Seeing Red (The Dark Love Series) (11 page)

BOOK: Seeing Red (The Dark Love Series)
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He's so sweet. I wonder why he's missing the first half of school. At least I will get to stare into his stunning, dark eyes later.


* * * *

I walk into the lunchroom, and Andrew is nowhere to be found. He told me that he would meet me for lunch, but I have no idea where he is. I decide to get in line and buy a salad. I'm starving.

              After I pay for my salad, I find a seat at an empty table.

My eyes scan the cafeteria, searching for Andrew. Something must be wrong. Where the hell is he?

“What are you looking at?” A familiar voice says.

I turn my head fast and see the face that I thought I would never see again. It's William. I'm not sure if I want to ring his neck in front of everyone, or start yelling. I stare at him with an evil glare. “What the hell, William?”

“Listen to me very carefully,” William begins to say.

“No, you listen to me. How could you...” I try to speak, but William interrupts me.

“Nina, this is very important. Now, stay calm, we don't have much time,” William begins to speak in his normal voice. “The Brothers are up to something big. Caroline and I are trying to figure it out. They brought in a new vampire named John Michael. He is a deadly weapon. When you want something done, you send him, because he gets it done. Remember that name. Lilah will know exactly who he is, and she will explain more,” William stops talking as a student walks by us. “Whatever you do, do not mention that you talked to me. It is extremely important that they don't know I am here. The Brothers are following you, and the others, everywhere you go. They hear every conversation you have. They know everything you are trying to plan.”

“Are you sure they know our plans?” I ask.

“They know about the Anderson witches. They know that Alex brought Ora here for help. Believe me, they know what you are up to. Speak as if they are listening to every word you say. Caroline and I are following their every move. You need to remember not to mention my name out loud, because we will have no leverage against the Brothers. I have to spy on them, because this is our only way to defeat them.”

“Aren't they watching us now? Can they hear us right now?” I ask, as I start to get nervous.

“They aren't tracking you right now. If they were, it would be impossible for them to hear our conversation, because there are way too many voices talking at the same time.”

“What is that awful smell?” I gag.

“It's cologne. It covers up my scent.”

My mind is racing. Am I dreaming? Is William really sitting in front of me? Is he really acting this calm with all of the things that are going on?

“How is Caroline? Why did you two run away?” I ask with tears in my eyes at the mention of her name.

“We didn't run away. We had to say that to protect you. She misses you very much, Nina,” William says calmly.

The bell rings and everyone starts to to leave the cafeteria. “Nina, get up calmly, and go to class. Act like this conversation never happened.”

“William,” I speak. “Please don't leave.”

“I have to go, but I will see you again very soon!”

I sit at the table and watch as William calmly walks out of the cafeteria with the rest of the students. What on earth just happened?

* * * *

The last bell rings and I jump up and start walking fast. Where the hell has Andrew been? I have something important to discuss with him, and he decided not to stay in school today.

I'm walking way too fast. I need to blend in. I slow down and try to act normal. Normal, that's a word that shouldn't be in my vocabulary.

I go outside and the bright sun hits my eyes.
I'm blinded for a moment before I can focus. There, that's better.

I start walking to my car and try to forget about my conversation with William.

“My love!” Andrew yells from a distance.

I turn around and see him waving at me with a smile on his face. I continue to walk to my car and unlock my door.

“What's wrong?” Andrew asks.

“Where the hell have you been? You told me you would meet me for lunch today, and you didn't show!” I shout with anger.

“Calm down, Nina. I was spending time with my sister. She is having a tough day. What's your problem?”

I begin to frantically bite my finger nails. I can't tell him about William, because the Brothers are definitely listening to us from a distance. I have to act normal. “Sorry, love. Everything's fine. I just had a stressful day with Kali and tests.”

“Let me drive, then,” he
demands, as he walks over to me, reaching his hand out for my keys.
I give them to him and he gently kisses my lips. Oh, don't I love his soft kisses.

I continue to frantically bite my fingernails in the car. I'm so nervous. How the hell am I suppose to tell him about William when I can't mention his name? As the thoughts run through my head, I come up with an idea.

I grab a notebook, and flip to an empty page. I start writing a note to Andrew about what happened at lunch today.

Act normal. The Sulivic Brothers are listening to our every word. William showed up at school today. He told me that he and Caroline didn't really run away, they left so they could watch the Brothers, and see what they're up to. I guess the Brothers know every move we make. They're always watching us, following us, and listening to us everywhere we go. They know about the witches, and Ora. William said that they brought John Michael into their revenge plan. He said Lilah would know who he is. The most important thing he said was the Brothers cannot know that he is watching them. He told me to act like that conversation never happened. The last thing he said was he would see me very soon.

We slow to a stop at a red light. I swallow and take a deep breath. “Andrew, could you read over my essay really quick? I want to make sure it's perfect.”

“Right now? Can it wait?” He asks.

“It's not that long. Stop being a baby and read it,” I laugh.

Andrew shakes his head as he grabs the notebook from my hand. He begins to read, and I see his facial expression change. I know he's in shock. I was more angry when I saw William's face.

“Andrew, the light's green, love,” I laugh to him as if everything is normal.

He doesn't move. He doesn't flinch at my words. He's speechless. “Andrew,” I fake laugh some more.

He clears his throat and hands me the notebook. “Sorry, love. That essay was,” Andrew pauses, “unexpected. I loved it though. Maybe we should bring it to Lilah. She is smart when it comes to the 1900's.”

“That's a great idea. I really need a good grade on this stupid essay. It frustrates me,” I giggle and watch as Andrew drives in the direction of his house.














Chapter 14


Warning The Witches




Dear Diary,

We haven't been able to find Lilah. I guess she's been across the world with her parents. I'm getting antsy not being able to tell her that William and Caroline are in town, and the information they found out.

I feel scared. I'm scared that someone is going to lose their life trying to protect me. Why am I not able to protect myself? I hate seeing the people I care about put their lives on the line for me. It's not fair to them.

I also feel scared because the Brothers are getting stronger and joining forces with some unknown guy named John Michael.

I know that being a healer is something to be proud of, but why do I feel like it's a curse? I'm supposed to be helping people and giving them another chance at life. Instead, people are either suffering or dying around me.

Love, Nina


* * * *

I keep pacing around the living room at Andrew's house. Lilah is suppose to return today, and I can't be patient. My legs are moving without me even thinking about it. Everytime I walk by the fireplace, I feel warmth hit my legs. Is it really
to have this fire going all of the time?

“Andrew, why do you always have this fire going?” I ask him, as he sits on the couch reading poems by Charles Bukowski.

He looks up from the book. “I just like to have the fire going. It's comforting.”

“It's like a million degrees in here,” I say as I wipe the droplets of sweat off of my forehead.

“I think it's just you, my love. You're nervous and pacing. Why don't you sit down and relax?” Andrew gestures that I sit next to him.

I sigh and continue to pace. “I can't.”

“My love, come here please,” Andrew demands nicely.

I walk over and stand in front of him. “Yes?”

He stands up and presses his lips against mine. My stomach starts to knot and my body begins to tremble.
My stomach fills with butterflies and my knees begin to shake.
Does he know what he does to me?

As we're standing here passionately kissing, the door opens and I hear someone let themselves in.

It must be Lilah. I hope it's Lilah.

My lips leave Andrew's and I watch for the unknown vistor to walk through the house.

Lilah appears in the doorway. "I'm back, did you miss me?" She laughs and runs over to hug me.

“I've been waiting for you.
I have some..." I begin to say before Andrew cuts me off.

“She wants you to look over her history essay,” Andrew says quickly. Luckily he cut me off in mid-sentence, or I would have blurted out our secret.

“I love history! Let me see! Let me see!” Lilah claps her hands.

I hand her my notebook and she begins reading it.
Her face is emotionless, completely blank.

Then, her mouth drops open and she looks at me. She immediately smiles. “I wasn't expecting it to be that good.”

“Yeah, well, I just starting working on it today,” I go along with what she's saying. She wasn't expecting to hear that news.

“I think I remember you telling me about this,” she says as she hands the notebook back to me. “Haven't you been working on it with that new girl, Reese?”

I take a minute to think about her words. “Yes, yes I have.”

“I think that maybe you should have her look over it since she is your partner.”

She must want me to go to Reese's house and warn the witches about the Brothers knowing that we talked to them. They could be in danger. “That would probably be my best bet!”

“Do you want me to come with you? I wouldn't mind hanging out with you and Reese today. Maybe I could be of some help,” Andrew ask me.

“Me too!” Lilah chimes in.

Andrew grabs his keys from the side table. "I'll drive."


* * * *

When we arrive at the Anderson's house, I begin to feel those familiar butterflies again. I wish I could fight the uncomfortable feeling away. We walk across the stone path and knock on their door. An elderly woman I recognize as their Grandmother opens the door and looks straight at me. She's the woman who told us to stay away from Reese. "Can I help you?"

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