Sex & Mayhem 05 Red Hot (20 page)

Read Sex & Mayhem 05 Red Hot Online

Authors: K.A. Merikan

Tags: #Romance, #erotic, #crime, #Gay, #drugs, #gang, #revenge, #rough, #outlaw, #biker

BOOK: Sex & Mayhem 05 Red Hot
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Chapter 21


Loki sat cross-legged on the hood of his car while Jack talked to Monster. The constant tweeting of birds coming from the branches above him was slowly drilling tiny holes in his skull, only to hack into his brain. Brian was so close it gave Loki shivers, and his eyes hardly strayed from the ruined house at the edge of the woods. Small, with most of the paint gone from the wooden panels of the outer walls and windows blocked with either wood or plastic, it looked oddly similar to Loki’s family home. Though he didn’t remember it in a shape quite so bad.

At least Brian wouldn’t die in a nice place. According to Monster, the guy had fallen completely off the wagon, and even his family didn’t want to have anything to do with his junkie ass. He had been the one straight guy at the scene, and yet he’d still put his dick into Loki several times. And just before they buried him, the bastard had taken a fucking selfie in the makeshift grave, laughing into Loki’s face when he was too weak to move anymore.

Jack had a scowl on his face that seemed to be a permanent fixture. Loki hated the way Jack wouldn’t look into his eyes anymore, it hurt more than the throbbing under Loki’s skull.

“Let’s go,” Jack said and waved at Loki, as Monster led the way.

Loki slid off the hood and ran after them with his heart in his throat. Brian found being buried alive so funny? Maybe he should get a taste of his own medicine then? Die a slow death in a casket buried six feet under. Would Jack let Loki use his knife? Loki would love to have a try at carving, too.

Jack pulled out his gun, but as he began moving slower, Monster dismissed him with a short hand gesture.

“He’s drugged up to his eyeballs, he won’t hear us,” Monster said and was the first one to enter the house.

“How long until he sobers up?” whispered Loki, standing next to Jack and looking up at him. The moldy, wet smell of the building mixed with the awful tang of urine made Loki hold his breath.

Jack shrugged, glancing at Brian curled up on the filthy couch in the corner. He looked like shit, pale, with scabs at his mouth and matted hair, but before Loki could absorb the whole picture, Jack stepped forward. “Does it matter?” He pointed the gun at the sofa, and Loki yelped, but it was too late. Jack pulled the trigger, splattering Brian’s brain over the wall.

It was like a punch in the gut. “No! No! He didn’t deserve to have a peaceful fucking death in his sleep!” yelled Loki, staring at Jack, with hurt pulling at his heart. Jack knew how much this meant to him. He’d practically torn Ted apart, and now he was okay with just blowing up Brian’s skull?

Jack tensed, and still wouldn’t look Loki in the eye. “You wanted him dead.”

Having this conversation with Monster’s cold eyes watching was the last thing Loki wanted, but he couldn’t keep his mouth shut.

“Not like this! You know this! You know what he did!” yelled Loki, balling his hands into fists. His chest was bursting with anger, and it kept coming in rapid waves. He felt betrayed. Helping him find closure was yet another chore for Jack.

Jack put away his gun and slid his hands into his pockets with a scowl. The silence from him was only making the whole thing worse. Even if he did regret shooting Brian like he did, it was too damn late. No matter how much Loki would tear into Brian’s body with a knife, it was all it was now, a dead body. He might as well carve up a pig carcass and have the same effect. Still, he rushed over the dirt-caked floor and pulled on Brian’s hoodie. The fucker rolled to the floor like a rag doll, and bits of bloody tissue sprinkled Loki’s shoes.

“No... you disgusting fuck!”

It was only now that Jack cleared his throat and came up from the back to pull on Loki’s T-shirt. “Leave it.”

Loki shoved him away and bared his teeth. “Let go!”

Jack stepped back and sighed. “Don’t you want this over with?” He finally met Loki’s gaze, but he didn’t sound like he believed his own words, which made his attempts at convincing Loki quite useless.

“You put him down like a dog, with fucking tranquilizers in his blood so that nothing hurts! And it should hurt! He didn’t even know I came for him!”

“I’m sorry,” Jack muttered in the end. “My head hurts.”

Loki exhaled, staring at Jack as his own body slowly deflated. Was this an adequate response to how Jack felt about Loki making a move on him the night before? Was Jack really so hurt? “You should lie down.”

“Yeah, do that,” said Monster, suddenly reminding them both he was still there. He put a gas can on the floor and stretched. “I need to get moving.”

Jack scratched his forehead and looked at Brian’s body with a tight scowl.

“Thanks,” muttered Loki and walked past Monster, eager to breathe the pine-scented air outside. Only now did he look down at his sneakers, and he wiped them on a patch of moss. His chest felt empty and heavy at the same time. Two down, three to go.

“We’ll be waiting for your next call,” Loki heard Jack say to Monster, but he already rushed toward his car, as if Jack pushed him. The rift between them was only growing, and Loki was slowly becoming desperate. What if Jack never forgave him? What if in his mind Loki just trying something new in bed was a betrayal of trust, an assault?

Jack went back to his bike without a word, but didn’t mount it, fiddling with something on his seat. Loki didn’t shut the door of his car right away after getting in He watched the broad back, the fiery hair, the big hand resting on the bitch seat of the motorcycle. He wanted to say something, but then again, clearly, Jack didn’t want to have anything to do with him at this point. It hurt Loki to even look at the vacant space between them. He wanted back on that bitch seat, and he knew exactly how to show his commitment to Jack.

He started the car with a new sense of purpose.



Chapter 22


Red Jack sat on the beach, smoking a cigarette. The freedom of watching the dark gray sky above the ocean as the waves whispered into his ear was one of the reasons why Red Jack had invested in this house. Sometimes he enjoyed getting smashed, fucking, playing video games, but other times—all he wanted was a bit of peace and quiet, far away from anyone who’d bother him. Only right now, the faint buzz from the road nearby wasn’t enough, and both the beach and the house seemed too deserted. Red Jack needed to cool off, so he had even gone for a quick dip in the ocean before. Not because of the killing. That was easy-peasy in comparison to what he had to deal with now.

Loki didn’t come home after the murder. He also stopped answering Red Jack’s calls. At first, Red Jack was pissed off and thought this was just some mindfuck Loki-style, but after the five voice messages and ten hours without a reply, he was getting worried. The moon was laughing into his face. A few weeks with Loki around, and an empty house felt weird, as if something important was missing. And now that Red Jack had already slept off his hangover in the afternoon, he couldn’t even fall asleep and stop worrying for the damn pest.

He made one more call as he finished his cigarette and got up from the sand when no one answered. Again. Back in the house, Red Jack half expected to find Loki sitting there on the couch and playing Xbox with no shirt on, as if nothing had happened, but he found the living room empty.

Red Jack went over to the fridge for a beer but stopped before opening the door and stared at Loki’s bucket list. ‘Fucking Red Jack’s ass’ was crossed out with a marker so black, it was not readable anymore, but Red Jack knew what was underneath the thick lines, and that knowledge was biting deep into his guts.

There was something about a dick sliding against his ass that created a reaction so visceral it was hard to breathe. But after Loki disappearing for so many hours, Red Jack would put out just to have him back safe at home. How stupid was that? Loki pursued Red Jack with so much ferocity that it felt weird to have all that interest removed. Maybe bottoming wouldn’t be that bad? Loki seemed to love it, and Red Jack had already discovered that giving blow jobs wasn’t unpleasant either. Surely, Red Jack could bear it that one time. It wasn’t like anyone would know he’d done it. A secret between him and Loki.

The longer all those questions floated through his brain, the more agitated he became. What if the outcry against the assfuck, plus the shitty way of killing Brian was too much for Loki to handle, and he had simply decided Red Jack was too much hassle to deal with and a waste of the precious time he had left?

Red Jack dropped to the couch and switched on the TV, but no matter how much he changed the channels, nothing caught his attention for long enough. It was just so much more fun with Loki hanging around in the living room, whether for a fuck, sleeping, or watching TV together.

Red Jack’s phone buzzed, and he stalled for a second, staring at it in disbelief. Loki’s name was on the screen, bringing a whole wave of conflicting feelings. He didn’t even care to wait a few rings to seem casual.

“Where are you?” was the first thing blurting out of his mouth.

For a horrible moment, all he heard was rustling and creaks, but eventually, Loki’s voice came through. “I had an accident.”

“What?” Red Jack squeezed the phone so hard he was afraid he’d crush it. He jumped to his feet, with his heart up his throat already. “What the fuck? Where are you? What kind of accident? Are you hurt?” Questions flooded out of him as he rushed toward the door. “Why are you such a fucking idiot? Wait, I’ll be right there. Where are you?”

“On that road between Vinhamville and Green Park, the one with the giant white cow sculpture. I didn’t break anything, I think.” Loki exhaled. “There’s a dent in my car. It’s pretty shitty.”

“Fucking… fuck!” Red Jack envisioned Loki sitting there in his car with broken ribs and a head fracture that he couldn’t assess because of shock. His heart was beating so hard he could barely breathe. “Wait there, okay? Don’t move. Should I call an ambulance?” He darted out the door and straight for his bike.

“No, I don’t think it’s that bad. And I’m not sure I’m still insured.”

Red Jack screamed, unable to contain himself. “You stupid fuck! Who cares? If you need to go to a hospital, you’ll go. I can’t believe this shit. See you soon.” He turned off the phone and started his bike with a squeak of tires.

Loki had the accident on a small sideroad near a weird touristy attraction no one ever visited at night, so had Loki not taken his cell phone, he might as well not have gotten any help for hours. There were no streetlights by the Mad Cow Road, and so Jack drove on slowly, surveying the space between bushes and trees in the white glow of his headlight. He passed several houses scattered along the way, but so far, there was no sign of the battered Dodge. It was getting harder to breathe as Red Jack rode on, farther away from civilization, and he wondered how long it had already taken. Maybe it would have been wise to call an ambulance, just in case, because if Loki was injured, then Red Jack was wasting valuable time. It was only as he rushed past Loki’s car that he noticed the dark shape between the bushes.

Red Jack turned around so sharply he almost fell off his bike. He parked off the road and rushed for the car.


The door at the driver’s side popped open and Loki’s face emerged into the moonlight. Red Jack stiffened at the red smudge that trickled down Loki’s left eye, but the initial panic died down when he realized it must have come from a cut in Loki’s brow.


“Fuck! Are you okay?” Red Jack ran up to Loki and patted him down in a blind attempt at finding injuries. He didn’t know shit about medicine but all of a sudden, he wanted to go to med school, and become a doctor, and have
all the knowledge

Loki held on to Red Jack’s arm, leaning forward and resting on the steering wheel. He was a bit doe-eyed, possibly still in shock after the accident. “I blacked out and hit the tree, but I think I pressed on the brake, so it’s not as bad as it could have been.”

blacked out
? Is that the tumor?” Red Jack swallowed, drawn to Loki’s eyes as if they were two shots of vodka.

Loki gave him a small nod.

“Come on, I’ll get you home and send someone for the car later.” Red Jack pulled on Loki’s arm, afraid that if he let go, Loki would collapse and hurt himself further. He turned on the light in his bike again, to have a better look at him, just in case Loki was bleeding or broke something. But as Red Jack had a better look at him, it became clear there were no serious wounds anywhere, and he started gradually relaxing. He found it hard to take his hands off Loki once he touched him, and all of a sudden, their eyes met, making Red Jack realize how awkward the silence was.

Loki spoke before Red Jack made the decision to pull away. “I have something for you.”

“This better be good.”

Loki grinned, stretching his body with the shadow of a grimace rushing across his face. “It will be,” he said, pulling up his T-shirt.

Red Jack swallowed at the sight of a chest that had made him agree to meet Loki in the first place. The tats on his arms and pecs, combined with the long hair and toned abs had made that decision a no-brainer, but when Loki turned around, showing off a fresh tattoo that took up most of his back, Red Jack’s mouth went dry. Under the layer of transparent foil secured with white tape were large letters with an outline for a larger design on the bottom right. But it wasn’t the tattoo itself that shocked Red Jack. It was what it read.

Property of Red Jack.

He reached out to Loki’s shoulder, suddenly unable to think straight. “It’s the outlaw who chooses their property…” he whispered, but trailed the thin layer of plastic with his fingertips. He was hot. He was cold. Loki couldn’t have been more permanently his than this.

Loki leaned into the touch. “Yeah, but I’m a stalker, remember?”

“You’re out of your mind. If someone sees this…” Red Jack breathed in the cool evening air and got chills at the thought of what would happen, yet he knew he wouldn’t tell Loki to cover it up with more ink. He wanted to look at that tattoo every time he fucked Loki’s sweet, tight ass, a reminder that Loki wished to be his and his only.

“I won’t be taking off my shirt.” Loki peeked back at Red Jack and squeezed his fingers with one hand. “I want to try and finish the whole thing if I can.”

Red Jack leaned in and kissed the back of Loki’s ear, gently pushing him onto the hood of the car. “So you wanna be my property?” he rasped, overwhelmed by the whole concept of possessing someone so completely. He never wanted to before, but now that he saw Loki carrying his name, it seemed like the most natural thing in the world.

Loki gasped, pushing back into Red Jack. His dark hair tickled Red Jack’s cheek as Loki turned his face back for a kiss. “I wanna die your property.”

“Even better, you’re gonna die with my cum in you,” Red Jack hissed and leaned down to lick Loki’s lips.

A soft laugh left Loki’s mouth. He arched his ass back, brushing it against Jack’s crotch. The tattoo was so blunt in what it communicated, so brilliantly visible in the headlight of Red Jack’s bike. “Yeah? That’s kinda kinky. I like it.”

Red Jack pushed him down to the hood, grinding against his ass, already so hard he was aching to unzip his jeans. “You won’t be going anywhere, since you’re my property now. You have to always tell me where you are.” He gripped Loki’s hips, enjoying the slow buildup, the heat of the blood rapidly pumping through his body.

Loki obediently flattened his torso against the hood, but he turned his head to the side so he could look back. “Yes, Jack,” he whispered in a rasp so delicious Red Jack wanted to kiss that sweetness out of him.

“Oh, yeah? Since when are you so fucking obedient, huh?” He slid his hands up the sides of Loki’s body and pulled his wild black hair aside, uncovering the delicate nape. All of that gorgeous flesh was offered to him to use however he pleased.

Loki smiled, spreading his legs farther apart. “I think I might make you love me back that way.”

Red Jack’s heart skipped a beat, but he wasn’t about to let Loki know. He backed away enough to give Loki’s ass a smack. “Dream on.” Yet deep down, he knew it wasn’t just
having fun

Loki yelped and rose to his toes, tantalizingly dragging his buttocks over the front of Red Jack’s jeans.

“Pull your pants down.” Red Jack’s breath was becoming shallower as he watched Loki’s body in the light from the motorcycle. “I’ll show you how an outlaw fucks his property.” He stepped back and opened his fly to pull out his raging erection. All he could think of was burying it in the hot tight body that was marked with his name. Not on a vest that could be tossed away any time. On skin.

Loki whimpered and clumsily fumbled with his belt. Within a few seconds, he pushed down his jeans with so much haste it looked like he was burning for touch just as much as Red Jack was.

“Get your ass ready for my cock.” Red Jack pulled out a small packet of lube and put it on the hood by Loki’s face. He kept running his fingers around the tattoo on Loki’s back, and stroked himself with the other hand. His mind rang in protest that he had to touch the ink through the plastic film. He wanted to rip it off and kiss the tiny wounds left by the needle, lap at each letter, but he wouldn’t do that for Loki’s sake. The tattoo needed to heal first.

Ridges of the scarification covered the other, undesired, scars underneath, but Red Jack’s name was inked over all of that. Most important and truly diminishing all the hurt Mozer had inflicted on Loki. Red Jack would be there and shield him from any pain.

Loki grabbed the packet of lube and ripped it with his teeth. “Will you fuck me hard?” he asked, quickly pushing two fingers down his crack. They left behind a slick sheen as Loki pulled his fingertips back and forth over his hole. It was just too much temptation. Red Jack rubbed his cockhead over the side of Loki’s ass, gasping with the intense pleasure of it.

If only Red Jack had enough focus, he’d pull out his phone and film this, but it had to go to the spank bank in his mind instead. Loki, so eager for him that he lubed himself up, stirring his ass against Jack. “I’m gonna bury my dick in you until you scream.” He reached up to Loki’s hair and twisted it around his hand.

Loki moaned and pushed the digits inside, all the way to the knuckle. “Gonna scream very soon...”

“You’re such a horny fuck. I love how you’re always ready for me. Mouth always open, legs always spread.” Red Jack’s skin was hot with the arousal coursing in his veins. If he ever fell in love with a woman, she would probably be a dirty, horny slut who’d want sex as much as he did. It couldn’t work any other way.

“I’m a very, very dirty guy,” chuckled Loki, swirling the fingers in his hole, riding them with those fervent, tiny movements Red Jack loved to see him do.

“Pull them out,” Red Jack hissed and gave Loki’s ass a slap. “My dick’s dripping with cum that belongs inside you. I will make you so fucking filthy every day.”

Loki opened his eyes and grinned at Red Jack but didn’t do as he was told.

“Oh, you bastard. That’s a bad start for a property.” He groaned and pulled on Loki's hair, but had to let go of his own dick to grab Loki's arm, petting the smooth skin with his thumb. "You better listen to your boyfriend, you damn pest!"

Loki shuddered and finally gave in, vacating his gorgeous, oiled-up ass. Red Jack wouldn’t waste a second, driving his cockhead right into that inviting hole. The way the sphincter gripped him squeezed out a moan and precum all at once.

Red Jack held Loki’s hair in one hand, and once his dick was in, he focused on the words adorning Loki’s back. No one had ever wanted to be his the way Loki did, no one had ever thought he was worthy of this kind of commitment. “You know what else you don’t do?” he asked as he began a slow rhythm with his hips, pumping his dick inside, already fantasizing about how his cum would fill Loki’s insides and ooze down his balls once Red Jack pulled out.

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