is he dead?” The preacher’s question snapped her out of the magical spell Luke had woven around her and she looked up to see his eyes wide with shock as he held his bible clasped tightly in his hands.

You need to go to the Outlaw farm to find his brother Colter. He’s a doctor. He’ll know what to do.”

The preacher nodded and quickly headed toward the door.


He stopped, his face deathly pale as he turned around.

Don’t tell anyone else. Only Colter. I’m putting my life into your hands to do as I ask.”

You can count on me, Callie. You know that. Don’t worry. I’ll get him and bring him here.”

Then he was gone, the rustle of black clothes disappearing as he slipped out the back door, plunging the cabin into a deafening silence that made her terribly uneasy.

Luke? Can you hear me?”

A groan was her answer.

I’m going to have to take your shirt off to see the wounds. I’ll try not to hurt you.”

Another groan, his eyes flickered slightly.

Is it really you?” Disbelief etched his voice.

She hesitated. Maybe she should just leave him here and go on the run again?

His brothers only lived about five miles away. They’d be here within the hour. Luke would think she’d just been a figment of his imagination. The preacher would back her up when he realized she’d left.

Callie?” he mumbled and nuzzled his moist lips against her neck.

Man! He felt so hot and masculine snuggled against her.

So handsome, and so unbelievably sexy.

She’d forgotten how dark and finely shaped his eyebrows were. Forgotten how thick his dark eyelashes were. But she hadn’t forgotten the way his long callused farm-worked fingers used to part her labia and massage her clit until she was moaning and begging him for sexual relief.

Callie shook the thoughts away.

Luke was seriously injured. She couldn’t leave him here alone. Not even for a moment.

Yes, it’s me.”

A sensuous smile tugged at the corners of his mouth bringing with it those wonderful laugh lines she remembered so well.

Her heart swelled with warmth and she broke into action.

It was hard keeping him steady as she tugged his shirt off. Every movement made him groan and curse at her but eventually she had his upper torso naked.

She cringed at the sight of blood bubbling out of a hole in his shoulder and prayed that Colter would come through the door this instant.

He didn’t.

Two hours later, he still hadn’t arrived.

In the meantime, Callie had done her best to cleanse the ragged exit and entrance wounds with boiling water and soap, and covering them with strips of boiled linen she’d dried by the woodstove.

The preacher had been right. The bullet had gone clean through Luke’s shoulder, missing bones but creating an awful-sized exit wound, which she’d pinched the ragged edges together and expertly stitched up the tattered flesh with needle and thread.

Now he lay on what would have been their marriage bed, a gorgeous oak wood with thick beams as posts, which fit perfectly with the décor of the rounded log walls.

He seemed agitated in his sleep, mumbling words she couldn’t make out as he tossed his head restlessly back and forth on the pillow. Unwanted compassion ripped her apart as she watched the troubled expression twist his face.

She had the urge to hold him in her arms and tell him everything would be okay, but that gesture would only hurt his shoulder.

Instead, she reached out and let her fingertips trail along the thick bands of his chest muscles, touching his hot flesh, tangling in the thick mat of downy brown chest hairs.

Immediately he calmed and she relaxed, if only a little.

A question kept rolling around in her head. Why would the Barlows shoot Luke? She wished the preacher were here so she could ask him everything he knew. And question him as to why he’d brought Luke here instead of getting him directly to Luke’s brother who was a doctor.

Speaking of the doctor, he should have been here by now. Even if he had been out on a call or something, the preacher would have come back to tell her.

Something must have happened to him.

Something bad.

Whatever it was, she could only pray that he wouldn’t give away her hideout.

Chapter Two


Callie?” That one raspy whisper ripped Callie right out of the first nap she’d taken in two days.

Luke had been feverish and lay naked; drenched with perspiration while she’d tended to his every need. Finally, weariness had caught up to her and she’d dared to lay her head upon his hot chest.

Listening to the steady pattering of his heartbeat, she’d reassured herself she would wake up if, God forbid, his heart stopped.

Now after hearing him call her name, she blinked away the sleep from her eyes, and her breath backed up into her throat as she noted there was very little signs left of the fever.

The flush of fever was almost gone from his face and his eyes sparkled clearly.

You’re awake?” The question slipped out before she could stop it. She needed to reassure herself this wasn’t a dream.

He licked his chapped lips, prompting Callie into action. Sliding her hand beneath his head, she brought a cup filled with cool water to his lips.

Easy, not too fast,” she said as he gulped too quickly.

He frowned but heeded her warning.

After taking several more sips, his eyes fluttered closed. She thought he’d fallen asleep when he whispered, “Where’s…the preacher?”

Oh, darnit!

She’d been hoping he wouldn’t remember their marriage vows.

He…left.” And he’d never come back with the doctor.

So, he…wasn’t…my imagination.”

Clearly, he was offering her a way out, whether he knew it or not.

No, he was here,” she said slowly.

Luke’s eyes flickered open again, a caring smile on his lips.

Strange…dream I had…about us.”

She held her breath and waited anxiously for him to reveal what he remembered.

He didn’t.

His eyes fluttered closed and his chest rose and fell in sleep.

She sighed her relief.

Thank heavens. He didn’t remember.

He’d always been an old-fashioned guy. There was no telling what he’d do if he recollected the hurried ceremony. Most likely claim his rights as her husband.

She couldn’t stop the excited shiver from ripping through her at the thought of what it would be like on their wedding night. How his heavy cock would slide into her eager and waiting pussy.

Although they had been engaged to marry before she’d gone to the experimental labs, they’d never made love. She’d wanted to, but he’d wanted her to remain a virgin until they were married.

And she was a virgin, although it had been difficult with the unwanted attentions of the scientist who had taken over her life at the lab a few weeks ago.

She shivered as she recalled the last encounter with the mad scientist. Her food had been drugged and she hadn’t been able to stop herself from falling asleep.

When she’d awoken she discovered they’d done something to her. Something very bad.

She blew out a shaky breath and her hands slid over the still sensitive scars on both sides of her abdomen.

The bastard of a scientist! If she ever saw him again…

On the bed, Luke snored gently, and she forced her attentions back to him.

Now they were married and according to the preacher, it was legal.

Her gaze strayed to Luke’s well-muscled chest.

Despite being so weak from loss of blood, he looked so strong. So masculine. So sexy.

And for the moment, he was all hers to do with whatever she wanted. Reaching out she lightly ran her fingers through the light dusting of soft chest curls.

In his sleep, his lips twitched.

BOOK: Shades of Ménage : A Dystopian Romance Ménage & Post Catastrophic Romance Ménage Boxed Set Series - Ultimate Four-Book Collection
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