Seeking Karma (18 page)

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Authors: Melanie J. Cole

BOOK: Seeking Karma
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     I sit up and pull her chest against mine.  I fist my hand in her hair
, and tug her head back - giving me easy access - to her mouth and neck.  I crash my lips against her mouth, and begin moving with her.  I can feel her muscles contract around me, as she finds her release. 

I’ll always put her pleasure before my own.  I want her to feel how much I care for her.  I want to spend the rest of my life, making her feel as good, as she makes me feel.  She! Is! Everything!  It’s like she’s my air, and I didn’t take my first breath, until she allowed me into her life.

     I gently roll her over
, and kiss the tip of her nose.  “Are you hungry?”

     She smiles up at me
, and stretches her arms above her head.  “I’m famished.”

     “What do you want?  I’ll fix you something.”

     Her gray eyes go wide.  “You can cook?”

     I give her a lazy grin.  “Ah, so much to learn, Karma.  There’s still so much you don’t know.”

     She pushes up onto he elbows.  “Well, maybe we should start playing our question game, again.”

     I climb out of bed, and pull my jeans on.  “First things first.  I’m going to go fix us something to eat.”
















     I think I may be falling in love with Trent.  God, the way he makes me feel.  No matter how much time we spend together, I always want more.  He spends every night with me, in my bed.  You’d think that I would get burnt out, but that isn’t the case - at all.  If I could go to work with him – I would.  This realization has my head reeling. 

     I mean, when I used to hear my friends talking about how much they loved their boyfriends, and how they wanted to spend all of their time together – I thought they were crazy.  Now, I get it.  Of course
, as far as I know, none of them are still together.

     I pick up my hair brush, and start brushing my hair.  Unfortunately, we’re going to that new club tonight.  I don’t really want to, but poor Sherry nagged me all through class. Apparently, all of her friends
backed out on her, and she really wants to go.  I felt bad for her.  So, I reluctantly agreed to go.  Plus, the test had been a real bitch.  She was right, I definitely feel like blowing off some steam - after that.  What better way, than going out dancing, and drinking with friends?

  Even Dusty seems excited about it.  He’s heard several people talking about it, around campus.  It’s supposed to be this huge thing.  There’s even this really cool local band performing.

     “Wow Karma, you look great!”  Anna’s standing behind me, bouncing up and down.  That’s right, we’re all going.  However, Anna and Dusty are more excited about it, than I am.  I would prefer staying in bed
, with Trent.

     “You think so?”  I cock my head to the side and study my reflection.  I’m wearing a tight black dress.  It’s a little short, but just thinking about
what the expression on Trent’s face will be - when he sees it - made up my mind.  I’m wearing it!

     I turn around and look at Anna.  “You look hot!”  She has her hair piled up on
top of her head, in a messy bun.  She’s wearing a barley there red dress, with stilettos.  That’s my girl.  I can always count on Anna, to look like a total sex Goddess.

“What time is Dusty supposed to be here?”  Dusty is going to park his truck here, so that we can all ride together.

     “He just texted me that he’s on his way.  What time does Trent get off of work?”

     I glance over at the clock.  “He has to work until eight.” 

     Anna creases her brows.  “Why so late?”

     I roll my eyes.  “Jude said, if he wanted off tomorrow, he’d have to stay late tonight.”

     “Wow, what an asshole.”

     I nod my head in agreement.  I like Jude, I really do, but he can be an asshole - at times.

     Anna lets out a little squeal, and claps her hand
s together, when we hear someone knocking on the door.

     “Dusty’s here.”  She sing songs,
as she goes to let him in.

     I apply a thin layer of tinted gloss, and make my way out into the living room. 

     I look back and forth between Anna and Dusty.  “Where is Cameron?  I thought he was coming with us.”  Cameron is Dusty’s hot roommate, which Anna has been seeing.  I was hoping to get to meet him.

     Anna’s eyes narrow into thin slits.  “Well, it’s a good thing he isn’t, or I wouldn’t be going.”

     “What happened?  I thought you liked him.”  She had went on and on about him, just the other night.

     “I did, until he spent half of our date
, flirting with the waitress.”  She throws her arms into the air, exasperatedly.  “He didn’t even try to be discreet about it.”

     Dusty shakes his head bitterly.  “Yeah, he and I had a long talk about that.”

     Anna blinks over at him.  “You did?  What did he say?”

     Dusty reaches out and takes her hand.  “Apparently, he’s had a crush on the little tart for awhile.  He was hoping that when she saw him with you - she’d get jealous - and finally agree to go out with him.  I’m sorry
, Sweetie.”

     “What an asshole!  Are there any decent guys out there?”  Both Anna and Dusty look over at me.

     “Why are you looking at me?  I dated Aaron Jones, for Christ’s sake.”  Aaron’s practically the devil himself.  I couldn’t do any worse than him, if I physically tried.

     Dusty’s lips twist up into a sm
ile.  “Yeah, but you also found that hottie, Trent.  How is that going, by the way?  Have you worn your lingerie for him, yet?”

     I roll my eyes, as my face heats.  “No, I haven’t worn it.  And things are going good.”  I don’t elaborate anymore than that.

     They’re both still watching me.  I throw my hands into the air.  “Fine, if I have to give you one piece of advice – it would be to look outside of the box.”  I flop down onto the sofa, and prop my legs up on the coffee table.

     Anna sits down next to me.  “What in the hell, is that supposed to mean?”

     I twist onto my hip, and pull my legs up beneath me.  “Well, Aaron was clean-cut, and preppie, just my type – and look how he turned out.  Normally, I’d never even given someone like Trent a second look.”

     Dusty snorts, “Yeah right.”

     I throw him a look.  “That’s not what I meant.  Of course I would have checked him out.  He’s hot!  But, I was never attracted to the bad boys.” 

     I shake my head.  This is coming out all wrong.  “
I mean, I was attracted to them. I just wasn’t interested in dating them.  I was always too scared of getting my heart broke.  When I started going out with Trent, I realized that looks can be deceiving.  He’s really sweet.”

     “Oh, I get what you’re saying.”  Dusty sits down between Anna and me.  “It’s a - don’t judge a book by its cover - sort of thing.”

     I kiss him on his cheek.  “Exactly, you should broaden your search.”  I tell Anna.













     God damnit!  Karma is sexy as fuck!  I can’t take my eyes off of her.  She’s wearing a tight black dress
- that barely covers her ass.  It caresses her curves like a glove.  I swear her legs are a mile long.  I whistle through my front teeth, as I drag my hands through my hair. 

     I’m pretty sure I’m going to have to kill every guy in the club
, tonight.  I know they’re going to look, and that, I can deal with.  But, if they try to touch her, we’re definitely going to have a problem.

     If it wasn’t for Anna and Dusty smirking at me, I’d throw Karma on the floor, and take her right
here, right now.

     As soon as we’re out of the door, I make a beeline for my truck. 

     “Hey,” Dusty calls out to us.  “I thought we were all going to ride together.”  He and Anna are standing next to Anna’s car.

     I shake my head, and open Karma’s door for her.  “Nah, I’m pretty tired, and I may want to leave early.  I don’t want to rush you two.”

     Anna flashes me a knowing grin.  “Is tired slang for horny?  Because, you didn’t look tired at all, when you were undressing Karma, with your eyes.” 

     “Hey,” Karma shouts from the passenger seat, throwing Anna a look.

     Anna ignores her, and waggles her brows at me.  “We’ll meet you guys at the club.”

     “Sounds good.”  I make my way around the front of the truck, and climb in.

     As soon as we hit the interstate, I begin running my hand up and down Karma’s thigh.  God, her skin is so soft.

     She glances down at my hand, and her lips curve up into a sexy smile.  She reaches out and begins massaging me through my jeans.  She completely catches me off guard, and I almost run us off the side of the road.

     “Fuck Karma!  You better stop, before I pull over, and fuck you in the truck.”

     She bats her eyes
at me, looking all innocent.  “Hey, you started it.”

     I look at her out of the corner of my eye.  “That’s right.  I did.  And I will finish it, but let’s go to the club first.  I’d hate for your friends to come looking for us, and see me doing you beside of the road.
  I’d like to stay on their good side, if you don’t mind.”

   She rakes her slender fingers through her hair.  “Okay, fine.”

     We both somehow, manage to behave ourselves for the remainder of the drive.  It isn’t easy, though.  Hell,
who am I kidding? It’s pure torture.  I know how soft and smooth her skin is.  I know how she feels, and tastes - from head to toe.  I always want – no need.  I need more. 

     I used to do a lot of drugs when I was younger.  Karma is my new drug of choice.

     “Wow, this is crazy.”  Karma shouts over the music, as she looks around the club.  She’s clinging onto my arm.

     I wrap my arm around her waist,
pulling her against me, and begin moving us through the club.  There are so many people packed in - that you literally cannot move - without brushing up against people.  There’s a fog machine, and flashing lights, making it difficult to see.

     I lean down and press my lips close to her ear, so that she can hear me.  “Do you see Anna and Dusty?”

     She looks around, and shakes her head.  “I can’t see anything.”

     After we get past the dance floor, the smoke clears, and I can finally see a little bit.  I motion to a table by the bar.  “They’re over there.”

     She nods her head, and I lead us over to where Dusty and Anna are sitting.  They’ve obviously started drinking without us.  They each have an empty shot glass, and a full one, in front of them.

     “You didn’t wait for us.”  Karma whines, smacking Anna on the arm.

     Anna shakes her head.  “Sorry, I needed something to take the edge off.  This place is intense.  I got groped as soon as I stepped inside of the door.”  She cringes.

     Dusty sticks out his bottom lip.  “I wish I would have got groped.”

     “Here,” Anna slides the two shots across the table to us.  “We ordered these for you.”

     I shake my head, and slide mine back over to Dusty.  “I’m not drinking.  I’m driving, remember.”
  I want to keep a clear head tonight.  Because, if anyone tries to grope Karma, they’re going to have me to deal with.

     “Screw driving.”  Anna shouts, “I’m going to call a cab.  I’m crashing at Dusty’s tonight.  So
, you two will have the house to yourselves.”

     I knew there was something I liked about this girl.
  I tip my chin at her, in a silent, thank you.  She gives me a knowing grin.

     “Well, here goes nothing.”  Karma holds up her shot.

     I lick my lips, as I watch her throat muscles work to swallow the liquor.  Fuck me!  I keep picturing the way she looked, when she had me in her mouth.  I take a deep breath.  If I keep thinking about that, I’m going to drag her out of here - right now.

     I shake my head, and push away from the table.  I need a distraction, now!

         “I’m going to go get some water.”  I lean down, so that she can hear me.  “Do you want anything?”

     She nods her head, as she swipes the back of her hand across her mouth.  “I’ll take another shot.”

     I look over at Dusty and Anna.  “What about you?  Do you guys want another shot?  I’m buying.”  Finally, my job seems to be paying off.

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