Seduced 5

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Authors: P.A. Jones

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Seduced 5

P.A. Jones

Copyright © 2013-15 PA Jones

All rights reserved.

No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced in any format, by any means, electronic or otherwise, without prior consent from the copyright owner and publisher of this book.

This is a work of fiction. All characters, names, place and events are the product of the author's imagination or used fictitiously.

Seduced Series

If you haven't read Seduced 1, 2, 3 and 4 grab it here. Seduced 1 is Free on Amazon.


Seduced 1

Seduced 2

Seduced 3

Seduced 4



Chapter 1





“I love you, Nikki. Come for me.” His piercing words burned in my mind like somebody had just splashed hot water on me. He’d said he loved me. He’d never said that before, and hearing it from his mouth was painful, as much I’d wished he would say it.

I was confused between being happy because he loved me or sad because he said it so much lately. Now he was with Trisha, and I should be angry at him for last night. But I wasn’t. I was feeling guilty because I was quickly becoming the reason for his destruction.

My memory of last night was as vivid as it could be. We’d had sex, explicit sex. We did things I never imagined I would do with anyone. But it was painful, mentally if not physically. If only he hadn’t said those three magic words. It was even painful to think about him again. But one thing was clear to me: that I wouldn’t be able to go with Gerome at all and he deserved to hear this from my mouth today.

And I would have to separate my ways with him as well,
yes Tristan has to go away from my life.
But his kiss, his lips, his hardness—everything aroused me by just the thoughts of him. Like his lips burned every inch of skin where they touched.
But what about my soul? Have his lips burned that, too? Why is he imprinted on my mind?

When I woke up, I realized what I'd done last night by the distinct glimpse of the naked body of Tristan near me. The night had been a frenzy. We’d kissed each other because we were happy.

But then he offered me a drink. I couldn’t say no. And I got to know why the doctor advised him to avoid any alcohol. He was completely drunk after one shot of whiskey. But then, the real night happened. We had sex, over and over, and then he drank some whiskey and then he did the things I never thought he would. In every inch of his home, we made love.

Damn, it was hot, and painful for my heart, but I couldn’t control. It was like finding water after spending a month in a desert. I couldn’t stop myself until he said those words. The words which I admitted to myself a thousand times when I was alone. Yes, I loved him too, but I couldn’t say them back. I was frozen, startled and dead. I’d just put a stinger in his new relationship with Trisha when I was supposed to stay away from him.
Where and when would I pay for these sins, oh Lord?

The morning was brutal. The worst thing about the morning was that I remembered everything that happened last night and every word he’d said to me. I looked at him; he was sleeping with a smile on his face. Maybe he was watching a happy dream inside his mind. Maybe he won’t remember anything after he wakes up. But last night would kill me a thousand times for the rest of my life. I would burn in the hell. I’d destroyed his relationship with Trisha. And I couldn’t take that anymore. I had’ to run from there before I couldn’t stop myself from wrapping him in my arms.

I called a cab. But before I left from there, I looked at his training room. That room had a special place in my mind. It was everything to me as a beginning and it was everything for the end. I wouldn’t be visiting his home again.

I loosened my bun and let my hair fly with the wind. The words I’d written on that paper grabbed my thoughts.

So what was I thinking while writing on that piece of paper, my decision, my destiny?
What was it, really? Why did I write that?
Was it an angel’s words? I didn’t know why I wrote them. But it was better for us.

I had’ to get away from both of them. I needed’ to travel somewhere far away, where I could shower my love on my son and forget about him and Gerome.
Yes, maybe I should do that.
And that didn’t sound bad at all. I could just pay the cash, relieve the company’s debts and then go to Mexico at my Granny’s place.

She wasn’t with us anymore, but I could live there and take care of the place. That would be a worry-free life for me and Stephen. My face flashed with an ear-to-ear smile. I could see that in the rear-view mirror The decision sounded so good. I would be decorating a real Christmas tree and then dress like Santa and give my love to Stephen. Away from any worries and would live there until I took my last breath.

But what he will do now?
Maybe he wouldn’t remember what he said to me last night. But he’d said, "I love you,” and there is no chance that his heart wouldn’t’ remember it.
What will he do when he wakes up and finds an empty bed?

But I had’ no choice. I couldn’t destroy his life by staying there. Maybe subconsciously he was saying those words.
And he is with Trisha now.

I must tell Gerome about everything.
I couldn’t keep him in the dark for so long. I would ask him if he could take care of the company after I’m gone. He would love to; I’d seen greed in his eyes and he would be happy with the whole power play thing.

“Stop here, please,” I asked the driver and paid him a hundred bucks. I didn’t care how much he wanted, I just wanted to see Gerome and talk some sense to him. I wanted to make an offer to him. He could take all the money from the business and I would go to my granny’s place. Her place was the only place I could go after giving the company to Gerome. And nobody would search for me in Mexico.

“Gerome.” I shouted his name. It was hard to contain it  anymore. I was sure that he would be crashing his drunken ass somewhere in the villa. It was so big and he had access to all the rooms. I didn’t care where he slept, unless he tried to sneak in my room.

“Gerome, where are you? Come out now.” For the first time since his return, I was eager to meet him. I wanted to get the money bonds and cash in and then I’d talk with him about the company and my plans.

I was even excited that I would be throwing my debt-free account advice in Shaun’s face. I was even imagining how he would react to all this. He would be stunned by seeing the money slipping through his hands.
I will show you, you jerk, what it does to play with a mother’s heart.

“Ma’am, Sir left just last night.” One of the housekeeping staff came forward.

“What do you mean, he left?” I was confused.

“He packed his bags and left somewhere.”

“What?” My back arched in tension.
Where would he go? And why?
We had just won the tournament and we were going to revive the company with that money. Why would he go somewhere?“He must have gone on some vacation or something. Did he say something to you?”

“I don’t know that, ma’am. Would you like some breakfast, ma’am?”

“What the hell, where would he go?” I grabbed my cell and called him. “I’m gonna kick your ass this time.” I was furious. How could he leave for a vacation without telling me.

‘The number you are trying to reach is disconnected.’ The tele-robot spoke in her usual fashion.

“What the heck, why disconnected? Didn’t you pay the bills, Gerome? A sucker, maybe?” I giggled.

“Good morning, winner.” Carrie’s voice popped out of the main door.

I turned around; Carrie was standing with Stephen with her.

“Hey, babe, how are you?” I smiled and picked Stephen up to kiss him.

“I thought you forgot that you have a son and you should be picking him up last night. Someday, I just think he is mine.” She giggled, slapping my shoulder.

“I’m so sorry. It was all a struggle, after we won the tournament. I don’t even remember what happened in the winning ceremony.”

“So, where is the check? I want to see what six figures looks like on paper.” She grinned.

“I don’t have it. It must be with Gerome. But he’s not here.” For the first time, I felt something weird. Gerome knew how important the money was for us. How could he leave like this?

“Where did he go? He must have gone to the bank.”

“No, it wasn’t a check. It was cash. It was illegal, so even the money wasn’t clean. They were going to pay us in cash last night.”

“And where the hell were you when they paid you?”Carrie shrugged.

“Damn, this can’t be happening.” I held my head, my knees went weak and I fell on the ground. I was realizing what Gerome’s leaving could mean to me.

“Where were you, Nikki?” Carrie took Stephen away from me. he was already crying by the jerk he received when I sat down suddenly.

“I was fucking Tristan.” The words came out shockingly sudden. It couldn’t be true. Gerome couldn’t betray me like that. He must have gone somewhere else. Maybe he was playing a prank on me.

I got up and called the housekeeper.

“Tell me Gerome is playing a prank on me.” I held his shoulders and shook him.

“I’m sorry, ma’am, but he really left last night. He was…” He paused and looked around.

“Tell me what he was doing?” I yelled.

“I shouldn’t be passing judgment on you or sir, but it looked like he was sneaking out.”

“Come on, Carrie, let’s check his room.” I ran toward the elevator. He was sleeping in a guest bedroom on the second floor.

The room was open and everything was scattered about. I searched the closet, bathroom. Not a single piece of his clothing was present. “No, Carrie, tell me this can’t be happening to me. He can’t leave us like that.”

“Chill, Nikki. He might not have taken the money. It could be still with the other organizers. Why don’t you call someone?”

“Yes, you’re right. I know a man from the organization team.” I took out my cell and called him.

“Hello, Nikki’. I thought you would be in Mexico by now. Your husband said you would be going on a vacation today.” My contact spoke from other side of the line.

“What? Who told you that? And Mexico?”

“Yes, we transferred half the cash just last night to an account in India. And Gerome took another half with him. You know our rules. If it’s illegal, it is done on the spot.”

“No, this can’t be happening.” The phone dropped from my hand. I had’ to hold the chair to steady myself. That bastard had run off with my money, the money I needed to save Stephen from the corporate jerks.

Carrie came running and sat across from me. She rubbed my palm. “What happened, Nikki? What did he say?”

“The money…” I couldn’t finish. Tears spread across my cheeks. “The money is gone, Carrie. I’m robbed.”

“What? He can’t do that. We can trace the money and file a case on him. Let’s go to the cops. Wait, I’m dialing 911.”She pulled her cell out.

I grabbed it and switched it off. “No, we can’t do that or else we will be dead in no time.”

“Why?”she asked.

“It’s all dirty money, Carrie. One tip to the cops and our bodies will be out hanging on a tree.” It was the first condition they made when anyone entered the business.

“Everything is gone, Carrie. I’m robbed of everything. Shaun will be coming and taking my Stephen away.” I pulled him from Carrie and hugged him tightly. It wouldn’t be long before I’d lose him to someone else.


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