Seducing the Succubus (34 page)

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Authors: Cassie Ryan

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal

BOOK: Seducing the Succubus
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Noah picked up her hand and placed a gentle kiss on her palm before laying her arm on the bed beside her. He leaned down slowly, his gaze still locked with hers as he laved the tip of his tongue along the waistband of her jeans.
Jez jerked at the intense warmth of his mouth against her sensitive skin, and Noah only chuckled as he dipped his tongue inside her navel and then blew on the wet patch of skin.
Jez gasped as another march of goose bumps flowed over her, turning her entire body into a live wire. “Noah, please . . . I want you inside me.”
He didn’t answer and, instead, slowly unbuttoned and unzipped her jeans, thoroughly kissing and licking each newly exposed patch of skin before revealing more.
Sensations buffeted her in continuous waves until Jez was panting and had the sheets on either side of her in a death grip.
Noah continued his assault, slowly edging the jeans down her hips and exploring each newly exposed expanse of skin. When the jeans edged low enough to reveal her smooth mons, he glanced up at her and raised his brows. “I want you as just you, Jez. You don’t ever have to put on a costume of any type with me.”
Jez bit her bottom lip. She hadn’t thought he’d noticed that part of her true form, and most current-day men preferred the smooth mons, and she thought Noah did too. Only one way to find out . . .
She concentrated on Noah and let her gift take over. After a quick second of tingling throughout her body, she glanced down and frowned at what she saw. There were tiny freckles dotting her skin, her stomach slightly rounded, and her mons was now covered with dark brown curls. This was her true form, the one she only took when she was alone. The form she’d decided on long ago that she felt most comfortable in. “This is impossible.”
Noah grinned up at her. “You tried to use your shifter magic on me, didn’t you?” When she remained silent he spoke again. “You stubborn succubus. I meant it—I want you, as you are. Got it?”
She nodded even though she was still trying to fathom how he could choose this form out of any other in the universe. After all, she could be in any outer form for him and still be her true self on the inside. The last thing she’d expected was for anyone to prefer the same form she did.
A slow grin curved her lips. “Except you,” she said, answering her own unspoken thought. “You’ve always surprised me since the first day we met.”
He pulled her jeans and panties off in one quick movement and then crawled back up the bed toward her like a hungry predator. “Good.” When he reached her knee, he licked a path up her inner thigh, spreading her legs wide as he positioned his large body between them. “I’ll do my best to never stop.”
Before she could think of a reply, he buried his tongue between her labia and licked a slow line up to the silky skin just below her clit.
A strangled gasp escaped from Jez’s throat as the intense sensations ripped through her.
Noah repeated the action over and over, faster and faster until Jez thought she’d jackknife off the bed from the spasms taking up residence inside her belly.
Noah anchored her to the bed with his large hands and held her still while he devoured her—licking, laving, nipping, and sucking—but only sparing a quick kiss for her clit until Jez’s thighs were quivering and her belly was clenched so tight with the need to orgasm that she was afraid she’d never be able to relax again once this was over.
When Noah stopped all motion suddenly and gently sucked the tip of her clit inside his mouth, her world shattered and exploded—a thousand explosions rocking her body while waves of liquid pleasure pulsed through her in a seemingly never-ending stream of ecstasy.
Distantly she heard murmuring and only when her body began to calm and relax did she realize it was Noah. His words of encouragement, love, and wonder buoyed her and supported her back to reality. When sanity returned, she glanced up into his face just as he slid his cock inside her in one slow thrust.
She gasped as he stretched and filled her, widening her thighs and tipping her hips to take him deep. Jez wrapped her legs around him, hooking her ankles around each of his thighs, pulling him tighter against her as he filled her, and relaxing when he slowly retreated before thrusting inside her again.
Noah set the rhythm and Jez held tight to him, her gaze locked with his as her body slowly tightened around him. Each steady movement drove her higher until Noah murmured her name and stiffened over her, the heat of his come spilling inside her.
The first slap of energy stole the breath from her body and a frenzied tingling flowed outward along every nerve ending to rebound on itself and boomerang through Jez’s body again. When Noah slumped on top of her and gently stroked her hair, she had to chase back the euphoria of the orgasm/energy combination to let her brain process his words.
“Ride me, Jez. I want to see you come again.” His words were slightly slurred, and she smiled to herself as smug female satisfaction spilled through her. As Noah rolled them over, she held on and positioned herself more comfortably on top of him. His cock had softened slightly when he came, but was still hard enough for her to ride him and tempt him back to full power.
Noah grabbed her hips in his large palms as he looked up at her. “Take your hair down and let me watch you, Jez.”
She reached back slowly, her breasts rising as she arched her back. Jez smiled when Noah’s eyes darkened and his cock hardened inside. She slipped the elastic band out of her hair, tossed it aside, and ran her fingers through the long mass until it spilled around her bare shoulders and edged down to cover the top mounds of her breasts.
“My God, you’re beautiful. Even more so, like this.”
His words warmed her, and she basked in his gaze as she began to move.
She leaned back, bracing one hand behind her on Noah’s thigh as she slowly pushed up onto her knees and then dropped back down, taking him deep. His aura tasted sweet as his energy merged with hers and her movements created an exquisite friction between them.
Noah’s moan merged with hers as she increased her speed and let her eyes slip closed and her head drop back. He grabbed her hips, allowing her to set the pace, but pulling her tight against him with each thrust.
A fine sheen of perspiration dotted Jez’s body as she continued to move on top of him, the intoxicating scents of musky arousal and sex blending with Noah’s unique scent. Jez quickened her pace as the familiar tingling that signaled a full-body orgasm began to buzz deep inside her gut. Her breathing choppy, she rode Noah hard, aiming toward the bliss that hovered just out of her reach.
When he stiffened and cried out beneath her, his hot come shot inside her to be absorbed and turned into energy that washed through her body in a scalding rush. Pure liquid heat spilled through her veins like warmed brandy on a cold night. Jez hovered on top of the exquisite sensation, slowing her movements as the heat drained away leaving behind a wonderful boneless sensation.
She slumped on top of Noah, burrowing against his chest as she waited for his arms to wrap around her.
When nothing happened, a sliver of icy unease stabbed through her previous warmth, jarring her fully alert. Jez raised her head to find Noah pale, his eyes closed, his breathing shallow.
She slid off him, gently laying her hand against his cheek. “Noah?”
His eyes fluttered open, his gaze unfocused as if she’d drained him of his energy.
Panic galloped through her, churning like acid inside her stomach. “But the ring—” She cut her words short as she grabbed Noah’s right hand and touched the ring he still wore.
If someone had tampered with the ring . . .
When Lilith’s essence tingled against her own, she knew the ring was genuine. But one glance down into Noah’s pale face told her that something had gone horribly wrong. “No. Please, no.” She covered her mouth with her hand as the consequences of what she’d done spilled through her mind on fast-forward.
Jez jumped at Lilith’s soft words and then with one hand laid protectively over Noah’s chest, she turned to face her mistress.
Noah struggled not
to lose consciousness even as black dots danced and teased at the edges of his vision. He forced open heavy eyelids to find Lilith standing next to the bed in a gauzy black dress that showed more tantalizing glimpses of creamy, perfect skin than it left to the imagination. Long, dark hair spilled over her shoulders, and the only thing that kept her from being breathtakingly beautiful was the carefully blank expression she wore.
“Why didn’t the ring work?” Jez demanded as she laid one warm protective hand on Noah’s chest.
Noah wanted to curl around that warmth and pull it inside his body, but somehow he knew he was already too close to dying to reverse the process. He searched for regrets, and only found two—that he would have to leave Jezebeth, and that even had he lived, he wasn’t able to protect her from Lilith and the world she’d been created into.
“In the outside world, the energy in the ring was stronger than your inherent succubus nature, but here in my lair, that’s no longer true. The humans I take in here are inherently changed so they live longer and also gather energy in the same manner as the incubi and succubi. Noah is still purely human.” Lilith stepped forward, and Jez moved her body to shield Noah.
Curiosity and surprise sparked in Lilith’s dark gaze. “This human means enough to you to protect him from me?”
Jez swallowed hard. “I love him.” As soon as the words were out, Jez wished them back—especially when Lilith froze in place, a frown marring her lovely features. The tension in the room grew until Jez fought to breathe against the stinging energy emanating from her queen.
Finally, Lilith cocked her head to one side and looked past Jez toward Noah. “But does he love you in return, little one?”
Jez stiffened at Noah’s soft word, running her hand along his chest as she glanced up at Lilith to gauge her reaction. When Lilith’s expression continued to hold only curiosity, dread tightened Jezebeth’s stomach. There were worse things than a curious and very powerful succubus queen, but they were the stuff of Jez’s nightmares. This situation was scary even in the light of day.
“We shall see.” Lilith’s words cut through the chamber like an icy knife as she circled the bed slowly, crossing to the other side before sitting down next to Noah.
As the bed dipped with her mistress’s weight, Jez took Noah’s hand and laced her fingers with his. She had no way of protecting him from Lilith that wouldn’t immediately get them both killed. The knowledge of that weakness burned through her, making her want to lash out in frustration. But she bit her tongue hard until the urge receded and she continued to watch Lilith warily.
“Easy, little one.” Lilith met Jez’s glare with a calmness that made the skin on the back of Jez’s neck prickle. “I only wish to speak to your human.”
When Lilith reached out and brushed the hair away from Noah’s graying face, Jez stiffened but held herself in check.
“So you say you love my Jezebeth, Noah Halston?”
Noah swallowed hard and slowly turned his head to face Lilith. The strain on his features showed how difficult even that small movement was for him. “Yes.” The word was so faint and weak that a giant hand squeezed Jez’s chest. She remembered many times where his words had burned with intensity . . . but not now, not after what she’d unknowingly done to him.
Lilith’s lips curved, but the smile didn’t touch the rest of her face, or even reach her dark eyes. “You are dying, Noah. Dying from one of my creatures taking too much of your energy. Only I can save you now.” She stroked Noah’s hair as if he were a small, sick child, and Jezebeth had to check the urge to slap Lilith’s hand away from him.
Lilith glanced up and met Jez’s gaze, a clear warning to stay quiet and not interfere shone in the dark depths of the queen’s gaze. “What is your life worth to you, human?”
Jez tightened her fingers around Noah’s and thought she felt a slight squeeze in return, which comforted her at least a little.
Noah licked his lips as if to prepare for the great energy required for him to answer. “Depends. On. Cost.”
Lilith laughed—the first genuine thing she’d done since she’d entered the room, and the sudden shift sent a cold stab of fear straight to Jez’s gut. “I can see why Jezebeth is interested in you, human. You’re not like all the others.” She traced her fingers along his cheek and rubbed one thumb over his lips, but instead of opening his lips, he kept his mouth unmoving under Lilith’s questing fingers.
Jez sucked in a silent breath as she waited for Lilith’s eyes to snap with fire—a feat she’d only seen the succubus queen master—or for Lilith’s temper to explode, but neither came, which made the tension in the room skyrocket even higher. Jez had the impression of sitting next to an unexploded bomb with a faulty countdown clock.
“What is the cost compared to what I can offer you, Noah Halston? After all, your incantation was what began this entire episode, wasn’t it?” Lilith leaned forward so her hair trailed over Noah’s bare chest and she brushed her lips over his.
Noah didn’t react, and Jez hoped it was from choice and not because he simply didn’t have the life force left to respond.
“I offer you the same deal you requested with that incantation, human. One night of ecstasy with me, where I will fulfill any fantasy you can possibly imagine, and in return I’ll return your life force, and you’ll be my creature for eternity.” She sat up straight and looked down at him. “Of course, since I don’t like my playthings to be used by others without my permission, you won’t ever see Jezebeth again, but that’s a small price to pay for your life, isn’t it?”
Lilith’s words plunged deep until Jez felt like her insides were being slashed apart with a thousand sharp knives. Her gut clenched, her chest ached, and tears filled her eyes. She could no longer imagine her life without Noah, but even worse was a world with no Noah in it at all. As a succubus, she’d survived horrors of all kinds, and though it would be the hardest thing she’d ever done, she would learn to live with the knowledge that he was alive and well—even if he could never be with her.

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