Serenity Falls (28 page)

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Authors: Tiffany Aleman,Ashley Poch

BOOK: Serenity Falls
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Birthday, Sweetheart,” my aunt whispers in my ear.

soft chuckle escapes me as I continue to look around. The rest of the kids and
the other volunteers are scattered throughout the breezeway. Some sit while
others stand, patiently waiting for me to cross over the threshold and make my
way into the barn. “I can’t believe you all did this.” I laugh and sniff back
my tears as I walk into the barn.

stands and makes her way to me. Her small arms wrap around my middle as she
hugs me. “Why didn’t you tell me your birthday was coming up?”

not a day I really like to celebrate,” I answer honestly, as I hug her back.

she pulls away from me, and her big blue eyes hold mine. “Remember when you said
that I needed to
something to bring
back to life?” I nod
as I remember that conversation I had with her not long ago. “Maybe you should
do the same,” she says as her arms drop back down to her sides.

crap! This kid is too smart for her own good.
I nod before I look around the breezeway as people
begin to shuffle about, laughing and talking. They did all of this for me,
because they all love me. On occasion, I might have recognized it, but now? Now,
it. I turn back to look at Bailey. “I think have,” I say
softly. Those words hold as much conviction for me as the words ‘I love you’.

Birthday,” Liam says, wrapping his arms around me.

I smile up at him.

hugs me next, as she wishes me the same.

Birthday, Kenleigh,” Jackie says, embracing me, as well. We haven’t spoken to
each other since the day we had our fallout. So her heartfelt words have me
feeling a little awkward. I tell her thanks as I pat her back. “I’m sorry for
everything.” She sheepishly looks away from me. By her tone, I know it’s a
sincere apology, but it’s still something we need to hash out and leave in the

nod while smiling at her. “We’ll talk later, okay?”

right,” Jackie replies, turning away from me as she walks back over to where
Sarah and Liam stand talking.

Kenleigh,” John says, wheeling himself over in my direction.

John—” I don’t even get to finish my greeting when I’m flipped over a shoulder.

wants to give birthday spankings to the birthday girl?”

me down,” I half laugh, half stammer from the bouncing motion as Brantley jogs
around with me on his shoulder.

loud chuckle rings through the laughter of everyone around me. “Not gonna
happen.” His hand comes down a little harder than necessary, especially for a
birthday spanking, as he slaps my ass. “How old are you now? Twenty-five?” he
asks jokingly.

my a—butt!” I holler. My arms wrap around his middle as I search for the one
person I know will save me, or for that matter, my ass. But when I find him in
the midst of everyone, he’s laughing too. “Wes! Help me please!” I beg. But he
doesn’t move. Instead, he shakes his head and laughs harder.

Okay! I’ll put you down. No need to call in the bull rider. I don’t feel like
having my ass kicked today.” Brantley laughs as he sets me back on my feet. I
have to grip onto his shoulder to steady myself as the blood rushes from my
head back to my lower extremities.

talk like that with the kids around,” I scold, slapping his shoulder playfully.

yeah. Seriously though, Happy Birthday.” Brantley pulls me into a bear hug,
squeezing me tight. “Wait until tomorrow night. No kids will be here, and then
we’ll really have a party for you,” he whispers before he kisses my cheek and
releases me.

as he walks away, strong arms wrap around my waist from behind. “I saw that,
you know.” The warmth of Wes’ breath fans out in a whisper against the shell of
my ear as he kisses it.
Is that a hint of jealousy in his tone?

Well, it’s a good thing for you that it’s your lips that I love and not
Brantley’s,” I tease, leaning into his warm embrace.

arms tighten around me. “That’s a very good thing.”

angle my head to look up at him. “Thank you for making this the best birthday
I’ve had in years.”

didn’t you tell me your birthday was coming up?”

shrug before answering. “It’s just another day to me. And we haven’t really
known each other all that long.”

I can understand the second part of your answer, I guess. But we’ve known each
other long enough.”

then, when’s your birthday? It’s not like you’ve divulged that information to
me.” My words are curt even though I don’t mean for them to be.

fifteenth. I’ll be twenty-six. But that’s neither here nor there. I wanna know
why you don’t like to celebrate your birthday?”

turn my gaze away from him to look at everyone who’s here to celebrate my
birthday. He waits patiently for my answer. “It’s a day that reminds me of my

feel him nod against the side of my head. “Look at me, please.” Wes hooks a
finger under my chin and forces me to look at him. Slowly, my eyes open, and I
look up from beneath my lashes. I can see my pain reflecting back at me as I
stare into his eyes. “You lived. I’m sorry for what you’ve had to go through. I
can’t ever imagine losing my parents, but you lived, Kenleigh. And I believe
God saved you for me. So live. Live for me. Live. For. You.”

on the brink of breaking down as newfound tears threaten to fall. I’m not sure
what I have done in this life to deserve such a wonderful man, but I feel so
blessed. Vigorously, I nod as I attempt to swallow my emotions.
How many
times in one day can a person cry?
“You’re right. Today marks a new day. A
me. So, with that said, I want to enjoy today and every day from now on.” I
turn in his arms and bind mine around his neck. “Now, I’d like to eat some of
that awesome cake that keeps staring at me,” I say, gazing between him and my

throws his head back in laughter and lifts me off the ground, which brings a
smile to my face. This is what I want to see. I want his face lit up with
laughter, not creased with lines of worry for me. “Anything for
birthday girl.” He lifts his head, leans down, and pecks my lips. Gently, he
puts me back on my feet. Taking my hand in his, we walk over towards the table,
only stopping a couple of times for people to wish me happy birthday.

Birthday,” Mr. Will says as we step up behind the cake. “I would have told you
earlier this mornin’, but I had to get in here and get the horses out to the
pasture so that we could clean out all the stalls.”

worry about it.” I shake off his explanation with a smile. “And thank you. All
of you… for this.”

cups his hands around his mouth and shouts that it’s time for cake.

everyone gathers around the table, I clear my throat, gaining their attention.
“I just wanted to say thank y’all for wanting to celebrate my birthday with me.
I haven’t celebrated this day in quite some time. And I can’t think of anyone
else I’d rather start celebrating this day with again than all of you.” I pick
the knife up off the table and begin to cut into the cake before finishing my
speech. “I am starting new today. I was given this day to celebrate my life,
and I will, every year, from here on out.” I place the freshly cut piece of
cake on a plate, then lift the plate in the air. “Let’s eat some cake!” I
shout, before shoving the piece in Wes’ face. The plate falls to the floor as
pieces of cake tumble to the ground below with it. An uproar of laughter
resonates throughout the barn. His entire face is smeared with chocolate icing
and white cake. A few flower petals stick out of the icing. Wes brings his
hands up to his face, wiping cake and icing from his eyes. Slowly, they open
and stare back at me.

I think you have some cake on your face.” I point to the corner my lip as if I
have frosting on my own face. I try to hold back from laughing, but it’s no

do, huh?” he asks, lunging for me. Quickly, I dart behind Mrs. Sandy. “Mom?
Could you please move?” Wes asks. A mischievous smile mars his cake-covered

crosses her arms over her chest and juts out her hip. “See, I’d love to, Son,
but I need to at least give Kenleigh here a chance to make a run for it.” Those
words spur me into action. As I sprint out the back of the barn and into the
field, I hear Wes’ feet pound against the ground below.

might as well give up!” he shouts, gaining on me inch by inch.

look back over my shoulder and yell, “Never! You’ll have to catch me first!”

Baby, I will always catch you.” I’m pulled back against his hard chest as an
arm wraps around my waist.

tumble to the ground, breathing heavily and laughing at the same time. When we
finally come to a stop, Wes rests above with his large arms and sexy body
caging me in. Before I realize it’s happening, Wes’ face rolls over mine,
covering me in cake, too. I squeal in surprise before my squeal turns into
bellyaching laughter. “I told you I’d catch you, Baby,” he mumbles out in that
husky voice that gets me every time, as he leans in, sealing his lips over

I return his kiss. My arms snake around his neck and pull him all the way down
on top of me. The taste of chocolate and vanilla and everything Wes has me
wanting to rip his clothes off him right here, right now. But I don’t. My
subconscious breaks through, and unfortunately, reminds me that there is a
birthday party to get back to. “I knew you would. You always do,” I reply
against his mouth before breaking the kiss.




hands smooth out the blue, black, and grey plaid shirt that hangs above my cut
off jean shorts. A loose braid wraps around the side of my neck and rests over
my right shoulder, while the black, slouched, cowboy boots complete the look. I
lean in close to the mirror once more as I check what little makeup I have on.

was one of the best days of my life thus far. The funny thing is, I finally
feel like there will be many more to come. I was sad to watch my aunt leave,
but it was great to spend some time with her. After a long hug, and me
promising that I would come home to visit more often, she left. I didn’t cry.
Instead, I waved her off with a smile.

heart felt lighter when Bailey hugged me goodbye. We exchanged phone numbers,
and I told her that she could call me anytime, for anything. An easy smile
found its way onto my face as I watched her climb into the passenger seat of
her mom’s car. I sat there, prepared to watch them drive off, as well, but
instead, her mother got out of the car and met me in front of it. “I don’t know
if I can ever thank you enough,” she said as she yanked me forward into a hug.
I almost broke down when I felt her mother trembling beneath my hands as she
quietly cried. “I already lost my son. I can’t bear to lose my daughter, too.
You’ve helped her so much, and I don’t even think you realize it.” She cried
brokenly on my shoulder.

didn’t lose her. She just went down a different path for a while, but now,
she’s making her way back to you.”

do you know?” she asked, her voice overcome with emotion.

I’ve been where she is. She may never heal completely, but she’s learning to
cope, and that’s all anyone can ask for.”

pulled back from our embrace and wiped away her running mascara. “You’ve helped
her more than anyone else could. And for that, you will always be a part of our
family. You call if you need anything,” she said, her voice stern and serious.

corners of my lips lifted in a smile. “Yes, ma’am.” With that, she gave me one
last hug before she turned back to her car and left.

knock on the bathroom door pulls me back to the present. “Yeah?”

you ready?” Wes asks when I open the door. I don’t think I will ever get tired
of watching his eyes pop out of his head when he looks at me. I lean my
shoulder against the doorframe while his gaze peruses my body. I’ve left the
first three buttons of my shirt undone because I know he likes to see a little
cleavage. My sleeves are rolled just below my elbows and the hem of my shorts
fit snug right below the curves of my ass.


me,” Wes groans. His hands grip onto my hips as he pulls me into him. Without
warning, his lips crash down on mine. His tongue sweeps across my upper lip
demanding entrance, entrance that I have no problem allowing. A deep, husky
growl rumbles from deep within him as his hold on my hips tightens. Lust shoots
through my veins, resonating in that one spot where I need him the most. My
hands grasp his shirt, fisting it as I try to get as close to him as possible.
“Let’s not go to the party,” he mumbles against my lips.

have to.” I chuckle breathlessly.

leans his forehead against mine. “No, we don’t. We can go somewhere, just us,”
he says, taking deep breaths.

the end of camp bonfire and my party. Of course, we have to go.” I smooth out
the wrinkles my fists made in his black, button-up shirt. The dark, boot cut
jeans he’s in fit nicely as they cling to his massive thighs just the way I
like. I look up at him beneath my eyelashes. “You look so damn sexy.”

arches an eyebrow. “If I didn’t know any better, I would think that you don’t
really wanna go to this party after all.”

shove him back, laughing. “Whatever. Come on, let’s go,” I say, stepping past

you have to change those shorts.” Wes groans from behind me. I look back at him
over my shoulder to ask why. “Because your ass looks too good, and I really
don’t feel like getting in a fight tonight.”

then you better break out your brass knuckles, because I’m not changing,” I
roll my eyes and continue down the hallway with a little extra sway in my step
since I can feel his eyes on my ass.

we taking my Jeep or the truck?” I shout back at Wes over my shoulder as I make
my way down the stairs.

Jeep,” he grumbles from behind me.

hop off the last step, turn around, pull my keys out of my pocket, and toss
them to him. Of course, he catches them midair. “Look, I thought you would like
my outfit. If you really want me to go and change my shorts, I will.”

walks toward me, stopping inches short of my chest. His strong hands wrap
around my waist. “I’m sorry. I
like your outfit, and you do look
amazing,” he says, lifting an eyebrow. “Don’t change. Let’s go have some fun,”
he whispers, barely grazing his lips against mine.

in the Jeep, I turn the radio on as Wes heads out into the field toward the
bonfire. Jason Aldean’s
When She Says Baby
blares through the speakers.
My head bobs in time with the beat. Wes’ hand finds the top of my thigh,
squeezing it as he sings along with the chorus in his smooth voice.

I turn down the music as I look over at him. “I’ll save you every
time, Baby, just like you’ve saved me.” Loud music and the orange flickering
flames from the bonfire come into view. I unbuckle my se
at belt and jump out of the Jeep as it rolls to a
stop. Wes follows right behind me, meeting me on the passenger side. “Holy
shit! It’s Wes and the birthday girl!” Reid shouts to everyone as he makes his
way toward us. With his arms wide open, he throws them around me in a hug as he
lifts me off the ground. “Happy Birthday, Kenleigh.”

Reid,” I reply, kissing his cheek as he puts me back on my feet. He and Wes
exchange a man hug as they say hey to each other. The more I look around, the
more I notice there is a shit load of people here. People I’ve never seen
before at any other bonfire they’ve had.

race down my spine as I hear Leslie’s shrill voice calling Wes’ name.
Immediately, I step in front of him. He wraps his arms around my middle, and I
lean back against him. Her eyes stay solely focused on my boyfriend before they
fall to rest on me. A sneer marks her already fake features, as she looks me up
and down.

he says politely, squeezing me to him.

is this?” She points at me.

I’m Kenleigh.
His girlfriend
.” I answer for him, and stick my hand out
to introduce myself. I don’t expect her to return the gesture. “And you must be
,” I say with a smile. My tone is cocky, just as I intended it to

you want a real woman, you know where to find me,” she scoffs, turns on her
heel, and storms away.

want something to drink?” Reid asks, acting as if nothing just happened.

I’ll take a beer,” I reply.

sure, Babe?” Wes asks against my ear. I nod. “I’ll just take a water,” he

beer and one water, coming up.” Reid turns around and leaves to get our drinks.

can’t help but laugh at her dramatics. Shaking my head, I ask, because I have
to know. “You actually liked her?”

can feel the rise and fall of Wes’ shoulders as he shrugs. “I was a teenage

So she was an easy lay?”

not proud of it,” he answers quietly.

response prompts me to turn around in his arms. “I’m not judging you. You’re
not that guy anymore. People can change. From what you’ve told me about your
past, I can see that you have.”

a beer, huh?” He deflects the topic from him to me.

it’s my turn to shrug. “I had a beer at the last bonfire you took me to right
before camp started. I drink sometimes. Not often, but sometimes. I’ve only
been drunk once, and let me just say, it’s nothing I want to repeat again.
Normally, if I do drink, it’s only two or three.”

not judging you.” He grins as he throws my words back at me.

I slap his shoulder. “Smartass.” I chuckle.

y’all go,” Reid says from behind us. He hands Wes a bottle of water and me a
bottle of Miller Light. “I’m gonna go. You know, leave you two to whatever it is
you do,” he says, slowly backing away.

lift the bottle to him before I take a swig of the beer. The crisp flavor
swirls in my mouth, making me sigh in relief as I swallow.

dance?” Wes asks against the shell of my ear. Tingles race down my spine and an
unexpected shiver takes hold of my body when his warm breath fans across my ear
and down my neck. When I nod, he takes my hand and leads me toward the back of
Reid’s truck. Wes steps behind me and lifts me up on the tailgate. With no
effort required from him, he jumps up into the bed of the lifted truck.

we gonna dance in the bed of a truck?” I ask curiously.

He spins me around, pulling my back to his front as
Tell Me How You Like It
Florida Georgia Line blasts through the speakers hooked up all around the
bonfire. Wes’ hands slide down my ribs and come to a rest on my hips. Slowly, I
begin to sway in time with the music, enjoying the solid wall of Wes behind me,
and the feeling of being free. The rhythm to which we dance is erotic, to say
the least. I feel the bulge in Wes’ pants begin to swell and rub against my ass
as my hips move from side to side. “Keep doing that, and I’m going to show how
like it,” Wes whispers against my neck as he peppers kisses against my heated
skin. My eyes flutter close as my head tilts further to the side. “I really
love you in these shorts,” he murmurs, flicking his tongue against the spot
behind my ear that drives me crazy. A moan escapes me as his amazing lips
continue their sensual assault on my neck. A breeze tickles my skin as Wes’
hand slips beneath my shirt. His rough, calloused fingers skim against my
stomach. “I love you,” he whispers against my ear.

hand lifts and wraps around the back of his neck, bringing his face to mine.
Slowly, my lids flutter open as I stare into his lust filled eyes. The sound of
the music, people laughing, and talking fades out around us. It’s just him and
me in our own little world. “I love you, too. More than you can ever imagine.”

good to know,” he murmurs as he takes my lips with his. Our teeth clash, and
our tongues dance to their own tempo as I turn around in his arms, trying to
get as close to him as humanly possible without climbing into his skin. We
break apart, our breathing erratic. “If we don’t stop right now, I’m gonna
throw you over my shoulder, and take you somewhere a little more private so I
can have my way with you,” he groans before kissing me once more. As promising
as that sounds, I’d like to enjoy this party a little longer.

right.” I step out of his embrace. We walk to the edge of the tailgate. Wes
jumps down before he helps me off.

on solid ground, he gives me another kiss. “I’m gonna go and hang out with some
of the boys. If you need anything, come find me, okay?”

right. I’m gonna see if I can find Jackie. We were supposed to talk yesterday,
but with everything going on, it didn’t happen.”

like I said, come find me if you need anything,” he reiterates with a pointed
look that causes me to laugh.

playfully shove him in the direction of the fire where a group of guys stands,
urging him to go and have fun. I take a deep breath before scanning the crowd
to look for Jackie. Her long blonde locks are what I spot first. Jackie’s head
tips back in laughter as she talks to Sarah, Liam, and Brantley on the other
side of the fire. Her hair holds an orange, reddish tint as the fire reflects
off her hair. People swarm around the bonfire, making it difficult for me to
get through. I shove my way through the throngs of drunken idiots. I brush
spilt alcohol off my shirt and arms as I approach them. “Hey, guys.”

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