Sex at Dawn: The Prehistoric Origins of Modern Sexuality (54 page)

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Authors: Christopher Ryan,Cacilda Jethá

Tags: #Non-Fiction, #Sociology, #Psychology, #Science, #Social Science; Science; Psychology & Psychiatry, #History

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monotony and, 293–96

as natural, 5, 34, 41, 47, 134–37

serial, 299–300

sperm competition and, 228, 239

Montagnais Indians, 107, 174

Montaigne, Michel, 233

Moral Animal, The
(Wright), 52–53, 270

Morgan, Lewis Henry, 42–45, 72, 110, 112

Mormon crickets
(Anabrus simplex),

Morris, Desmond, 7, 93, 97, 108–9, 116

Most Dangerous Animal, The
(Smith), 186

Mosuo, 126–32, 131, 134

mothers, 105–12, 128

single, 26, 49, 310

surrogate, 107

Mothers and Others
(Hrdy), 106

Mozambique, 120, 202–3

Mr. Darwin’s Shooter
(McDonald), 26

multimale-multifemale mating systems, 45,

murder, 127, 187, 194

Murderer Next Door, The
(Buss), 23

Murdock, George, 117

Muria, 285

Murngin, 184–85,
184, 331n

mushroom, stinkhorn
(Phallus ravenelii),

music, 86, 146–47, 315n, 320n

myth, 32, 33–34, 50, 167

Greek, 39–40, 228

Naked Ape, The
(Morris), 97

Namowei, 195

Native Americans, 327n, 333n–34n

conical-head shaping of, 140, 140, 141, 325
natural selection, 33, 35–36, 42, 51, 99, 155, 223, 238, 316

“natural” vs. “unnatural,” 22–23, 117–18

227, 241

Nayar, 122

NBC Nightly News,

Neanderthals, 327

Nebraska, taping sex in, 283

necks, elongation of,

New Guinea, 91

New Orleans Medical & Surgical Journal,
249, 286

Newsweek, 305

New Yorker,
117, 204

New York Times,
5, 161, 168, 201–2, 209, 273

Nigerians, 144

Nikah Misyar
(traveler’s marriage), 119–20

Nikah Mut’ah
(marriage for pleasure), 120

(Orwell), 147

nipples, male, 341

Nixon, Richard, 194

Nolan, Patrick, 191

nonpossessiveness, 93, 126–27

North America, 159, 241

novelty, sexual, 288–300, 345

nymphomania, 251, 285

(Margolis), 251–52

Ohio, University of, 21

On Human Nature
(Wilson), 37

On the Origin of Species
(C. Darwin), 27, 36, 245

Oppenheimer, Frank, 93

oral sex, 283, 344

orangutans, 1, 61, 62,
63, 115, 187, 215, 221,

sperm competition and,


female, 10, 13, 28, 245, 247–51, 255–58, 262–64, 266–68, 274, 294, 340
health and, 238

male, 10, 13, 263–64, 267, 268, 274, 341
multiple, 10, 13, 342

oxytocin and, 215

simultaneous, 341n–42n

“Original Affluent Society, The” (Sahlins), 176

Origins of Virtue, The
(Ridley), 177

Orwell, George, 147, 158

Ostrom, Elinor, 170

Our Inner Ape
(de Waal), 75

ovulation, 8, 57, 85, 116,
227, 239, 274–75

age of menarche and, 159

in chimps, 69

concealed, 35, 48, 58–60, 69, 102, 262, 321
copulation calls and, 257

Oxford University, 157

oxytocin, 72, 215

pair bonds, 7–8, 34, 59, 73–77, 85, 101, 111, 115–19, 136, 216–17

long-term, 11, 73, 75, 118, 262–63

Papua New Guinea, 159, 185, 331n

Paraguay, 91–92, 119

paraphilias, 280–81

parental investment:

female, 42, 49, 53

male, 7, 13, 26, 35, 48, 49, 51–55, 126, 128, 322n
Parental Investment and Sexual Selection
(Trivers), 115–16

Parker, Geoffrey, 220

Patanowateri, 195

paternity, 94, 235, 265

partible, 90–91, 103, 108, 340n

paternity certainty, 8, 15, 49, 54, 56, 99, 104, 124–37, 149

genetics and, 25, 54, 56, 141

patriarchy, 131–34, 254

peacefulness, 102, 178, 179, 210–11, 212, 317
pedophilia, 280–81

Penang, xi-xiii

penguins, 134–35

penis, 12, 30, 140, 215, 222, 223,
233–43, 266, 286, 288

size of,
235–36, 235, 252, 253, 339
Perel, Esther, 307, 309

perfume, 57, 262

Peter Pan Complex, 5

Peterson, Dale, 65, 186, 187, 332n

pheromones, 346

Pinker, Steven, 28, 49, 183–85, 184, 192, 194, 210, 255, 317

Pirahã, 121

plasticity, erotic, 272–81

pleasure, sexual, 6, 59, 85, 284, 285, 320
of males vs. females, 39–40, 47, 304

quantity vs. quality of, 40

plethysmographs, 273

Plotz, David, 163

politics, 176–81, 211, 217

hierarchy and, 9, 143

Pollan, Michael, 335n

Pollock, Donald, 94
105, 125–26

Polo, Marco, 127, 130

Polonius, 305

polyamorous families, 305–6, 310

polyandry, 43, 222, 225

polygamy, 28

polygyny, 11, 28, 43,
217–18, 219, 222–23, 240, 242, 245, 263, 344

mating calls and, 256, 257

Polynesia, 108–9

population growth, 9, 33, 154–56, 156, 158–60, 169, 328n foragers and, 156, 159, 190, 326n, 327
land and, 203–4

war and, 191, 193, 203

pornography, 5, 7, 12, 231–32, 276–77, 292, 299, 338
child, 283

money made from, 3, 315n

positron emission tomography (PET), 274

Potts, Richard, 214

poverty, 21, 33, 154, 160–65, 169, 207, 210, 342
Power, Margaret, 187–90, 333

Power of Scale, The
(Bodley), 171–72

prairie vole, 135–36, 137, 324

pregnancy, 7, 49, 56, 58, 59, 77, 107, 237, 260, 275, 328

of chimps, 70

conception and, 90–91

demons and, 252, 253

prehistory, defined, 27

Prehistory of Sex, The
(Taylor), 14

Prescott, James, 284

Presley, Elvis, 86

Pretty Woman,

Prisoner’s Dilemma, 167–68, 170

private property, 9, 11–15, 87, 143

prolactin, 267

promiscuity, 98–101, 142, 224, 227, 257, 259, 268, 337n body-size dimorphism and, 217–18

of bonobos, 64, 75, 126, 217–18

defined, 44

of humans, 11, 12–13, 43, 44–45, 179,
241, 246, 250, 259, 265, 294–95

property, 163

of foragers, 162, 176, 190

private, 9, 11–15, 87, 143

prostate cancer, 238

prostitutes, 28, 29, 50, 56, 114, 120, 125, 141, 221, 250, 258

protection, 6, 7, 8, 49, 50, 51, 54, 57, 59, 99, 140, 149

Protestant work ethic, 53

psychic unity of humankind, 115

psychology, 12, 106, 172

confirmation bias and, 117

evolutionary psychology
Psychopathia Sexualis
(Krafft-Ebing), 249–50

punishment, 83–84, 95, 97–98, 253, 286, 338n Pusey, Anne, 69, 264

Quadagno, David, 289

Quaestiones super Viaticum
(Peter of Spain), 40

Queen’s University (Belfast), 238

Ramusen, Knud, 121

rape, 38, 64, 95, 127, 186–87, 253

Reid, D. P., 344n

Reiner, Rob, 341n

religion, 27, 34, 35, 96, 109, 119–20, 315n Rembrandt, 63

Rent a Rasta,
289, 345n

repetitive microsatellite, 72

repression, sexual, 47, 277, 287

reproduction, 14, 38, 53,
85, 86–87, 99, 149, 166, 215, 326n

bonobos and, 63, 64

of gibbons, 64

rape and, 187

rates of, 154

resources and, 158

sperm competition in, 229

reproductive tract, female, 220

sperm welcome in, 264–67

vacuum in, 235

resources, 76, 100, 166, 176

communally owned, 169–70,

competition for, 158

depletion of, 158, 159

male, 7, 50, 54–57, 59, 142

reticence, female, 27, 38–42, 51, 96, 221, 229, 254, 258–59, 266

Reuters, 119–20, 197

Ridley, Matt, 34, 154, 177, 217, 326n

Roberts, Julia, 50

Rochester, University of, 237

Rock, Chris, 290, 291

rock and roll, 86, 320n

Rolling Stone,
146, 147

Romance on the Road
(Belliveau), 289

Rome, ancient, 95–96, 124–25, 191, 233

Romer, Roy, 310–11

Roseto, 162, 328n

Roughgarden, Joan, 26, 117, 316n

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 32–33, 69, 87, 167, 170, 322n r-selected species, 326n

Ryan, Meg, 256

Sagan, Dorian, 227

Sahlins, Marshall, 161, 162–63, 176, 195

Saletan, William, 21, 107

Salovey, Peter, 144–45

Samoans, 321n

Sanday, Peggy Reeves, 132–33, 324n

Sapolsky, Robert, 65, 72, 178–79

SARS, 207

Sartre, Jean Paul, 84

Saudi Arabia, 119–20

Savage, Dan, 231, 304

Savage-Rumbaugh, Sue, 330n

Scheper-Hughes, Nancy, 203

Schiebinger, Londa, 316n–17n

Schopenhauer, Arthur, 29, 46, 281

34, 169, 216–17

science, politics and, 211

scrotum, 220, 236–37, 243, 339n

security, sex and, 38–39, 93

“seeds of confusion” theory, 59–60

Seinfeld, Jerry, 47, 288

self-interest, 9, 38, 100, 117, 133, 139, 141, 166, 181, 316n of economic man, 167

Selfish Gene, The
(Dawkins), 166, 177

selfishness, 166, 169, 177, 211–12, 328n semen, 90–91, 105, 124, 228,
234, 235, 236, 238, 267, 339n

depletion of, 250, 340n

Semple, Stuart, 256–57

Seneca, 42–43

Senters, Todd, 283

sex changes, 281–82

sexual dysfunction, 2–3

Sexual Fluidity
(L. Diamond), 278

sexual intercourse, 12, 85, 90–91, 124, 242, 247, 283, 286, 295

with demons, 252

duration of, 236,

positions for, 77,


thrusting action in, 234–35, 243

Sexual Life in Ancient Rome
(Kiefer), 124–25

sexual selection, 26, 34, 39, 42, 54–55, 221, 225, 266, 316n postcopulatory, 343n

Roughgarden’s views on, 117

Shackelford, Todd, 338n

shame, 12, 54, 82, 96, 122, 129, 167, 170, 172

sharing, 6, 9, 11–12, 59, 99–100, 102, 177

of food,
food, sharing of

of mates, 12, 121, 137, 141, 146

Shaw, George Bernard, 155, 172, 211

sheep, 272, 280

shelter, 49, 81, 176, 302

Sherfey, Mary Jane, 254, 268, 342n

Shia Muslims, 120

Short, Roger, 227, 234

Sick Societies
(Edgerton), 23, 192

sin, original, 35, 82

Singer, Peter, 335n

single mothers, 26, 49, 310

single-parent families, 4, 300

Sioux (Lakota), 334n

Siriono, 121, 145, 302, 21, 107

slaves, 14, 37, 118, 192, 254

Sledge, Percy, 146

sleep, 176, 208, 296, 346n

Small, Meredith, 96, 116, 257, 261, 266

smallpox, 206, 207,

smell, 262, 275, 298–99, 345n

Smith, Adam, 166, 177, 328n–29n

Smith, David Livingstone, 158, 186, 332n
Soccer Tribe, The
(Morris), 93

social behavior, 83–88

social Darwinists, 35–36

societies, map of,

Society without Fathers or Husbands, A
(Cai Hua), 129

(Wilson), 36, 37

Socio-Erotic Exchanges (S.E.Ex.), 93–98, 138–39

Socrates, 163

Somé, Malidoma Patrice, 105–6, 128

Song of Myself
(Whitman), 271

soul, feminine, 271–79

South Pacific, 96, 263, 321n, 344n

soy products, 237, 242

Spears, Britney, 284

Speculum Doctrinale
(Vincent of Beauvais), 121–22

Spencer, Herbert, 35

sperm, 12, 53, 227–30, 234–41, 252, 264–67

sperm competition, 220–23, 225, 228–32, 236, 240, 242, 243, 259, 264, 265, 338

copulation calls and, 257, 258

copulatory plug and, 234

among great apes,

monogamy and, 228, 239

sperm count, 237

Sponsel, Leslie, 193, 196–97

Sprague, Joey, 289

Squire, Susan, 300, 304

standard narrative, 7–8, 11, 15, 25, 34–35, 46–60, 64, 149, 223, 266, 300

assumptions of, 99, 137, 142

of evolutionary psychology, 38–39, 48–53

extended sexual receptivity and

concealed ovulation in, 48, 58–60

female libido in, 38–39, 47–58

female orgasm in, 262–63

male parental investment in, 7, 13, 26, 35, 48, 49, 51–55, 126, 128, 322

paternity certainty in, 48, 55–58, 124–37, 142

sexual economics and, 48–51

sexual jealousy in, 35, 48, 55–58, 92, 142

testicles and, 227

war between the sexes in, 269–70

Stanford, Craig, 67

starvation, 164–65, 173, 203, 204

status, 52

of bonobos, 71

of children, 148

female, 9, 14, 57, 71, 132

male, 38, 49, 50, 55,
99, 101, 257, 265

Sting, 147

Stone Age Economics
(Sahlins), 162–63

straight men, 276–77

erotic plasticity and, 272, 273

stress, 72, 208–10, 296, 336
stroke, 162, 210

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