Sex & Mayhem 05 Red Hot (22 page)

Read Sex & Mayhem 05 Red Hot Online

Authors: K.A. Merikan

Tags: #Romance, #erotic, #crime, #Gay, #drugs, #gang, #revenge, #rough, #outlaw, #biker

BOOK: Sex & Mayhem 05 Red Hot
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Chapter 24


Loki did get released, and the hours since Sam had come for him were dragging in the lonely cell, but at least Red Jack knew Loki was safe and recovering. Everything else was a blur now. Sam not meeting Red Jack’s gaze, stupid comments from the police, being seen as a fag, Loki getting a headache and real bad nausea…

When keys rattled against the door down the corridor, Red Jack stiffened and sat down on the bench in the cell, trying to look relaxed, but he was listening to every single step, assessing the weight and age of the officer coming his way. He swallowed as the brisk, energetic footsteps came closer, culminating in him seeing the slim feet on the other side of the bars.

“The lewd conduct charge doesn’t really surprise me, but a guy? And I thought I knew you so well, Jack. You’ll fuck anything that moves, won’t you?”

Red Jack smirked and looked up at the tan face of Deputy Paxton. She was wearing jeans and a bomber jacket, her hair gathered into a slightly greasy ponytail. She’d obviously been called over in the middle of the night because of him.

Red Jack shrugged, trying to keep up appearances as they crumbled around him. “A mouth’s a mouth, you know? I was a bit drunk. I’d probably even do
when I’m drunk. Okay, I’d probably drink a few more,” he added, purposefully gliding his gaze over her legs.

Paxton sighed and leaned against the bars, watching him from behind her thick eyelashes. “Jack, you know I reviewed the recording, right? I’m not here to let you make yourself look like an idiot.”

Red Jack stiffened, his neck swelling around his throat as if his own body wanted to strangle him. A recording? When? This was exactly what he never needed. Paxton seeing him suck dick. He couldn’t bear the humiliation, so he looked ahead at the wall with a half smile that even to him felt a bit tight and fake. What exactly had been recorded? The very end? Jack on his knees, sucking cum out of Loki’s ass? It was only by sheer will that he kept his hands from shaking.

Paxton sighed. “You know, I always thought you’re a selfish prick, so I’m really surprised you helped that boy get out early. It kinda explains why you hate women so much.”

Red Jack bristled. “I don’t hate women,” he hissed without looking at her. He did hate
guts though. Always up in his face just ‘cause she had a fucking badge. The clusterfuck with her sister had happened three years ago, and it wasn’t his fault that the bitch got hooked on biker dick. Then again, his cock was kind of amazing, so it was partially his fault.

“Right,” she said in that mocking voice he’d love to just strangle out of her.

“And I didn’t
him. He has cancer, I don’t.”

“And he didn’t go home alone.”

“His car was in a fuckin’ accident, so someone had to take him.” Red Jack finally looked into her eyes, trying to will her away.

“Are you hungry?” she asked out of the blue, completely throwing Red Jack off guard.

He frowned. “No.” What the fuck was this bullshit about?

She shrugged and pulled out a paper bag from her jacket. She opened it and bit into a fresh-looking croissant. “Just thought I’d share. You must be hungry after helping out your boyfriend on the hood of his car. So attentive. He’s lucky to have you.”

. Any appetite Red Jack could have had was gone, replaced by nausea. It was different to say that word to Loki, and different to have fucking Paxton spit it in his face. “It was a one time thing.” He balled his fingers into fists, helpless against the fucking video. Was it even legal to film him? Then again, even if it wasn’t, everyone would see Red Jack of the Coffin Nails give head. Paxton would make sure of that.

Paxton chewed on her croissant and spoke with her mouth full, “I’m not all that against your kind of people. On the force, you get used to a lot of things. If you were the guy working at the corner store, no one would bother getting any incriminating evidence, but you’re one of the reasons so many of our kids get into drugs. I can’t just let this out of my grasp.” Yeah, ‘cause that’s why she wanted to deep fry his ass in hate.

“What? You’re gonna post it on YouTube with a note that drugs make people do gay shit?” He laughed, but sweat beaded on his neck. There needed to be a way out of this.

Paxton continued eating. “No, I’m gonna ask you nicely to answer some of my questions about the Coffin Nails.”

Red Jack took a deep breath. “Okay, okay. Borg tells Candy he loves her brownies, but he really likes the vanilla cupcakes better. There. It’s out of the bag now.”

“Hilarious. It won’t be when your friends find out about your boyfriend. You think they’ll want you as their brother then? Or maybe you want me to show you the video to see if it’s worth it?”

Red Jack got up and cracked his knuckles. His head was spinning out of control. “You know shit about the club.” But deep under his skin, his heart began a ferocious thumping. He was trapped not only in this cell. He was trapped on that tape, trapped in his body, and trapped with his unexpected affection for Loki. When did that last one even start?

“Exactly. That’s why I want us to be friends. I really won’t bite when you’re nice to me.” Paxton smiled and pushed the rest of the croissant into her mouth. Red Jack couldn’t even go with a fucking donut joke now.

He could tell her fucking Loki was a one time thing, but the guys in the club wouldn’t believe that. Everyone knew Loki had been staying with Red Jack for weeks now. How long was it exactly anyway? How long did Loki have left? And even if Red Jack managed to sway the guys, tell them he was on speed and just needed a hole to fuck, they’d push for him to kick Loki out. Otherwise them living together would look suspicious. And he couldn’t leave Loki now, that’s why he needed to make use of all the resources he had.

Red Jack leaned against the bars, close enough to touch Paxton through them. “How
do you want me to be?” he asked in a rasp that always had girls’ panties drenched.

“You don’t do anything for me. And for the record, I don’t like my cocks freckled,” she said casually. “Don’t bother with that. All I want from you is a confession.”

“I confess… to being a sexy stud.” Red Jack shrugged.

“And I like to fuck gay asses, because I’m gay,” mocked Paxton.

Before he could think straight, Red Jack spat at her and reached through the bars, trying to grab her jacket without success. “I’m
a fucking fag!”

“If you don’t want your friends at the Coffin Nails to think so, you will answer all my questions. Both about the guys you work with here
the other chapters,” said Paxton, frowning at Red Jack’s hand, which was uselessly grabbing at air in front of her.

“Fuck you!” His heart was beating so fast it felt like he was about to have a stroke. She had to be bluffing. She

Paxton sighed. “I know this is a lot to take in, so I’ll give you twenty-four hours to have a think about it.”

“You’re a fucking cunt!” Red Jack hit the bars with his arms, desperate not to fall apart in front of her. All his nightmares were coming to life. Meanwhile, she was looking straight at him, her dark eyes calm as always, as if he were a gorilla having a fit in its cage. Dangerous, but manageable when you had a gun on you.

“Okay, let’s make it forty-eight hours. It’s not like you’re gonna turn straight any time soon, right?” She patted the wall with a half smile.

That fucking stung. Red Jack turned his back on her and crossed his arms, trying to cool off. How did he get into this position? For ages, he’d managed the occasional flings with hungry gay mouths. No questions asked, no problems. Loki was supposed to be a temporary thing, and now all Red Jack could think of was how to make what they had last longer.

“I’ll call you in two days. You’re not that bad of a guy, Jack. If you talk, it’ll help the children,” she said, and he wasn’t even sure if she was serious or still mocking him.

If it wasn’t so hard to make a cop just disappear, he’d make her vanish. Not even in a cruel way, just a bullet to the head to have this over with, but that would solve nothing. He had no idea whether the video wouldn’t end up somewhere in the archives, and then there were the cops who had caught him and Loki red-handed. He’d either rat on the club or end up shunned. The club was his life. It was bad enough that his whole family had turned their back on him since his first stay in juvie.

“Think of the children, Jack,” Paxton said on her way out and laughed. The moment she locked the door, he bit his lips hard, but the stinging in his eyes would not subside. He was so deeply fucked it hurt to breathe. The thoughts of Loki vanishing from his life attacked Red Jack with a vengeance, and he put his forehead against the wall. Everyone thought he was just a goof, an asshole, or both. But he had feelings too. Ambitions, needs, desires. He’d lost Keith, Lucy thought he was a douchebag, Sam shacked up with Candy and wasn’t as available anymore, and Red Jack was left surrounded by expensive stuff and filling the void with pussy. Until Loki.

For whatever reason, Loki wanted him and pursued Red Jack like he was the meatiest, juiciest burger, straight off the grill. He’d even gone as far as to brand himself with Red Jack’s name. That was it. There was no holding back after that. It was as if Loki had managed to saw into Jack’s rib cage and squeeze his heart so hard that it started beating for him. He could have theoretically made Loki move away, maybe meet up somewhere in another town, but Loki didn’t have the time to waste, and Red Jack would never want him to be sidelined in his last days. Loki needed care. He kept bleeding in random moments, had those headaches, blackouts, and the problems were progressing. Maybe he’d die within a week, alone and thinking that Red Jack had left him to save his own ass.

Red Jack rubbed his eyes. He would never allow that. And ratting on the club was out of the question as well. In forty-eight hours he’d face the music. Whatever was to happen, he’d take it on the chin. Ratting on the club would not only be a death sentence, he wouldn’t be able to live with himself after betraying the brothers who’d accepted him with open arms.

He tried to lie down to sleep, but his mind raced, keeping him awake until someone entered the corridor again.

“You’re going out early, Dalton. Hope you suck your friend’s balls for bailing you out.”

Red Jack dragged himself up. Fucking Sam. He wasn’t supposed to come back. “Go suck off a donkey,” he groaned at the guard without much energy.

“Nah, you already did it for me,” said the cop, casually following Red Jack down the corridor.

The fucker let Red Jack out, but it was hard to contain his fury over the words. “Carry on, and I might just stay here for assaulting a cop. You might enjoy seeing me stay, but satisfaction isn’t much when your teeth are cracked.”

“I’ll be the one laughing when you end up locked up with no one to protect your gay ass,” said the cop as they entered the main room of the station.

When Red Jack saw Sam’s short mohawk from afar, he decided to shut up. Ignoring the stares and other people gathered in the waiting area, he left the station and walked down the stairs leading to the small parking lot, which was still only lit up with a few streetlights.

Sam turned around with a frown.

“You didn’t need to come,” Red Jack grumbled and put his hands in his pockets once he reached Sam’s car.

“Shut the fuck up and get in.” Sam opened his ride. Red Jack had actually done the paintwork on the thing. Matte black with silver skulls above the back wheels.

“Asshole,” Red Jack said, but got in, completely out of his depth. Even the familiar scent of the leather upholstery couldn’t soothe him now.

Sam hopped into the driver’s seat and started the car. He exhaled and drove away from the station. The longer the silence between them lasted, the more Red Jack could feel the daggers of judgment pushing into his flesh.

“I’m not gay, okay?” he burst out and got himself a cigarette. Enough was enough.

Sam turned to look at him, wide-eyed like a deer in the headlights. His hand must have slipped off the steering wheel, as the car suddenly turned to the left. Sam stiffened and looked ahead, bringing the car back on course. “The fuck? Why are you telling me this?”

Red Jack shuddered, with the ending of his cigarette burning up in the fire from the lighter. “I— What did the cops tell you?”

Sam shook his head, squeezing the wheel hard. “Not a fucking thing. I wanted to ask how you got yourself locked up with Loki. What the fuck did you two do, and why do you fucking feel you need to tell me you’re
not gay
?” he asked with a little tremble at the end.

Red Jack took a long drag of smoke, suddenly realizing Sam didn’t allow anyone to smoke in his car. The poor bastard was probably as freaked out as Red Jack. “This stays between us, yeah?” He desperately needed this out to someone, and if there was one person he could trust not to betray him, it was the man who was always there whenever Red Jack needed him to be.

Sam let out a low exhale. “Yeah.”

Red Jack looked ahead, into the colors of the rising sun far away. “Sometimes you wanna blow off some steam, a bitch gives you the finger, and you can always find a gay guy to suck you. I mean, guys are so easy.”

Sam seemed intent on staring ahead.

Red Jack breathed in half a cigarette in one go. “Whatever, man. Doesn’t matter.”

“Are you fucking Loki?”

“Yeah, but he’s not my cousin!”

that!” hissed Sam through gritted teeth. “You’ve been fucking him all this time?”

“No,” Red Jack mumbled. Sam would never look at him the same way if he knew the truth. “Only some of the time…”

“Fuck you!” yelled Sam. “And you’re lying to me even now? What the actual fuck?”

“I’m not lying!”

Sam inhaled so much air his lungs had to be close to bursting, but he didn’t comment and just drove on.

“What the fuck do you wanna hear, huh? That I’m a fag? That I fuck him all the time? That the cops caught me sucking him off? Why the fuck are you even driving me home? Stop the car. I can walk.”

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