Lover Betrayed (Betrayed #2)

BOOK: Lover Betrayed (Betrayed #2)
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By Melissa Jupp



Betrayed Series:


Lover Betrayed


Lover Betrayed


By Melissa Jupp

Copyright © 2013 by Melissa Jupp

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. If you would like to share this eBook with another person, please do so through your retailer’s approved lending program. For permission requests please contact the author at
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This book is a work of fiction. All characters, places and incidents in this book are fictitious and figments of the author’s imagination.








Continue following Jessi as she struggles to learn a whole new life and comes to terms with the new her. She traveled to the last place anyone would have ever thought she'd be. Two years went by and Jessi has finally found her place in her new home, with new friends and a new family. For once in her life she's happy, relaxed, and having the best days of her life. She's made new friends and even considers the old rancher she's working for to be the father she never had. But, good things don't last forever. Just as she thinks she's in the clear and nothing bad will ever happen again she runs, literally, right into the most infuriating man she's ever met. Nic, the rancher’s son.




Book Two Of The Betrayed Series




I woke up sleeping in a pile of leaves under an oak tree. I looked around wondering how in the hell I ended up here. I looked down at myself and that is when I realized I was naked. Unfortunately that is when the last twenty-four hours came crashing down on me. I just laid here under this old tree and for the first time in a very long time, I cried. I cried for the events over the last few days, I cried over the father I will never know, and I cried just because I needed to let it all out.

After crying for a
while, I shifted back into my wolf and continued my journey north. Now that I let years of frustrations out, I have a nice clear head. First thing I have to do is make it to Tallahassee. The people in my life are not the only ones with secrets; I have a few of my own. When I turned eighteen years old my mother had a little brown box and an envelope for me. The brown box was full of little keepsakes of my father. It wasn’t much just his old pocket watch and some photos. The envelope was a letter addressed to me from my father. It stated that he loved me and in case anything was to happen, he set up a lockbox for me to retrieve at a bank in Tallahassee.

In the lock
box, there was $200,000.00 and a name of a man to obtain a fake ID and passport so I can disappear if needed. Disappearing is exactly what I plan on doing. At the bottom of his letter, he wrote a note saying, “
Remember you create your own destiny.
” I never knew what that meant until now. Now I am wondering if I was the secret my father got murdered over. Therefore, as my father said in his letter I’m going to create my own destiny and choose my own fate.

When I got to Tallahassee I had to stop at an old farm my father passed onto me to retrieve my emergency
bag, which consist of clothes, toiletries, and a few weapons. My father’s letter was very specific about certain things when it came to me running. Like this farm was to be kept a secret, I had to keep a bag here, and under no circumstances was I to ever return after dropping my bag off unless I was running.  It’s a good thing I listened because I have a plan and a solid escape route but unfortunately the things I’m running from have extremely good noses and are going to be hunting me down like a bunch of hound dogs.

Once I went
to the bank to retrieve my contents from the safety deposit box and went to the farm, I decided to go to the diner around the corner to eat. I was starving, I haven’t really ate much since mom cooked me breakfast a few days ago. After I ate I had one more stop to make. All I have is a card with an address in Dothan Alabama. I’m not sure exactly what will be there when I arrive. I just know it’s my next stop. Also there was a key taped to the card so I’m assuming it opens something I’ll need.

I eat my fill at the dinner then catch a cab. I give the cabbie the address on the card and we head off. I was going through the contents of my box I got at the bank when the cab slowed down. I looked out the window and all I could see was warehouses. I tap the cabbie on the shoulder, “hey man
, are you sure we are in the right area?”

“It’s the address you gave me. It’s the last ben on the left.”

“Thanks.” I mutter while handing him his cash and stepping out of the back seat. I throw my bag over my shoulder and walk to the end of the building to the last ben. It has a small door on the right side. The front of the ben was mostly a huge roll up door. I pulled the key out of my pocket and slipped it into the padlock on the bottom of the roll up door handle.

I stepped inside once the door was finished rolling up. The building is big, full of dust, and
had one object sitting in the center of the garage with a tarp over it. I walked up to the tarp and pulled it off slowly. Underneath the tarp was a black two door Ford F150. I got into the driver seat, turned the key in the ignition and sure enough, it cranked right up. I pulled out of the ben, relocked the door and hit the highway. I have just over a hundred miles to go to get to Dothan Alabama.

About two hours
later, I pulled up to a cute little yellow house with white trim and a waist high white picket fence. I got out of the truck and proceeded to walk up the drive to the front door. I reached my fist up and knocked on the door. After a few minutes a short grey haired woman wearing small round wire rim glasses opened the door. “Hello dear can I help you,” she asked.

“Actually you can.” I reached in my pocket and pulled out the card with the key taped to it. The old woman got a very sad look on her face. She opened the door wider and stepped aside. “Come in Jessica. I’ve been expecting you.”

I stepped in after her, “you have?” I asked. She gestured for me to follow her into the small living room. I took a seat on the long sofa while she sat on a small chair in front of me. “I’m sure you have a lot of questions. But if you plan on running from weres we need to hurry and get you back on the road.”

“Oh, yes of course. How do you know my father?” I asked. Her features
softened at the mention of my father and she gave me a half smile.

“Back in 1950,” she began and took a deep breath. “Excuse me dear it’s hard to talk about this so I’ll keep it simple. Back in 1950
, I lived in Brooklyn. I was walking home from a friend’s house. I did not realize how late it had gotten. I walked past an alley and a large man grabbed me from behind. I never saw his face; he kept my back to him. Anyway to keep a long story short he almost raped me when your father showed up looking like an avenging angel and saved my life.”

I looked at her for the longest time without uttering a word. I mean what do you say to someone that had something so horrific like that happen to them
. Saying I’m sorry seems to not be enough. So I said, “I’m very glad my father was able to help you. That was a terrible thing you had to endure.”

She continued, “After your James saved me I as
ked him if I could repay him in anyway. He of course, at first declined and insisted on walking me the rest of the way home. When we got to my doorstep James paused and his eyes glosses over.” she chuckled and I smiled at her. “I’ve never seen anything like it. He would not respond to anything. All the sudden he snapped out of it and grabbed me by my upper arms. It scared the bejesus out of me I tell you. However, he explained that he meant me no harm but what he was about to tell me was very important, that the world depended on it. Therefore, I listened. He told me he would drop off a box before sunrise and I was to keep it until his daughter would come for it. I then asked if he had a daughter and wife. He said he had a wife but no daughter yet. But her name will be Jessica and she will come. I owed your father for saving my life so I did as he asked. I kept that box for 63 years waiting on you to show up.”

“Wow that’s incredible. Why did you do as he said? You must have been freaked out.” I asked.

“Oh I was freaked out all right, but like I said he saved my life and I owed him. Now here you are 63 years later just as he said,” she said while pointing at me.

She went upstairs and brought me what looks like an
old-fashioned fireproof box. We continued to talk for a while longer. I unfortunately told her my father was deceased and how my mother raised me on my own. She told me that things are not always what we think they are and to keep an open mind. With that, I left and got back on the road.

I was far enough away from the old woman’s house I pulled over on the side of the road and opened the box. I was right the key taped to the card did open something. It fit perfectly in the boxes lock. Inside was an assortment of obsidian-stoned jewelry. Underneath the jewelry was a folded up note. It read:

My dearest Jessica,

I know this all may be strange to you. However, all will be revealed in due time. Just remember nothing is as it seems. Wear the obsidian at all times it will help protect you. The only ones you can trust are your life mate and a man named Kincaid. Kincaid is a little intense but he will protect you with his life, He has always been a loyal friend to me. Be safe my dear sweet girl.

I love you always,

Your Father

Folding the letter back up I stuck it back into the box. I pulled out the obsidian necklace and fastened it around my neck. I pulled back out onto the road and headed for Boulder Colorado. Why Boulder Colorado you might ask. Well, I was just there to execute an execution warrant on a serial killer werewolf.
Therefore, no one will even think to look for me there. Even when I was there a few days ago, Boulder smelled like heaven, like home. I felt a strange familiarity towards Boulder, almost as if I was finally home. Therefore, I’m going back to make it my home.




Twenty-two hours later I finally made it to Boulder. I stopped at a gas station to fill up. The clerk said I would find Sam’s B&B out off State Road 119 closer to 72. Apparently, it is close to the ranches in the middle of Podunk nowhere. Which is exactly what I needed. A nice rural area about an hour outside of town. Not too close and not too far away. A great place to hide and keep off the radar.

I pulled up to a huge two-story log cabin with a
wraparound porch. I got out of my truck and looked around. The cabin sat on top of a hill. Off in the distance you can see the silhouette of the mountains. Not too far away, nestle into the forest tree line was a lake and a small boathouse.

I walked back around the front of the house and through the front doors. Just inside the front door was a massive living room. Above was a balcony and the stairs were to the right of the small desk. I rang the bell and a little boy poked his head out from behind the desk. “Well hello there.” I say to the little boy.

He shot off up the stairs as if the fires of hell were after him screaming, “Mommy!”

A woman a couple inches taller than me came running down the stairs asking him what was wrong. He just pointed at me and
that is when she noticed I was standing there. She smiled and continued down the stairs towards me. “Hey, sorry about that. We don’t get too many people out here.”

“I don’t mean to intrude. I hope I’m at the right place. I got your address from the clerk at a gas station on the edge of town.” I say smiling back at her.

“Oh no worries. My names Sam. Well, actually, it is Samantha but everyone just calls me Sam. How can I help you…..” she asked trailing off.

I hold my hand out for her to shake and she takes it. “Sorry, names Jessica. But, everyone calls me Jessi. I was told this was a B&B and you have rooms available.”

Sam drops my hand. “The little bugger,” she says pointing over her shoulder at the little boy perched on the bottom step, “that’s Mathew my son.”

“It’s very nice to meet you both.”

“Likewise, she says while walking behind the desk.

“Do you have a room in the back overlooking the gorgeous mountain range?” I asked hopefully.

“Oh yes, I’ll give you the suite in the back on the top floor. There’s two up there actually. Mine and Mathew’s rooms are downstairs, so he won’t be a problem.”

“Oh no that’s fine. I love children.” I say genuinely smiling.

“Perfect,” she says while clapping her hands together, “how long will you be staying and how would you like to pay for that?”

“I’m not sure how long and I’ll be paying in cash. If that’s alright?”

“That’s perfect. Now let’s get your things.”

Sam and Mathew walk out to my truck with me and help
me bring up the two bags I had with me. I pay Sam enough cash for at least a month’s stay. She invites me down for dinner later and I happily agree. When they walked out of my room, I looked around the suite. The first thing I do is walk over to the curtains and snatch them open. What I see in front of me causes me to catch my breath. The view is just breathtaking. There is a big sliding glass door so I opened it and walked out onto the balcony. To the left of my balcony was another balcony within touching distance. I’m assuming it is for the other suite Sam mentioned. In the near distance, I have a clear view of the forest and the lake. In the far distance, I got a beautiful view of the mountains.

I stood on the balcony taking in the view for
a while before I went back inside to check out everything else. The mahogany king size bed sat in the middle of the room facing the big window and slider overlooking the mountains. The bathroom was almost as big as the bedroom. The walls looked like it was made of stone. The shower was to the right and completely opened no walls or doors. Just a stone floor and a rainfall shower head. The Jacuzzi tub sat against the far wall and looked like it would fit four people easily and the counter had double sinks. I walked back out of the bathroom to my bags to unpack. I opened the closet door and the closet was a walk-in and very spacious. I hung up what needed to be hung and folder the rest and put it in the dresser.

After unpacking everything I went back down stairs in search of the kitchen. When I finally located it Sam was at the stove with Mathew sitting on the Island counter. Sam gestured for me to take a seat at the table as she brought the food out and set it in front of me. “I hope you like beef stew?” she ask while placing a bowl full of stew on my placemat.

“Yes. Thank you.” I say graciously.

You’re welcome. Now eat up,” she says while getting Mathew and her self-situated at the other end of the table. “What kind of creature are you? You smell funny and your eyes are different.”

that, my whole body stiffened and I looked up at her. She just sat there staring intently at me. Which made me even more nervous. I’m not sure what I should tell her or how much. I’m not even sure if I would be in danger from her after I did tell her. I sat there pondering idea after idea when I felt a sudden rush of calmness wash over me. My body completely relaxed and my shoulders slumped heavily. I snapped back into focus and glared at her, which caused Sam and Mathew to both jerk back.

“What did you just do? What are your powers?” I demanded.

Sam holds her hands up as in I don’t mean no harm gesture. “I didn’t mean any offense. Like I said you smell funny, well not funny but I cannot figure out what you are and I have never seen any supernatural of any kind with silver eyes that’s out lined in a silvery blue. I don’t mean to pry but you were carrying an awful lot of cash and no one stays out here in the middle of nowhere with a couple of bags for a month. I got a kid to worry about. So if you're in some kind of trouble I need to know.”

“It’s alright. I’m the one that should be sorry you’re absolutely right,” I say while taking a de
ep breath.

“And to answer your question I calmed you down. My powers are based on emotions. I
cannot control emotions but I can think calm and push it towards you causing you to calm down and relax. I can also feel other peoples emotions. Some people call me an empath. So, what’s your story?” Sam asked putting her elbows on the table and leaned forward.

I’m not sure why but I felt like I could trust Sam completely.
Therefore, I told her everything not leaving one detail out. I told her I was and FBI agent and thought I was human. I also told her the information overload I got when I found out the truth about everyone around me including myself and told her why I ran and plan to stay gone until I figure this all out.

Sam wipes her hand across her forehead, “whew that’s definitely a lot,” she exclaims. “Well Jessi, welcome to the family. You can stay here as long as you like and I promise I won’t say anything to anyone.
But may I make a suggestion?”

“Sure, shoot,” I say.

“If you’re reinventing yourself we need to go shopping and get you a new look, because girl let me tell you, you dress like a fed,” she says laughing.

couldn’t help but laugh with her. She does have a point. Even in the bag I stashed at the farm in Tallahassee was nothing but black loafers, jeans, camis, and blazers.

“Alright sounds perfect. Tomorrow sound good to you?”

Sam reaches up and rubs Mathews head, “how’s that sound to you kiddo? You wanna go shopping tomorrow?”

Mathew jumps out of his chair
screaming yes, demanding he gets to go to the video store and the ice cream shop. Sam and I just watch his display of enthusiasm and laugh.

Since I
shared so much personal information with Sam, she thought it was only fair to tell her story as well. She told me Mathew was five years old and his father died in the pride war. Of course since I’m new to this whole being a supernatural thing she explained that she and Mathew are weretigers and so was his father. She said that all the werecats now stick together as a pride because of the war there was not enough left to have separate prides. She also told me that there is a man that stays in the other suite on my floor but he’s always gone on business.

After dinner we cleaned up and called it a night. Everything around her screams home. The air is clean and smells fresh.
However, there is one scent, a faint scent, but I still catch it every now and again that just says this is home to me. For the first time since I was a child I slept peacefully.

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