Severed Destinies (17 page)

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Authors: David Kimberley

Tags: #Fantasy

BOOK: Severed Destinies
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Chapter 14


Captain Sarin - commanding officer of the river fortress Turambar - leant back in his chair and studied the faces of the five youths stood before him. They had come to him with news that defied belief but behind their eyes he could see sadness and genuine distress. The fact that two of their number were children of Celestius Orgillian caused him great concern.

He glanced behind them to where one of his corporals - Ilkar - stood. Ilkar had been on duty when they had arrived at the fortress and had escorted them to Sarin’s chambers. The corporal’s face was pale and troubled.

Looking back at the five, he rose from his chair. “If what you say is true, then this force must have struck the kingdom from the north.”

Do you not believe us?” cried Gorric. “Look at us. We still carry the marks from the battle in Barentin. We have not had the opportunity to bathe since that time.”

Sarin could see the state of the clothing they wore and the weariness that was apparent in each of them. He turned to Kithia. “Which way did these men go?”

They went west,” she sighed. “They took with them so many people from Tamriel and Barentin that the combined numbers would be easy to track.”

If they entered the forest, then chances are that they then headed north. I can’t believe that these were Morassians though. There is no justification for an attack.”

Sir, they do not sound like Morassians,” said Ilkar. “They could be Skardans perhaps who had found a new route into the kingdom.”

No, these men were not Skardans and they were not Morassians,” stated Gorric. “I know what those languages sound like and the words they spoke were something different.”

You mentioned one who had strange powers though,” recalled Sarin. “The Skardans are said to use dark magics.”

Yes, but please believe me when I say that these men are not from the neighbouring countries. We saw them in close combat.” Gorric’s expression darkened further. “Our father said that they might have come from the lands as yet unexplored but he too was adamant that they were not from Skarda.”

Sarin could see the pain in the faces of both Gorric and Kithia when speaking of Celestius. They had been through so much that he was in awe of their strength. They must have felt as if their entire world had been taken from them and yet they still managed to get to Turambar.

Would they attack Boraila?” came Rynn’s tired voice.

A force of that size would be foolish to attempt an attack on a major city like Boraila,” replied Sarin.

Rynn glanced at his four companions. “In that case, I would like to get back to my temple as soon as possible. They will be saddened by the dark news but I must tell them straight away.”

Sarin smiled at the young acolyte. “I respect your dedication, but you and your friends will remain here for now. It would be safer. I will arrange for you to bathe and rest, then perhaps we can talk some more in the morning.”

I agree that we all must rest but tomorrow I would ask that you let me return to Boraila please,” said Rynn.

Sarin turned away from them and stroked his moustache, as he so often did when considering options. “Tomorrow morning, I shall send a scouting party out towards Boraila. They will secure the area around the city to make sure that this invading force has not stayed in the vicinity. After they have left the fortress, I will allow you to travel to your temple but I shall send some of my soldiers with you to ensure your safety.”

Rynn nodded in agreement. “Thank you.”

Sir, I would like to volunteer to take our young friend here to the temple.”

Sarin looked across at Ilkar. “Very well. Select men to accompany you. For now though, please show our guests where they can rest tonight.”

Yes, sir.” Ilkar moved to open the door.

Varayan had remained silent throughout their time with Sarin but now his mind was racing with thoughts of where his future lay. His first instinct was to flee the fortress and travel as far south as possible. However, for some reason unbeknownst to him, his mind told him to move along a different path. He had always acted on his instincts but now he was about to be rash and ignore them. When Rynn left for his temple, Varayan would accompany him. Boraila may prove an interesting place to visit and perhaps he could stay in the port for a while, until the kingdom was once again safe to travel in. Seeing Rynn, Kithia and Khir turning to head for the door, he quickly joined them.

Captain Sarin,” began Gorric, as the others moved to leave the room. “Please do not underestimate these invaders. We have seen what they are capable of and they are dangerous adversaries. I am not convinced that they have gone north. Where would they take that many prisoners? I am exhausted but tomorrow we must talk of rescuing these captives, including my mother and baby sister. For all we know, my father may be with them.”

Sarin could see the potential in this young son of Celestius Orgillian. “Gorric, it is not a simple task and the soldiers here at Turambar could not hope to take on that many men. We would need help from King Afaron before we could mount a rescue.”

Gorric stepped closer to Sarin. “I will not see my family suffer any more at the hands of these invaders,” he growled.

This I understand. We will send word to Vylandor. The king will be swift in his actions, my young lord. Once he learns of the destruction of Barentin and Tamriel, he will be eager to exact revenge against those who would dare attack the kingdom and it’s people. We will find your family, Gorric.”

Gorric felt a hand on his shoulder and turned to see Khir, who was struggling to keep his eyes open. “Gorric, rest now. Captain Sarin knows what needs to be done and we can do no more at this time in this state.”

He’s right,” agreed Kithia. “We will be thinking more clearly in the morning.”

Gorric sighed deeply. “I apologise for my words, captain.”

In these circumstances, it is understandable. I will see you in the morning.” Sarin watched as Ilkar led them from his chambers. When the door closed behind them, he fell back into his chair and there he sat, alone with the troubling thoughts, until the early hours of the morning.


I understand your need to get back to the temple, Rynn, but why so soon?” asked Kithia as she bit into another bread roll.

I feel that Forven’s death must be acknowledged by the clerics as soon as possible,” replied Rynn. “The temple also sits on the east hillside so it is approachable from Boraila or the opposite side. I’m sure that Ranesch would want guards stationed to protect the temple as quickly as possible.”

The five sat at one of the tables in the mess hall of the fortress eating a hearty breakfast for which they were very grateful. They wore clean clothing and were free of the dirt that had built up on them during the travelling. Rynn had requested his robes to be washed so that he could return to the temple with them.

Several soldiers who were just about to go on duty eyed them warily from an adjacent table. The rumours had already begun after men on the gate the previous night had seen the son and daughter of the Orgillian family entering Turambar.

The weather at least is holding out for our journey to the temple,” stated Varayan, peering out of the window at the bright sky.

Rynn looked up at him in surprise. “

Varayan grinned at the acolyte. “Well, I thought that I would go to Boraila for a while. It’s close and I have never seen the ocean so it seems like the perfect place to go. Besides, being around all of these soldiers makes me nervous.”

You mean it’s the perfect place to hide,” said Khir.

If you want to look at it like that,” shrugged Varayan. “Rynn is going back to his temple, you three are obviously staying here for the time being but I have to keep moving. It’s the way I have always survived.”

So this is where we go our separate ways,” sighed Kithia, giving Rynn a half-smile.

Actually, I’d like to thank you all for saving my life more than once,” said Rynn, returning the smile. “I would have suffered the same fate as Forven was it not for you and, if ever you are in Boraila or passing, please feel free to come to the temple. You will always be welcome.”

Even me?” smirked Varayan.

Yes, even you.”

Khir looked across at Gorric who sat in silence, chewing slowly on his food. He had not said anything since they had awoken and Khir was growing concerned. “Gorric, will we wait here until the king’s men arrive?” he asked his friend. “Perhaps if we were to travel to the capital ourselves, then…”

What?” snapped Gorric, cutting Khir short. “Run away to Vylandor when my family needs me here? Have you not seen and heard everything that has happened these past days?”

Khir could see the battle raging behind Gorric’s eyes. “Of course I have. However, your presence in Vylandor would be enough to see the king order the rescue as quickly as possible. Don’t forget that you are now…for the moment, Lord Orgillian.”

Gorric stared at Khir and for a moment looked as if he had been struck across the face such was his expression. “Amongst all that has happened, that thought never entered my mind.” His expression returned to one of anger. “No, that title is not mine. It is my father’s. If you want to go to Vylandor so much, Khir, then you go alone.”

Do you not think I have the right to be here too?” Khir asked, his voice becoming firmer. “My parents were taken too. I want to get them back just as much as you but we can do nothing yet.”

Khir’s right, Gorric,” said Kithia. “What good would you do mounting a rescue with the men available? If you died then what hope would I have?”

Gorric looked at his sister and stared deep into her eyes. His anger lifted as he gazed at her and he shook his head. “I’m sorry. It’s just that they are out there somewhere and they could be being taken further away as we speak.”

Khir reached across the table and patted his friend on the shoulder. “We’ll get them back.”

The door to the mess hall opened and Ilkar stepped inside, making his way over to them. He was dressed in light chainmail, with a dark green tabard and a long cloak of the same colour. To his right side hung his sword whilst two daggers were sheathed in well-crafted scabbards on his left. He did not seem much older than Gorric but he was clean-shaven which created his boyish looks.

The scouts left an hour ago,” he stated as he approached. Looking at Rynn, he continued. “We are ready to take you to the temple.”

It seems that we will have one more to accompany us,” said Rynn, gesturing towards Varayan. “I hope that this will not cause any concern.”

Ilkar glanced at Varayan. “Very well. We must leave soon though.”

Varayan waited until the corporal looked away and quickly studied the two daggers from afar. One of them would be a better weapon than the knife he carried but stealing from a soldier was the last thing he should have been considering.

The five quickly finished their breakfast and rose from the table. “I must talk with Captain Sarin,” said Gorric. “Rynn, I hope our paths cross again. Having a friend who happens to be closer to Ardan than the rest of us is never a bad thing.

Varayan, when we first met, I branded you as a thief and a liar. We may not have seen eye-to-eye but, when you saved Rynn’s life, I saw perhaps a change in you. I hope you steer clear of trouble in future.”

Varayan smiled. “I don’t think you know me that well.”

With a final scowl, Gorric left the mess hall.

I’ll await you at the gate,” said Ilkar, seeing that he may have been waiting longer than he had anticipated.

As the corporal left, Rynn took a deep breath. “Let’s hope that we next all meet under better circumstances.”


Gorric found Sarin standing on the battlements looking out towards Boraila. From the walls of Turambar, they could see all of the way downriver to the west and to the east could be seen the great forest stretching into the distance. On the south bank of the Ulmerien opposite the fortress, a handful of residences could be seen.

Sarin and Gorric stood looking to the north though, along the road which wound its way towards Boraila. To the northwest could be seen the hillside that Boraila hid behind. The day seemed unnaturally quiet. Scarce numbers of birds flew overhead. This was strange as often Turambar was circled by seabirds that had flown inland in search of different foods.

They’re all out there somewhere,” said Gorric softly, staring at the canopy of greenery that lay before them.

Sarin nodded. “A force like that could not move undetected for long though. They may be hiding, waiting to travel under cover of night. They would be hard to see if they were wearing the blackened armour you spoke of.”

Captain, I must admit that I am at a loss,” sighed Gorric. “I do not know what more I can do. I will of course offer my services to you here. I can use a sword and…”

Wait, Gorric.” Sarin turned to face him. “You may know how to hold a sword and swing it, but I doubt that you know fully how to
one. There is more to it.”

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