Read Shackled Online

Authors: Morgan Ashbury

Tags: #Erotica, #Menage a Trois (m/f/m), #Menage Amour

Shackled (6 page)

BOOK: Shackled
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“Hmm, you shivered when you said that, and,” Jonathan paused, moving his hands from her pussy and ass to her breasts, “yeah, your nipples just got harder. Good. I want very much for you to enjoy all the delightfully sinful things I’m going to do to you.”

Bethany wanted to return the gift of the arousal coursing through her. “Please.” She felt Jonathan press against her and lean over her. The heat of his breath wafted against her ear just before his tongue teased her there.

“Please what, Beth?”

“I want to touch you. I want to
you.” How could she explain to him how she felt right now? She’d been a wife for more than twenty-five years, and in all that time, she’d believed arousal and sexual heat to be fairy tales, some creation of fiction, or worse, a man’s cruel measure against which to find his wife lacking. How could she explain that in the few short hours they’d been together, Jonathan had not only given her more sexual pleasure than she’d ever experienced, he’d unlocked her need to lavish sexual pleasure in return?

Jonathan proved by his actions that she didn’t have to explain herself to him at all. He stroked his hands up her arms and gently pulled her hands away from the tile. He enfolded her in a hug, his cock pressed tight against her ass. He kissed her neck and said, “Do what you will, sweetheart.”

Bethany wasted no time. She turned around, faced him, and stretched up to lay her mouth on his. She kissed him, eager to drink her fill. He tasted so good, and kissing him added fuel to her already flaming fires. Kissing had never been a turn-on for her, but it sure as hell was now. Could she kiss him so deeply, absorb him so completely, she’d be a part of him? Her lips and tongue left his mouth to taste and sample the flavors of his jaw and his neck.

While the shower continued to rain lightly upon them, she used her hands to test the strength of the muscles roping his arms and chest. She nuzzled the hair covering his nipples and inhaled his scent. She learned the subtle flavors of him, never before realizing a man’s chest could taste different than his chin, that both would hold a different flavor from his lips.

Bethany swirled her tongue around first one male nipple, then the other. She pulled back, surprised but extremely pleased when those small male buds hardened from her attention, much as her own had done earlier.

“You like that,” she said.

“What’s not to like? Keep going, Beth. I need more.”

. She wanted, desperately, to give him more. She wanted to give him
. She didn’t know if she could please him. Experience had taught her she was incapable of fulfilling a man. But she wanted to, God how she wanted to please and fulfill

She stroked her hands up and down his sides as she continued to kiss and lick his chest, down toward his navel. His cock bobbed for her attention. She understood the mechanics of a blow job. She wasn’t certain of the technique, or if, despite wanting to, she really could do it. In the past—no. No more thinking about the past. Only the moment mattered, and in this moment, she wanted nothing more than to taste and pleasure the man who’d opened a whole new world of sensation and wonder for her.

Jonathan sucked in a breath, and she understood the closeness of her mouth to his cock aroused him. She’d come, but he hadn’t. Bethany slipped to her knees and fisted him. His cock, hot and hard, felt as if it was covered in the finest silk. Here, and only here, a man’s skin had a delicacy to rival a woman’s. She tore her gaze away from his magnificent dick and looked up at him.

“Show me how.”

She loved the strength of his fingers as they combed her hair then gripped her head. She loved the scent of him, so rich and male, so
right there at the base of his cock.

“Open your mouth for me, baby. Take my cock inside it. Use your tongue, and your lips. Suck on me.”

She opened, took him in even as he pushed his cock into her, the salty flavor sending shivers of delight down her spine and making her pussy clench.

“Run your tongue along the shaft of my cock, and suck a little.
. Like that. God, that feels so damn
. Show you? Baby, I don’t have to show you one damn thing. You’re a natural.”

Jonathan’s words filled an empty space inside her she’d not known she had until just then. They soothed her spirit and boosted her confidence. His words fired her blood.

Her tongue stroked and caressed, and her mouth sucked, the flavor of Jonathan’s cock potently powerful, decadently delicious. She brought her lips nearly all the way off him then slid them down again. Seeking to take all of him into her mouth, she tested her limits. With each stroke of her tongue, with each movement of her head, Jonathan groaned, flexed his fingers against her head, and pushed his hips just a little more firmly against her.

“I’m close, sweetheart. Will you drink me?”

Bethany heard hope and desire in his question. Instead of answering him, she moved her head up and down on his cock, increasing the tempo at the same time she increased the suction she used. She wanted to draw his seed from him, to taste it, to know him in this way. To know him in a way she had known no other man.

She wanted more than anything to please him, to give him the same ecstasy he’d given her. Shyly, she reached up with her left hand and cupped the soft globes of his scrotum. Using a tender touch, she treated them to a light, pulsating pressure in sync with her suction of him.

.” His cock twitched and shot a stream of hot, pungent semen into her mouth. Bethany closed her eyes and swallowed, the flavor stronger than she’d expected, but not unpleasant. She sucked each spurt out of him, relishing his groans of release and the way both of his hands, trembling slightly, held the back of her head.

He shuddered with the last of his ejaculation, and Bethany eased her suction as his cock deflated slightly. Reluctant to release him, she used her tongue to give him a few last loving licks, cleaning him completely. She sat back on her haunches and blinked. The water showering down on her had gone from a gentle rain to a mist, and she only just now noticed.

She looked up at him, her heart so full she didn’t know if she could contain it. “Thank you.” More than the gift he’d given her of physical pleasure, this gift, the knowledge that she could indeed please him, healed her long-wounded spirit.

Jonathan opened his eyes. The look he gave her warmed her so thoroughly everything else ceased to matter. How could he understand her so well when she barely understood herself?

“Come here, sweetheart.” He drew her up and into his arms.

His kiss, sultry and sensuous, long and languid, filled her heart and stirred her arousal. His tongue stroked hers in a strong, almost aggressive rhythm, and Bethany rejoiced in it. She tasted power and strength in his kiss, and she reveled in both, gladly.

Jonathan brought the kiss to a gentle end and cupped her face. When she met his gaze, he said, “Now it’s my turn.”

“Didn’t you just have your turn?”

Oh, how she loved the light of humor in his eyes and the sexy slant of his smile. And how much fun it was to tease!

“Yeah, I did. Now I’m going to have another one.”

Jonathan turned off the shower and set about drying them both with an air of urgency that made her shiver. She’d never inspired lust in a man before. Knowing that she had inspired Jonathan’s thrilled her beyond words.

For the first time in her life, she felt like a sexy and desirable woman.

When Jonathan tossed the towel on the floor and picked her up, she wrapped her arms and legs around him. For all that he’d just had an orgasm, his cock felt substantial against her pussy. Hot and hard, his magnificent penis pressed against her very wet cunt. The lips of her slit opened slightly to cradle him.

The velvet hardness of his cock there felt

“Please hurry.” She thought if she didn’t get him inside her in the next five seconds she would explode.

“No. I’m not going to hurry, Beth. I’m going to take my time. I’ve dreamt of this moment for too long to rush it.”

“You’ll drive me out of my mind!”

Jonathan smiled and then captured her lips in another kiss, a carnal caress so powerful her pussy grew even wetter.

“Darling, that’s the idea. I’m going to take you higher, make you feel better than you ever have before.”

“You’ve already done that, and more than once.”

She didn’t quite know how to interpret that look. It flashed so quickly in his eyes and then disappeared just as fast that she might have wondered if she imagined it, if he didn’t just then hug her tight.

“Soon, you won’t be able to keep track, I promise. Each time is going to be better than the time before. Starting right now.”

He laid her on the bed and got on his knees between her legs. “First I’m going to return the wonderful gift you just gave me.”

He spread her legs wide, and a flush of embarrassment washed over her. She’d never been so exposed, so on display before a man. If he noticed her discomfort, he paid it no mind. Instead, he kept his focus riveted on her pussy.

“This is a very pretty sight. I was pleased to see that you shave yourself. I’ll take over doing that for you from now on.”

His announcement didn’t invite debate. That hardly mattered, for in the next heartbeat, all thought left her head when he eased himself down on the bed and then put his mouth on her cunt.

“Oh, yes!”
Heat exploded, sending embers of sensation through every part of her body. His lips and tongue swirled and caressed every inch of her pussy. He found her clit and pressed it lightly between his lips, then sucked it into his mouth. He lifted his head from her and blew cool air onto her wet flesh.

Bethany shivered. This was more erotic than anything she’d ever experienced. When Jonathan resumed licking and lapping at her feminine folds, she arched her body to press herself closer to his tongue and mouth.

“Tasty,” he said against her flesh. The vibration of his voice on her labia and clit flung her even higher. Bethany didn’t know how much more pleasure she could stand without passing out from an overdose of bliss.

“Please, oh,
.” Bethany reached down between her legs and combed her fingers through Jonathan’s blond hair. Then she tugged on his hair, her grasp an echo of her desperation. Even as her orgasm erupted, she knew she needed more. She needed all of him.
“Please, Master, fuck me.”

Jonathan looked up, and his gaze seared her. “I’ve wanted to have you under me for longer than you can imagine.” He went up on his knees and reached over to the bedside table.

Bethany felt her climax begin to ebb as he tore open a foil packet and then rolled the thin latex condom in place.

When he began to lower himself to her, she reached for him. She wrapped her arms and legs around him, lifting her hips, meeting his thrust halfway. She had one instant to marvel at the sensation of his cock brushing against her slit, and then he impaled her, hard and fast and deep.

“Oh, God, yes.
” She’d never felt so full. Eyes open, she met Jonathan’s glittering gaze. He had the appearance of a man who’d finally gotten what he wanted. That was her feeling, exactly.
I’ll remember this moment in time for the rest of my life.

“Taste yourself on my lips, baby, and hold on to me.”

He kissed her, wet and wild, and she tasted the salty musk that was her own feminine secretions. The flavor shocked and compelled, a perfect prelude to another orgasm. Jonathan pulled out of her slowly, almost all the way out, and then he thrust into her again. And then he did it again.

Powerful, forceful, he fucked her with a rhythm so hard and fast it stole her breath and rekindled her passion. Not a long, slow climb. Not this time. This time, arousal ignited and then soared to the highest reaches of human endurance.

Bethany knew just a few heartbeats separated this reawakening and yet another climax. When it erupted, when she came, her orgasm was so powerful, so huge, she broke their kiss and cried out. Battering her from every point that her flesh met his, this orgasm devoured her, so that all she could do was hold on to the man on her and in her.

Wave after powerful wave took her, tossed her, so that she could only hold on and surrender herself completely to the tsunami that threatened to consume her completely.

Chapter 6

Jonathan leaned against the frame of the bedroom door, enjoying the view of Bethany’s naked body and taking in the depth with which she slept.

BOOK: Shackled
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