Seven Sexy Sins (2 page)

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Authors: Serenity Woods

BOOK: Seven Sexy Sins
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Faith grinned. “‘The delights of lovemaking’? You’re kidding me, right? If I need a quick shag around the back of the bike sheds, you’d be first on my list, sweetie.”

They all burst out laughing at Toby’s indignant face. “I’ll have you know I’m a very considerate lover.”

Eve patted his knee. “Of course you are, dear.”

“I’m just saying, the offer’s there.”

“Thank you.” Faith sighed. “But I guess I’m just going to have to use my imagination.”

“Or watch a shed load of porn.” Dan got to his feet. “I’m going to bed. Coming, hon?”

Eve took his outstretched hand. “Sure. See you guys.”

They all said goodnight, and Dan and Eve disappeared inside. Toby yawned. “I’m off too. Want me to walk you home, Faith?”

“It’s okay,” said Rusty, “I’ll drive her—I’m going past her house.”

“Okay. See ya.” Toby winked at Faith. “Don’t forget—the offer’s always there. I hate to think of you suffering.”

“Thank you for being so thoughtful,” she teased. “Goodnight.”

He kissed her on the forehead, nodded at Rusty and walked off.

Faith stretched. “What time is it? I’m shattered.”

Rusty looked at his watch. “Nearly one.”

“Jeez. I’ve got a meeting in Whangarei tomorrow at nine. My eyes are going to be bloodshot.”

He laughed. “Come on then, let’s get you home.”

They walked to his car, and she opened the passenger door, sighing as she saw the usual pile of books and papers on the front seat. “Rusty, honestly.”

“What? My marking gets lonely if I leave it in the classroom. I like to give it a little ride home and back.” Rusty taught history at the local high school.

“You know you’re supposed to actually do the marking if you take it home?”

“You are? Damn, now I know where I’ve been going wrong.” He cleared the seat, dumping everything in the back.

“I still can’t picture you teaching.” She slid into the seat. “Do your students write ‘Love You’ on their eyelids like they do to Indiana Jones?”

“Not quite.” He got into the driver’s seat, started the engine and headed out of the drive toward Kerikeri.

She sighed and closed her eyes. She hadn’t told the others that she felt depressed about not having tried anything on the list she’d compiled. True, she was only twenty-two and had plenty of time to meet someone and experiment, but she hadn’t even had a sniff of a date since she split up with Jason. She’d slept with two guys in her life, and neither of them had been inspiring in the bedroom. Like most of her readers on the blog, she was desperate to meet someone warm, funny and sexy, but at the moment the possibility seemed light years away.

“You okay?”

She opened her eyes and smiled at Rusty. He was still bare chested, and she could feel the heat from his sun-brushed skin. If only his students could see him now. “Yeah. Just tired.”

“You look down.”

“I’m sexually frustrated. I need to be screwed senseless a few times and I’m sure I’d come good. Pardon the pun.”

He laughed, his gaze leaving the road to glance at her. “You’re not considering Toby’s offer, are you?”

She stared at him, startled. “Good Lord, no. Why?”

“I just wondered.”

“I mean, can you imagine? I love him dearly but I don’t quite think he’s the sort of guy I’m looking for.”

“No.” He smiled. “Have you got anyone else in mind?”

“No. That’s part of the problem.”

He stopped at a T-junction, but there was nobody else on the road. He glanced across at her again before he pulled away. “What about me?”

Chapter Two

It took a moment for his words to register. Then she burst out laughing. “Good grief, what is it with you guys tonight?”

He didn’t laugh. “I’m serious.”

She sobered. “What?”

He slowed the car and pulled up outside the house she shared with Eve when Eve wasn’t staying with Dan. He put the car into park and turned off the engine. Then he turned in his seat to face her. The moon was nearly full, and there was enough light for her to see the mischievous smile on his face and the glint in his eye. “I’m serious,” he said again. He gestured with his hand, pointing from himself to her. “I’m offering my services.”

She stared at him, her mouth falling open. “What are you saying, exactly?”

“You need to do some research for your articles. And I’m happy to help.”

“You want to help me research the seven sexy sins? Personally? Like, not in books?”

“Absolutely. Sounds like great fun.” They studied each other for a moment. Eventually he gave a short laugh. “You needn’t look quite so shocked.” His eyes twinkled. “Don’t you find me attractive?”

She gave him a wry look. “Of course I do—you know you’re sex on legs. That’s hardly the point.”

“So what is the point?”

“Dan would kill you if he knew you’d even suggested this.”

“Toby suggested it—he didn’t kill him.”

“Toby wasn’t serious.”

Rusty snorted. “Of course he was. He’d give his right arm to get you into bed.”

Shock rippled through her. “What are you talking about? I’m just Dan’s little sister. I’m hardly the target of anyone’s sexual fantasies.”

“Have you looked in the mirror lately?”

“I…” She looked down at herself before looking back up. “What do you mean?”

“I mean you’re not twelve anymore. You’re not even fifteen. You’re a grown woman, with all the relevant…attributes. You must be aware every guy at the party tonight fantasised about seeing you naked at some point.”

“Rusty!” Her cheeks grew hot. Inside, however, she glowed at the thought that he saw her as an adult and not only as Dan’s younger sibling.

He laughed. “Faith, honestly. Are you that naive?”

She looked down at her hands.
, she thought,
I am that naive
. In spite of the fact that she advised women more than twice her age on her blog, and she wasn’t a virgin, she knew she was more innocent than most girls in their twenties. She was the youngest of their crowd, and she’d thought they’d always seen her as the baby. She’d never considered they saw her as a sexual possibility, and she wasn’t sure how she felt about it.

She shifted in her seat. “I don’t understand. Why say this now? That night we kissed at my eighteenth birthday party… The next day you cold-shouldered me. I’d assumed you weren’t interested in me.” 

She hadn’t mentioned it since it happened. It had surprised her at the time. It had been six months before the death of her and Dan’s parents. Blissfully unaware of what the following year was to bring, she’d been dancing in the garden, and Rusty had caught her hand and dragged her with him into the lemon trees. She’d gone laughingly, the sound of cicadas loud in her ears and the scent of lemons and mandarins in the air, expecting a quick peck or a teasing grope from an old friend to mark her coming of age, which she knew she’d be expected to resist with feigned indignation. Instead, however, he’d cupped her face in his hands, studied her for a moment and then kissed her. He’d brushed his tongue with hers and slipped his hand through her hair, making her heart thunder with unexpected passion. She’d gone to bed excited and dreaming of him, but the next day he’d been his usual self, cool and offhand. She’d felt hurt and a little stupid for being childish enough to think it meant something, but had done her best to forget it ever happened, wanting to keep his friendship, even if she couldn’t have anything more.

“Do you remember what I looked like the next morning?” he said.

“I don’t…oh wait, you had a black eye, didn’t you? You said you walked into a lamppost on the way home.”

“It wasn’t a lamppost—it was Dan’s fist.”

Her eyes widened. “You’re kidding me.”

“No. He saw us. And he knocked me flat into a pile of gorse. Fucking stung, I can tell you.”

She laughed, covering her mouth with her hand. “Oh Rusty, I’m sorry.”

He grinned. “No worries. I backed off after that. I didn’t want to lose his friendship, and I realised he was right. I’m no good for you, Faith. Hell, I’m no good for any woman. I’ll never make a great husband. I’m under no illusions about that.”

She frowned again. “I hate it when you talk like that.”

“Well, it’s true.”

“No, it’s not. Just because your dad’s a prick doesn’t mean you’ll be the same.”

He shrugged. “It’s in the blood, and I’m not going to give it a chance to rear its ugly head.”


“Look.” He shifted in his seat. “This isn’t about me—it’s about you. I may be useless long term, but I’m not bad in bed.”

“I think you’re underestimating yourself, from what I’ve heard.”

“Well, that’s very kind.” He gave her a sexy smile. “Don’t you think it would be fun to practise your seven sins on me?” His green eyes were hot and lusty.

A strange shiver ran through her from her toes to the top of her head. They studied each other for a while. A smile crept onto her lips at the teasing look in his eyes. “Stop looking at me like that.”

“Like what?”

“Like you’re imagining doing each of the sins to me.”

“I am.”

“Well stop.” Her cheeks burned again. “This is crazy. I’d be mad to agree.”

“Why? I thought we were friends.”

“That’s what I meant.” She frowned. He was so gorgeous. She didn’t have any trouble admitting that. And she was happy to admit this wasn’t the first time she’d wondered what he was like in bed. His girlfriends had always enthused about his talents, even after he’d dumped them, and she’d been curious from a very young age as to what he got up to under the covers. But she’d always considered Dan’s friends to be off limits because he’d been so adamant that was the case, so she’d never considered any of them seriously. And because of that, they’d all grown to be close friends.

He reached out and took her hand. “Don’t look sad.”

“I couldn’t bear to lose you.”

“Lose me? Why would you lose me?”

“Afterward. Wouldn’t it be weird?”

He shrugged. “Toby and Eve dated before she went out with Dan.”

“True, although that was several years ago.”

He studied her for a moment. He brushed her knuckles with his thumb. The gesture wasn’t sexual, but it made a frisson of desire run through her, and she realised that she
attracted to him, very much. He tipped his head, and she saw his gaze rest on her lips. “You know it was only a matter of time.”


“Before we got down and dirty.”

Her eyes widened, and her heart thumped. Suddenly she realised Rusty wasn’t helping her out of the kindness of his heart. He really wanted to go to bed with her. Rusty Thorne, who, let’s face it, knew his way around the bedroom and could teach her a trick or two. The thought made her dizzy.

Then her brain kicked in.
This is a bad idea
. How many girls’ hearts had he broken over the years? She knew what he was like, how he refused to commit.

But he wasn’t talking about a long-term relationship, was he? He was talking about a finite agreement, seven sexual encounters. A tutor in the ways of love, to teach her all the things she’d never experienced. As a professional educator, Rusty saw it as his duty to instruct those less knowledgeable than him.

She licked her lips. “I’d want a contract.”

His lips curved. “A contract?”

“Specifying it would be for seven times only.”

“Of course.”

“Don’t make fun of me, Rusty.”

“I’m not.” But his eyes were amused.

“This is all about research. I’d have to take notes.”

He gave a short laugh, but nodded. “Okay.”

“I mean it. I’d run the show. My work’s important to me. I’d want to get it right. If we did this, it would be for exploring these seven sins with the aim of writing the articles. No messing around, no getting sidetracked.”

“I understand.”

She looked at his mouth. She could still remember how soft his lips had been that night he’d kissed her. “Strictly business.”

“Absolutely.” He met her gaze. “Can I kiss you now?”

Her heart pounded. “Absolutely not. I haven’t finished yet.”


“The contract will state that this remains secret. No telling any of our friends and definitely no telling Dan.”

“Well, obviously. I’d like to keep my balls intact.”

She bit her lip, trying not to smile. She was serious about this. “And if we did go ahead with it, we couldn’t go to your place or mine. A motel, out of town.”

“Sure. Sounds fun.” In the darkness of the car, his green eyes were the colour of a forest stream, wild and mysterious.

A thrill of excitement ran through her. Was she really considering this? Having sex with Rusty? Carrying out each of the seven sins with him? Watching porn, letting him lick chocolate sauce off her, letting him…oh dear Lord…perform oral sex on her? She couldn’t. Could she? She swallowed. “Why did you say ‘it’s only a matter of time’?”

He shifted in his seat, moving closer to her. “Because I’ve been waiting for it to happen. Haven’t you?”

“No,” she whispered.

He smiled. “Liar.” He was inches away from her now. “I’ve wanted you since you were eighteen.” He leaned forward and brushed her temple with his lips. “Actually, longer than that. Only I don’t want to sound like a pervert.”


“I’m going to kiss you now.”

She wanted to refuse but found she couldn’t. His arm was along the back of her seat, tanned and muscled, sprinkled with reddish-brown hairs, his bare chest inches from her fingers. Why hadn’t she noticed before how tall he was, how broad his shoulders were? “No tongues,” she warned him, heart thumping. “Not till the contract’s signed.”

He chuckled. “Okay.” 

She let him close the last few inches, wondering if it would feel strange to kiss a guy she’d known almost half her life as a friend.

She closed her eyes. His lips brushed hers. They were warm and dry, and he kissed her languidly. He smelled of chlorine, sunscreen and hot, scorched skin, and he tasted of Coke and mint. Her heart thundered, and she was hit with the full force of the memory of her eighteenth birthday and how she’d felt when he kissed her in the garden among the lemon trees. But she sat still, reminding herself that this wasn’t a big romantic gesture. This was purely business. Like checking the hooves of a horse before you bought it.

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