Read Serendipity (Inevitable) Online

Authors: Janet Nissenson

Serendipity (Inevitable) (6 page)

BOOK: Serendipity (Inevitable)
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He licked one nipple, flicking his tongue over it hard and fast, then with maddening slowness. She was almost dizzy with sensation, more aroused than she could have ever imagined, every touch of his hands threatening to send her over the edge. She threaded her hands deeper into his thick hair, cradling his face against her breasts as he continued to suck her nipples, each hungry pull of his lips reverberating through her body all the way to her womb.

“Yes. God, yes. Keep doing that, please,” she begged. “It feels so good, Nathan. Make me come this way, please.”

“Don’t come. Not yet,” he instructed, and lifted his head from her breasts.

She almost cried out in frustration, needing release so badly, her body over-stimulated by his kisses and caresses. “Nathan, you have to - ” she gasped, trying to pull his head back to her breasts.

“Hush, baby. I’m going to take care of you,” he soothed. “Let’s see just how ready you are.”

He slid two fingers under the low waistband of her lacy boy shorts, dipping briefly into her navel, and then plunging into the slick, dripping wet folds of her slit.

Julia cried out while Nathan swore softly. “Fuck, baby, you’re so wet and juicy. I want to lick up all that delicious juice, slide my tongue up inside you and eat you up.”

He slid his entire hand inside her panties, cupping her with his palm. “But you’ve been a very naughty girl, Julia. You got these pretty panties all wet. Now I’m going to have to take them off of you.”

Nathan sunk to his knees, hooking his thumbs in the waistband of the boy shorts, tugging them down her legs, and helping her step out of them. When she moved to kick off one shoe, he held her ankle still. “Leave them on,” he ordered. “These sexy as fuck shoes. I want you wearing them when you wrap these gorgeous legs around me while I’m fucking you for the first time.”

Julia’s legs trembled, loving the way he talked dirty to her, as well as the way he was taking complete control of their foreplay, even dominating it. And then she was gasping, gripping his shoulders tightly as he slid two fingers back inside her, fucking her with them slowly and deliberately, as his thumb circled her ultrasensitive clit. The intense awareness and arousal that had been building inside of her ever since she’d met him on the street, and that he had been consistently stoking with his demanding kisses and expert caresses, suddenly burst to overflowing. The orgasm that flooded her body was the strongest and hardest she’d ever experienced, just as Nathan had promised. He wrapped his arms around her thighs, pressing his cheek against her belly, and held her as she continued to quiver in the aftermath.

“Damn, baby, you’re so responsive,” he said, almost in disbelief. “I barely had to touch you and you went off. Mmm, it’s going to be fun to see how many times I can make you come. You’re going to be wrung out by the time I’m finished.” He nuzzled his face into the soft, damp tangle of her light brown pubic hair. “Time for round two.”

She cried out helplessly, her hands tangling in his thick hair, as he licked at her slick, wet folds. He parted her swollen labia with his thumbs, holding her open as he licked her up like a cat would cream. Julia’s breath came out in short, gasping pants as he continued to eat her out thoroughly, and she was half-afraid her legs would give out from under her. His tongue delved deep into the very core of her, thrusting in and out while one thumb skimmed back and forth over her clit, driving her crazy with the sensations. Then it was his tongue – that talented, wicked tongue - flicking over the distended little nub before biting down on it, sucking it hard, and this time she screamed his name as she came.

He slid back up her body, wrapping her in his arms and holding her close, soothing her as her body shuddered. “That’s my beautiful girl,” he crooned. “Such a sexy, responsive little temptress you are. And you smell and taste delicious, too. I want you to taste yourself, baby.”

He kissed her then, a wet, open-mouthed kiss that bruised her already swollen lips. She could taste the salty muskiness of her own juices on his tongue and wound herself more closely against him. The realization that she was completely nude, save for her shoes, while he was still fully clothed, made her feel like a wanton harem girl, and she was more than anxious to get him naked.

Julia tugged on his tie. “You’ve got too many clothes on,” she pouted. “It’s not fair. I want to see you, too.”

He shrugged out of his suit jacket, tossing it on a chair, and spread his arms. “Then undress me, baby. You’re in charge now.”

She smiled, liking that thought, and that she could tease and torture him with the same seductive slowness he’d just done with her. “Okay. First, let’s get rid of this.” She deftly unfastened his tie and let it fall to the floor.

“The shirt next.”

She undid the buttons one at a time with deliberate slowness. Nathan’s eyes were glittering, his breath starting to hitch as she continued her progress. She tugged the shirt from his pants and pushed it off him, gasping with delight as she bared his torso.

“What a beautiful man you are,” she whispered, running her palms over the hard, defined muscles of his chest and abs, then back up his arms to his broad, strong shoulders and down to his bulging biceps. Julia leaned in and nuzzled the side of his neck, breathing in the clean masculine scent that was a combination of soap, shave cream and sweat. Imitating his previous actions, she trailed soft, moist kisses down his jaw and throat and continued past his chest. She ran her tongue over each flat male nipple, enjoying the sound of his indrawn hiss, and loving the feel of his heart beating in wild rhythm beneath her palm. Her hands moved to his back, her fingers splaying over the muscles she found there, as her mouth continued its descent until it stopped at his waist.

“Now these.” She tugged at the waistband of his trousers. “Let me,” she instructed as his hands would have begun to unbuckle his belt.

Nathan kicked off his shoes and toed off his socks as Julia unbuckled his belt with aggravating slowness. He growled a warning as she rubbed her breasts against his bare chest, the erect nipples boring into his hot skin. Smiling naughtily, she unbuttoned his pants and began to slide the zipper down very, very carefully, its rasp the only sound in the room save for Nathan’s increasingly ragged breathing.

She tugged the fine fabric down his legs as she knelt, waiting for him to step out of his pants, before taking a page from his book of seduction and running her hands up the back of his well-muscled calves and powerful thighs until she reached his crotch.

His cock was standing at full attention, pushing at the too-tight confines of his dark blue briefs. Julia smiled up at him, elated to see the glitter of his light blue eyes, the flaring of his nostrils, the dark flush on his cheeks, and knew that he was immensely aroused. She slipped her fingers inside the low waistband of his underwear, and glanced at him with big, innocent eyes.

“May I?” she asked huskily.

He bit his lip. “You may do whatever the fuck you want, baby, as long as it involves my cock being inside that hot mouth of yours within the next twenty seconds.”

“Tsk, tsk. So impatient,” she scolded mockingly. “Where’s your control? I thought you wanted to take this slow.”

He grabbed a handful of her hair and yanked her head back, staring down at her with a dangerous smolder in his eyes. “You have no idea how much control I’ve had to use tonight. I was ready to come when I kissed you the first time, and I’ve been on the edge every minute since,” he whispered gutturally. “Now be a good girl and do what I asked you to do when you were licking my finger.”

Julia felt a thrill go through her at the commanding, domineering tone of his voice, liking this side of him and finding it incredibly arousing. “Yes, sir,“ she murmured in what she hoped was an obedient voice.

She peeled the snug fitting underwear from his body, freeing his enormously erect cock. Julia licked her lips as she ran her slender hands lightly over his pulsing length, but it was more than enough to make him jump and his breath to expel in a long, slow hiss. At the first flick of her tongue over the broad head of his penis, Nathan groaned. She ran her tongue up and down the heavy, thick length of him, long, slow strokes followed by quick, butterfly-like flutters. A thick drop of pre-cum oozed from the tip and she daintily licked it off before plunging her tongue deep into the slit.

“Fuck!” cursed Nathan vividly, his hands threading into her hair. “Open your mouth, Julia. This isn’t going to take very long, baby.”

Her lips parted and a second later he thrust himself hard into her wet, welcoming mouth. The head of his dick battered against the back of her throat and she had to force herself not to tense up as his thrusts grew deeper and faster. His harsh groans were the most erotic sound she’d ever heard, and she felt herself growing wetter, her nipples hardening. She slid one hand to lightly fondle his swollen balls, and that slight pressure was more than enough to send him over the edge, crying out her name and holding her head still as he spurted hot, salty cum into her mouth, filling her until she had to swallow. She couldn’t swallow all of it fast enough, and could feel his semen escape from her lips, running down her chin until she could wipe it off.

She sank to the floor by his feet, her head resting on his thighs as he shuddered repeatedly from his release. Then Nathan slid to the carpeted floor beside her, gathering her into his arms.

“You are extraordinary,” he whispered into her hair, pushing the damp strands from her forehead and pressing kisses to her temple. “Gorgeous and sexy and you respond so beautifully, baby. And you make me crazy for you. I don’t think I could ever get enough of this hot body.” He slid his hand up her hip all the way to one full, swollen breast, his thumb brushing over the nipple.

Julia bit her bottom lip, her head drooping to his shoulder as be bent and licked the other nipple. She rubbed her palm over his taut, defined abs. “I feel the same way. I’m ready for more.” She leaned in and pressed a kiss just below his ear. “Take me to bed, Nathan. I need you inside of me.”

Chapter Four

Nathan grew instantly hard at her sweetly murmured words, despite the fact he’d just spilled himself almost violently into that sexy mouth of hers mere minutes before, coming harder than he could ever remember doing. He scooped her up into his arms and carried her the short distance to the big, king-sized bed, tumbling them onto the plush pillow-top mattress. Julia wound herself around him, her arms about his neck, legs tangling with his, and those spectacular breasts crushed up against him. He groaned at the feel of all that creamy, satiny skin entwined with his, and bent his head to claim her mouth in a long, leisurely kiss. She kissed him back with a little “mmm” sound, which he found really, really sexy. Her tongue made arousing little licks at his mouth, driving him half-mad until he gripped her chin and held her still so he could kiss her harder. Everything about this woman was so fucking sexy, from her face to her body to the little noises she made, and especially to the way she kissed and touched him. He’d never, ever been this aroused before, this hungry, and felt the overwhelming urge to lose himself in her for as long as he possibly could.

He slipped his hand down her body, past the adorable little curve of her belly, and into the soft nest of her pubic hair. He was pleased that she didn’t shave or wax that area, not particularly liking when women did that. He preferred it when they were natural like Julia, and especially when their sweet, delectable pussies were as slick and hot as hers.

She gasped as he slid two fingers inside of her and he smiled. “Mmm, so sweet and juicy already,” he crooned. “Like a ripe peach. I’d love to taste you again, baby. But first my cock wants a turn.”

She smiled sultrily. “Then I think it should have one. A nice long turn. And speaking of long.”

“Jesus Christ!” he gulped, as her small, slim hand took hold of his dick and began to stroke him slowly, with tantalizing precision. She ran her hand up and down the entire length of his cock, cupping his balls, then sliding up until her thumb could flick over the slit at the head. He was so hard that it was difficult to remember he’d just had a mind-blowing orgasm mere minutes ago. But Julia was so hot, so arousing, that he feared he could never get his fill of her, that he’d be perpetually hard just by being next to her.

He rolled her underneath him, then rose up on his knees, pausing to gaze down at Julia and how beautiful she looked – her glorious hair splayed out on the pillow, eyes heavy-lidded with desire, her mouth half-open as she breathed in shallow pants, those round, tempting breasts thrusting up at him, her legs sweetly parted in welcome. Nathan groaned, and ran a hand down from her throat, between her tits, over her belly, to her thigh, noticing that her creamy skin was flushed pink with arousal. He lifted one leg over his shoulder, running his hand down her calf to where she still wore the sexy gray stilettos.

“I want to fuck you this way,” he told her bluntly. “Tell me if it’s too deep.”

In reply, Julia merely took hold of his cock and guided him to the slick opening to her body. He needed no further invitation, and slid inside of her in one smooth stroke. She gasped as he buried himself as deeply inside of her as possible, and he closed his eyes, remaining completely still for long seconds as he savored the feeling of his bare cock sheathed in her hot, tight core. She felt like wet velvet around him, and it was the absolute best feeling in the entire fucking world.

He grit his teeth fiercely, almost afraid to move. “God, you’re so tight around me, baby. Tell me if I’m hurting you this way.”

Slowly, he began to move in an out of her, withdrawing about halfway before easing back in. From Julia’s little moans of pleasure each time he did so, he guessed it felt as amazing to her at it did to him. With each slow, measured thrust he filled her a little more, until he was buried to the root, fully sheathed inside her of her enticing body. Then, as he deliberately slid back out almost to the tip, she startled him by lifting her other leg over his shoulder, crossing her ankles one over the other behind his neck.

BOOK: Serendipity (Inevitable)
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