Shades of Atlantis (26 page)

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Authors: Carol Oates

BOOK: Shades of Atlantis
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This is a mistake. I should go, I gasped. Seth was in front of me before my second foot touched the step, not even half a heartbeat and my heart was beating rapidly.


Don’t go. He smiled again as his fingers ran softly down the length of my hair. I really want to understand.

My stomach tightened sickeningly. I remembered what his smile reminded me of. It wasn’t a smile at all; it was like an animal baring its teeth to its prey. Seth’s face was inches from mine, and the pungent smell of his breath, which I was sure would be delicious to most people, made the bile in my stomach churn. Something inside me told me I was in danger, and I gripped the railing, trying in vain to steady my shaking hand.

Understand what? I croaked. My voice was high. His eyes glistened at my fear; he relished it.

Why it’s you, he laughed softly. He grazed his fingertips up my arm and over my shoulder to my neck.

I gulped, frozen to the spot. My breathing was becoming more labored with each passing breath, and my lungs battled to inhale. For a split second his eyes flashed with hatred, and I saw my own terrified expression reflected in them before he turned his back to me.

Please come and sit, he suggested like a perfect host walking toward the sofa. Seth looked back over his shoulder with one eyebrow raised when I made no attempt to follow him.

I considered doing what he asked, but I somehow knew it would be like walking into a lion’s den. I could have turned and run, but I suspected that was what he wanted; it would give him reason to pounce. Why didn’t I tell Amanda and Jen where I was going? Maybe they would check my phone and see. I felt stupid now for not spending the last two days with Caleb.

Maybe you’d prefer to stand? Seth sneered with a sickening grin. My breath caught when he seemed to disappear before my eyes and reappear at the window. My eyes shot to him, scared rigid. Or maybe you would still like to leave?

This time Seth didn’t disappear, he blurred like a streak of color across the room. He stopped, perched on the rail of the entrance balcony over my head, crouched and holding onto the rail with one hand. But I’d rather you didn’t. His chest heaved from the exhilaration of his display.

What are you? I panted. I could feel a lump building at the back of my throat.

He really hasn’t told you, has he? he snarled.

Told me what? I knew he was talking about Caleb. The night with Chris, the speed, his skin, his eyes I’d always known there was something extraordinary about Caleb and the others, but I needed to hear it. Everything was disjointed; my mind raced in a million different directions at once. Tell me, I screamed at him, feeling the tears streaking down my face.

It was like slow motion. Seth sprang from the rail, through the air, and landed on the step in front of me. I recoiled from him, horrified. The heel of my shoe caught in one of the layers of fabric on my dress, and I fell backward, away from his laughing mouth and fiercely dangerous eyes. I landed on my shoulder on the wooden floor, and heard the crunch of bones as a fiery pain rocketed through my arm and cascaded over my body. Then my head hit the wood with such force I felt the floor shake. It could have been my head shaking, I wasn’t sure. For an instant I thought I might be dead because there was no pain; then it came like a fissure splitting during an earthquake and made me wish for death.

Everything blurred, and the sweet smell of ginger filled my head. I desperately tried to keep my eyes open. Seth’s breath was on my face; I wanted to crawl away from it, but it hurt too much to move and everything was fading.

Caleb, I whimpered painfully.

It’s not what I am that you want to know; it’s what we are. Caleb, Joshua, and I.

My whole body burned with agony. I wanted to react, but I didn’t know how.

He would have made us seem like angels to you. He wouldn’t have shown you what we are really capable of. Seth’s voice was getting quieter, as if coming from a distance. I felt his lips touch my ear, his soft skin brushing over tender flesh. I have to stop you, he breathed before everything went black.


I blinked my eyes open, unable to focus, and attempted to rub my eye with my fist, but my arm felt so heavy it fell to my side. Water was lapping somewhere nearby, and my head ached dreadfully. I tried to force my eyes to open again, this time just enough to make out the shape of the tall stone fire hearth in the dim light. I made an effort to concentrate on the sound of the water, but it was difficult. It seemed to be coming through a fog.

A hand touched my face; it was warm and smooth against my skin.

Caleb, I sighed. My voice sounded like a strangled whisper. I could smell his familiar scent, but it was faint and didn’t saturate the air like it usually did when he was near.

He hasn’t joined us yet.


A sudden fire shot across my cheek, and my head jerked sideways with the force of Seth’s blow.

Wake up! Seth demanded.

I opened my eyes, but my vision was still blurry, and I blinked several times trying to focus. His face was just inches from mine, and I could feel his breath, sweet ginger, and see his golden and smooth skin. His eyes glared at me, shining and beautiful. Panic rose from somewhere deep inside me. I tried to scream, but it came out a pathetic muffled cry, and my body began to shake uncontrollably. His face remained motionless while he traced a line from my cheek across my jaw down my neck, lingering down my breastbone.

I can’t let you do it, you know. He scowled coldly. It wasn’t a question; it was a statement.

My breathing was shallow, and every breath burned in my throat. My heart raced, but I couldn’t move.

What? I haven’t done anything, I started. Each sound felt like broken glass inside my throat.

He placed the palm of his hand on my mouth so that it almost completely covered my nose, and my lungs blazed for air. His skin felt soft against mine, and hot tears began to roll down my face.

It’s what you’re going to do. He removed his hand, leaving me panting. Caleb is so foolish; he’s so under your spell that he can’t see you for what you really are.

He wasn’t making any sense, and my cheek felt as if it was split in two.

Where was Caleb? My body continued to tremble. Seth inclined further toward me, placing one hand on the cushion at my head and brushing hair away from my tear soaked face with the other.

You’ll destroy him. You’ll destroy us all.

A gust of air shook the room. There was a crash like thunder, and a familiar scent filled the air. I felt a tentative caress on my burning cheek and winced, my eyes still closed tight. A hand reached under my head and lifted.

I howled in agony. My shoulder cracked, sending excruciating pain racing through my body. I was carefully eased back.

What have you done, Seth? Caleb growled.

My eyes flickered open. Caleb was looking away from me, but I could see his face, red from rage with a sheen of perspiration across his forehead.

What you should have done, Caleb. It has to be taken care of. Seth’s voice seemed to come from far away.


Caleb’s anguished eyes met mine. He swept the back of his hand across my forehead and cautiously touched my wet face. My pulse pounded against the backs of my eyes as I struggled in vain to keep them open.

I’m sorry, Caleb moaned desperately.

She’ll finish us all, Seth roared.

I looked toward the sound of his voice and glimpsed Seth sprawled against the stone hearth, pieces of shattered and broken stone all around him. Then my eyes shut.

It just a story, Seth, made up to frighten the younger ones and keep them away from the humans, Caleb barked at him.

Humans? What did he mean humans?

A child of darkness and light, Seth snarled. You’ve seen the writings.

It’s her. I couldn’t understand the conversation; it was like a bad dream.

Her name, defender of manki

Coincidence, Caleb growled, his voice so loud it rang in my ears.

I opened my eyes to his terrified face and heard a loud crunch. Fire blazed through my shoulder, and Caleb was wrenched from my sight. I searched the room frantically for him, trying to follow the sound of smashing glass. He crouched in the center of the room with his arms outstretched, defending himself against Seth. Seth swiped at Caleb with something sharp and glistening. They moved so rapidly, I couldn’t tell exactly what was happening. Seth flew into the air, plummeting back to the ground with a bang. Immediately Caleb stood in front of me, facing away with his arms extended, shielding me from Seth. He glanced back at me, and I saw his expression contort in rage. Blood splattered across his face, but there was no wound. The fog was beginning to clear from my brain, but my limbs still felt leaden, and my face and shoulder burned with every movement.

My entire head felt numb and heavy.

Past Caleb, I could make out Seth with his back against the moonlight.

He had the appearance of an animal ready to pounce, his lips drawn back in a snarl and his fingers clawed. I pushed myself further back against the couch, groaning in pain.

Why are you doing this? I screeched, terrified.

Caleb remained in front of me, obscuring me from Seth’s view.

He hasn’t told you, has he?

Don’t, Seth, Caleb growled. You’re wrong.


Tears flowed freely down my face. I lifted my uninjured hand and touched my cheek. Blood covered my hand when I pulled it away.

How he’s sentenced himself to death to be with a human, Seth snarled.

He’s going to die just to be with you.

Why did he keep referring to me as a human? Caleb’s shoulders slumped in front of me, and his head fell in despair.

How he may be sacrificing all our kind, so he can be with you. Seth grunted in repulsion.

My mind was reeling and still vaguely foggy. Caleb, I whimpered, aghast. What did he mean? Why did Caleb have to die?

Caleb whispered, I wanted to protect you. You were safe as long as you didn’t know the truth. I had to make it safe for you before I told you everything.

Tell her, Seth bit out furiously. Let her choose! See if she will die for you. My heart thundered, and the room began to spin again.

No, Caleb seethed.

Tell her! Seth roared louder. His voice boomed loud, and the room trembled.

Caleb’s shoulder twitched for a moment. He turned his head to me, and I saw his defeated expression, his eyes wide with anguish. He turned back to Seth, and a low defiant growl escaped his lips.


Seth made a sudden move. Caleb lashed out at him so fast I almost missed it. When Seth shrank back, his shirt was torn and stained with blood.

I watched the wound heal before my eyes and gasped. Caleb sighed miserably. He was very still for a moment, and I couldn’t see his face. I longed to look at him, to read in his eyes what he was deliberating.

Do you think they will let her live after you’re gone? Seth spat, looking down at his chest where his skin was golden and smooth. She’s human, Caleb! Your deal is worthless. It won’t protect her from them or us from her. Caleb recoiled from his words, and I saw his hand shake, but I couldn’t see his face to know what emotion caused it. I didn’t want it to be like this. He sounded tortured. We’re not — human, Triona. We’re — we’re something else.

My heart stopped beating, and the room spun wildly. I reached out my hand to Caleb, but he flinched away from my touch.

I was born in New York near the end of the Civil War.


I tried to inhale, but I couldn’t fill my lungs, and my shoulder throbbed viciously with every attempt.

I don’t — How?

I’m almost one hundred and fifty years old, he said starkly. Our kind has always lived among humans.

I was too shocked to respond; my mind was whirling. Tears welled up in my eyes again, and I let out a small cry. Caleb flinched at the sound, and then he inhaled sharply. The pain in his voice was like another physical blow.

We’ve been branded demons, witches, vampires, and God knows what else. We’ve been hunted and tortured, almost wiped out, and driven into hiding by humans who feared what we are.

Suddenly I knew what he’d been trying to tell me. The stories he’d told me. The gods.

Caleb kept his back to me, reacting to Seth’s every movement. He paused for a long moment before continuing. Being mated to a human is forbidden, punishable by death.

No. A small anguished cry escaped my lips at the thought of his death.

It struck terror in my heart even more than my own imminent demise. I reached out again, and this time he didn’t flinch but allowed my hand to remain at his back, clinging to his bloodstained dress shirt, the shirt he was wearing to escort me to my senior prom.

And? Seth growled.

And — Caleb exhaled heavily. There is a prophecy relating to one of your kind and one of ours. If it’s true, some believe it would destroy us all. My eyes widened in horror. I feebly clung to his shirt, feeling the heat from his body and trying to hold onto something real in this nightmare.

Why — why me?

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