Seductive Truths (Seductive Trilogy) (23 page)

BOOK: Seductive Truths (Seductive Trilogy)
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     Lids shut I see his eyes twitching underneath, a fitful dream perhaps.  His strong jaw line is sharp and purposeful adding to the powerful figure I know him
to be
capable of, but as he lays here he has an air of a troubled child about him, constantly plagued by nightmares.  However, the morning stubble leaves me no doubt he is a fully grown male, in more ways than one!

     A part of his golden mane has fallen across his forehead and with an unresisting hand I delicately reach out to glide it back in place.  His head shifts and lips twitch but he doesn’t stir.  My heart aches at the sight and I can’t help wishing for the feeling to last.

     As the sun glides across his chest my eyes are blinded by a shimmering glint of something and for the first time I notice a thin golden chain clasped around Gareth’s neck.  In the centre lies a thick golden signet ring with a squiggly emblem of some kind carved into the top. 

     Delicately picking up the ring I notice the squiggly emblem is in actual fact an engraving of a fierce lion, similar to that seen on the Royal Coat of Arms.  Twiddling it through my fingertips I catch sight of an inscription gracing the inside, but I am finding it difficult to depict the words.  The italic styl
e isn’t helping.  There’s an “F”, possibly an “
” or is it a “
”.  I think it ends in a “D”, with an “E”
before it, but I’m not sure.



     Jumping on the spot my fingers drop the glowing object of inspection and my eyes snap to his.  Crystal blue peeks out from under hooded lids and he blinks the last remnants of sleep away.  A carefree smile lights up his face, melting me in the moment. 

How can anyone resist this gorgeous, intricate man, especially when he looks at you like you’re the only thing in this world?
  Oh God, please don’t say I am…no it’s not that, it can’t be. 

     Using an elbow for support, my free hand to gently cup his face, I lean forward to kiss the tip of his nose before descending onto his luscious lips.  At first it’s tender, but soon deepens.  As Gareth’s passion grows, so do the strength of his kisses and I am immediately lost in everything that is

     His arms snake their way around my waist and I find myself being pulled half across his chest, the feel of skin gliding against skin is exquisite.  His tiny hairs tickle my nipples taut and leaves them begging for more.

I need to feel him!  All of him!

     In one swift motion I swing a leg over his hips so I am now left straddling his waist. 
That’s much better
.  It’s not long before I feel the strength of his erection demanding attention.



I smile devilishly.


What can I say; it shows its full potential in the mornings.


I’m not sure about that.  I got a pretty good demonstration of its
last night, and I have to say, the outcome was

     His lips spread into a gleaming smile, mischievousness lurking at the edges and his pupils darken and dilate.  Heat simply pours from them and there’s that feeling again, the knotting of my stomach.  Leaning down our lips lock in battle, tongues explore and push.

     Gareth’s kisses are like opium.  One drop of the succulent scent leaves you craving more, but the more you have the more you rely on the stuff and before you know it you’re addicted.  Gareth has become my own special blend of opium.  He’s the constant drug that runs through my bloodstream.  Deep down I know I am too far gone to even think of returning to life as I knew it.


Hmmm.  You smell sweet and irresistible,

rumbles from his throat.  He takes my bottom lip between his teeth, nibbles, and then deftly releases. 

Are you cold?



  The turn of conversation throws me.


You sure about that?

  His face is stern and serious but as I stare into his darkened pupils I spot the glistening humour threatening to burst.  I can’t help but smile. 

Your nipples say otherwise.  It will be remiss of me if I don’t tender to my guest’s comfort,

he continues in a very bad imitation of a posh accent. 

Let me remedy that immediately,

and he arranges our bodies into a sitting position.

     Gareth crosses his legs then with a decisive hand gliding down to my buttocks, he draws me close.  My legs automatically go to wrap around his waist and our connection is cemented.  His head bends down to suckle my nipple while his expert fingers take care of the other.

Oh God, this is good, so good.  I never knew other positions could be so satisfying!

     I start to squirm in his lap, causing him to groan out in pleasure and press himself against me, adding friction and increasing my ardour.  The vibration of his feral growl goes straight to my core. 

     Unable to remain idle for long, I interlock my ankles and start to up the tempo of my hips.  My hands mangle through his hair and force his lips firmly in place, encouraging him to suck harder.  My lips water in want to join in with the foreplay and they come crashing down onto his neck, devouring his tender skin, sucking, nipping, biting, licking, kissing, and ultimately branding him as my own.



he murmurs against my breast. 

I can’t…take much…more…of this…torture,

and following that statement I am lifted into the air as he goes to impale me.  I throw my head back as the sensation of him stretching my insides takes my breath away, quite literally.

     Taking a moment to gather oxygen and adjust, my mind is overloaded with the awareness of my budding emotions.  It shouldn’t be there, none of this should be happening, but it is, it’s real and I can’t stop it spreading.  All that exists is the here and now, this enigma of a man nestled comfortably,
too comfortably
, between my thighs.  Everything else takes a back seat.  Deep down though I know it will not last but come crashing down around me.  It’s a disaster in the making.  However, for the time being I’m latching on to this moment and soaking it up with every fibre of my being.

     Gareth begins to rock back and forth creating a sensual rhythm, like a stream flowing gently along with the breeze.  I cling to his shoulders, bringing our bodies closer still, if that is possible.  His calloused hands take control of my hips while his lips part and drop sweet, moisten kisses on my shoulder, then the base of my neck and back again, alternating between the two.  Every touch he rains down on me is familiar, yet foreign at the same time.  It is bizarre. 

     I close my eyes and let him sweep me away in a current of fascinating sensations.  Every jolt of his hips is like a magical spell being cast with an instant reaction, taking me to another level of dizzying desire.  Our skin is slick with perspiration causing each intimate touch to slap or stick as we slide against one another.  The combination of pheromones, his spicy cologne and the remnants of cigarette smoke linger in the electric air around us, creating the most intoxicating aroma. 

     The musty scent lulls me into a false sense of security, as if this is the most natural thing in the world and part of my day-to-day life.  Against my belief, even against my conscience,
but the stubborn part of me, the Id as they say, instinctively believes it to be the right course of action. 
How can something so wrong feel so right?

     Gareth’s husky voice breaks through my clouded mind. 

Alex, I…you…I can’t believe…

he breaks off in an incoherent manner. 

You do things to me that are unexplainable.  I can’t…I can’t do it.  I can’t…

but whatever he is about to say is drowned out as the beginnings of an orgasm ripples through my core and I cry out in want. 

Oh God,
he quickens the pace and I am right there alongside him, matching him.  My nails dig
harder into his shoulders, scra
ping at his skin as I feel my walls begin to tighten, the blissful pressure building up for the eruption. 

     Gareth growls out in painful pleasure and aids t
he lifting and descending of my
self, controlling the pace for maximum effect, pulling me down forcefully, hips crashing against hips.  Grunts and heavy breathing take place of words as we near the end.  I feel his hands grip my waist, hard enough to leave finger-like bruise marks and just as unexpected as a slap in the face, I throw my head back and cry out his name in total ecstasy.

     Seconds later Gareth follows.  He bites down hard on my right shoulder and pins me against him, while using the remaining energy to thrust right up inside, deep into the heart of my body, tipping him over the edge.  As we ride the calming waves together, Gareth jerks a few times, releasing the last throes of his arousal.

     Eventually he slowly sinks his back into the mattress, bringing me down with him cocooned in the security of his arms and I relax against his chest, resting my head against his shoulder.  He momentarily releases an arm to pull the covers over us, warming our perspired bodies, before settling back into the comfortable embrace.  I close my eyes and breathe in his calming scent as he strokes my head; fingers glide back and forth hypnotically.

I could get used to this.  Oh Christ!  What am I saying?  I can’t get used to this, I shouldn’t!  I’ve got a fiancé back at home probably frantic at my disappearance.  Goodness knows how Maggie is coping and poor little Bethany.  Our family is not having a good year!  And Zoe!  I left her with nothing but a hurried note and in the state she was in that was inexcusable.  I’m a bad friend.  I just wanted to get back to William, that’s all I could think about.

     Now look at me!  I’m lying in another’s embrace soaking up the aftermath of our rather intense coupling and there is nowhere else I’d rather be.  Those that I love and left behind don’t even feature.  What’s happening to me?  What have I become?  This is not good, not good at all. 

     Growing uncomfortable with my disturbing thoughts I raise myself up into a sitting position pulling away from Gareth’s comfortable embrace, one hand clutches the sheet to my chest.

     Turning down to gaze at him my attention is drawn to the ring lying innocently on his chest.  I pick it up between my fingers and continue to work out what the inscription says.


Forever united,

his rough gravel breaks my concentration and I look down to see him staring up at me with those bedroom eyes.




Forever united, that’s what it says.  If you tilt it like so in the light,

he takes hold of my hand holding the ring. 

You are able to make it out.

  I smile as I am able to identify each letter forming the words.

     My eyes never leaving the ring I ask,

What’s the story behind it?


What makes you think there’s a story?


With a historic looking ring engraved with meaningful words there is bound to be a story.


Smart as well as sexy.  Dangerous combination.

     My eyes shift to his face.



     Looking down at the object of discussion, his face transforms from playfulness to one of sorrow and if I’m not mistaken, there’s a spark of anger glistening in his pupils.

     Gareth sighs. 


My dad gave it to me on my eighteenth birthday.  He took me to the side, pattered me on the shoulder then in the authoritative tone he liked to use a lot, said,

You’re a man now.  It’s about time you proved it and know your place.  You’re a part of this family and families stick together, no matter what.

  The rest escapes me.  Something about loyalty and watching each other’s back.  Mark had one, as did my dad.  It’s a family ring.  You see the lion.

  He uses his index finger to run along the shape. 

It represents


.  A pride of lions - fearless and ruthless, especially joined as one.  Symbolic.

  Gareth exhales. 

That’s what my dad thought anyhow.  It’s come to mean something different to me, something more worthy of the symbolic meaning.  To my father it was about control,
being in control, with Mark and I as the loyal cubs, always to do what he says and follow in his footsteps.  But to me…to me…

he frowns and his hand
s shake
ever so slightly.

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