Seductive Truths (Seductive Trilogy) (2 page)

BOOK: Seductive Truths (Seductive Trilogy)
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     Will stopped what he was doing and looked at me with pain flickering in his eyes. 

How were they when you last saw them?


Still grieving.  Sometimes I wonder if Maggie will ever get over the pain.  Bethany’s young, she doesn’t quite understand what’s going on, but she’s kind of realised that she won’t see her father again.  It’s Maggie I’m mainly concerned for.  Every time I see her she’s only a ghost of her former self.  I guess over time it will get easier but…who knows.

  A tear was brought to my eye burning my skin as it slid down my cheek. 

I still can’t believe my baby brother is gone!  My sweet, caring Thomas.  I expect to hear his voice telling me some exciting story about work or how Bethany did this or did that.  I…I…

the barriers broke and tears flowed freely.


Come here sweetheart.


     The next minute I was engulfed in Will’s warm embrace.  He provided the love and comfort I needed and gave me purpose to get through the day.  Ever since I lost my brother to that hit and run driver just over six months ago, he ha
been my rock; the support I very much needed.  Not just to me but to my sister-in-law Maggie and to my beautiful niece, Bethany.  I think we’d be lost without him.

     Thomas was my best friend as well as my overprotective younger brother.  He had a heart of gold and was willing to share it with anyone he cared about, always the first to lend a hand to strangers.  Not one to say ‘no’, always eager to please.  He was a true gentleman, selfless through and through.  The best husband, the best father and the best brother, plus a fine private investigator, can’t forget that.  Thomas was a man that used his actual brain rather than the part which most men use as a substitute brain to dominate their actions. 

     I just wished I could have seen his face one last time before we buried him.  But then again, William, he volunteered to ID the body, said he was rather disfigured.  For my our own peace of mind, it was probably best not to see him in such a state, but instead to remember Thomas as  the happy go lucky chap we all loved. 
God I miss him

     William rubbed my back and placed little kisses along my forehead.  He soothed me back to normal.  Well, as normal as my hung over state allowed. 


That’s it sweetheart.

  He lifted my chin up with his index finger and looked straight into my eyes. 

You feel better?

  I sniffled and nodded my head slightly. 

That’s my girl.

  He pecked my lips. 

Just think Alex, in a month’s time you will bear the name of Brown no longer and become a Jones.

  He smiled. 

Alex Jones.  Mrs Alex Jones.  The love of my life,

and he sealed that statement with a kiss. 

If I keep kissing you I’ll never get to work.  Come
on soon to be Mrs Jones,

and he cheekily slapped my bum. 

We’d better get a shift on if we plan to get to work on time.


     I was reaching for my keys when he carried on with,

And before you even think about picking those up, I’m going to drive you into work today.  You’re in no fit state to drive yourself.  Not after your little escapade last night.

  He looked at my face and ever so slightly a small smirk appeared.  The tiniest quirk of the lips, but it was there. 

I think you’d better touch up your face my little panda bear.

  I gasped then rushed to the bathroom and slammed the door shut, blocking out Will’s laughter.






Alex!  It’s lovely to see you!

  And with that, Maggie fell straight into my arms and hugged me. 

Do come in.  Beth will be so glad to see you.

     I followed Maggie into the living room.  It was still the same as ever with family pictures all over the place, that crack in the wall Thomas was meant to have filled in ages ago.  He never would now.

     Just as I had sat down I was wrestled to the back of the sofa by this big bundle of energy. 

Auntie Lex!  Auntie Lex!

     I wrapped my arms around my niece. 

Hello Bethy Bee.  You’re a little firework aren’t you?

  I pulled her back to arm’s length to get a good look at her. 

    Her dark locks cascaded down the side of her face.  Always in a mess yet so pretty and innocent with eyes so inquisitive, it was no wonder she got herself into trouble on a regular basis.  Not bad, just, adorable trouble.  That cheeky, shining smile was the clincher; always got her off the hook.  She definitely got that from her father.  He used to have a smile to die for; quite like my Will.  I guess it’s no wonder Beth and Will get on so well.  Occasionally, when Will and I took Beth on outings, people used to mistake her for being our daughter and they’d always remark on what a perfect family we made.


So how has my little angel been?



she cried.


Fantastic, remember Bethany.  Fantastic.

  Her mother emphasised the “T”
on both occasions. 

     Bethany looked back towards her mother, taking everything in, then with that hundred-watt smile, faced me once again. 

Oh.  Fantastic!

     Next minute she had bounced off my lap and had ran back upstairs.  I couldn’t help but laugh at her spirit.  She reminded me so much of how Thomas used to be at that age.




Truly Maggie, how is everything?

I asked when she came back into the living room with two cups of tea and a plate full of biscuits.


Honestly Alex,

she looked up from staring into the depths of her tea,

it hasn’t been that bad.  Of course I still feel the pain of losing him, but that will never go away.  The ache will always remain in my heart, but time will soften its blow.

  Maggie went back to gazing at her tea, her mind dwelling on the past. 

At times I hear his voice or remember a silly comment he’d always make.  Sometimes I lie in bed thinking that life will never feel right again; that I’ll always feel as if a part of me is missing.  I’m still young.

  She looked at me and smiled. 

Well, youngish I suppose and I’m worried that I won’t find anyone.  I know I have Bethany, you, Will and of course my mum and dad and sister, but it’s not the same.  I’m afraid I won’t find someone who can provide the secur
ity and physical contact I need,
he comfort at night; the special kisses reserved only for me; the sex.

  I couldn’t help but chuckle at the last. 

     She gave me that knowing look and said as a matter of fact,

What?  I’m only human after all.



Whenever I’m feeling down or agitated, Will generally pours me a small glass of whisky and when he hands it over to me he says,

Get that down your neck, you’ll
feel warm and giddy in no time.”
  It just so happens that the whisky is followed by a night of hot, passionate sex.  He’s always right.  I
left feeling warm and giddy, but it has absolutely
to do with the whiskey.

  With that, the laughter barrier broke. 

   Like my mother used to say, “
There is nothing like laughter to give tem
porary relief to a broken soul.”

Chapter Two


     Monday morning.  The sun was shining, already high in the sky, the weather warm with the occasional breeze to keep me cool.  Traffic jams, road works and people rushing around to get their morning coffee.  To me it was just another regular day.  How was I to know
this was the day
would change my life forever? 





I slyly asked Zoe as I sat down at my desk, placing my bag amongst my cluttered work then onto the floor.



she coyly replied, avoiding eye contact by pretending to write.


Don’t “

me missy, I know that smile.  You did it, didn’t you?


Did what?  I don’t have the faintest idea what you’re going on about?

      She tried to hide the piece of paper but with lightning speed I snatched it from under her hand. 

I knew it!


Give that back!

  Zoe tried wrenching it away with little success. 

Alex, give that piece of paper to me.

     Briefly looking away I caught the disapproving gaze of a fellow colleague.  I quickly turned back to focus on the white sheet, immediately subduing the disruptiveness.

     Scribbled in black biro was a man’s name followed by Zoe’s, my best frien
d.  There was a combination of “
Mark and Zoe


Zoe and Mark

and my favourite,


, creating a new name altogether. 


Nothing happened I see.  So this,

I waved the paper in front of her face,

wouldn’t have anything to do with last night?

I chuckled as she managed to grasp it from my clutch.


I see nothing gets past you.


Not when it comes to someone I have known for so long.  That dreamy look you’re wearing is a pretty good indicator too.



  She went
back to staring at her doodling
with a silly smile. 

Oh, there’s something on your desk for you by the way.


     I glanced across to her in confusion. 



You’ve got some kind of message, well, more of a poem somewhere on your desk.

     I shovelled through the clutter but came up with nothing.


There’s nothing here.


Try the floor,

she said with a half-hearted gesture.

     Still nothing, but then, lifting up my bag I found it stuck underneath.  A single slip of white paper with black text written in the centre, begged to be read.

     Sitting back down with it in hand, my eyes greedily devoured the words. The further I read the more fearful I became.  My head span with many unanswered questions, my heart rate increased.  My teeth unconsciously bit down on my bottom lip.

     To the side of me I heard Zoe gasp,

God!  What’s that smell?  It’s exceedingly strong.  Hold on…I’ve smelt it before, but where?

     The masculine aroma of it all assaulted my nasal passage.  It was overpowering.  But there was more, an earthy, putrid scent that alternatively repulsed and engrossed me - had to be cigarette smoke, and something else.  However, whatever it was, I found it to be indescribable.  My eyes closed with the effort of prolonged concentration and my head became dizzy.

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