Read Sexy as Hell Box Set Online

Authors: Harlem Dae

Sexy as Hell Box Set (113 page)

BOOK: Sexy as Hell Box Set
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“Lie back, baby,” Joel said.

“No… I wanna…watch.”

Joel smiled at me. “It’s good then.”

“Oh, God. Seriously…you have to ask?” I blew out a breath, beat down the urge to just come fast and furious. It was too amazing. I didn’t want it to be over. “Sheldon what are you’re doing? Fuck.”

“Worshiping you from the inside out.”

“Ah, yeah, keep going.”

He was
working the exact spot that was sending bliss bolting through my body. My cock was thudding with blood, my slit wide and hot, my arse was tense and lifting off the table.

“Joel,” Sheldon said, “I want you to take the end of the sound and move it up and down, just an inch or so when I tell you to.”

“Sure thing.”

Oh, God, they were going to stimulate me more? Would I survive? It was impossibly good as it was. I dropped my head back to the cushion, unable to support my weight any longer. This was a one-way ticket to paradise, and I was just going to give up and let the ride take me there.

A sudden cool pressure touched my arse pucker.

“Joel, do you have any objections if I enter your sub’s
arse?” Sheldon asked.

“I’m sure he’ll love it, so no objections, go for it,” Joel said.

Though my eyes were closed, I could picture the look on Joel’s face. It would be pride, dominance, focus. He’d be watching carefully, not Sheldon so much but me, my body, my reaction, my hole being plundered.

“Use your gloved fingers,” I said, wanting the previous image to become reality.

Cold wetness was smeared between my arse cheeks.

“Fuck…” I squirmed as Sheldon eased two latex-shrouded, lubed-up fingers into me. “This is so much. The feel of that in my
arse. Jesus Christ…”

“There’s more,” Sheldon said, his voice throaty now. He was excited, he was enjoying this—a lot. “Joel, hold the far end of the sound, move it up and down, just
a fraction.”

“Okay.” Joel carried out Sheldon’s instruction.

“Ah…ah, yeah, that’s amazing,” I said, cupping my breasts and tweaking my nipples. “Bloody amazing.”

“Can you handle this?” Sheldon asked.

A near violent urge to climax ravaged through me. Sheldon had found my prostate with his wickedly firm fingertips and was now rubbing the opposite side of my prostate. Stimulating and toying, building me up into a frenzy. Though outside I perhaps looked calm and relaxed, because I’d become so utterly still, inside I was raging. Lust and desire, ecstasy and bliss combined in a sensational soup of satisfaction that was flowing thick and vital through my veins.

“Tell us how it feels, baby?” Joel urged, changing the way he was sliding the sound, and if it were possible, making it feel even better by tipping it back and forth too.

“Ah…ah…it’s like coming in slow motion. Fuck, no, it’s better than that, it’s like coming continuously, one long…slide of perfection.” I curled my toes in my boots, reached out and gripped the side of the table. “Don’t stop, fucking don’t stop.”

“Not until you tell us to we won’t.” Sheldon added another finger to my
arse and that extra whip of stretching sent me hurtling over the edge.

“I’m coming…” I shouted. “Fuck, I’m really coming now.”

“Yes, come, come,” Joel said excitedly. “I wanna watch you, baby.”

My abdominals tensed, and I curled forward. Opened my eyes and was met with the glorious sight of two hot guys focusing solely on my moment of climax. Working me, adoring me, getting me off spectacularly.

“I’m going to milk this out of you, it’s gonna blow your mind,” Sheldon said, upping the pace and pressure in my arse and on my taint.

“Fuck!” I breathed.

The pressure was intense in my balls, rocketing past the point it would normally release. I shook, held my breath, and watched the rod disappearing into my widened slit. Joel’s hand was tight around my cock, and Sheldon, with his head bent, was watching as he massaged and worked my prostate. He licked his lips and pressed his bulge into the end of the table, dry humping it and letting out a series of low grunts.

“Take it out, he’s there,” Sheldon instructed breathlessly.

Joel slowly removed the sound, and as he did so the pressure finally exploded, raging through my arse hole. I clamped Sheldon’s fingers with my sphincter. The release then tugged at my balls, pulling them into my body before cum ripped up my cock and leapt wetly onto my stomach.

“Yes, yes, yes,” I hissed.

“Good boy,” Joel said, fisting my cock in rapid up-and-down movements. “That’s it, let it all go.”


More cum burst from me. It was as though Sheldon was forcing it from the very core of my balls, up and out. On and on it kept coming. I was dizzy with it, breathless, each creamy slap a new rip of release.

“So fucking responsive,” Sheldon said. “He’s like playing a good damn musical instrument. Perfect.”

“I think…it’s perfect…because the musician…is pretty good,” I managed.

Chapter Four


Seeing Sheldon’s arm between Marti’s legs, his fingers up his
arse, and knowing that Marti had wanted the gloved fingers, the feel of thick latex, had me so hard I couldn’t stand it. I ground myself against the side of the table, emulating Sheldon, who rutted the end of it. His face held a sexy-as-fuck blush, and sweat had broken out on his forehead.

I tweaked one of Marti’s nipples while he was coming down, the feel of the pebbled hardness between my finger and thumb pushing a burst of excitement through me. I lowered my head then licked up a tongue full of Marti’s cum.

I rolled it around my mouth then swallowed. “Fucking lick that,” I said to Sheldon. “Go on, lick it, taste it. Taste my beautiful man’s jizz.”

I loved talking dirty and especially loved the shock it gave some men. Either they were into that or they weren’t, and by the expression on Sheldon’s face, he liked it. He hesitated, though. Gave me “the
look”, the one that asked if I were crazy.

“We’re clean,” I said. “Marti’s regularly tested because of his job.”

“Doesn’t matter,” Sheldon said. “Much as I’d love”—he thrust his cock harder into the table, released a long
—“to taste Marti’s spunk, I’ll have to decline.”

I didn’t push it further. Instead, I licked the rest myself until Marti was clean, then kissed him, long and deep.

“Are you okay?” I asked him, treated to a glimpse at his eyes as he opened them and stared at me with a dreamy gaze.

“Fucking hell,” he managed. “I…”

“I want more from you, subby,” I said. I stroked Marti’s brow and glanced at Sheldon. “And you, if you’re up for it?”

“I’m up for it all right.” Sheldon blew out a ragged breath. “With me directing?” He hesitated, then, “I usually command, but I’m willing to step down this once.”

So he was like me, a Dom top. The idea of a power struggle turned me on even more, and I found myself hoping Sheldon would push his luck, toss out an order or two.

“Come on,” I said to Marti. “Up you get.”

After Sheldon eased his fingers out of Marti’s arse, I helped my sub off the table then guided him to a space where he could kneel. “Get down. That’s it, on your knees. Now, baby, you know how this goes.” I grabbed handfuls of his hair and scrunched them tight in my fists. “You’re going to take Sheldon here up your already gaping, wet arse, and you’re going to let me fuck your mouth. Understand?”

Marti nodded, staring up at me with adoration in his eyes.

“Tell our friend your safe word,” I said, “because I’m sure he wouldn’t want to fuck you too hard. Go too deep, be too…dominant.” I’d said that more to goad Sheldon into doing the opposite of what I’d said. He’d be a fine sight to see, shagging my man’s tight hole and telling him what he wanted from him.

stared at Sheldon. He nodded slowly, stripping the glove from his hand then dropping it on the blanket-covered table.

Cilla Black,” Marti said. “That’s my safe word, and, God yes, I want him in my arse. Want your dick so far down my throat your balls mash under my chin. Like that, you know, the way you’ve done it before.”

“I know,” I said. I unzipped my jeans then pulled out my cock, giving Sheldon my attention. “Sheath up and lube up. Marti’s so used to having cock up his
arse you’ll just slide right in.”

Sheldon lost no time in taking his cock out.

I whistled. “Oh, Marti, you lucky, lucky boy. See the size of his prick?” I took one hand away from his hair.

Marti glanced over his shoulder at Sheldon. “Oh, fuck me! That’s…that’s going to be all mine.” He turned back to look up at me, his face showing me he was feeling all kinds of excited. “And so is that.” He stared at my cock and licked his lips.

“It is,” I said. “So open your mouth and let me the hell in.”

He parted his lips, and from the corner of my eye I saw Sheldon move towards us, his cock swaying as he walked. I gave Marti my full attention, sliding into his mouth and
revelling in the hot wetness surrounding my dick. I surged in to the hilt, loving the feel of his throat touching the tip. He sucked, creating a tighter hold, and glanced up at me from under those long lashes of his.

“That’s so good,” I said, reaching out to grip his hair again. “And this, your hair in my fists. Fuck, you know I love it.”

Sheldon lowered to his knees behind Marti, reaching down to fondle my man’s arse. Get him lubed and ready. He needn’t have bothered—Marti was always ready. Marti groaned, the hum of sound fizzing through my dick then streaking to my bollocks. I closed my eyes to better savour the moment.

The unmistakable snap of latex had me opening them again. Sheldon was putting on a condom, staring up at me as though holding back the desire to give a command. He was struggling, anyone would have been able to see it, and I wondered how long he’d be before he blurted out some order or other.

“That’s right,” I said, keeping still, deciding not to move until Sheldon shoved into Marti’s arse. “You get your long, wide cock up there, Sheldon. You sink right in and fuck him ragged.”

Marti moaned again, winking to show me he appreciated me being his mouthpiece while he couldn’t speak. That was how we worked when in a threesome, always would.

I looked down over Marti’s head to see what Sheldon was up to. His cock, indeed long and wide, was poised, pointing in the direction of Marti’s hole. He held the base then pushed in. The sight of Marti’s arse cheeks parting to allow entrance made my bollocks draw up and my breathing go out of sync.

“Yes,” I said. “That’s it. I bet that feels good going in there, doesn’t it,

Marti nodded, the movement sending spears of pleasure up and down my prick.

“I bet,” I said, “seeing as he’s so wide, it’s making your hole stretch so much it hurts. Am I right?”

Marti nodded again. I received spears of pleasure again.

“Jesus,” Sheldon said, more of a hiss than a word. “Such a tight little arsehole.” He groaned, closed his eyes, and reached up to put his hands on Marti’s shoulders.

“That to give you better control?” I asked him. “Holding Marti like that?” I knew it was, but I wanted to hear his answer. Needed to know whether he’d relinquish that hold if Marti patted me on my
arse to tell me something was wrong.

“Fuck yeah.” Sheldon opened his eyes and looked up at me. “So I can keep him still.”

keep him still,” I said. “I’ll hold his hair, tight, like this.” I gripped harder. “And we’re going to fuck his holes until he doesn’t know what day of the damn week it is. But if or when I tell you to let him go, you’ll do it.”

“Right.” Sheldon clamped his jaw. A tick flickered beside his lips.

He was such a bloody dominant. Taking orders from me might not sit well, but while he was fucking Marti,
my life
, then he’d do as I sodding well told him.

“So get started,” I said.

Sheldon set up a slow but steady rhythm, one I matched. As Sheldon eased in, I pulled out so that neither of Marti’s holes were left empty at any time. The tug on my cock was sublime, and I didn’t have to imagine what the hot tightness was like around Sheldon’s cock. I’d been up there too many times to count, relished the squeezing sensation Marti somehow managed to create—the strangulation effect, we called it.

“Strangle his dick more than he’s ever been strangled before,” I said to Marti. “Make it so he never forgets us—never forgets you and your hungry little slot.”

Sheldon closed his eyes again and gripped Marti’s shoulders tighter. His knuckles and fingertips whitened. Marti groaned, putting his hands on my arse and pulling me closer—if that were even possible. I was as close as I could get. My cock was firmly lodged, and with the three of us pressed together in a fuck sandwich, I was surprised Marti could even breathe. My in-and-out was shallower now, what with my movement limited. It was somehow more erotic, more thrilling than if I was ploughing back and forth. The slight jerks I could give were sensual, edged with such intense pleasure I wanted to come already.

BOOK: Sexy as Hell Box Set
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