Serial Love: Saints Protection & Investigation (22 page)

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Authors: Maryann Jordan

Tags: #romance, #Fiction

BOOK: Serial Love: Saints Protection & Investigation
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“Jack!” Bethany said, eyes wide. “You beat up other little kids?”

Chuckling, he replied, “Only if they deserved it.”

Shaking his head slowly at the memories, he continued. “The day I left for the Army, my mother gave me the St. James medallion. She said she knew I couldn’t wear it, but to keep it with me. He was the patron saint of soldiers and would keep me safe. Never knew if I believed that, but I kept it nonetheless.”

Bethany sat quietly, watching the memories pass across his normally impassive face. Her heart tugged a little more…for the child who had been teased, to the man who loved his mother enough to accept her gift of faith.

“Times in the Special Forces…well, let’s just say that I’m lucky to be alive even if I was on the most elite squad. Luck…or the medallion? Who knows, but I’m here and so now I wear it everyday. Kind of a tribute to my grandfather and my mom.”

Reaching across the table, she grasped his hand giving it a gentle squeeze. “That’s lovely, Jack. Thank you so much for sharing it with me.”

“Beautiful, this goes where I expect it to go, there’s nothing I won’t share with you,” he answered earnestly, blinded by the smile she bestowed on him.

By now, the dinner had been finished and he ordered dessert. As they sat waiting for it to arrive, she prompted, “And your company?”

“I began to think about my mom’s complete faith in the protection that the Saint’s medallion would provide. As much as it may seem strange to an outsider, I saw my career with the Special Forces as a protector. Protecting others…protecting our country’s interests…protecting each member of my squad. When I thought of starting my own business, I knew that protecting was a large part of what I wanted to do. Somehow the Saints name fit.”

“I love it, Jack,” she replied honestly. Realizing he had just shared more about himself than ever before, she felt a warm glow deep inside. Nothing he had said caused her any fear or trepidation about their relationship. Instead, if possible, it renewed her desire to know all about him.

“And the men who work for you? Do they understand the significance of the name?”

Nodding, his gaze moved from the dessert that had arrived, to her face. “Yeah. They get it. Each one has the same instinct inside of them. Protection. Making life safer, not only for those who can afford our private services, but for the criminal investigations we do as well. So yeah, these men get the name.” He held his thoughts for a moment and then decided to share one more bit.

“In fact,” he said, capturing her rapt attention. “Each one of them have their own medallion.”

Gifted with her smile, he breathed easier. He had been terrified to share anything, but instead had given her everything. So far nothing he said would ever put her in danger.
And I’d protect her with my life,
he vowed.

Finishing the dessert, they decided to walk around town a little to work off some of the meal. Placing her hand on her stomach, she complained, “I’m so full. It must be your storytelling, Jack, because I just sat there, listened and stuffed myself!”

Pulling her in closely with his arm around her shoulders, he added, “A few pounds would not hurt you at all, babe.” With a discreet pat to her ass, he felt her giggle deep inside.

The town’s Main Street had lights in the trees that lined the sidewalk, casting a romantic glow over the pair as they strolled. Silent for several minutes, each lost in their own thoughts, they made their way back to his truck.

Looking down, he peered into her eyes, seeing trust shining back.

“Take me home, Jack?” she asked softly. Rising up on her toes, she placed a kiss on his lips. Rocking back on her heels, she continued to hold his gaze. “And stay with me?”

He cocked his head in question. “You sure, beautiful? You gotta know what this means.”

“I know. I know exactly what I’m doing. You’re not a consolation prize.”

“Damn straight,” he growled, his voice raspy with need. “It won’t be casual and sure won’t be incidental.”

Smiling once more, she nodded toward his truck. “So what’re you waiting on?”

Before she could ready herself, he swooped her up in his arms and had her ass planted in the seat and buckled. Trotting to his side, he quickly pulled himself up into the driver’s seat and was on the road.

“In a hurry, soldier?” she teased.

“You have no fuckin’ idea, baby,” he responded. Driving carefully, he pulled in front of the lodge.

By the time they made it to the lodge’s main room, they were jerking their clothes off quickly once more. She jumped into his arms, circling his waist with her legs. Latching onto his lips, she brought him in holding onto his silky, beard covered jaw.

Making their way upstairs, he placed her on the bed. Forcing himself to slow down, he said, “We got all night, baby. I want to savor every second.”

Melting at his words, she smiled giving him a little nod. He leaned over and slid her skirt down her legs, snagging her panties at the same time. Maneuvering them completely off he turned to lay them on the end of the bed. She had already lost her shirt on the way up the stairs, but he unhooked her bra and removed it as well, exposing all of her beauty to his gaze.

His shirt had also been removed and he saw her eyes drop from his face to his medallion around his neck. He started to pull the chain over his head, when she stopped him.

“Leave it, honey. It’s so much a part of you.”

“It could get in the way,” he explained.

She shook her head. “It’ll never be in the way.”

Smiling, he left it on as he shucked his pants after toeing his boots off. Crawling up her body, he kissed his way from her soft feminine curls upward to her breasts, where he feasted for a few minutes. He finally pulled away from their enticement, and continued his path to her neck where he suckled at the point of her erratically beating pulse.

Making his way to her lips, he captured them, completely devouring her. Thrusting his tongue into her warmth he explored every crevice, his tongue tangling with hers.

Mindless with need, she pressed her body full frontal against his, feeling the evidence of his desire against her belly. Slipping her hand between their bodies, she grasped his cock in her hand, hearing him gasp in her mouth.

At the same time she began to slide her hand up and down his length, his fingers moved in her slick folds before he plunged them deep inside her pussy, now causing her to gasp as well.

It did not take long for him to move his body away causing her to lose purchase of his dick. “When I come, I wanna come inside of you, beautiful.

His fingers continued to work their magic, lifting her higher and higher until she thought she could touch the stars. Leaning down, he grasped a nipple in his mouth, sucking it deeply.

With her head thrown back against the mattress, she knew she had reached beyond the stars. Her inner walls pulsated as they gripped his finger and with her eyes closed tightly the lights sparkled behind her eyelids.

Slowly, she came down and opened her eyes to see the medallion resting right in front of her. Jacques. Warmth flowed through her veins as she knew beyond a shadow of a doubt, this man was for her.

Lifting her gaze she watched, mesmerized, as he slid his finger into his mouth, sucking her juices off. Smiling, she pulled him closer, whispering into his ear. “Take me. Make me yours.”

Jack rolled over to his back again, settling her on top of him. She eyed him curiously, but he just smiled and grabbed the condom lying on the bed beside them. Handing it to her, he said, “First time, you’re in control, baby. I’m giving that power to you.”

Knowing this was huge for a man like him, she smiled. She took the condom in her hands and then placed it back on the bed. He lifted an eyebrow in question, but then she simply slid down his body and curled her fingers around his massive erection. Moving her hand up and down his silky-hard shaft, she felt the tremors move through the rest of his body. Sliding her lips over the tip, she swirled her tongue around the sensitive head.

his mind dissolved into a lust-filled dream come true as he watched this beautiful woman with a heart of gold take him in her mouth.

Continuing to slide him deeper into her mouth, she quickly realized that she would not be able to take very much of him so she slowly pumped the base with her hand while sucking on the top with her lips. Occasionally grazing her teeth over his flesh, she heard him hiss as his hips jerked upwards.

After a minute, she was suddenly pulled up off of him as he growled, “No more. I want your pussy.” He ripped the condom wrapper, but she recovered from her surprise quickly enough to take it from him. She rolled the latex over his cock, amazed that it fit. Licking her lips, she glanced at him, not sure what he wanted.

“Baby, you do whatever you want as long as you’re on top and in control. This one’s all about you.”

“But what about you?” she asked softly.

He chuckled as he shook his head. “You on my dick in any position you want? Hell, girl, that’s a man’s dream come true.”

Smiling shyly, she straddled him, placing the tip of his cock at her entrance. Slowly she lowered herself onto him, allowing her body to stretch as it fit his girth deep inside her wet channel. She was no virgin, but it had been almost a year since her last lover and she had never had anyone as well-endowed as the man underneath her right now.

It was killing him not to plunge upwards, holding himself back. He never did this…and was determined to give this gift to her.
At least this first time.

Finally, fully seated, she glanced down at his tortured face and giggled. His eyes jerked open with a pretend glare.

“Woman, don’t laugh when your pussy’s surrounding my dick,” he warned.

His comment only made her giggle more. “I’m sorry, but you looked like you’re in such pain.”

He bucked his hips upwards and said, “Get moving, beautiful, and you can take care of my pain.”

She lifted on her knees, sliding up before plunging downward quickly, eliciting a moan from her and a hiss from him. Finding her rhythm, she continued to ride him, reaching deep inside to the secret place that craved the friction only he could provide.

He watched her long, blonde hair swaying as it cascaded down her back. Her full, rosy-tipped breasts bounced as she lifted and plunged. His fingers grasped her hips, digging in so tightly that he hoped she would not bruise.

Her breathing ragged, she was tiring as she leaned forward, her hair curtaining around them, and placed her hands on his shoulders. Seeing her fatigue, he took over, pistoning upward while holding her hips in place.

He could tell she was close and as she bent forward, he captured one of her nipples in his mouth, sucking and nipping. That was the final piece of their orgasmic puzzle. She threw her head backward as the orgasm ripped through her, sending jolts to every extremity. He followed closely, plunging as deep as he could reach, continuing to thrust until every drop was poured into her.

She collapsed on top of him, panting. They lay for several minutes, sated and neither willing or able to speak. She finally became aware of his hand making soft patterns on her ass and the other hand rubbing up and down her spine. Lifting her head, she saw his face—smiling eyes gazing back at her.

“Hey,” she whispered, self-consciously.

“Hey, beautiful,” he replied, unable to take his eyes off of her. “You okay?”

“I’m perfect,” she confessed.

“Yeah. Yeah, you are.”

She allowed him to roll her to one side before he rolled to the other and moved out of bed. Disappearing into the bathroom, he quickly took care of the condom before coming back and crawling under the covers with her.

Enveloping her in his arms, cradling her head on his muscular chest, they lay for several minutes, neither saying a word but letting the blissful afterglow move across them.

Afraid to look into his face, she whispered into his chest, “So what now?”

He tipped her chin up with his fingers, forcing her to look into his eyes. “Now, beautiful? Now we’re an
And the rest, we’ll figure out as we go. Agreed?”

Smiling, she nodded. “Yeah, Jack. I’m with you.”

Chapter 17

ethany headed out
to the shed early to try to get some work completed before the madness began. Labor Day weekend was almost upon her and she was booked solid. Approaching the door, she found it unlocked.
I know I locked it yesterday.
Opening the door, she yelped and jumped back as Roscoe was coming out.

“Lordy, you scared me,” she explained.

“Sorry, Bethany,” he said, moving forward with his tool belt buckled around his waist. “I got here early so I could get started on a few repairs.”

“Me too,” she said. “Are you going to take down those branches over cabin six?”

“Yep, and shore up the gutters on cabin eight.”

“What happened?” she said, dismay in her voice.

“Not to worry,” he assured. “I just noticed after the last storm, one side was hanging a little. Won’t take but a bit of banging to make it right.”

He moved past her, smiling as he went. She felt his eyes on her as she went into the shed. Turning, she saw him still watching her. “Was there anything else, Roscoe?”

“I was just wonderin’ if you and that neighbor man were seeing each other now? He’s been around more and I noticed you skedaddling off as well.”

Laughing, she said, “Yes. His name is Jack Bryant and we are seeing each other.”

Roscoe nodded, then added, “Well, your grandmother would want you to be happy. You always were such a good girl.”

He moved on down the path and she grabbed the dock cleaning supplies.
Time to start the day before they all come in.

Later that afternoon, Jack made sure he came by to check on things. As he pulled up, he noticed several trucks full of men with fishing equipment at the lodge. Jaw tight, he jogged up the steps and into the room. Seeing Bethany all alone, checking them in, he moved directly behind the counter and kissed her before turning to face the men in the room. He knew it was a caveman move, but he did not care.
And from the glance to her beside him, wide eyed and jaw dropped, he’d have to explain later.

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