Seducing the Boss (The Pulse Series) (4 page)

Read Seducing the Boss (The Pulse Series) Online

Authors: Mari Carr

Tags: #coworker, #bad boy, #boss/employee, #contemporary romance, #Mari Carr, #girl next door, #ER, #Pulse, #brazen, #nurse, #opposites attract, #friends to lovers, #Entangled, #boss

BOOK: Seducing the Boss (The Pulse Series)
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While that hadn’t changed, she didn’t see any harm in taking the weekend off. The way she’d come apart in Kellan’s arms only proved that she needed this opportunity to blow off some steam…in bed.

As Kellan pulled out of the parking lot, she turned to face him.

He glanced over. “Second thoughts already?”

“Can you blame me?”

“No. That’s why I’m driving you to my house instead of having you follow me in your car. Less opportunity for escape.”

“So I’m going to be your captive for the weekend?”

Kellan winked. “I’m not going to pretend I don’t like the sound of that.”

“I suppose that falls under that bondage thing you’ve requested.”

He nodded, his eyes darkening, his expression growing serious. “Could also work as part of that role-playing you’re interested in. So, how far are you willing to go this weekend?”

Sara wasn’t sure how to respond. “That’s a loaded question.”

“You used the words wild and kinky. In my mind, that sounded a lot like carte blanche.”

She snickered. “Of course it did.”

A smart woman would put some sort of limitations on what they did, would attempt to rein Kellan in a little bit, but Sara didn’t want to do that. Now that she’d scaled the wall of
should we or shouldn’t we
, she was ready to take the grand tour.

Kellan took the ramp onto the highway. “You know, given what happened in the ladies’ room, I don’t think there’s much distance between us when it comes to sexual appetites.”

She considered her response to his touches. Part of her was afraid she’d never have another chance to experience everything Kellan was offering her as part of this deal. The safe, practical, boring men she seemed to attract didn’t bring the same level of excitement sexually that Kellan did.

But did she have the courage to put herself completely in his hands?

As she looked at his familiar, friendly face, she realized she did.

“I’ll go as far as you’re willing to take me.”

His fingers tightened on the steering wheel. It was a subtle gesture, a small tell, but Sara didn’t miss it. He liked her response.

“If I do anything that you don’t like—”

“I’ll say stop,” she interjected, “and you will.”

He nodded.

“That’s where that trust thing comes in.”


“Speaking of trust,” she said, shifting in her seat so that she faced him completely. She let those words hover without an ending as she reached across the console and cupped his erection.

Kellan’s nostrils flared at her unexpected touch.

Stroking him through his pants, Sara enjoyed having all the power for once.

Using one hand, she unhooked his belt and the button of his pants, and then slid down the zipper. She ran her fingers along his cock once more, but this time there was nothing but the cotton of his boxer briefs obstructing her touch.

Sara kept her gaze locked on his face, fascinated by his responses to her actions. His jaw clenched, and she wondered what it would take to shake his control. To shatter it. To make him come apart the same way she had earlier.

“We’re ten minutes away from my place.”

She heard the implied dare. He was giving her a time limit. She was a sucker for a challenge.

She dipped her hand beneath the elastic of his boxers. His cock was every bit as big as she suspected. Maybe even more so. Her inner muscles fluttered at the thought of taking all of that inside.

Shoving her own arousal to the background, she focused on him. Her space was severely limited by the tiny car and the console between them. Regardless, she found a position where she was able to wrap her hand around him and stroke his cock, keeping her motions slow and steady.

After a minute or two, he captured her gaze. “Ready to get serious about it?”

Grinning, Sara tucked the shoulder strap of the seat belt beneath her arm. It was dangerous, but then again, so was he. She was throwing all caution to the wind tonight. She leaned over until her lips hovered just above the head of this cock.

Kellan’s hands remained on the steering wheel. “I’m coming up on my exit.” He owned a beautiful four-bedroom home he’d purchased nearly a decade earlier. It was right off Interstate 39 and located on a cul-de-sac surrounded by woods. He’d bought it for its entertainment value, as it possessed a large pool, a hot tub, tennis court, state of the art sound system, and a huge outdoor barbeque. Sara had attended countless parties there.

The one part of his house she’d never seen before was his bedroom.

“Sara,” Kellan said. “Please.”

It was all she needed to hear. She moved lower and took him into her mouth. One of his hands left the steering wheel to rest on the back of her head. Using her grip on the base of his cock, she worked her hand and mouth in unison to stroke as much of him as she could. He was so thick. And hard.

Kellan began to apply pressure to her head, helping set the pace, encouraging her to take him deeper. He shifted slightly, parting his legs as much as the space would allow. Her hand slipped lower as she cupped his balls.

“God,” he murmured. “That’s it. So fucking good.”

His words encouraged her to increase her speed, to try to take even more of him inside. The head of his cock brushed the back of her throat, and she paused briefly. Kellan’s fingers closed in her hair, treating her to that feeling of being held in place.

“My captive,” he whispered.

Her heart thumped hard. With just two words, he thrust her into the fantasy. Suddenly, too many racy scenes flashed through her head, of all the different women she wanted to pretend to be with him. His prisoner, his naughty schoolgirl, his harem girl, even his domme.

After a lifetime of being plain old predictable Sara, the idea of shedding that skin and rolling around in a few fantasies with Kellan was more appealing than she could say.

She squeezed her legs together, seeking some sort of pressure, trying to find some way to calm her own overwhelming needs.

She’d never gotten this freaking hot from giving a blowjob, but there was no denying the tightness of her nipples, or how wet she was right now, or how…empty she felt. She needed him inside her. And it was definitely “need,” not merely “want.”

As overblown and dramatic as it sounded, she seriously felt as if she’d die if they didn’t have sex soon.

The car slowed down, made a left turn, and stopped. She lifted her head, surprised to see they were parked in front of his house.

Kellan turned off the engine.

She didn’t bother to hide her disappointment. “Dammit.”

He gave her a look she couldn’t read as he tucked his dick back into his pants and fastened up.

“Wait.” Sara gripped his hand to halt his actions.

“Not here.”

She sat stewing when he got out, crossed in front of the car, and opened her door.

Had he seriously stopped her?

What the hell?

She stepped out, feeling slightly pissed off. She had wanted to make him lose control.

Before she could take a single step away from the car, Kellan pushed her against it. “Don’t give me that look.”

“What look?” If her scowl hadn’t clued him in to her feelings, her tone certainly would have.

“It took every ounce of strength in my body not to just come in your pretty little mouth.”

“You were fighting it? Why?”

“Because I’m not David. I’m not a selfish prick. You asked that we go down on each other, and that’s what you’re going to get.”

“I didn’t say it had to happen at exactly the same time.”

He chuckled, though it came out as much groan as laugh. “But it’s a lot more fun when it’s done together. Come on. You’re too adorable for my own good. You keep giving me those confused, crinkled-nose, innocent looks and I’m going to forget to be a generous lover and fuck you right here in the driveway.”

“Sex in public?”

He shook his head. “Nope. Secluded lot. Neighbors can’t see us.”

“I’m starting to get nervous about that item on your list.”

He winked, but didn’t reply or relent as he led her to the front door. He had a two-car garage, but it appeared he wasn’t interested in taking the time to put his baby away. She liked that she made him impatient for more.

Once they crossed the threshold, Sara paused, suddenly uncertain. The room was dim, lit only by a lamp on a corner table. She was slightly surprised to find it so tidy. His house had never been messy, but she’d really only been here when he had company over. She’d assumed he cleaned up for the parties. Part of her just figured he was the typical sloppy bachelor the rest of the time.

All thoughts of cleanliness were swept away by the sound of the front door closing. She turned to face him, butterflies forming in her stomach.

What the hell was she doing here?

Kellan locked the door behind him and leaned against it as he looked her with a hunger that should have been frightening.

Instead, it turned her on. Big time.

Oh yeah. That’s why I’m here.

At least, it
turn her on. Until he lifted his hand and pointed to her dress.


Chapter Three

“Take off your dress, Sara.”

Kellan considered the wisdom of pushing her, but she’d unleashed something inside him he couldn’t tuck away after her enthusiastic blowjob in the car.

Jesus. He’d anticipated making small talk on the way home, while trying not to lose any momentum. She was nervous about taking him up on his offer of a weekend in his bed. What he had not foreseen was Sara bending over the console and blowing his mind. And his dick.

She glanced around the room apprehensively, and he cursed himself for being an ass. She hadn’t had sex in two years. He’d come on strong in the past couple of hours because of his unexpected, powerful desire for her.

He stepped closer, not stopping until he stood right in front of her. He brushed his lips against hers softly, and then twisted her until her back was to him. Kellan slid the zipper of her dress down and let the material drop to the floor.

She stepped out of it, but left her heels on. He ran his fingers along her spine, enjoying the slight shiver his touch produced. Then he flicked her bra open with one quick motion.

Sara glanced over her shoulder at him. “I’m going to ignore how expertly that was done.”

He grinned and kissed the nape of her neck. “Guess you’ll have to get used to doing that this weekend,” he teased.

She rolled her eyes and let him know without words that he was a cocky bastard and she’d never let him get away with it. Strangely, her exasperated expression made his dick throb.

Time to get down to business. He dropped the bra onto the dress.

Sara sucked in a deep breath—for courage, he guessed—then turned to face him.

“Beautiful,” he murmured as he let his gaze slide over her naked form.

“Shit,” she whispered. “I just remembered. My thong is still in the ladies’ room at Score. God. That’s embarrassing.”

“Why? Did you write your name in it?” Kellan asked as he chuckled. “I’ll buy you a new one. Come on. Let’s move this into the bedroom.”

She gestured at him, still fully clothed. “What about you?”

“We’ll get to that.” He pointed down the hallway. “Ladies first.”

“You just want to look at my ass.”

“That’s right. I do.”

Sara glanced down at her dress.

“Leave your clothes there,” he said. “You won’t need them again this weekend.”

She lifted her head imperiously. “Well, I certainly don’t intend to walk around naked the entire time.”

He lifted one shoulder noncommittally and decided to test the waters. “You wouldn’t be the only one naked.”

She turned, her gaze sliding over him. “Oh. Well. That changes things, doesn’t it?”

Kellan pointed down the hallway. “Second door on the right.”


He didn’t bother to hide his discomfort. He really needed to get out of these pants. “You have no idea.”

Rather than tease, Sara took mercy on him, turning to walk down the hallway.

He watched Sara’s sexy ass sway as she preceded him, wondering what she’d think of his bedroom. He’d given her a grand tour of the place right after he bought it, but it hadn’t been furnished or decorated at the time. Since then she’d been back to the house plenty of times, had seen every room except the one they were going to.

He hoped to hell she liked it, because there was no way they would make it out of bed any time soon. And once again, a small part of him couldn’t quite grasp the reality of this situation.

He’d brought Sara Connelly, the girl next door, home for sex. Perhaps once he’d come a half dozen times this weekend, he’d be sorry for initiating it. However, right now all he could think about was how much he was looking forward to having her beneath him as he pushed into her tight, hot pussy.

Sara hesitated at the threshold of his bedroom, so he placed his hand at the base of her spine and gently pressed her inside. She looked around the room curiously.

“It suits you,” she said at last.

He was pleased by her assessment. Though he’d never admitted it, Sara’s approval meant a lot to him, be it decisions at work or—apparently—the decor in his home.

“Did you decorate it yourself?”

“Why the surprised tone?”

She gave him a devilish grin. “It’s tasteful and simple. Almost elegant. I sort of pictured a mirrored ceiling, animal-print carpeting on the floor, and black silk sheets on a four-poster bed.”

Only Sara could stand in front of him completely naked, seconds away from the heat of the moment, and make him laugh. “You realize I’m going to make you pay for that insult.”

Her eyes sparkled, her cheeks flushing slightly. “Oh yeah?” She shrugged as if unconcerned, but it was too late. Kellan read the curiosity, the interest in her gaze. He’d mentioned spanking her at the bar, and he was tempted to show her exactly how much fun that punishment could be.

Shaking the idea from his head, he moved closer to her. There was plenty of time for all of that—a whole weekend, in fact. But he’d be smart to start slowly and work up to the good stuff.

“Crawl onto the bed, Sara.”

Sara followed his instructions without hesitancy. Then she pointed to him. “Take off your clothes.”

Rather than respond, he crossed the room to her, tugging her ankles apart and kneeling between her outstretched legs. She gasped when he ran his tongue along her slit.

“Oh my God.” Her hands grasped his hair. He wondered if she planned to push him away. “You don’t mess around, do you?”

He lifted his head. “When I see something I want, I take it. If I do anything you don’t like, say stop. Otherwise…” He left the rest of his words unspoken, choosing to let his actions do the talking.

He stroked her with his tongue, enjoying the way it made Sara squirm. There wasn’t a deceptive bone in the woman’s body. Kellan appreciated how genuine and honest her responses were. She didn’t try to hide her pleasure, didn’t attempt to appear cool or sophisticated. If she liked what he did, she let him know.

He continued to play with her clit for a few minutes before wrapping his lips around the tight nub and sucking.

Sara jerked roughly. “Oh.
. God, that feels…”

Kellan sucked harder as he pressed a single finger inside her. She was tight and wet. He’d appreciated both those facts earlier. He couldn’t wait to take her, to feel her clench and flutter against his dick.

But that had to wait. No one had ever gone down on her. Kellan intended to make amends for the shortcomings of every idiot lover she’d ever taken to her bed.

He grasped her legs, placing her knees over his shoulders. Then he added a second finger to the first.


He glanced up as she dropped down, resting her weight on her elbows. Her chest rose and fell faster as her breathing increased. She was close. Really close.

Orgasms looked good on her. And after two years of celibacy, she was obviously ready to make up for lost time.

Kellan removed his fingers, replacing them with his tongue. Her legs tightened against his head in response. If he hadn’t been preoccupied, he might have laughed. While she wasn’t a virgin, she certainly acted like one. Kellan would have thought that would turn him off, but he was more aroused—hornier—than he’d been in years.

He liked pushing her limits, provoking her surprised reactions.

She’d fallen back onto the bed completely, her hands gripping his duvet tightly by her waist. “I think…I might…”

She was almost there. Already. He leaned away briefly to press his finger into her once more. Her hips lifted to meet him, to drive him in deeper, but he only gave her a couple shallow thrusts. Then he returned, fucking her with his tongue again.

Once he’d driven her back to the edge of the cliff, he increased the speed, the pressure.

She cried out loudly as she came. Kellan leaned back on his haunches to watch as her body writhed in pleasure and she called out his name.


His heart stuttered, missed a beat or three, at the image of Sara lying on his bed. She looked good there. Like she belonged.

He blew out a long breath and shook that thought loose. He’d made it clear to her that this was just sex, nothing more. Actually, that deal was standard protocol for him these days. He didn’t like messy entanglements. As long as he kept things upfront, simple, and short, he was able to enjoy the company of the women he brought to his bed.

But she was different. Kellan hadn’t seriously considered that fact when he’d made the offer back at Score. With other women, sex was easy because there were no emotions attached. Sara was his friend. He cared about her.

He wasn’t sure how long he sat there looking at her, but something in his expression must have given him away.

“Hey.” Sara captured his attention. “You okay?”

He frowned and then forced himself to give her an out. If he was struggling with these unwanted emotions, perhaps she was feeling the same. “Sara. If this gets to be too much for you—”

“No.” She shook her head. “It’s fine, Kell. One weekend, and then status quo on Monday.”

“Status quo,” he repeated, determined to follow through on that promise. Then, he rose and slowly began to remove his clothing. When his shirt hit the ground, he realized she was watching. He grinned as he unfastened his belt and pants, shoving them and his boxers off in one fell swoop.

Sara sat up, her gaze taking in everything he’d just bared. Her appreciative look flattered him more than he cared to admit. He was a regular at the gym, and he watched what he ate. He’d seen too many of his friends pack on the pounds after marriage, or because of stress at work. He refused to join their ranks.

When her eyes drifted lower and lingered, he gave her something to look at, taking his dick in his hand and stroking it.

She licked her lips invitingly.

“Don’t look at me like that or you’ll finish what you started in the car.”

Sara crooked her finger, trying to entice him closer. “That was sort of the idea.”

He considered taking her up on her offer, but realized he didn’t want to wait any longer to take her. Typically his control was better, but the hard truth was…he wanted her. Now.

He reached into the nightstand and pulled out a condom. Sara grinned like a kid on Christmas morning. Her enthusiasm was starting to rub off, something he hadn’t thought possible. Kellan didn’t think he was jaded, but he couldn’t remember the last time sex had been this much fun.

He knelt next to her on the bed, tearing open the wrapper. Sara was there in an instant, claiming the condom and rolling it onto his erection. He gritted his teeth, trying to ignore how good it felt to have her hands on him. Finally, it was in place.

“Lay down, Sara.”

Any second thoughts she may have had about the wisdom of doing this had clearly vanished. Her legs parted with an invitation he accepted.

Placing the head of his cock at her opening, he paused, leaning down to kiss her. Her arms wrapped around his neck, and Kellan pulled away.

“What’s wrong?” she asked.

He was letting himself get carried away. They’d come here this weekend to explore her fantasies, to give her an opportunity to test her “kinky” wings. Instead, he was letting himself get swept away in the moment, giving her too much of what she’d already had.

He hadn’t brought her here to make love to her. He’d brought her here to fuck her.

Kellan rose from the bed, despite Sara’s protests. When she started to rise, he raised his hand, his face stern. “Don’t move.”

She lay back down, her expression more intrigued than confused.

Kellan crossed the room to his dresser, rifling through a drawer until he found a ratty old T-shirt. He ripped the thing in half.

She sat up at the sound. “That was an oddly super-hot move.”

Ordinarily, her comment would have provoked a smile, but he couldn’t find the strength to grin. She was using humor in an attempt to lighten the moment, but all his willpower was focused on taking this slow, making sure she got what she’d come for.

She wasn’t here for the friendship, but for the fantasy.

As he returned to the bed, he continued to tear the shirt into four strips. The cotton wouldn’t hurt her, but it would definitely keep her where he wanted her.

Sara bit her lip when he returned to the bed. He’d told her he wanted to tie her up, and she had agreed.

“Still want to try this?” Ordinarily he would establish a safe word with his lover, but Sara wasn’t some woman he’d picked up for a one-night stand.

She nodded. “I do. I really do.”

“If it’s too much, just tell me to stop, and I’ll untie you. Okay?”

“Okay.” She gave him a sweet smile that made him want to make this even better for her. She was giving him her trust and her body.

He crawled on the bed beside her and reached for her hands. Looping one of the strips of cotton around her wrists, he bound them together. The knot was tight, but he took care to make sure he wasn’t cutting off her circulation. He lifted her hands above her and secured them to the headboard with another piece of the shirt.

Kellan paused, giving her a second to test the bondage, to decide if she was comfortable with it.

She sighed, the sound one of pure delight.

He assumed the role of captor. “You’re mine, Sara. I will do whatever I want to you.”

Sara’s eyes darkened with a need that was almost palpable. “I never dreamed…” She paused, then revised her words, “I never thought I’d…”

He kissed her on the cheek. “Say it.”

“Is it wrong for me to want this fantasy? I mean, I’m not the sort of woman who lets a guy tie her up, take control. I’m too independent, too opinionated for my own good sometimes.”

He shook his head. “I wouldn’t say that. You stand up for what you believe in. You’re brave, intelligent, and a loyal friend. Those are all good qualities. You don’t lose those just because you let me do dirty things to you in the bedroom.”

“I want this so bad.”

Kellan reached for two more strips of cotton and looped them around her knees. Her furrowed brow told him she was confused by his actions, but she didn’t call him on it or ask him what the hell he was doing.

When he lifted her right leg, securing the tie to the corner of the headboard, she figured it out quickly.

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