Sensuality (15 page)

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Authors: Zane

BOOK: Sensuality
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Gloria grips his shoulders. He wraps his hand around her other breast, pinching and tweaking the nipple. He sucks hard on her breast, while his other hand slowly works its way down her stomach, then in between her bikini bottom, his long agile fingers exploring her cunt lips, teasing her, stroking her, flicking her hard little clit.

He moves his mouth over to her other breast, rubbing it with the flat of his tongue while his fingers part the lips of her moist cunt, and he slowly, maddeningly, slides his finger in and out.

“Earth to Gloria.”

She started and whirled around.

Her coworker, Jared, grinned down at her, his pale green eyes, as always, flicking down to her breasts. “Didn’t mean to scare you. What were you doing? Daydreaming?”

She frowned. Jared was management’s latest golden boy and resident stooge. “What do you want, Jared?”

He smirked. “Mr. Paterson wanted me to check and see if you’re done with that spreadsheet he needs for his meeting.”

Gloria turned back to her computer. “Yes, I’m almost done.”
Now, go away.

She felt him standing behind her, then he finally walked away. Her lips twisted. What a prick. Then she sighed. What was she going to do about her dance lessons?


Gloria got out of her car and stopped. Eduardo was pacing in front of the entrance to her condo. He looked amazing. She supposed not having seen him for two weeks made him
look even sexier, but she didn’t think so. That man always looked good.


He stopped pacing and looked over at her.

“What are you doing here?” she asked as she walked toward him.

“You left a message for me at the dance studio.”

Gloria laughed. “She actually gave it to you?”

Eduardo smiled as if sharing a secret joke. “Darla knows better than to play her little games with my messages.”

Lord, but when he smiled he was nothing short of make-you-want-to-shout-glory-hallelujah gorgeous. He hadn’t smiled much during their lessons. But he was smiling now and as Gloria looked up into his dark-chocolate eyes, she saw something she hadn’t seen before.

Appreciation. Warmth. Lust.

He moved closer until she was not only surrounded by the lush masculine scent of him but she could feel the warmth of his body radiating against hers.

“Do you wish to continue your lessons? Is that why you called?”

Gloria nodded mutely, as she was too preoccupied in looking at his finely sculpted lips to speak. She imagined his lips on her mouth, on her breasts, on her sex, nibbling, licking, sucking.

He wrapped an arm about her waist and pulled her gently but firmly against him.

“Good. Then we shall start from the beginning.”

He lowered his head and kissed her.

When he pulled away, Gloria looked up at him, almost too shocked to speak. “What…why…when?”

“I’ve wanted you from the first time I saw you, Gloria. But you were my student and I never mix business with pleasure. I was going to wait until we stopped our lessons to ask you out but then you quit.”

“But I quit because—”

“Because you wanted me also?”

She nodded.

“So we are both fools, agreed?”

She nodded again, still too surprised to speak.

Eduardo glanced around. “Now, are we going to stand out here and give your neighbors something to gossip about or are you going to invite me in?”

She opened the door and stepped inside, Eduardo behind her. As soon as the door was closed, she turned to him. They looked at each for the space of five heartbeats, then, without a word they began pulling at each other’s clothes—buttons were unbuttoned, zippers unzipped, and his shirt and his pants, and her blouse and her skirt drifted to the floor.

Gloria gazed admiringly at his naked body, the lean, solid look of him. There wasn’t an ounce of fat on him. It was a dancer’s body. He pulled her tight against him, his naked skin smooth and hot.

“Dance with me,” he murmured. And, as he guided her, naked and barefoot, to the bedroom she fell into the steps he had taught her.

Once they were in the bedroom, Eduardo laid her gently on the bed. He gazed down at her.

“You are so beautiful, Gloria. I’ve wanted you from the first moment you walked into the studio.”

“But you were waiting until our lessons were finished,” she said.

He nodded. “I do not date my students.”

Gloria tilted her head and smiled up at him. “I’m no longer your student?”

Eduardo got onto the bed and lay next to her. “Not tonight. Tonight you are my lover. When you are ready, we will resume the lessons. And once we are done, then we will be lovers again.” His eyes grew worried. “If that’s what you want, of course.”

“If that’s what I want?” Gloria shook her head and laughed. “Of course it’s what I want. Since the first moment I saw you, too.”

“Then it seems we were in sync even before we started dancing.”

Gloria put her arms around him. “Yes, it seems.”

Eduardo’s eyes moved slowly over her breasts. Gloria’s nipples were hard and erect. He reached over and lightly ran his hands over them. She shivered and a soft moan slipped from between her lips.

He leaned over and lightly kissed one of the nipples. He flicked it with the tip of his tongue. Gloria moaned and pulled him closer. He drew her nipple deeper into his mouth, running his tongue over it as he sucked. She moaned louder, the blood rushing madly through her veins.

Eduardo sucked and tongued both her breasts until Gloria was squirming wildly on the bed, the juices of her cunt flowing. He released her saliva-glistening breasts and kissed his way slowly down her body until he reached her navel. Lazily, he swirled the tip of his tongue around the tiny depression. Gloria bit her lip and arched her back as a current of heat burrowed from her navel deep into her womb.

“Tú eres muy hermosa,”
she heard him murmur.


Eduardo looked up from where he lay between her legs. “You are very beautiful.”

He continued downward. Gloria lifted her hips. Her cunt juices were flowing, dampening her inner things. Eduardo moved his head lower, his kisses soft and wet, his breath moving across her clit.

She whimpered, longing for him to lick her there, but he moved past her quivering nub and down to her cunt. He softly kissed her, his tongue sliding slowly along her cleft.

Gloria gasped. It was so much better than her fantasies. Eduardo ran his tongue up and down her pussy, and she felt her body rising inexorably toward its climax.

No, not yet. She had fantasized about this for so long; she wanted it to last. She tried to move away from Eduardo’s mouth but he held her tightly by the hips. He licked and sucked at her sex, causing wave after wave of pleasure to gush through her.

“Oh, it feels so good.” She pushed her fingers through his dark, curly hair. “Make me come, please, make me come.”

Eduardo moved his tongue up to her clit and flicked it across the nub. Gloria shuddered and jerked against the bed. He slid two fingers inside her, thrusting them in and out as he tongued her clit. Gloria’s hips bucked hard as she came, and the orgasm was so good, so sweet—thick and rich like the tastiest cream.

Her hips slowly ceased their frantic pulsing as she came down from her orgasm. Eduardo moved next to her. She turned and looked at him. He leaned over and kissed her. She tasted herself on his mouth.

“Oh, Eduardo,” she whispered. “That was wonderful.”

“La pequeña muerte,”
he said softly.

Gloria smiled. “What’s that?”

“You probably know it better as
la petite mort,
or so the French call it.”

The little death.
An orgasm. It sounds much more beautiful in French. And in Spanish.”

“Just as you are when you come, Gloria.”

She turned on her side and stroked his chest, her fingers trailing over the crisp black hairs. “I want to see you come, Eduardo. I want to see your
pequeña muerte.

He took her hand and put it around his erection. “Then touch me,
mi mujer caliente.
Touch me.

Gloria put both her hands around Eduardo’s cock. It hardened and lengthened as she stroked it. She slowly moved her palms up and down.

like that. Just like that.”

“I want to do more than this,” Gloria whispered.

She rose from the bed and knelt at the end of it. Eduardo looked at her and a smile spread across his face. He scooted down and sat on the edge so that Gloria’s head was between his thighs. She ran her hands up and down his legs. Then she lowered her head to his groin and kissed the tip of his cock. She licked softly at the salty sweetness of his pre-cum. She slid her tongue along the shaft and down to his balls, lightly kissing them both. Eduardo’s hips shivered and she heard him draw in a sharp breath.

Gloria smiled and drew each of the heavy balls into her mouth, swirling her tongue around them. Eduardo hissed between his teeth. Gloria released his balls and kissed her way back up the shaft, swiping her tongue across the hard heat. Reaching the bulbous head, she drew it into her mouth.
She looked up at Eduardo and smiled at him with her eyes. He caressed her shoulders and returned her smile.

Continuing to gaze up at him, Gloria licked around the head of his cock. She reveled in the taste and feel and scent of his sex. As she watched the passion flood his face, her heart swelled with the knowledge she was giving him such pleasure. She slid her tongue around the head and drew it into her mouth.

Eduardo adjusted his hips, his hands on her head as the two of them worked together until all of his cock was deep in her mouth. She slowly pumped her mouth up and down, her tongue swirling around the thick heat of him.

His hands tightened around her head. “
¡Dios! ¡Lo siente bien!
Yes, faster, baby, faster!”

Gloria moved her mouth faster.

I’m going to come!

She felt him try to pull away. She kept her mouth tight around his cock. A hot stream of liquid gushed down her throat. She moaned and moved her head faster.

Eduardo groaned.
“¡Por favor, no pare! ¡No pare!”

She wasn’t sure what
no pare
meant, but she assumed he was telling her not to stop. She didn’t. Eduardo’s hips bucked hard around her head as he jetted his cum down her throat.

“¡Dios mío!”
he shouted, then fell back on the bed.

Gloria crawled onto the bed and slid next to him. She kissed him, aware he was now tasting himself as she had tasted herself on his mouth. They kissed for a long time and nothing had ever felt more right to her. When they finally broke their kiss, she looked deep into his dark-chocolate eyes.

“I’ve been a fool,” she said.

Eduardo held up his hand and almost pinched the thumb and forefinger together. “Maybe just a little.”

“No, not just a little. If I hadn’t been so—”

“Stubborn,” he offered.

She smiled. “Yes, that, too. And afraid. If I hadn’t been so afraid—”

“I was afraid to get close to you, too, Gloria. And it made me strict and proud. I know that. So do not be so hard on yourself.”

She looked up at him, batting her lashes in what she hoped was a coquettish manner. “How do you say
fuck me
in Spanish?”

“There are a number of ways. But I would rather you say
quiero que me coges,
as I believe you curse enough already.”

“Don’t start,” she said, laughing. “Because when I finally do get to cursing—”

“I know.” Eduardo chuckled. “I will know it.”

“You’re damn straight. Now, what was it you said?”

He repeated the phrase until she could say it perfectly. Then she arched a brow. “Well?”

“Well, what?”

“Are you going to fuck me or not?”

Eduardo looked at her, then down at his groin. “I think I am once again ready.” He grinned. “Listening to you practice has adequately prepared me, I think.”

“You think?” Gloria put her hand around his long, thick cock.

Eduardo pulled her close and slid inside her. But, Gloria, feeling mischievous, rolled over until she was on top of him.

“This time you will follow and I will lead,” she said grinning down at him.

Eduardo gave her a slow, lazy smile.
you can lead. This time.”

Gloria rocked against him, letting her swollen cunt swallow him completely. Eduardo’s throat worked as he matched her movements. Gloria gripped his shoulders, while he grabbed her breasts and squeezed them, his fingers pulling and twisting her nipples.

She slammed her body onto his, fiercely twisting her juicy cunt around his thick, stiff cock. His hands clenched her gyrating hips as she rode him hard and fast. It was like the dancing, Gloria suddenly realized, the two of them hot and synchronized, the two of them moving as one.

She cried out, her back arching sharply as she climaxed and, as Eduardo was still hard and thick inside her, his mouth now sucking hungrily at her dangling breasts, she looked forward to a long night of their salsa connection.

The Birthday Present (El Regalo)
Penelope Flynn

The only party anyone would bother attending at the beginning of August had to be near a pool. The Florida sun had beat down all day heating the sand, brick, concrete, and tar, raising the temperature well into the high nineties. Miguel stood at the balcony, overlooking the barrel-tiled roof of his Miami Beach home, and watched the sun slowly sink into the west. His dark brown eyes took in the splash of colors across the horizon as he backed into the relative cool of his bedroom and closed the French doors against the heat and humidity.

The bedroom was generally what one would expect to see in a well-dressed man’s room. His clothes and shoes were neatly arranged in his closet and in the dark wood wardrobe and chest of drawers, which held the remainder of his personal items. The large king-sized bed sat close to the French doors, giving him a view to the pool area beyond. He shut his eyes tightly, then inhaled a deep breath and blew it out slowly, dreading the next few hours. He turned up the
music on his sound system and began preparing for the evening. He slipped his arms, sunkissed to a warm café au lait, into a short-sleeved white silk shirt and heard the doorbell ring as the guests started arriving. He was an attractive man with a slim, angular face and an engaging manner that had been absent the past few weeks. He pulled his thick, black, wavy hair into a ponytail and was looking for his shoes when he heard the frantic rapping on the doorsill.

“Happy birthday, Miguel!” Kelly giggled as she flung open the bedroom door, skipped into the room, and kissed him noisily on the lips. Kelly was a tallish, attractive girl with a slim build and high, perky breasts. Her light brown eyes sparkled with anticipation. Still in her early twenties, she was a little younger than what Miguel was used to. They’d been together for three months…the first of those was while he was still living with Ebony.

“Come on.” She laughed. “People are starting to show up.”

Kelly hurried him along, chiding him for waiting so long to get dressed as he stepped into his loafers. He was really in no mood to entertain. He simply wasn’t feeling himself lately. Kelly thought a party might pull him out of his funk, and even though he didn’t think so, he didn’t argue too much when she began planning and inviting everyone they knew. When he was finally ready, Kelly dragged him downstairs to greet the early arrivals.

Miguel could hear the music floating down the hallway as he was ushered toward the patio on Kelly’s arm. He had met Kelly when he was photographing a spread for a department store. She was a pretty, modelesque girl, and wore her blond hair in a classic flip. She said it was her trademark. Kelly was a little too short for the runway but just fine for the print
work she was often called for. She confided that she wanted to be an actress. Miguel wasn’t certain she had the talent but didn’t discourage her from taking her classes and rushing off to auditions whenever she found a role to her liking.

“The Big three-O!” Charlie yelled as he waded through the arriving guests. He gave Miguel a big bear hug and patted his back while simultaneously leering at Kelly. Miguel’s uncle Carlos, or the Americanized Charlie, which he preferred to be called, was the quintessential dirty old man. Now in his late sixties with no wife and children, he was spending a lifetime of earnings on pampering “sweet young things” and getting as much as he could out of them before they grew tired of him.

you’re more beautiful every day.” He smiled. “You should let me introduce you to some producer friends that I know. They’ll be shooting a film here in Miami in about three months and I know you’ll be perfect for one of the parts.”

“Really?” Her eyes glittered.

“Yes, really.”

Then Charlie smiled that smile Miguel recognized as the one he used when he thought another sweet young thing was about to take the bait.

“Can I steal Kelly away for a moment?” he asked, flashing his mouthful of bonded and capped teeth.

“Sure,” Miguel said, giving Kelly’s arm a squeeze.

Miguel didn’t see the point of holding Kelly there. She was pretty good at handling herself. Besides, his attention was focused elsewhere. He had heard the distinctive laugh as soon as he stepped into the hallway. Ebony had come to his party, even though she hadn’t been invited. He prepared
himself mentally before he approached her. Their breakup hadn’t been a pretty one.

They had been together, in one form or another, for a little over three years. It had taken almost two years for them both to become serious about the relationship at the same time but, after that, it was actually all he could ever have hoped for. Of course his mother didn’t like Ebony at all. She often complained that Ebony couldn’t really cook…and she complained that Ebony was Amercan…and nagged that Miguel should date a nice Cuban girl…and that Ebony was too old for him.

It was true that Ebony was three years older than he was. She was already thirty when they met, but it was impossible to tell. She looked no older than Kelly, who was nearly ten years younger, and Ebony had one of those Coke-bottle figures…all hips, ass, and thighs with not a whole lot up top. He remembered making love with Ebony, her riding him high and hard, his hands sliding up her arms, to her shoulders, then down over her breasts, almost completely covering them as he massaged her nipples in time with her rocking motion. The thought made him smile. She had talked about a breast enlargement a few times but they had both laughed it off.

“¡Feliz cumpleaños, hermano!”
Miguel felt Alex’s big hand slap him congenially on the back.

Feliz cumpleaños
my ass, man!” Miguel smiled, returning the slap and following up with a hug. “I see you came to my place empty-handed. Where’s my present, you cheap son of a bitch!”

“It’s been a rough quarter.”

“Not so rough you didn’t get new rims for your Corvette.”

“Hey, you know I have to keep up my image. Keep it lookin’ good.”

“God knows you need all the help you can get with that!”

“You’re cold, man.” Alex pantomimed a shiver, then laughed with Miguel as they made their way down the corridor.

Miguel had known Alex for as long as he had known anyone. They had grown up together and had lived down the street from each other most of their youth. They went to the same grade schools, even played ball together, but while Miguel was about six feet tall, sinewy and lean, Alex was a big, heavily muscled man. Miguel’s ball-playing career ended in high school but Alex played college ball and even had a stint in the pros. Alex was nearly six foot five and still maintained his body as if he was training to play professional ball. He deftly rode the cusp between handsome and pretty. He had sparkling hazel-green eyes and “lashes like a girl,” they all used to kid him, but the women loved him. They loved his big hands, sensuous lips, and easy manner. Even Kelly blushed in his presence. The only woman who never fell at his feet was Ebony.

Miguel used to notice the way Alex looked at Ebony. He wanted her, but Miguel also knew that Alex would never approach her. He and Alex had been friends for too long, and for that he considered himself fortunate. He knew that Alex generally didn’t care if a woman had a man or not. If he
wanted her, that was all that mattered. But Miguel really didn’t worry too much. Ebony was always pleasant around Alex, but never tripped over herself like the others. Bonni was in love with him and was always his alone.

“Sooo.” Alex grinned. “I see you took my advice.”

“What advice?”

“The girl—Kelly. I told you, you should go younger. They’re easier to handle…lower maintenance.”

“What are you talking about?” Miguel laughed. “You’ve never dated a woman under thirty in your life!”

“Exactly.” Alex smiled. “I like women…not girls. I like high maintenance.”

“You’re crazy!” Miguel laughed as the two strolled into the large sunroom together.

“Hey,” Miguel said, becoming serious. “Bonni’s here.”

“Yeah, I know,” Alex replied.

“You know we didn’t end on the best of terms.”

“I’m aware,” Alex answered as they slowly moved toward where Ebony was standing, talking and laughing with a group of women.

“You don’t think she’s gonna make trouble, do you?”

“No.” Alex smiled as he stepped up behind Ebony and wrapped his arms around her. “She’s with me.”


Miguel was speechless as Alex leaned forward, nuzzling and kissing Ebony’s neck. Ebony turned, still in his arms, and gave him a soft peck on the lips, asking, “What took you so long?” When she saw Miguel, the momentary flash of hurt was replaced by a pleasant smile. She extended her hand affably and gave his hand a light squeeze, saying, “Happy birthday, Mickey.”

“Thank you,” Miguel muttered, still trying to overcome the shock.

Miguel could see that Ebony had changed—a lot. Her haircut was conservative, cut shoulder-length into a bob, but it brought out her dark, luminous eyes and full, pouty, vermilion-painted lips. She was wearing a red halter dress that exposed large expanses of her smooth brown skin, leaving nothing to the imagination. She had put on a few pounds…not much, but enough to make her look even more curvy and luscious, but the biggest change—her breasts. It seemed Alex had been able to convince her to get that breast augmentation, transforming her body from a Coke bottle to an hourglass.

“You look good, Bonni,” Miguel choked out as he watched Alex’s hand travel up and down Ebony’s bare back.

“You, too,” she replied, then looked around the room cautiously. “Where’s Kathy?”

“Kelly,” Miguel corrected. “She’s talking to Charlie about some part in a movie.”

“Oh?” Ebony batted her lashes mischievously. “He’s associated with that
outfit, isn’t he?”

“Bonni…” Alex warned.

Ebony smiled, then continued, “I sincerely hope she is very successful in her career endeavors.”

“I’ll certainly convey your sentiments.” Miguel smiled sarcastically. “Well, I better check on the other guests.”

Miguel left Ebony in Alex’s arms and made his way through the house, out onto the patio and to the pool, hugging and kissing the women, and shaking hands with the men. He downed three drinks in the first hour and danced several dances, but he couldn’t keep his eyes from wande
ring over to the table where Alex and Bonni were sitting with another couple. Ebony was snuggled close under Alex’s outstretched arm, laughing and talking with the other woman and her date. Alex sat quietly, leaning back with his eyes closed, intermittently stroking Ebony’s hair, taking sips from his margarita, then laughing as he kissed her lips, letting the sweet and salty alcoholic beverage run from his mouth into hers. Even from across the room, Miguel could see the drops of perspiration on Alex’s forearms as he shifted in his seat, then kissed Ebony’s face, surreptitiously brushing his fingertips against those round heaving breasts and whispering in her ear before moaning softly and again leaning back, closing his eyes.

Miguel was furious. He knew all too well this scenario. Hadn’t he been the man, sitting there with Ebony too many times before, feeling her hands stroking his inner thighs, then squeezing and teasing his cock through the weave of his pants, working him into a frenzy? It wouldn’t be long before she left the table, a signal for him to follow her to a bathroom or an empty bedroom where she would peel down his trousers and let her mouth finish the job her hands had started. His cock began to stiffen at the thought of her hands and tongue and lips on him.

He hissed through his teeth as he watched her slide out of her seat, straighten her dress, and head presumably for the bathroom.

Miguel made a beeline behind Ebony and entered the house just in time to see her quickly climbing the stairs. He slowly walked up after her and stood outside the bathroom
door, trying to decide if he should confront her. After all, he was the one that had cheated on
He remembered standing outside that very door, listening to Ebony sobbing and vomiting.

She could hardly speak. She just kept asking, “What did I do, Mickey? What did I do wrong?”

He couldn’t answer her. He didn’t know the answer, not until later when he guessed that it was just that she loved him too much. Or maybe he loved
too much. Either way, the relationship had suddenly seemed permanent and heavy. He was still young and it was all happening too fast. When he met Kelly and she began to flirt with him, it seemed like someone had opened a window and let cool fresh air into a stifling hot room, that someone had opened a route of escape.

He and Kelly had been seeing each other for nearly a month openly, daring Ebony to say something. Finally, when she did, he reminded Ebony that they weren’t married, that he felt affection for her but he hadn’t signed on for a lifetime commitment. He was sorry as soon as he said it and followed her when she grabbed her purse and hurried to the bathroom. After half an hour of tears, she emerged calm and resolute. She told him that she was moving to her sister’s house and that someone would pick up her things later. Then she walked downstairs and left the house without looking back. That was just over three months ago.

When he told his mother that he and Ebony had ended it, his mother cried for days. Despite her complaints, she knew that Ebony was one of the few people who even bothered to deal with her. Ebony came to see her every week, even in the face of her constant abuses. His mother even suggested couples counseling, anything to get them back together, but he assured her that it was over, for good.

As he stood outside the bathroom door, Miguel knew he had had a little too much to drink and was probably being irrational by watching Ebony so closely. He shook his head and sighed. He was about to leave when he saw Alex making his way up the stairs. He knew Alex was past the point of mere arousal and was looking to Ebony for release. He and Alex were friends but he knew how Alex was with women. He wined and dined them, used them up, threw them away, then moved on to the next. The thought that he was going to do that to Ebony pissed Miguel off. So, he gave up his position next to the bathroom door, descended the stairs, and cut Alex off at the landing.

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