Sex at Dawn: The Prehistoric Origins of Modern Sexuality (53 page)

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Authors: Christopher Ryan,Cacilda Jethá

Tags: #Non-Fiction, #Sociology, #Psychology, #Science, #Social Science; Science; Psychology & Psychiatry, #History

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Gebusi, 184–85,

Gekko, Gordon, 152

generosity, 54, 68, 70, 72, 76, 139, 163, 167, 177, 212

genetic economics of sex, 49

genetics, genes, 26, 36, 37–38, 54, 57, 94
107, 293

compatibility and, 264–65, 276

egalitarianism and, 100–101

as legacy, 49, 56

male vs. female agenda and, 25

meme compared with, 166

monogamy, 324

paternity certainty and, 25, 54, 56, 141

genital echo theory, 260, 337

genital-genital (G-G) rubbing,

genital mutilation, 250–51, 253

genitals, male, 84, 215

see also
penis; scrotum; testicles geophagy, 328

Georgia, oral sex in, 283, 344
Gere, Richard, 50

Germany, 111

Getz, Lowell L., 136

Ghiglieri, Michael, 116, 189

gibbons, 1, 62,
63, 66, 221, 223,
236, 242

(Hylobates concolor),
body-size dimorphism and, 216, 219

monogamy of, 62, 64,
66, 224,
246, 263, 268, 339n penis of, 234

Gibran, Kahlil, 105

Gladwell, Malcolm, 171

goats, 272, 280

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 113, 303

Goldberg, Steven, 132–33, 324n

Gombe, 67, 187–88, 268, 333n

gonorrhea, 250

Good, Kenneth, 195, 197, 334n

Goodall, Jane, 65, 67, 116, 183, 187–90, 193, 268

Good Natured
(de Waal), 333n

gorillas, 1, 10, 61, 62, 62, 63, 71, 187, 221–27,
239, 242, 337n

body-size dimorphism and, 215, 216

copulation duration in, 236,

“Silverback” male, 66, 222

sperm competition and,

testicles of, 222, 223, 225, 226–27

Gould, Stephen Jay, 61, 71, 214, 226, 263–64

Gould, Terry, 308

Gowaty, Patricia Adair, 136

Gowdy, John, 166, 180, 181

Graham, Sylvester, 287–88

grandmothers, 107

gratitude, 92

Great Britain, 21–22, 247, 303

Greece, 175

greed, 153, 166, 167

Greeks, ancient, 39–40, 95, 228

Gregor, Thomas, 103

group leveling, 93

group marriage (the primal horde; omnigamy), 43–44, 72, 112

groups, 9–12, 83, 93–97, 315n

cohesion of, 93–96, 102, 103, 139

conflict reduction in, 139

sharing of, 99–100

size of, 170–71, 190–91, 223

group sex, 12, 29, 124, 137, 231–32, 278

Guevara, Che, 307

H1N1 (swine flu), 208

Hadza, 205, 323n

Haggard, Ted, 3, 307

Haiti, 345n

Hamilton, Clive, 161

Hamilton, William J., 257–58

Hamilton Beach Company, 248

(Shakespeare), 305

Hamm, Jon, 317n

Hansbury, Griffin, 281–82

happiness, 47, 52–53, 113

Hardin, Garrett, 169–70

Hare, Brian, 68

harems, 217, 218, 222–23

Harpending, Harry, 226

Harris, Christine, 144

Harris, Marvin, 63, 90, 171, 175, 176, 229

Harris lines, 173

Harrison, Laird, 306

Harvey, William, 246

Haselton, Martie, 262

Hawkes, John, 327n–28n

Hawkesworth, James, 95

Heading South,

health, 173–74, 175, 202, 206–8, 211, 238, 276

see also

Health and Diseases of Women, The,


heart disease, 162, 206, 209, 210, 238, 297–98

height, 200–201

Hendrix, Jimmi, 307

Hepburn, Katharine, xi

Hera, 39–40

Heracles, 228

Herzog, Werner, 135

He’s Just Not Up for It Anymore, 295

hierarchy, 179, 218

of bonobos, 71

of chimps, 66, 67, 68

of humans, 9, 68, 76, 143, 190

Hierarchy in the Forest
(Boehm), 179

Highmore, Nathaniel, 247

h’ik’al, 253

Hill, Kim, 92, 320n

Hinduism, 97

Hippocrates, 247

Hobbes, Thomas, 27, 32, 33, 151, 156–60, 172, 173

chimpanzees and, 64, 65, 69, 76

solitariness and, 27, 32, 87, 88, 151, 160

Holmberg, Allan, 145, 302

Holt’s Diseases of Infancy and Childhood,

Homo economicus,

Homo erectus,
10, 327

103–4, 247, 302, 306–7, 309, 316
erotic plasticity and, 272, 273

sex drive, desire and, 276–77

suicide and, 282

Hooker, Joseph, 222

Houghton, Walter, 29

Hrdy, Sarah Blaffer, 59–60, 106, 138, 221, 253, 305, 337
Human Animal, The,

Hume, David, 61

Hungry Planet
(Menzel and D’Aluisio), 21


Hurtado, M., 320n

hypersexuality, 12, 85–87, 97

hypoplasias, 173

hyposexuality, 85

hysteria, 247–48, 250, 251

Ice Storm, The,

identity, collective, 87–88

I Don’t
(Squire), 300

Illinois Valley, Dickson Mounds in, 173–74

immunological compatibility, 264, 275

incest, 293

India, 122, 204, 285

Indian Council of Medical Research, 241

Indonesia, 132–33

infanticide, 64,
111, 187, 203–4

infant mortality, 174, 201–4, 322

infants, 284, 293

infertility, 100, 238, 240

infidelity, emotional, 144–45

male, 55–56, 142, 144

infidelity, sexual, 7, 144–45, 303, 325n female, 8, 55, 56, 141, 142, 228, 229

Inquisition, 3, 254

insects, 21, 22, 209

Insel, Thomas, 136, 324

intelligence, 68, 84, 179

In the Next Room
(Ruhl), 340n


emotional, 2, 55–56, 142, 278, 289, 304

sexual, 7, 23, 289, 304

Inuit, 121

Invisible Sex, The,

Iphicles, 228

Iran, adultery in, 97

Ireland, 169–70

Iroquois, 42–43

Islam, 97, 119–20, 344

Ismail the Bloodthirsty, 218

Italian immigrants, 162

Ivory Coast, 67, 70

Jacob, 233

Jamaica, 289, 345

Japan, 210, 241, 289, 338
Jaynes, Julian, 303

jazz, jism, 86, 320n

jealousy, 10, 23, 64, 129, 138–47

Buss’s study of, 55, 141–45

fear and, 147–48

female, 55–56, 142

lack of, 92, 93

male, 35, 55, 56, 57, 92, 93, 141, 142

Jefferson Airplane, 307

Jethá, Cacilda, 120, 202

jewelry, 57, 262, 321n

Jivaro, 184–85,

Johanowicz, Denise, 178

John Paul II, Pope, 3

Johnson, Eric Michael, 72, 97–98

Johnson, Virginia, 294

John XXI, Pope (Peter of Spain), 40

Jones, Ernest, 288

Judaism, 97

Jung, Carl, 293

Kalahari Desert, 175, 176

Kama Sutra,
253, 256, 268

Kanazawa, Satoshi, 217, 344n

Kano, Takayoshi, 71

Kant, Immanuel, 158

Keeley, Lawrence, 184, 330n–31n

Kellogg, John Harvey, 285–88

Kendrick, Keith, 272

Kennedy, Robert, 194

Kenya, baboons in, 178–79

Khan, Ghengis, 218

Kibale Forest, 189

Kiefer, Otto, 124–25

Ki-Kongo, 86

“killer ape” theory of human origins, 64–65, 76

King, Martin Luther, Jr., 194

Kinsey, Alfred, 98, 231, 263, 294

kinship, 107, 108

Kipnis, Laura, 41

kissing, 77, 278

Kissinger effect, 55

klismaphilia, 286

Knauft, Bruce, 185

Knight, Chris, 101

Korotayev, Andrey, 191

Krafft-Ebing, Richard von, 250

Kraus, Karl, 287

Kremen, Gary, 161

Krippner, Stanley, 32

K-selected species, 326n

94n, 105, 125–26

Kundera, Milan, 296

!Kung San, 11, 119, 175, 176

life expectancy of, 205–6

Kwakiutl, 190, 192–93

Laertes, 305

land, 13, 14, 163, 190, 192

population growth and, 203–4

tragedy of the commons and, 169–70

language, 84–85, 94, 188

Mosuo, 127, 128

Larrick, James, 206

Lea, Vanessa, 108

Lectures on Jurisprudence
(Smith), 176–77

Lee, Richard, 176, 206

Lehrman, Sally, 320n

Leipzig, Adam, 135

Le Jeune, Paul, 107, 174

Leonardo da Vinci, 271

lesbians, 273, 276–77, 302, 309

Letters from the Earth
(Twain), 81, 244, 290

leucocytes, 228, 264, 265

(Hobbes), 157

libido, 2, 86, 243, 304, 327n

female, 38–39, 47–48, 51–52, 248, 254, 275

male, 40, 47, 52, 221, 276–77, 281–82, 293–96, 299

life expectancy, 201–2, 205–6, 207

Lifestyle, The
(Gould), 308

Limited Wants, Unlimited Means
(Gowdy), 180

Linnaeus, Carl, 63

Lippa, Richard, 276

Lipton, Judith, 225

Lishner, David A., 145

Liszt, Catherine, 310

Little, Tony, 275

Lloyd, Elisabeth, 263–64, 342n

London, 29, 31, 110–11, 156

longevity, 200–212

infant mortality and, 201–4

stress and, 208–10

Lotz, Jeff, 201

love, 29, 72, 121–22, 137, 213, 295, 297

free, 307, 317n

lust vs., 113–14

monogamy vs., 303, 304, 309

mother’s, 106

music and, 146–47

parental, 38, 107, 148

paternal, 53

romantic, 6, 38, 41, 128, 145

sex vs., 6, 26, 29, 56, 298

Lovejoy, Owen, 10n, 34, 216–17

Loves of the Plants
(E. Darwin), 316n–17n Lowry, Rich, 134–35

Lugu Lake, 126–31


lust, 113–14

Lust in Translation
(Druckerman), 303

lying, 270, 277, 298–99, 310

63, 178, 265

copulation calls of, 257

orgasm in, 263, 342n

MacArthur, R. H., 326n

McDonald, Roger, 26

McElvaine, Robert S., 111, 307

Madame Bovary
(Flaubert), 252–53

Madsen, David, 174–75

Mae Enga, 184–85,

Magesa, Laurenti, 153

Magna Carta, 14

Maher, Bill, 41, 317n

Maines, Rachel, 247–48, 340n

major histocompatibility complex (MHC), 275, 343n, 344n Malaysia, monkeys in, xi-xiii

male parental investment (MPI), 7, 13, 26, 35, 48, 49, 51–55, 57, 60, 322n

Malinowski, Bronislaw, 110–11, 112, 115

Malleus Maleficarum, The,

malnutrition, 173, 174

Malthus, Thomas, 27, 32, 33, 154–60, 163, 326n, 327n Hardin compared with, 169–70

(ritual relations), 121

Mangaia, 263, 284–85

Manson, Charles 194

Marand-anim, 124

March of the Penguins,

Margolis, Jonathan, 251–52

Margulis, Lynn, 227


marital-industrial complex, 4–5

marriage, 2–6, 40–41, 47, 53, 58, 75, 113–27, 129–30, 137, 290–300, 302–5, 326n

ceremonies for, 121, 138

as corporate merger, 85

Darwin’s views on, 31, 138

failure of, 2, 3, 4, 41, 112, 302–3, 308–9

group (the primal horde; omnigamy), 43–44, 72, 112

legal protection of, 109–10

monogamous, 2, 41, 112, 293–96, 298, 304, 309

open, 307–10

same-sex, 109

sexually dysfunctional, 23

swingers and, 307–8

unattractive depictions of, 2, 38, 41, 50

universality of, 54, 115–18

Martin, Robert, 339n

Martineau, Harriet, 326n

Marx, Karl, 43, 172

Masters, William, 294

masturbation, 242, 247–51, 285–88, 345n

mate guarding behavior, 59

mating, mate, 114, 116–17, 122–23, 141, 210

multimale-multifemale, 218, 263, 265

sharing of, 12, 121, 137, 141, 146

Mating in Captivity
(Perel), 307

Matis, 94–95, 108

matriarchy, 71–72, 133–34

Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, 201

Mead, Margaret, 321n

Mean Genes
(Burnham and Phelan), 23, 309

measles, 207,

Mehinaku, 103

Melanesia, Melanesians, 124, 294, 295

Melville, Herman, 31

meme, 166

Menand, Louis, 117, 211

menarche, 159

menstrual cycle, 57, 59, 72–73,
240, 274–75, 320n, 342n
see also

Middle Ages, 121–22

midlife crisis, 292

Mill, John Stuart, 167

Miller, Alan S., 217

Miller, Arthur, 306

Miller, Geoffrey F., 215, 227, 234

Minangkabau, 132–33,

Mind of Its Own
(Friedman), 233–34

misogyny, 344n

mixed strategies, 55–58, 60, 245

Mohave, 95

Mona Lisa
(Leonardo), 271, 278, 279

Money, John, 286, 287

monkeys, 61, 62, 62, 63, 178, 198, 209, 219, 221

in Malaysia, xi-xiii

monogamy, 4, 11, 29, 75, 76, 97, 98, 102, 114, 141, 223, 231, 243, 245, 270

body-size dimorphism and, 216–17, 219, 242

development of, 25

difficulties with, 12

of gibbons, 62, 64,
66, 224,
246, 263, 268, 339n infertility and, 240

in marriage, 2, 41, 112, 293–96, 298, 304, 309

mating calls and, 256, 257

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