Seducing the Succubus (36 page)

Read Seducing the Succubus Online

Authors: Cassie Ryan

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal

BOOK: Seducing the Succubus
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She seemed fully healed; the energy pouring off her was a thousand times what Noah felt from Lilith when in her presence. Tall and lanky, she had athletic curves that were well showcased in her white formfitting clothes. Long silver blond hair spilled over her shoulders and down to her waist, her ice blue eyes making her seem like a winter fairy suddenly come to life. A marked contrast to the injured Archangel he’d carried through the portal just yesterday.
She met his gaze and smiled as if aware of his thoughts and observations. She nodded to him once, surprising him before she turned her attention toward Lilith.
“Welcome, Gabriel.” The intimacy in Lilith’s voice and the way she raked a possessive gaze over the woman surprised Noah, and he glanced toward Jezebeth to gauge her reaction, but then realized Jezebeth’s forehead was still pressed to the floor since Lilith hadn’t yet addressed her.
When Evelin gasped, Noah turned back toward the dais in time to see Gabriel kissing Lilith.
Wow. Immortals gone wild . . .
He froze as he stared at the two women, his cock hardening inside his jeans and his balls pulling up tight against his body.
Gabriel’s hand was braced on the arm of the throne, her palm cradling Lilith’s cheek gently while a tender kiss bloomed between them.
This was no female/female kiss like Noah had seen on porn flicks or between two women trying to get attention in a bar. The scene in front of him was so intimate and caring—two stunning women exchanging a kiss, as if they’d been not only lovers but friends, that Noah couldn’t help but stare.
Finally Gabriel broke the kiss and ran her thumb over Lilith’s bottom lip before stepping back.
Lilith’s tongue darted out to wet her bottom lip, and Noah wondered what taste Gabriel had left behind. The two women’s gaze lingered on each other for a long moment before Lilith smiled and turned back to look at Evelin. “Your accuser is the Archangel Gabriel. Do you dare call her a liar?”
Holy shit.
Jezebeth’s head snapped up and she glanced up at Noah with a “what the hell” expression filling her features.
“My apologies, Jezebeth.” Lilith’s light laugh softly echoed around the room. “Rise and stand next to your protector while we finish this unpleasant business first.”
Jez unfolded from the ground and slowly stood as if expecting Lilith to change her mind at any moment. Noah captured her hand in his, lacing their fingers together.
Evelin’s skin had taken on a sickly gray color, each movement jerky instead of graceful like when she’d greeted them and escorted them to Lilith.
“In light of your silence, succubus, stand and be judged, before God.” Gabriel stalked forward and Evelin flinched as if expecting to be struck. Instead, Gabriel stood just in front of the succubus, close enough to invade the woman’s personal space but not close enough to touch her.
Evelin stiffened, her gaze suddenly fastened on the floor in front of her.
Gabriel reached out slowly and stroked Evelin’s long red hair. When Evelin flinched again, Gabriel laughed and brought the hair close to her face and inhaled. “Do you know what I smell, little one?”
Evelin whimpered as her entire body began to shake.
“Burnt cinnamon and guilt.”
The words echoed through the chamber like a death knell.
Evelin’s gaze snapped up to Gabriel’s, and the tiny woman froze as their eyes met.
The soul gaze.
Noah shuddered as he remembered what that had felt like when Uriel had done the same to him. He rubbed at his chest, the remembered sensation of his raw, aching insides coming back to him fresh and new.
When Gabriel finally broke the gaze, Evelin sagged, but remained standing.
Gabriel glanced toward Lilith. “We were correct. Even if I hadn’t smelled her scent on Semiazas in Central Park, what I’ve just seen confirms our suspicions.”
“Suspicions?” Evelin stiffened. “You had no proof?”
A sharp gesture from Lilith silenced the woman’s words. “I pulled you from a horrible human existence and gave you an extended life and all the gifts that come with being a succubus, and yet you chose to betray me. You’ll get no leniency here, Evelin. You have no idea what you could’ve done here.”
“What will you do with her?” Gabriel asked softly.
“She is yours to do with as you wish.” Lilith’s gaze filled with a thousand unsaid things Noah couldn’t decipher, but apparently, Gabriel could, because the Archangel wrapped one arm around Evelin’s neck and blew a kiss to Lilith before she dematerialized, leaving only Lilith, Noah, and Jezebeth to stare at the place where they’d been only moments before.
Noah tightened his grip on Jezebeth’s hand, unsure what the display they’d just seen meant for the two of them.
Lilith laughed, the sound more amused than threatening. “There is no need to fear, human. That business was concluded with you here only to reassure you both that Evelin’s interference will no longer be tolerated.” She motioned them forward. “Step forward, both of you.”
Noah glanced over at Jezebeth to find she was also looking at him. Her look seemed to say, “What have we got to lose, we’ve come this far?” He shrugged and started forward, but he swept his gaze around them, alert for anything.
Lilith chuckled as if she knew exactly what he was thinking, but he didn’t give a damn at this point. They’d been attacked by demons, kidnapped by a Djinn, beaten up, tortured, and several other things he didn’t want to remember in his nightmares. He was damned well going to keep his eyes wide open for anything that decided to pop out at them.
When he reached the front of the dais just in front of Lilith’s throne, Jez dropped to her knees, but at least didn’t prostrate herself again. Noah glanced down at her, but refused to show the same deference for Lilith. After all, she’d gotten them both into their current circumstances—he refused to pretend he was thankful.
“Rise and come to me, my daughter.”
“My queen,” Jez murmured as she rose and stepped forward.
Lilith dipped her hand between her generous cleavage and pulled out a black cord attached to a red amulet with intricate markings. “Wear this at all times until you and your sisters approach Lucifer.”
At Jezebeth’s flash of surprise, Lilith nodded. “Evelin has tried to do her damage, but I have faith that the other three will find their way home to us.” She gestured toward the red amulet. “It will protect you and will also grant you access to Hell, not to mention it will show Lucifer that you have my blessings in your request.”
Jezebeth accepted the amulet and slipped it over her head, settling the amulet under her shirt between her breasts.
Lilith’s expression darkened. “Now. About last night.”
“I ask that you are lenient with Jezebeth.” Noah said the words quickly before Jezebeth could interrupt. “I’ll take any punishment you have in mind for the both of us.”
“Noah!” Jez hissed from beside him.
Lilith surprised him by dipping her chin in acknowledgment, a small smile playing at the edges of her lips. “You continue to surprise me, human. And as much as I would never admit this in a larger audience, I think I enjoy being surprised after all this time.”
“Will it cost me anything to ask you why?”
Jezebeth stiffened in his grip. He ran his thumb back and forth over the soft skin at the back of her neck and she stilled and relaxed against him.
Lilith pursed her lips as if considering his request. “I suppose since you’ve met the requirements of the incantation, I have no choice but to honor my part of the bargain.”
Jez stiffened again as Noah scrambled to make sense of Lilith’s words.
Lilith’s laugh echoed around the cavern, and she finally walked over to her throne and sank down, tucking her feet under her like a small girl rather than an ancient queen. “The rest of the incantation that you apparently didn’t read said if you resisted my temptation three times and showed yourself worthy, you would receive three gifts that are within my power.”
The meaning of Lilith’s words spilled through Noah as possibilities blossomed inside his mind.
Lilith waved away her words. “Since you were rather indisposed last night, I hope you’ll forgive my presumption in returning your life force as your first gift.”
Jez gasped from beside him and surprise flashed across Lilith’s features. “You think I’m so callous as to wish you pain, Jezebeth? You may not be my creation, but you’re my creature, and I care for your welfare.”
Noah glanced down to see Jez’s small frown before she replaced it with a blank mask.
Lilith sighed. “I suppose it’s difficult for you to understand, but even though the succubi and incubi aren’t demons, by our very nature as acting as one of the temptations for the world, it’s easy for all of us to fall prey to some of the very temptations we offer the humans.” She raised her gaze to Noah’s. “As for you . . . Noah. I owe you two more gifts. You may ask for anything within my power, and I’ll happily grant it.” She nodded once—the annoying succubus habit. And for a split second, he was tempted to ask for that mannerism to be abolished.
She grinned as if she’d heard his thoughts. “Choose wisely. For there are only two that remain.” She gave a Gallic shrug. “And I think the nod is something I’ve done for too long to change at this point anyhow.”
Jez frowned at the exchange since she obviously hadn’t heard Noah’s thoughts, but to her credit, she remained silent, since this discussion was between him and Lilith.
Noah mentally braced for Lilith’s reaction as he decided to ask big and see what happened. “I’d like to use my second gift to free Jezebeth from the revenge of Semiazas.”
“Noah, you can’t—” Jez’s words faltered as Lilith held up her hand, palm out.
“As much as I wish I could, unfortunately, that is not within my power. I have helped Jezebeth and her sisters as much as I’m able under the current circumstances already.” Lilith paused, her expression a mixture of concern and sadness. “To do more would endanger us all.”
Noah hadn’t expected a different response, but disappointment tasted bitter on his tongue anyway. “Damn. It was worth a shot, right?”
Jez turned in Noah’s arms, her palms against his chest as she looked up at him. “Noah, don’t waste your gifts on me. No one has ever resisted Lilith’s temptation; you’ve earned those gifts. There are wondrous things within her power to grant you. Take some time and think through what you can ask for. There isn’t any time limit, and—”
This time Noah cut Jez off with a kiss. Her lips were soft and plush against his, and after a quick second of shock, she melted against him, returning his kiss before pulling back and casting a wary glance toward Lilith.
“These are my gifts, remember?” He chucked Jez under the chin with his fingers. “Trust me to use them well, okay?” Besides, life without Jezebeth would be anything but wondrous.
She nodded, but didn’t look happy.
Noah pulled her close, holding her gently by his side as he turned his attention back to Lilith. “If Jezebeth is amenable, can you make her human? Release her from her succubus life?”
Lilith slowly shook her head. “Being a succubus isn’t something that was chosen for her, it’s something she
.” Lilith spread her hands wide. “I don’t hold the power of creation, so that is also something beyond what I can grant.” She laughed. “Believe me, if I had possessed that power, there were many times over the countless millennia that I would’ve availed myself of it.”
Disappointment arrowed through him, even though he hadn’t expected any different. He’d asked on the off chance that some loophole would allow her more powers in this instance. But from everything he had read and understood about Lilith and her world, he at least now knew what he could ask for and reasonably receive.
“All right. Then, if Jezebeth is amenable, I’d like to be allowed to remain here with her as her mate, and for my immunity to her powers to be permanent and universal so I can provide her sustenance as she needs it—without me dying.”
Jezebeth turned to gape at him, and he grinned before turning to see Lilith’s reaction.
Lilith studied Jezebeth curiously. “Since your consent is included as part of his request, are these things you would wish?”
Jezebeth dug her fingers into the front of his shirt as she searched his face. “Noah, are you sure? I could be dead soon, and even if you stayed here and were immune . . . I’d still have quotas to meet.”
Jez’s words hit him like a fist to the gut. Quotas meant she’d still have to tempt and seduce other men . . . or even women.
Could he live with that?
Every possessive instinct inside him roared like a beast brought suddenly awake to protect its mate.
it screamed, and even Noah’s logical side agreed with the instinct.
“It’s part of who and what I am. If Lilith can’t release me from my succubus nature, then I will still be required to fulfill the same duties I have since my creation.”
Noah pulled Jez tighter against him. “I hadn’t realized what keeping myself immune would mean. But there has to be some way to work this out. I love you. I can’t just go back to my old life and forget. My heart would always be here with you. But I also don’t think I could stand by and watch you . . . fulfill your quotas.”
“Would you be willing to entertain a side bargain?”
Noah stiffened at Lilith’s seductive words. Verbally sparring with the succubus queen was always a dangerous proposition, but if there was a way to work this out, Noah would take it. “What type of bargain?” he asked carefully.
Jezebeth’s fingers tightened on Noah’s arm, and he placed his hand over hers and squeezed it, hoping she would trust him to navigate any verbal traps Lilith might lay for them.
“You have two wishes remaining. Allowing you to stay here as Jezebeth’s mate is one, and granting you immunity from the effects of her succubus nature is another. However, if you remain here, I assume you would want to continue your writing and your research?”

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