Seduction (38 page)

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Authors: Amanda Quick

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Historical, #General

BOOK: Seduction
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my telling you that I was going to be exactly the sort of wife you wanted? That

I would stay out of your way and not cause you any trouble? I promised you that

after you made it clear you were not interested in my love and affection."

"Damn it, Sophy, I never said that. You deliberately misunderstood me."

"No, my lord, I did not misunderstand you."

Julian stilled a muttered oath. "You are not going to distract me now, by God.

We will return to that issue later. At the moment I am interested only in what

you learned of the ring."

"Through some investigations I did in Lady Fanny's library, I was able to

discover that the ring was most likely one worn by members of a certain type of

secret society."

"What type of secret society, Sophy?"

"I have the impression you already know the answer to that, my lord. It was a

society whose members very probably preyed upon women. Once I had ascertained

that much, I applied to Charlotte Featherstone for information about the men who

might have been a part of that club. I assumed she moved in a circle of Society

that might bring her into contact with that type of man. And I was right. She

knew of three who had at one time or another worn the ring in her presence."

Julian's eyes narrowed. "God save us. You are trying to track down Amelia's

lover, aren't you? I should have guessed. And what in hell did you think you

would do with him once you found him?"

"Ruin him socially."

Julian looked blank. "I beg your pardon?"

Sophy shifted uneasily in her chair. "He is obviously one of the hunters you

warned me about, Julian. One of the male members of the ton who preys on young

women. Such men value their social status above all else, do they not? They are

nothing without it because without it they lack access to the prey they seek. I

intend to deprive whoever wore that ring of his social connections, if at all


"Before God, I swear your audacity leaves me breathless. You do not have an

inkling of the danger, do you? Not even the smallest notion of what you are

dealing with. How can you be so knowledgeable about arcane matters such as your

medicinal herbs and yet be so unbelievably stupid about affairs in which your

reputation and even your life may be at stake?"

"Julian, there is no risk involved, I promise you." Sophy leaned forward

earnestly, hoping to reason with him. "I am going about this in a cautious

manner. My plan is to arrange to meet the three men on that list and question


"Question them. Dear God. Question them."

"Very subtly, of course."

"Of course." Julian shook his head in disbelief. "Sophy, allow me to inform you

that your talent for subtlety and deliberate subterfuge is akin to that of my

skill for embroidery. Furthermore, the three men on that list are out-and-out

bastards—rakehells of the worst sort. They cheat at cards, seduce any woman who

falls into their path, and have a sense of honor that is lower than that of a

mongrel dog. In fact, it would be safe to say the dog's notion of honor would be

infinitely more acceptable. And you thought to interrogate these three?"

"I intend to use deductive logic to determine which of them is guilty."

"Any one of the three would slice you to ribbons without a moment's hesitation.

He would ruin you long before you could ruin him." Julian's voice was tight with


Sophy's chin came up. "I do not see how he could do that as long as I am


"Lord, give me strength," Julian said through his teeth. "I am dealing with a

mad woman."

What was left of Sophy's self-control snapped. She leaped to her feet, her hand

sweeping out to snatch the nearest hard object. Her fingers closed around the

crystal swan on her dressing table.

"Damn you, Julian, I am not a mad woman. Elizabeth was a mad woman but I am not.

I may be silly and stupid and naive in your view, but at least I am not mad. By

God, my lord, I will force you to stop confusing me with your first wife if it

is the last thing I accomplish on this earth."

She hurled the ornament at him with all her strength. Julian, who had started to

rise at the beginning of her tirade, barely managed to dodge the small missile.

It flew past his shoulder and crashed against the wall behind him. He ignored

the impact and crossed the room in three long strides.

"Have no fear, madam," he said fiercely as he swept Sophy off her feet and into

his arms. "I am in no danger of confusing you with Elizabeth. It would be a

complete impossibility. You are, believe me, Sophy, totally and completely

unique. You are a paradox in so many ways it defies description. And you are

quite right. You are not mad. I am the one who is fast becoming a candidate for


He strode toward the bed and dumped her unceremoniously down onto the

counterpane. As she bounced there, her hair tumbling free of its moorings, he

sat down on the edge of the bed and began to yank off his boots.

Sophy was incensed. "What do you think you are doing?"

"What does it look like I am doing? I am seeking the only cure I can find for my

affliction." He stood up and unfastened his breeches.

She gazed at him in shock as his heavy manhood sprang free. He was already

fully, magnificently erect. Belatedly she gathered her confused senses and

started to wriggle off the other side of the bed.

Julian reached over quite casually and wrapped one big hand around her wrist,

effectively halting her retreat. "No, madam, you are not leaving just yet."

"You cannot mean to… to bed me now, Julian," Sophy said angrily. "We are in the

midst of an argument."

"There is no point arguing with you further. You are beyond reason. And so am I,

it seems. Therefore I think we shall try a different means of terminating this

unpleasant discussion. If nothing else is achieved, I might at least obtain some

temporary peace."


Sophy watched, torn between love and a seething anger, as the last of Julian's

clothes hit the floor. He kept his grip on her wrist as he finished the process

of undressing himself and then he tumbled her down onto her back.

Naked, he loomed over her, caging her between his strong hands. His eyes gleamed

and his hard face was set in the stark lines of masculine arousal.

"I will tell you this once more and once more only," he said as he began the

process of removing her clothing. "I have never mistaken you for Elizabeth.

Calling you a mad woman was a figure of speech, nothing else. I meant no real

insult. But it is imperative that you understand I cannot allow you to seek your

own vengeance."

"You cannot stop me, my lord."

"Yes, Sophy," he muttered as he tugged her gown off, "I can and I will. Although

I understand very well why you're skeptical on that point. Thus far I have given

you little reason to believe me capable of fulfilling all my duties as your

husband. You have cut a blazing swath through town, have you not? And poor,

blundering creature that I am, I always seem to be following about ten paces

behind, desperately trying to catch you. But this mad dashing about is at an

end, my dear."

"Are you threatening me, Julian?"

"Not at all. I am merely explaining that you have finally gone too far. But you

needn't worry. You have my word that I will do whatever it takes to protect

you." He untied the tapes of her pleated cambric chemisette.

"I do not need your protection, my lord. I have learned my lesson well. Husbands

and wives of the ton are supposed to go their own ways. You are not to involve

yourself in my life, nor I in yours. I have told you I am willing to live by the

codes of so-called polite Society."

"That is nonsense and you know it. God knows there is no way I could ignore you,

even if I wished to do so." He finished removing the last of her clothing, and

paused to sweep the length of her with his heated gaze. "And, my sweet Sophy, I

have no wish to ignore you."

She felt the passionate hunger in him and the answering response in herself and

knew that he was right. In bed, at least, neither of them could possibly ignore

the other. A sudden suspicion came to her as his hand smoothed the curve of her


"You would not beat me," she said slowly.

"No?" He smiled, a brief, flashing, wickedly male smile that was as sensual as

the movements of his hands on her body. "Beating you might be interesting." He

gently squeezed her buttock.

Sophy felt herself warming quickly under his touch and shook her head with grave

certainty. "No. You are not the type to lose control over your emotions and

resort to violence against a woman. I told Lord Waycott as much when he claimed

you had beaten your first wife."

Julian's captivating smile vanished. "Sophy, I do not wish to discuss either

Waycott or my first wife just now." He lowered his head to close his teeth

gently around one taut nipple. His fingertips brushed the tawny fleece below the

gentle swell of her stomach.

"But while I am certain you would not use a crop on me," Sophy continued

breathlessly as she felt his finger part her with great care, "it occurs to me

that you might not be above using other means to… to ensure I do your bidding."

"You may be right," Julian conceded, apparently unconcerned by her logic. He

kissed her throat, the curve of her shoulder and finally her lips. He lingered

over her mouth a long while until she was moaning softly and clinging to him.

Then he raised his head slightly to meet her eyes. "Are you worried about the

tactics I might use to convince you to follow my advice, my sweet?"

She glared up at him, struggling to think clearly while her body concentrated

only on the pleasure it was receiving at his hands. "Do not think you can

control me in this fashion, my lord."

"What fashion?" He slipped two fingers deeply into her and separated those two

fingers very slowly, opening her completely.

Sophy gasped and felt herself tighten with excitement. "This fashion."

"Never. I would not presume to believe that I am such a skillful lover that I

could actually convince you to abandon all your fine principles for me." He

withdrew his fingers with excruciating slowness. "Ah, sweetheart. You flow like

warm honey for me."


"Look at me," he whispered. "Look at how hard and ready I am for you. Did you

know that the mere scent of you is enough to arouse me like this? Touch me."

She sighed with longing, unable to resist his sensual plea. When her fingers

curled gently around his thick shaft she felt him pulse in reaction. She nuzzled

his chest. "I still do not think this is a proper way to settle our differences,

my lord."

He sat up and put his hands around her waist. "No more conversation, Sophy. We

will talk later." He lifted her up and held her so that she knelt, facing him.

"Spread your legs and mount me, sweetheart. Ride me. I will be your stallion and

you will be the one who controls the passion in both of us."

Sophy clung to his shoulders, her eyes widening as she adjusted to the new

position. She braced herself as she felt his manhood brush her softness. She

liked this position, she decided. It was exciting to be on top. "Yes, Julian.

Oh, yes, please."

"Take as much or as little as you wish. Take it as quickly or as slowly as you

wish. I am at your command."

An exuberant thrill coursed through Sophy as she realized that it was up to her

to set the pace. She lowered herself carefully over his thrusting hardness,

savoring the slow penetration. She heard his deep, muffled groan of desire and

her hands tightened on his shoulders.


"You are so lovely in your passion," he whispered tightly. "Soft and flushed and

so willing to give me everything." He covered her throat with damp, warm kisses

as she continued to lower herself until he filled her completely.

Sophy waited a moment, letting her body accept him, feeling herself tightening

around him. Then, cautiously at first, she began to move.

"Yes, my sweet lady. Oh, God, yes."

She felt Julian swelling within her, felt herself growing unbearably taut. She

clutched at him, her nails raking his shoulders and her eyes closed with the

delicious tension. She concentrated only on finding the perfect rhythm that

would unleash the wild, soaring release. Nothing else mattered in that moment

but the joy of taking her own pleasure while she pleasured Julian. She felt

infinitely powerful, brimful of a woman's unique strength.

"Tell me of your love, sweetheart. Say the words." Julian's voice was soft and

coaxing and urgent. "I need the words. It has been too long since you said them.

You give me so much, little one, can you not give me a few simple words? I will

treasure them forever."

A tight, hot tingling sensation began to uncoil within Sophy. She was beyond

reason, beyond thought, beyond everything but her own emotions. The words he

sought were ready on her lips.

"I love you," she whispered. "I love you with all my heart. Julian"

She convulsed softly around him, the small tremors of her climax rippling

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