Sensuality (19 page)

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Authors: Zane

BOOK: Sensuality
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Depleted, I lay almost senseless on the car, my body shaking as the tears rolled softly down my face.

Minutes later I recovered enough to stand. I was sore and knew it was going to be much worse tomorrow, a painful reminder of my latest outing to
el barrio
. I got into the driver’s seat and started the car. The thug said something, but I tuned him out. He had served his purpose and I had no more use for him.

As I backed out of the alley, I pulled some bills from my purse and threw them out the window. I didn’t look back.

I was still naked but I didn’t care. My ass was sore but I didn’t care. My scalp tingled and ached where the thug had savagely pulled my hair. I didn’t care. I was numb. I drove like a robot, the smells of sex and new car mingled and the tears rolled down my face all the way home.

Are You Available

“Are you available?” Chas asked a Linda Darnel look-alike. She was the spitting image of one of the movie star’s Latina characters. Beautiful, bronzed, busty, and draped in a burgundy dress designed to emphasize her figure and draw attention to her cleavage.

Smiling, she took his hand, said, “
” and then led him toward a counter where an older lady was sitting. With only a hint of an accent, the older lady said, “Linda doesn’t speak English well so you need to talk with me. She’s one of our best and costs ten dollars. Is that okay with you?”

“Yes, that’s fine,” he said, reaching for his wallet.


Chas was in a Juárez bordello, San Miguel’s, with three of his army buddies. It was the middle of February 1953; they had spent the past four weeks training on the M55 mount and the 90-millimeter cannon at Fort Bliss and were enjoy
ing a weekend pass in Mexico. After entering, they had a drink and decided to go their separate ways, find a lady, and meet again about eleven o’clock.


He handed her a ten.

“Follow Linda down the hall. There’s a room where you’ll be checked for VD and given a condom. Kissing is against the rules and Linda’s tatas are off limits. If every Juan who sees her used them, she’d be too sore to work. Is that clear?” she asked sternly, but with an understanding gaze.

With a nod, he returned her look.

“Have a nice time,” she said as he turned.

He was directed to a room where a woman in her sixties or seventies had him drop his khakis. She grabbed his penis with a gloved hand and gave him two quick jerks. He didn’t emit any fluid, indicating he was free of clap. Handing him a condom, she shooed him away.

Linda stood in front of a door and stepped inside as he waddled down the hall, struggling with his pants. Entering the room, Chas saw a flash of red falling to a chair and Linda crawling into a single, metal bed sitting low to the floor. She had a beautiful face, long black hair, light brown skin, dangling mammary glands, pubic hair glistening from recently applied lubricant, and long shapely legs.

She lay with her head on several pillows, her legs bent and spread wide. Chas undressed and rolled the condom the length of his erection. Watching emotionlessly, she gestured and said in heavily accented English, “Come on.”

She wants me to hurry,
he thought. For her this was
business—for him, however, it was an event he had been looking forward to ever since he had screwed Marti on Christmas in New York.

Crouching between her legs, he advanced toward her slick pussy while devouring her breasts with his eyes—even in the back and down position, they were marvelous. Penetration went smoothly, but before he was fully seated she exploded, moving her body in all directions at the same time. Shocked, Chas had never experienced such motion; he guessed her frenetic actions were an attempt to cause him to cum quickly. The faster he finished, the sooner she could entertain another customer. This method probably worked most of the time because her customers were usually horny, drunk, or both.

Chas hadn’t had a piece of ass in over a month, and he maintained control because there had been no foreplay. Up and down, side to side, back and forth Linda’s cunt gyrated swiftly around his shaft. His full weight settling on her body forced her to slow. Chas rested on his haunches and enjoyed the ride. His long, thick cock was being bombarded beyond belief, but he retained his load, a gift he couldn’t explain.

Linda opened her eyes, astonished because this handsome, muscular, young gringo had her impaled and nearly powerless. His striking features and powerful body gave him an authority that countered her plan.

“Come on!” she commanded.

His body mass caused her to slow further. Looking at him defiantly, she gathered her strength, placed her legs around his waist, and energetically propelled her
against him. Chas rode her like a bronco buster and beamed
at her stunned glare. Finally tired and breathing heavily, she stopped, grabbed him by the ass, and repeated, “Come on.”

As an alpha male, he thwarted her attempt to control him. He dropped to his forearms and rested above her heaving, perspiration-covered breasts. It was his turn. Rocking back and forth inside her slippery channel, he increased his movements until he was firing on all cylinders, like a 50-caliber machine gun. Concentrating and massaging her with long powerful strokes, he stared into her now-accepting eyes and said sarcastically, “Come on.”

She enthusiastically lifted her hips to meet his thrusts. He continued plunging into her. With one last shove that looked and felt like the recoil of a 90-millimeter canon, she climaxed and screamed,
“¡Sí! ¡Sí! ¡Sí!”

Chas enjoyed the delicious flow of fluids from his throbbing cock. She sighed and tightened her grip under his continuing spasms. He held her securely and didn’t let go until his secondary eruptions ceased.

“Come on,” she whispered quietly. “Come on. Please?”

His sexual energy spent, he rolled onto his side and she scurried away, leaving behind the odor of sex and a vision of bouncing buns. Who said you could lead a horse to water, but you couldn’t make a hormone? Apparently he had done just that.


The lady at the desk stopped him as he left. “Linda said you were
El Toro
in there,” she said with a wise smile and a hint of admiration in her voice. “She suggests you return on a Wednesday or Thursday when she’s less busy. You’ll get a reduced rate and be able to spend more time with her.”

“Please tell her I’ve never had a female so active. Her body and movements gave me great pleasure. She was worth the price.”

“Come again soon,” the madam cooed. “We appreciate your business.”


Chas went to the bar, ordered a Seven and Seven, paid scant attention to the sound of the mariachi band, but he liked the floor show, especially the scantly clad ladies wandering in, around, and between tables.

“Chas!” a loud voice called to him. “Come over here and sit down. We’ve been wondering what happened to you. Did you get laid?” Mark asked.

“I’ve been standing at the bar, sipping my drink and watching the floor show.”

“Chas, this is María and Silvia. They are Mark and my dates,” Paul said, indicating the two of them.

“They were good and only cost three bucks. It’s hard to beat a fucking deal like that, if you’ll pardon the pun.”

Chas smiled, nodded, and said hello to the ladies.

“Who did you spend your time with?” Ben asked.


Both María and Silvia looked startled, smiled broadly, pointed at Chas, and said together,
“¡El Toro!”

The guys looked at each other and then at the girls. Mark asked, “
El Toro
? What the hell does that mean?”

Maria responded with excitement, “
El Toro,
the bull. Linda has called your friend the bull. To be called
El Toro
is a great compliment because he pleasures all the heifers, and
he certainly pleased Linda. She told us that he nearly tore her a new pussy with his prolonged pumping.”

“Chas, you have a new nickname,
El Toro,
” Ben said. “I didn’t know the three of us were friends with a stallion.”

Then all of them were talking and laughing at the same time. Chas planned on taking a lot of razzing from now until the end of their training.

“I know that’s real funny, guys, but I’m ready to leave. I got what I came for. I’d like to look around before going back to the hotel.”

“Chas, you’re a party pooper,” Paul said with a meaningful grin. “We just got here. If we stay long enough, I’ll be able to take María back to the room again.”

Chas chuckled and said jokingly, “Paul, all you’re going to do is get drunk and waste your money buying these ladies expensive, watered-down drinks. You’ll be lucky if you can get it up again in a week.”

Ben and Mark snickered.

“What do you mean? I’m a friend of
El Toro,
the bull, and I’ll be ready to get fucked again in minutes.”

They all laughed. It seemed as though they had already had enough to drink, but it was hard for some guys to stop once they get started, especially since they hadn’t been near booze or women since they arrived at Fort Bliss.

“You guys can stay if you want, but I’m going to go down the street, take a look around, and go back to the hotel.
El Toro
is just about petered out.”

They all laughed with him.

“Did you hear that, guys?” Paul asked. “
El Toro,
the bull, is all
petered out.
” He grinned at his own joke.

After a short discussion, it was decided that the three of them were going to stay and meet him back at the hotel.


Chas left San Miguel’s about midnight. He wandered down Avenida Juárez, peering into the shops but finding little of interest. As he passed an alleyway, he thought he heard a cry, and instinctively, he ran into the darkness.


He woke with excruciating pain at the back of his head and his left arm and shoulder were sore. Opening his eyes, the vision he saw was the opposite of his agony. The image was a beautiful, oval-shaped, cinnamon face with brown eyes framed in a trellis of flowing black hair. He was either in heaven or hell.

A flashing smile crossed the face as it rose and a low, husky, lightly accented voice said, “Señor Marshall, I’m so glad you’re awake.”

He noticed as she approached his bed that she was short, petite, and voluptuous. A loose-fitting peasant blouse with a scooped neck covered her considerable assets. Leaning over him, she felt his forehead as for a fever. Her action gave him a glimpse of her plump pendulums. He decided he was in heaven.

“I’ve been so worried. You’ve been unconscious for hours.”

He tried to speak but only emitted a groan.

“You’re hurting and probably dehydrated. I’ll get you something for pain and a drink.”

As she walked out of the room, he observed her narrow
shoulders and rounded hips. He wondered about her legs. His thoughts were short-lived because of the pain.

His eyes were closed when she returned. She lifted his head with an arm, pressing a breast against his cheek, and offered him a pill and a glass. He slipped the pill between his lips and the fluid flooded his mouth and throat. It was welcome relief but his thoughts were focused on the feel of her flesh against his.

Finally he spoke. “What…?” his voice trailed off.

Hovering over him, she said, “You were mugged in an alley late Friday night, or early Saturday morning. My sister and some friends found you and brought you here. Please drink some more.”

He drank and fell asleep, in spite of himself.


When he woke, he was cold, hungry, and his head ached. She was sitting at the foot of the bed, knitting.

“I’m cold,” he said.

She was instantly by his side. “I’ll get you some broth and tea.”

Before leaving, she covered him with another blanket. Hearing conversations from the kitchen, he wondered what had really happened to him, how she knew his name—and why was she alone with him?

To his surprise, Linda returned with a bowl and a coffee mug on a tray.

She placed a second pillow under his head, then spoon-fed him some chicken broth and warm, sweet tea. He gladly accepted the food and beverage and observed her captivating movements as she tended him. Flashes of breasts and the
warm food raised his physical and emotional temperature. He was no longer cold and his headache subsided.

“I crushed some aspirin into the soup. I hope it helps with your pain,” she said with concern on her face.

Speaking with a weak voice, he said, “It’s working. I feel better and I’m no longer cold. May I ask where I am and what I’m doing here?”

“You’re in my home. I live here with my sister, Gabriela. Some friends and I found you in an alley on the way home early this morning and brought you here.”

“The lady at San Miguel’s said you couldn’t speak English, but that obviously isn’t true.”

“That story’s a ruse, used to speed up the process. How are you feeling? I’d like to find out if you’re as good the second time as the first,” she said, allowing her robe to fall to the floor.

Her hair was still damp from a bath or shower and her bodacious body was slick with oil. Gabriela returned to the room and stood beside her; she, too, was nude. Chas was stunned. He was looking at two of the most beautiful and well-built women he had ever seen.

“Last night was for business but today is for my pleasure, our pleasure,” she said, nodding to Gabriela.

She tore the blankets from his body. “
El Toro
is limp,” she said, joking.

Taking his penis into her hand, she stroked it erect. From behind and above him, Gabriela lowered her breasts to his face and dragged them back and forth sensuously. His body stiffened at the unexpected pleasure and he groaned when Linda kissed the head of his cock and her tongue encircled it. She took his dick deep into her throat and massaged it
with her tongue. At the same time Gabriela forced his mouth open with a long, hard nipple.

Linda stroked the length of his erection, while Gabriela continuously filled his mouth with one succulent nipple, then the other. His body was on fire. Linda sucked faster. He licked harder until he was about to explode.

As if by intuition, she stopped and Gabriela stood. He was released momentarily from pleasure and wondered what to expect.

He felt their bodies crawl onto the bed, one from either end. Gabriela’s flat stomach passed over his face and chest until she settled her snatch over his face. At the same time, Linda straddled his body. He felt soft hair at the tip of his cock, and the warm walls of her vagina surrounded his penis.

Chas caught his breath as his nose and mouth were stimulated by the smell and taste of a ripe cunt, while muscular coils were wrapped around his cock. He grabbed Gabriela’s hips, pulled her closer, raised his head searching for her core, and lifted his hips to increase the stimulation of Linda’s pulsating pussy.

He was in heaven. His penis was inflamed by vibrating spirals, while his tongue was feasting on a similar but smaller genital. Linda pumped faster and faster and Chas increased the speed of his tongue. Gabriela’s body stiffened and she sighed in pleasure, climaxing. She fell, leaving his face and mouth covered with warm, wet fluids. With Gabriela gone, Linda fell to his chest, placed a luscious treat in his mouth, and, as he sucked, she went wild, caressing his cock with pistonlike regularity. Chas tried to maintain control, but multiple stimulations overtook him. Spitting her nipple from
his mouth, he exploded in a volcanolike release. Wave after wave of pleasure shook his body as he erupted again and again into Linda’s depths, her loud orgasm followed his.

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