Seduced 5 (3 page)

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Authors: P.A. Jones

BOOK: Seduced 5
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Trisha joined us in the group hug.


“When is your flight?” I asked Trisha as I came out to hail a cab for her.

“Tomorrow, or the day after that. I haven’t thought about where to go yet. But it would be some exotic place, like New Zealand or something.

“So you are planning to go out of country.”

“I think so.” Her face was tense; tears were gathered around her eyes.

“So that’s a good-bye, then,” I said, my voice becoming heavy. She’d become my best pal in the last six months. I liked her, not because she cared so much for me, but she was so kinder hearted, always taking care of everyone. I saw that girl turn into a perfect woman any man would love to keep for himself. But I wasn’t that man; my heart already belonged to someone else.

“I hate goodbyes.” Tears started coming out of her eyes.

“I’ll miss you, Trisha.”

She stormed in my arms and brushed my cheeks with her lips. “I’m sorry, Tristan, but I have’ to go. Call me selfish, but seeing you with Nikki breaks my heart.” She paused to wipe her tears.”“But you are good, you are meant to be together. And I’m happy for you, from the bottom of my heart.” She took one step back and made a heart by joining her thumb and index finger, reaching my heart from hers. “Tri…” She wanted to say something, but couldn’t continue.

“I love you, too, Trisha. You are the best girl out there. We will meet soon, if destiny wants.” I waved her goodbye and turned back. It was getting overwhelming. I couldn’t watch her going away.



Chapter 5




“God will punish him in hell!.” Carries face twisted in anger as she read through the notice. Somehow, Shaun had pulled some strings in court and we had gotten a notice from the court in just two days.

Stephen was still in the hospital, but he was recovering fast. And he recognized Tristan even after six months. I could never forget the smile he gave Tristan when he saw him first time he opened his eyes. Relationships blossom on shared love, not because of the shared bloodline. Tristan had been there in the hospital for the last two days and now he sent us—me and Carrie—home so we could freshen up, get some sleep and go back. I was Stephen’s mother, but he was taking care of him better than me. And I felt good about it; with him Stephen was safer than ever. Actually, there was nothing we could do for my kiddo. Everything was provided by the doctor and he was put in ICU where no one was allowed. We could only meet him once when he was awake. All other times, he was kept on small doses of sedation.

“Did you talk with him about this?” Carrie snapped me out of my thoughts. She was flashing the notice in front of me.

“I can’t.” I threw my shoulders up in frustration. Really, I couldn’t pull him in this all. “I can’t pull him in this. He has done enough for me and there is nothing he can do this time. I have’ to fight my own battle.”

I just didn’t know what I was going to do, actually.

“You should tell him, or I’ll break it to him.”

“Carrie.” I pushed my hand on her shoulder.“Please, don’t. If you love me, you won’t do this. Please, try to understand my position here.” I couldn’t disturb his life anymore. I saw the way Tristan and Trisha hugged each other, outside of the hospital. He loved Stephen for sure, but he was with Trisha now. Though he acknowledged his love to me, I just couldn’t take any more advantage of him.
Not anymore.

I hate you, Nikki.” She pushed me away.

“I love you, too, but no breaking any news this time. I forbid you from that. Don’t worry, we will get out of this. At least I hope that.” I whispered the last line so only I could hear it. I didn’t want her to panic and tell everything to Tristan. I had’ to show her my confidence, though inside, I was biting my nails. I’d no idea what I was going to do. “Now get ready fast. We need to relieve him from the unofficial duty.


“How is Gerome? Why isn’t he here?” Tristan asked me when we went back to the hospital.

“He is on a business trip to south Asia. He just called me when I went back home,“ I lied. I wasn’t going to tell him about everything I was going through.

“That’s nice, but he should have been here.” His face flashed with disappointment.

“You are right, but he was already gone when this happened. And you know business is important, too.”

“Not more than your own son.” His face was heated up and his fingers stretched in a fist.

“I’m just glad you are here, then.” I tried to ease the tension. But his face didn’t soften back. He looked at me, piercing to my soul, and then walked away without saying another word.

“At least his should-be dad came running for him,” I whispered. Tristan was an ideal figure and I wished I could be with him forever. But I just couldn’t hurt him for my own selfishness.


“It’s so good to see him doing great.” Tristan looked at Stephen from the glass window.

The doctor had informed us that he was good and ready to come out anytime. They were just waiting for him to wake up, completely. But that kid was teasing them by opening his eyes for few moments and then again going back into a deep sleep.

“But why isn’t he awake completely yet?” My whole body was shivering slightly. I wanted him to wake up and come out of ICU.

“Don’t worry. The doc said it happens sometimes when a child gets strong sedatives,” Tristan replied.

“Thanks, Tristan, thanks for your help. I bet you have more important things to attend to as well.” I didn’t want to hold him there. I knew he wouldn’t move an inch away until Stephen got out of the ICU, but I shouldn’t be expecting that from him.

“I’m not his real dad, Nikki.” He looked at me with burning eyes. “And there is nothing more important than Stephen for me.” He clenched his teeth.“And you should better know it, Nikki Jordan.”

There was an unwanted fire passing through us. I wanted him to go back and relax a bit; he was standing there in two-day-old clothes. I knew he was referring to Gerome, but he didn’t know how much I hated that man myself.

“I’m not saying go away, just go and get some rest. You need it.” I rubbed his shoulders.

He shrugged his shoulder  to send my hand away, like my touch burned holes in his skin.

“Fine,” I whispered and walked out of there. “Jerk head,” I hissed.

“What happened? Why are you angry?” Carrie chimed in.

“I just told him to get some rest and he is showing his attitude to me.”

“Forget it, he hasn’t slept well in last two days. He is a human, after all.” Carrie giggled.

“And why on earth you are laughing?”

“You both are fighting like a husband and wife.” She laughed again.

That was a welcome thought for starters, but we were poles apart from even becoming friends again; husband and wife was too far off to even think about. “Shut up.”

“I still think you should tell him about Gerome.” Carrie’s face turned serious.

“I don’t think so. I just want to go home with Stephen and cuddle him until he sleeps in my arms. I just want to forget everything. “ I sighed. The major tension was Stephen’s health; everything else came second.

“Good news.”The doctor came out of the ICU with an ear-to-ear smile lighting his face.

“Can we take him home?” I stood, giggling. There couldn’t be any better news than that.

“Wait.”The doctor look confused.”“Not yet, but yes, we are moving him in special room, outside of the ICU.”

“Thanks, Doctor.” I took his hand and pressed it. He had saved my son.

“It’s my duty, Nikki.” We had all mingled very well in last two days. The doctor even joined us for last night’s dinner in the hospital cafeteria.

“Can I see him now?” I asked. I was dying to hug him.

“Not now, wait for a little bit. We are about to take him outside.” He smiled, patting my shoulder. “Wait for half an hour more and then you can see him.”

My eyes were filled with tears by just the thought that he was coming out.

“I think I should leave now.” Tristan touched my shoulder.

I wanted him to stop him, but it would have been too selfish of me.

“Thanks for everything.” I wrapped him in my arms. I wished I could stay like that forever.

“Anytime for Stephen.” He brushed his lips on my forehead and walked away. “Take care.” His words faded away.

I stood there, stunned by the thought that I might not see him again.


Chapter 6




Five days later


“How is Stephen doing?” Carrie asked as she entered my room and opened the refrigerator. Her wine-drinking habit hadn’t changed a bit.

“The hearing is just two weeks away,” I replied. The notice mentioned the date. I had’ to be present there with Stephen.

“I asked about Stephen. How is he doing?”She turned her head to me, while she was still holding the refrigerator open.

“What?” I was lost in thoughts of the case; I hadn’t’ heard what she’d ask. I assumed it was about the case. “When did you come in?”

“…” Her lips were moving apart and then closer again and again, but I couldn’t hear her. Like somebody had pressed a mute button on her.

“What is happening with you? Are you okay?” Her hands reached my shoulders and then she shook me.

“Sorry.” I could hear her now. “I was thinking about the case. I’m really sorry. What did you ask?”

“How is the kid? Is he awake or sleeping?”

“He was playing half an hour ago and then he fell asleep, so I put him in his crib. So he wouldn’t get away if he wakes up.” Even the memory of the accident that had happened with him a few days ago shivered me to the core.

“I thought I could play with him for a while.” She bit her lip. “I…”

The doorbell rang all of a sudden. “Wait, let me see who it is.” I walked down to open the door. After the accident happened, I'd shifted Stephen to the ground floor rooms, where Dad used to sleep. I was so afraid that he would fall of the chair or stairs that I couldn’t take the risk. I didn’t even let him climb the chair or bed.

“Hey.” A cheerful blonde smile appeared on the door. It was Trisha; she was holding some paper and a large travel bag, the one you pack when you are traveling for many days.

“Hi, how are you?” It was a surprise for me. I couldn’t even thank her when she saved Stephen’s live. “But, it’s good you are here. I thought I would miss my opportunity to say thank you for saving Stephen’s life.” I hated her because she was with Tristan. But I loved her because she’d saved Stephen’s life.

“I thought I should drop by before I live the city for good.” She smiled; her smile was like a baby girl, but with a little bit of maturity.

“Live the city? Where are you going? Is Tristan moving out, too?” My heart was sinking. Though I'd chosen to push him away, my heart still beat for him. And living in the same city, I had a chance to watch him fighting or something. But if he chose to move away, then that chance would become next to nil.

“He is, apparently, but not with me. That’s why I’m here.” She clenched her teeth’.

My heart stopped for a bit. Did she just say she wasn’t with Tristan anymore? “I’m confused. I thought you two are together. Is this a business trip or something?” She was driving me nuts now. I didn’t understand a single word she was telling me. My mind was racing with a thousand possibilities.

“Can I come in? I missed my flight for you and really don’t have a place to crash.”

“What about your mother? Where is she now?” Carrie walked down the stairs.

“She moved a few months ago. She is living with her sister now, my aunt Genelia.” She rolled her eyes; she was looking past me, holding a travel bag awkwardly.

I was still standing in front of her. “Oh, sorry. I should have asked you in already. Please come in, have a seat. I’ll get some coffee for you.” My cheeks flushed. I felt ashamed. She’d saved my child, and I'd made her stand in my door for almost a couple of minutes.

“Do you have some whiskey? I need all the strength I can get to make things straight with you.”

“What the heck! Sure.” Whiskey in the morning wasn’t a good idea, but Stephen was sleeping and I sensed Trisha was going to tell me something about Tristan; maybe she was going to ask me to stay away from him.
I’m already doing that, Trisha. Don’t worry about it.

I brought three glasses and a bottle of whiskey from my dad’s collection, which was lower by half by the jerk Gerome in just a few months.

“So, what is it? For what did you miss your flight?” I handed the glass to Trisha.

Trisha was playing with the edge of her skirt. She looked pretty in the white top and blue skirt below. She would mesh well with Tristan if they ever get married. That thought flipped my heart. I couldn’t imagine him getting married to someone else. Deep down in my mind, I saw myself with him on the road down. But that wasn’t in my hands; if he chose to then I couldn’t do anything.

“When I left the hospital, I went back to Tristan’s house. I forgot my purse there, and then I saw a plane ticket on his table.”

“Where is he going really? And why aren’t you going with him?”

She gasped. “No, he is moving to Britain for at least six months. I saw tomorrow’s flight ticket on his table.”

“So what? Are you joining him later?” I took a sip. I was talking, but my heart was bleeding in black—the black color of jealousy.

“You are not getting the point, Nikki.” She shrugged. Her face twisted in pain. “To be frank, I love him.”

“Well, that’s not news to me.” I took another sip. I knew they were together.

“And, he loves you. Not me.” Her eyes rolled toward me.

“Don’t worry. I won’t get in your way. I think he understands this and he is still with you.”

“Are you crazy, Nikki?” She groaned.“He never even touched me in that manner.”

“I saw you kissing, Trisha.” My voice cracked. Her claims were raising my temper. “Don’t try to play games with me.” I was getting angry at her. She had no right to come here and rub salt on my wounds.

“Only because you were with Gerome.” Her head went down. “If you think I gave my blood to Stephen with good intents, you will trust me. I’m moving away from him, forever. He never loved me or touched me. His heart always beat for you, Nikki. The whole motivation behind all of his drama was you and only you. He just wanted to see you happy with Gerome and that’s why he played me. And if you still think he helped you numerous times in sympathy then you are the biggest fool on the earth.” Her eyes became wet. I could see real emotions in those light blue eyes, emotions that touched my heart. “Sorry to break this to you, but if he ever comes back to me, I’d happily take him back. He is a precious gem I’d missed in my life. But unfortunately, that gem is made for you. And you are a fool enough to let that get away.”

If she was telling the truth then I was crazy. I looked at Carrie; she was looking at me with wide eyes.

“Wait, so you mean you missed your flight to tell us this news?” Carrie asked.

Trisha didn’t say anything; she reached for her bag and took out a boarding pass of a flight. It had a luggage check-in tag.

“So your bags are on the way to Indiana and you are here.” Carrie looked in shock.

“Yes, Carrie, I came here because I couldn’t leave without telling the truth. When I met you in the hospital, Tristan lied to me. He said you both are back together.” She took a deep breath. I could understand how hard it was for her. But at the same moment, I could feel the foolishness I’d done.

“I’d promised him that I would leave, when you two are back together. But seeing the ticket and new contract I knew he was lying. I thought I didn’t care about you at all, but I couldn’t let him go away in pain.” She exhaled deep. Her eyes darted to my face. “He loves you more than anything, Nikki. And he would do anything for you, even if it means giving his own life. Sorry to break this to you, but I thought you should know the truth.”

My mind was frozen. All these days I'd lived with a false idea on my mind. “No, it can’t be.” I couldn’t yet believe her completely. “I saw you coming out of his home eight months ago.” I still remembered the way he hugged her tightly.

“You don’t know anything, do you?” Trisha’s blue eyes sparkled with different colors.

“No, what were you doing there?”

“I was helping your boyfriend’s ass. He was beaten, had been in jail and then admitted in hospital.”

“But why?”

“The day he met Gerome, he drank again and again, got his ass kicked in a bar. But that actually helped him. Somehow his shoulder injury got healed.” She replied.

“That explains the comeback. But still…”

“If that doesn’t convince you then this should.” She took her phone out and showed me a picture.

The picture was of his closet, but there were no clothes in it. There were only glasses, disposable glasses, water bottles, coffee cups.

“What is this?”

“That’s every cup you drank water or coffee from when he was nearby. He picked each one up, even from garbage bins, and saved them. His heart beat for you, fool.” Trisha rolled her hand through her semi-long hair.

My heart was racing. I was living a lie. I was running behind the oasis when I had’ the biggest well on earth next to me. I was trying to reach him in shadows when he was standing beside me. I could never see clearly how much he loved me and Stephen selflessly. He even put his life in danger for us and I didn’t trust him. He was inches away and I didn’t kiss him.
Oh, God, what have I done this time?

“I’m so foolish, Trisha. And I’m so sorry.” I still felt her emotions for Tristan. She was there taking care of him, when I should have been there for him.

“It’s okay, Nikki. He always said I deserve better than him.” A thin smile covered her face. “For him.”

Our glasses clinked. I drank the whole glass in a blink. I had’ to catch him before he traveled somewhere else.

“I need to go now. Carrie, can you please take care of Stephen for me?” I threw out the question while climbing the stairs.

“I will’. And don’t worry about Stephen, Trisha is here to help me. Anyway, she already missed her flight so she is your guest until tomorrow,” Carrie replied.

I smiled. I took out the first dress I saw in my wardrobe. I wanted to see him and I didn’t care how I looked.

“I’m afraid you’d better hurry. He is leaving tomorrow,” Trisha said as I walked downstairs.

“Thanks, Carrie. Thanks, Trisha.” I couldn’t control myself; I brushed my lips along her cheek and ran out of the house.

“Yuk, I always told Tristan that I wouldn’t be gay for his fans.”

I could hear them giggling.

My heart was racing for him only; I wanted to meet him and tell him how much I missed every breath of his body on me. I wanted to look in his deep, black endless eyes and tell him how much I loved him.

I took out his car, the one he gave me six months ago. I’d parked it in my garage and never took it out. But I had’ to take it on a ride today. I had’ to meet him in the same car. The same car where Stephen’s seat was attached.
I would do this with you, Tristan. I won’t let you go anywhere.

I pushed the gas hard. Every minute I was away from him was raising my heart beat.


Half an hour later, I parked his car two blocks away. I wanted it to be a surprise. Quietly, I walked in the backyard and I sneaked in from my secret door into the gym.

The lights were off. The air was clean and quiet, like no one was there.
Maybe he is out to run some errands at the market.
Without looking. The cups were not there. The shelf was empty, but how?
Maybe he packed it in his bag.
I searched for the bags, but nothing was anywhere. Even most of his clothes were missing.
Did he leave already?
My heart sunk.

I came out in the hallway; the fish tank was empty. All the fish were gone, like someone took them out.
Damn, it can’t be true. He can’t go like this.

I tried his cell, but the number was disconnected. “No, this can’t be true. He can’t do this to me.”

I sat on the couch. A ticket was lying down on the table, I picked it. It was a pre-paid ticket. Trisha was right, he was scheduled to go tomorrow, but he pre-paid it.
No, this can’t be happening to me. He just can’t go like this.
The hopes were fading away. He was gone. This time for real.

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