Sexy as Hell Box Set (114 page)

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Authors: Harlem Dae

BOOK: Sexy as Hell Box Set
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“This…” Sheldon panted several times. “This is…I’m going to come soon. You in him, me in him, I…”

I watched his face as he scrunched it up, his lips clamped together, the corners pointing downwards. I wondered if he’d ever had a threesome before, whether knowing he was sharing a man proved too much at once. Even though he had his eyes closed, he could imagine me standing over them both, could hear mine and Marti’s breathing. Know by Marti being jostled that someone else was fucking him from the other side.

“Open your eyes,” I said to him. “Go on, open them and see your dick going up his
arse. Have a gander at what it looks like.”

Sheldon did.

“Nice, isn’t it? Fucking nice,” I said, seeing the vision in my mind’s eye.

Marti let out a long, low moan.

“Wank him,” I said to Sheldon. “Take care of my man. He needs to come too. The three of us together, all at once.”

Sheldon trailed one hand from Marti’s shoulder and reached around, his fingers brushing one of my legs. The connection sent a thrill through me. I bent a little to one side and looked down to see Sheldon’s fist surrounding Marti’s engorged dick, the head fat and swollen, the purple
colour it always went when he was fully aroused vivid and so fucking sexy.

wank him off—hard,” I said, then glanced back to Marti.

He fluttered his eyelashes. His cheeks were stained dark pink, from heat and excitement I’d bet, and he breathed heavily through his nose. I managed to deepen my strokes a bit now that Sheldon held Marti with only one hand. Sheldon took in the wonder of us, dashing his tongue out to lick his lips. He pumped into Marti, shunting my man forward and further onto my cock.

“Feel good to be filled twice over?” I asked Marti, knowing it did, knowing he didn’t need to nod to tell me how brilliant it was. “Yeah, feels good here too. Your mouth, so fucking wet and hot. That what his arse is like, Sheldon?”

“Christ, yeah,” Sheldon said, drawing his thrusts out now, going slow, as though wanting to prolong the moments before release.

I made my movements shallower still—so shallow they were barely even there. Marti upped the suction, and there it was, the telltale tingle in my bollocks and at the base of my cock, getting stronger, spreading, my sac shrinking to strangle my balls as much as I wanted Marti’s arse to strangle Sheldon’s dick.

“Ah,” I said. “Fuck, yeah. Suck it just like that.”

“Oh, Jesus…” Sheldon pushed in, hard and sharp, stilled, then shuddered, a ripple that seemed to go through his entire body.

That was enough for me. I let my pleasure have its way, let it streak through me as Marti made garbled sounds around my cock. He shivered between us, his eyes rolling, and with Sheldon wanking him faster still, my spunk exploded into Marti’s mouth at the same time I felt a rope of Marti’s cum splash onto my jeans.

“That’s it, come,” I said. “Both of you come.”

All of us writhed,
spasmed and juddered, all making unintelligible noises. I imagined what they were feeling, getting off on it, the streams of visuals in my head sending me to that place where nothing else mattered except coming and coming fast. Jizz was sucked out of me, Marti’s hold stronger as he hit his peak. I tipped my head back and cried out, the sound scraping my throat, making it dry. Canting my hips, I pushed in one more inch, wanting the whole of me in his mouth as my orgasm raged. A tweak on my nipple had me opening my eyes and looking down. Sheldon had let go of Marti’s other shoulder and was pinching me, twisting, drawing my nipple away from my chest, producing exquisite pain. I yelled something nonsensical and clenched my arse cheeks as a final spurt of spunk filled Marti’s mouth.

“Fuck,” I breathed. “Fuck…”

I shuddered then could move no more. I stood there with my cock still in my man’s mouth and stared at Marti. He looked up, released the suction, and eased back against Sheldon until my dick left him with a soft pop.

Sheldon slowed to a standstill on Marti’s dick, and I stepped away to watch him withdraw from Marti’s
arse then stand, cheeks flushed, his breathing unsteady. He stared at Marti, who remained where he was, beautifully abused and sated.

Sheldon cleared his throat, tucking himself away then zipping up. “Will you…?”

I supposed he couldn’t finish because of being so out of breath.

“We’ll be back, yes,” I said, looking from him to Marti, to make sure he was all right. I put my cock away, straightened my top so it sat over my waistband. “Won’t we, baby? We’ll be back to pick Rio up in the morning.”

Marti nodded, staring at me, knowing full well what I was doing. I was playing dumb, making it so Sheldon was the one to ask for more. To see us again.

“I mean…” Sheldon said, shoving a hand through his hair, looking uncertain.

That was something I hadn’t expected. And he also hadn’t become dominant during our fuck—something else I hadn’t expected. Maybe he had some subby in him after all.

“What do you mean?” I asked, making eye contact with Sheldon.

“I want…” He turned to stare at the table he’d so recently been humping.

Was there more to this man? Was he afraid of rejection, was that why he couldn’t look at me? Did I want me and Marti involved with someone who might have a shitload of baggage? I wasn’t sure I did.

“I want to see you both again. Fuck you both,” Sheldon said.

I glanced away from him to Marti. He gave a slight nod.

“Only if that’s all it is,” I said, making the decision for us. “Fucks.”

“It’s all I need,” Sheldon said.

“Good, because that’s all we’re prepared to offer. We’re a partnership, aren’t we, subby?” I said to Marti, walking forward and helping him up. I reached for his clothing, pulled his dress over his head and his knickers over his cock then led him to the door, his hand held firmly in mine. Because he was

I turned to look at Sheldon, who had
swivelled round to look at us.

“How much do we owe you for looking after Rio tonight?” I asked, wanting to pay, to keep things separate. No animal care paid for by sex.

“I’ll bill you tomorrow,” Sheldon said. “And thanks. For, you know…”

“I know,” I said with a smile and a nod. “I know.”

I lead Marti from the room, back downstairs, then out into the night.

“Fuck,” Marti said, blowing out a stream of air. “The way you were just then. Possessive.”

“Was I?” I asked, heading for the car.

“Just a bit. But I like it.”

He came up to me, pressed a kiss to my mouth then probed his tongue deep inside. I tasted my spunk and came to another decision. I never wanted to taste another man’s jizz in there. Our sex extras could use his arse, but his mouth? No, that belonged to me.

“Good,” I said, easing back and looking into his lash-framed eyes—eyes that sparkled with his love for me. “Because I’ll never change. Never let anyone go too far with you. Never let them have parts of you that are solely for me.” I traced a fingertip across his mouth. “Like this.”

Marti sighed and pressed closer. “I fucking love you,” he said, then waltzed away to get into the passenger side.

I watched him as he buckled up then pulled the sunshade down so he could examine his face in the mirror there. He fumbled in the
glovebox, produced a lipstick then dashed it across his lips.

I smiled, loving him to death, loving every bit of him, cock, tits and all.

And knew that lipstick wouldn’t be on his mouth for very much longer.

Once we got home, I’d kiss the lot off if it was the last thing I did.

Reviews for Sexy as Hell


This is what reviewers are saying about The Novice and the Sexy as Hell Trilogy. Feel free to add your own review to Amazon or Goodreads, it’s a wonderful way to say thank you to an author/s who have given you hours of entertainment.


The best erotic trilogy I have ever read! FSOG and Crossfire series have nothing on these books. If you like your books a bit edgier then you should read these. I could not put them down! Lots and lots of hot sex but also a love story. I loved the style of writing, seen from both characters emotions. All I can say is read and enjoy!!!


- I thoroughly enjoyed all three of these books. I wasn't expecting to enjoy them quite as much as I did! I think you need an open mind to really enjoy the story. I cannot express just how much their story touched me. I've read many erotic novels and bdsm books but these ones are by far my favourites and I have recommended them to everyone I know :)


Wow! Very Erotic reading... Nice twists and turns through the book. Leaves you ready to read the second book. Not for the weak of heart!!! (pun intended)


A well paced, lyrical writing that ensnared and enthralled! The sex was steaming, piping hot but it didn't come first for me. I was looking to be titillated yes, but instead was captured by the story of Zara and Victor more. When I got to the last page I cried "NOOOOO!" " it can't end like this!". This writing duo both got me vested in the characters and made me think. They made me curious, and made me question. What they made me question is for me, just as it will be for other readers, it will be personal to them. I cannot wait to find out where Victor and Zara end up. I also want to read more from these authors! Enjoy this trek thru the psyche of not one but two main characters in this trilogy!


I absolutely loved this book, it was by far better than the 50 shades of grey. I've already downloaded the 2nd and 3rd and can't wait to start reading them, well done to harlem dae this is your best book.


This erotic novel tells the story of Victor and Zara. Victor is a successful single businessman, and Zara is what can only be described as a sex performer working out of Soho. They meet by chance in a coffee shop, where Zara picks Victor up for some sexy fun. Naturally, Victor's pleased that he's going to get some action, until he finds out that Zara isn't exactly the most demure woman. In fact, she's downright rude and demanding, and he doesn't know how to deal with it. Her forwardness frightens him. He calls her out on it, implying that there's something wrong with her.
Zara laughs in his face and tells him he has a lot to learn about women and sex. Victor doesn't believe it. Between them, they end up making a bet. One month, and Zara will teach Victor everything she knows. Only Victor doesn't realise quite what a kinky chick he's gotten himself involved with.
Soon his previously vanilla life is an assortment of domination, submission, spanking, voyeurism, and all manner of unconventional sex, all set in London, capital of the UK. Victor learns much about himself, as well as people he thought he used to know well. His head is thoroughly messed with and before long, he's wishing he'd never met Mistress Zara.
If you're looking for a bit of light slap-and-tickle, this isn't it. The heat level of this book is a six out of five and is definitely not for the fainthearted. There's anal play, blood play, slapping, and much, much more. There are twists and turns, things I wasn't expecting, and an ending that leads perfectly into book two, making you eager to find out what happens next. So if you're looking for some superbly well-written and very, very dark, hardcore BDSM erotica, you should check out The Virgin. You won't forget it in a hurry.


 This book is not for everyone. I too am a virgin when it comes to the stuff that is done. Wow! I feel bad for Victor, he has had a hard life in general, but became a successful man in the process. Fell in love only for to say she got a job out of the country to find she never left and why she stayed. That hurt me, but he too seemed to find someone, just not what he expected to find. Zara is someone he wants and knows she will never commit to just him, so they break each others hearts without even knowing it, this after he tragically passes out with his heart condition.


 First you must be open minded about BDSM, then you must be able to read it in a solitary place because you are going to get hot and bothered. At first I didn't think I would like it, then I could not put it down. The tension holds for the entire book. 50 Shades is bogus next to this gem. You are going to be buying all the books in the series and looking for more from Lily Harlem and Miss Dea. I think you will like what you read. Just try not to read it on the bus.


 I found myself being pulled in by Zara and her zeal for the lifestyle she enjoyed. I found myself relating to and sympathizing with Victor. I wanted to see him turn the tables and teach Zara something about herself in the same way she was trying to teach him. And he did. At that point I was cheering them both on.
The ending didn't really turn out like I thought it would, but maybe that's because there's more to the story. It is a trilogy after all.
Over all, I'm left with a yearning to find out how these to characters go on, which means I'll be reading the other two books.

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