Seduction (35 page)

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Authors: Amanda Quick

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Historical, #General

BOOK: Seduction
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"It's fortunate you have a talent for dice and cards."

"One of the more useful skills I picked up at Eton, " Daregate said negligently.

He leapt up into the carriage as it drew to a halt in front of the two men.

Julian followed Daregate and settled on the seat across from his friend. "Very

well, it cost me enough. Let us examine precisely what I have got for my fifteen

hundred pounds."

"According to Eggers, who I must tell you, is usually quite knowledgeable in

matters such as this, there are at least three or four men left who still wear

the black rings," Daregate said thoughtfully.

"But we only managed to get two names out of him. Utteridge and Varley." Julian

reflected on the man to whom he had just lost his money. The more Eggers had

won, the more he had been willing to gossip to Daregate and Julian. "I wonder if

one of them was the one who gave the ring to Sophy's friend. Utteridge, I

believe, spent time at the Abbey. And so did Varley, I'm almost certain."

Julian's hand clenched at his side as he forced himself to recall Elizabeth's

seemingly endless list of conquests.

Daregate pretended to ignore the implications and stuck to the subject at hand.

"We have a starting point, at least. Either Utteridge or Varley could be the man

who gave your wife's friend the ring."

Damn. I do not like this, Daregate. One thing is for certain, Sophy must never

again wear that ring. I shall have to see to it that it is destroyed

immediately." And that action, he reflected with an inner wince, was going to

cause more trouble between himself and Sophy. She was obviously very attached to

the black ring.

On that point, I agree wholeheartedly. She must not wear it now that we have

ascertained its meaning. But she does not know just what the ring signifies,

Ravenwood. To her it is merely a keepsake. Are you going to tell her the truth?"

Julian shook his head grimly. "That the original wearer belonged to a secret

club whose members placed bets on who could cuckold the highest ranking members

of the ton? Not bloody likely. She already has a sufficiently low opinion of men

in general."

"Does she really?" Daregate asked with amusement. '"Then you and your lady are

well matched, aren't you, Ravenwood? Your opinion of women is not particularly

high. Serves you right to be married to a woman who returns the compliment."

"Enough, Daregate. I have more important matters to attend to tonight than

sparring with a man whose opinions on women do not differ greatly from my own.

In any event, Sophy is different from the common run of females."

Daregate looked at him, smiling slightly in the shadows. "Yes, I know. I was

beginning to wonder if you realized that feet, yourself. Guard her well,

Ravenwood. There are wolves in our world who would take great delight in

savaging her."

"No one knows that better than I." Julian stared out the window of the carriage.

"Where do you wish to be set down?"

Daregate shrugged. "Brook's I suppose. I am in the mood for a little civilized

drinking after that hell we just left. Where are you going?"

"To find Sophy. She is attending Lady Dallimore's rout tonight."

Daregate grinned. "And no doubt reigning supreme. Your lady is quickly becoming

the rage. Walk down Bond Street or into any drawing room these days and you will

find that half the young females in the vicinity will be in a charming state of

disarray. Ribbons dangling, hats askew, shawls trailing on the floor. It is all

quite delightful but no one can carry it off the way Sophy does."

Julian smiled to himself. "That is because she does not have to work at it. The

style comes quite naturally to her."

Fifteen minutes later Julian glided through the crush that filled Lady

Dallimore's ballroom, searching for Sophy. Daregate was right, he realized with

mild amusement. Most of the young women in the room appeared to have something

wrong with their attire. Hair ornaments were stuck into curls at precarious

angles, ribbons trailed to the floor, and scarves fluttered in a deceptively

haphazard manner. He almost crushed underfoot a fan that was dangling from a

long string attached to its owner's wrist.

"Hello, Ravenwood, looking for your Countess?"

Julian glanced over his shoulder and recognized a middle-aged Baron with whom he

occasionally discussed the war news. "Evening, Tharp. As it happens, I am

looking for Lady Ravenwood. Any sign of her?"

"Signs of her all over the place, my boy. Just take a look." The portly Baron

waved a hand to indicate the crowded ballroom. "Impossible to make a move

without stepping on a ribbon or scarf or some such frippery. Had a chat with

your lady, myself, a bit earlier. Gave me a recipe for a cordial she says will

relieve my digestive problems. Don't mind tellin' you, you're damn lucky to be

married to that one. She'll see to it you live to a ripe old age. Probably give

you a dozen sons into the bargain."

Julian's mouth tightened at that last remark. He was not at all certain Sophy

would give him those sons willingly. He remembered well that she had not wanted

to be rushed into childbed. "Where did you see her last, Tharp?"

"Dancing with Utteridge, I believe." Tharp's good-natured brow creased in an

abrupt frown. "Come to think of it, that ain't a particularly good situation,

lad. You know what Utteridge is. An out-and-out rake. If I were you, I'd put a

stop to that association at once."

Julian felt a cold feeling in the region of his stomach. How in hell had

Utteridge arranged to meet Sophy? More importantly, why had he done so? "I will

see to the matter at once. Thank you, Tharp."

"Pleasure.' The baron's expression brightened. "Thank your Countess again for

that cordial recipe, will you? Anxious to give it a try. Lord knows I'm tired of

subsisting on potatoes and bread. Want to be able to sink my teeth into a nice

joint of beef again."

"I'll tell her." Julian shifted direction, glancing around the room for

Utteridge. He did not see the man but he did catch sight of Sophy. She was just

leaving to go out into the gardens. Waycott was preparing to follow a short

distance behind her.

One day soon, Julian promised himself, he really would have to do something

about Waycott.

The gardens were magnificent. Sophy had heard they were Lord Dallimore's pride.

Under any other circumstances she would have enjoyed the sight of them by

moonlight. It was obvious that much care had been given to the carefully clipped

hedges, terraces, and flower beds.

But tonight the elaborately designed greenery was making her pursuit of Lord

Utteridge difficult. Every time she rounded a tall hedge, she found herself in

another dead end. As she got farther from the house it became increasingly more

difficult to peer into the shadows. Twice she stumbled into couples who had

obviously left the ballroom seeking privacy.

How far could Utteridge wander, she asked herself in gathering irritation. The

gardens were not so vast that he could lose himself in them. Then she began to

wonder why he had chosen to take an extended excursion in the first place.

The answer to that occurred to her almost immediately. A man of Utteridge's

character would no doubt use the privacy of the gardens for an assignation.

Perhaps even now some hapless young woman was listening to his smooth

blandishments and thinking herself in love. If he was the man who had seduced

Amelia, Sophy told herself resolutely, she would do her best to see to it that

he never married Cordelia Biddle or any other innocent heiress.

She plucked up her skirts, preparing to circle a small statue of Pan prancing in

the middle of a flower bed.

"It's not wise to wander around out here alone," Waycott said from the shadows.

"A woman could become quite lost in these gardens."

Sophy gasped and swung around to find the viscount staring at her from a short

distance away. Her initial fright gave way to anger. "Really, my lord, must you

sneak up on people?"

"I am beginning to think it is the only way I will ever be able to talk to you

in private." Waycott took a couple of steps forward, his pale hair was almost

silver in the moonlight. The contrast with the black clothes he favored made him

look vaguely unreal.

"I do not think we have anything to talk about that requires privacy," Sophy

said, her fingers tightening around her fan. She did not like being alone with

Waycott. Julian's warnings about him were already ringing loudly in her head.

"You are wrong, Sophy. We have much to discuss. I want you to know the truth

about Ravenwood and about Elizabeth. It is past time you learned the facts."

"I already know as much as I need to know," Sophy said evenly.

Waycott shook his head, his eyes glinting in the shadows. "No one knows the full

truth, least of all you. If you had known it, you would never have married him.

You are too sweet and gentle to have willingly given yourself to a monster like


"I must ask you to stop this at once, Lord Waycott."

"God help me, I cannot stop." Waycott's voice suddenly turned ragged. "Do you

not think I would if I could? If only it were that easy. I cannot stop thinking

about it. About her. About everything. It haunts me, Sophy. It eats me alive. I

could have saved her but she would not let me."

For the first time Sophy began to realize that whatever Waycott's feelings had

been toward Elizabeth, they had not been superficial or fleeting. The man was

clearly suffering a great anguish. Her natural sympathetic instincts were

instantly aroused. She took a step forward to touch his arm.

"Hush," she whispered. "You must not blame yourself. Elizabeth was very

high-strung, easily overwrought. Even those of us who lived in the countryside

around Ravenwood knew that much about her. Whatever happened, it is finished.

You must not agitate yourself over it any longer."

"He ruined her," Waycott said, his voice a mere thread of sound. "He made her

what she became. Elizabeth did not want to marry him, you know. She was forced

into the alliance by her family. All her parents could think about was the

Ravenwood title and fortune. They had no regard for her sensibilities. They did

not begin to comprehend her delicate nature."

"Please, my lord, you must not go on like this."

"He killed her." Waycott's voice grew stronger. "In the beginning he did it

slowly, through a series of little cruelties. Then he began to grow more harsh

with her. She told me he beat her several times with his riding crop—beat her as

if she were a horse."

Sophy shook her head quickly, thinking of how frequently she, herself, had

provoked Julian's wrath. He had never once used violence to retaliate. "No, I

cannot believe that."

"It's true. You did not know her in the beginning. You did not see how she

changed after she married him. He was always trying to cage her spirit and drown

her inner fire. She fought back the only way she could by defying him. But she

grew wild in her efforts to be free."

"Some say she was more than wild," Sophy said softly. "Some say she was mad. And

if it is true, it is very sad."

"He made her that way."

"No. You cannot blame her condition on Ravenwood. Madness such as that is in the

blood, my lord."

"No," Waycott said again, savagely. "Her death is on Ravenwood's hands. She

would be alive today if it were not for him. He deserves to pay for his crime."

"That is utter nonsense, my lord," Sophy said coldly. "Elizabeth's death was an

accident. You must not make such accusations. Not to me or anyone else. You know

as well as I do that such statements can cause great trouble."

Waycott shook his head as if to clear it of some thick fog. His eyes seemed to

become a shade less brilliant. He ran his fingers through his pale hair. "Listen

to me. I am a fool to ramble on like this in front of you."

Sophy's heart went out to him as she realized what lay behind the wild

accusations. "You must have loved her very much my lord."

"Too much. More than life, itself." Waycott sounded very weary now.

"I am sorry, my lord. More sorry than I can say."

The Viscount's smile was bleak. "You are kind, Sophy. Too kind, perhaps. I begin

to believe you truly do understand. I do not deserve your gentleness."

"No, Waycott, you most assuredly do not." Julian's voice sliced like a blade

through the darkness as he emerged from the shadows. He reached out and removed

Sophy's hand from the other man's sleeve. The diamond bracelet gleamed on her

wrist as he tucked it possessively under his arm.

"Julian, please," Sophy said, alarmed by his mood.

He ignored her, his attention on the Viscount. "My wife has a weakness for those

she believes to be in pain. I will not have anyone taking advantage of that

weakness. Most especially not you, Waycott. Do you comprehend my meaning?"

"Completely. Good night, madam. And thank you." Waycott bowed gracefully to

Sophy and strode off into the darkness of the gardens.

Sophy sighed. "Really, Julian. There was no need to cause a scene."

Julian swore under his breath as he led her swiftly back along the path toward

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