Secrets Remembered (12 page)

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Authors: Raven McAllen

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Secrets Remembered
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“I don’t know. Oh grief, it’s just the all mixed up learning curve. I don’t want people seeing my boobs and going ‘Ohh you don’t get many of those to the pound’.”

“What?” Jess put down the knife she was holding and looked at Ailsa in amazement. “What crap are you spouting now?”

“My boobs. Hell, they grew and I didn’t.”

Jess shook her head. “For a supposedly intelligent woman you don’t half talk a load of bullshit. What are you, 36D? Double D?”

“Double D. But I’m only five feet two.”

“And your point is? Lordy, Ailsa, none of us are satisfied with what we’ve got, but it’s how we use it that matters. If your boobs are the perfect handful for your Sir, what else do you need?”

“Ah, but I don’t know if they are. Hell, Jess, we’ve made love once and scened once, that’s all.”

“Well, think of the fun you can have showing him how they fit him.” Jess was unrepentant. “Remember, we, the subs, have the power to make or break the relationship. Don’t break it just to see if you can.”

Ailsa nodded thoughtfully. Was that what she was doing? She made her mind up.

“If I go in and respectfully ask Aidan to play with me, will you be there for support?”

“Just in there or in the dungeon? Oh you’d better go and say something right away, because I saw Jeff getting whiskey out and offering you both a room for the night.”

“In the dungeon. And yes, best do it now before I lose my nerve.” Her tummy rumbled again. “At least I can’t lose my dinner, I haven’t had any.”

“Here.” Jess handed her a banana. “That’ll keep you going.”

Ailsa swallowed it in four bites. “Okay, let’s do it.”

Chapter Twelve




Aidan looked up from the whiskey he hadn’t touched as Ailsa entered the room without any food and walked across the carpet toward him. She knelt and assumed the perfect position. Behind her Jess did the same to David.

“I would if I could, but I have Grey so I can’t. Consider it done, though,” Kath said as she carried her feeding son in with her. She settled in her chair. The only noise was the slurp of a contented baby. It seemed this time he wanted more than a top-up.

Aidan touched Ailsa’s shoulder. “Do you want to say something, pet?” Her sensuous perfume, with hints of musk and spices, surrounded her and Aidan guessed it had just been applied. To make her feel good about herself and give her courage?

She looked up at him and swallowed. As ever, the ripple of her muscles called to him in the most primitive way possible and his cock swelled.

“Please, Sir.”

“Go on then.” Aidan would never call himself fanciful, but he would have said that the air was heavy with expectation.

“Please, Sir. May we play? And have our friends as our audience?”

Whatever he had thought she was going to say, it wasn’t that. He set the whiskey down carefully. “In what way, pet?” Out of the corner of his eyes he saw both Jess and Kath watching carefully.

Then David winked at him and Jeff gave a thumbs-up.

“Well, Sir. When I first met you, you asked if I wanted wax or scribing. I’ve had the wax, so…” Her voice trailed off. Then she cleared her throat. “Will you do me the honor of scribing me, Sir?”

Aidan felt tears come to his eyes. He blinked rapidly at her simple but emotional words.

“Will you do the honor of letting us see if we can have a relationship? Even though our friendship, lovers, Dom/sub life is very new. Are you willing to try?” He’d forgotten the others. His whole being was focused on Ailsa. “Will you let me look after you, be your Sir, within our defined relationship? Help us learn together? One day perhaps be collared and mine, all mine?”

Her eyes were shining, and he reckoned she was as near to tears—hopefully tears of happiness—as he was.

“Yes please, Sir.”

Behind her both Jess and Kath sniffed. Aidan looked at David and Jeff and grinned.

“Gentlemen, we have a dungeon to set up. Pets, you have half an hour. Then please present my pet to me in…” He looked at Jeff.

“The green dungeon,” Jeff said. “And we’ll go with protocol, please.”

The three men walked out.

“I don’t know what protocol is,” Ailsa said. “I’m scared.”

“It’s nothing awful. No wife or sub swapping and no playing with each other’s sub,” Jess said as she stood up. “Come on. Kath has to feed and settle the babies before she can even think of joining us. And even then, don’t pout, love, you know what I’m going to say is true, she might not be allowed to do more than sit at the back with the baby monitor in her ear. That way if they wake up she won’t disturb you if she has to go out. Protocol is clothes and discipline. I’ll talk you through it whilst we get changed.”

“I’ve got nothing to change into,” Ailsa said as she trailed behind Jess in the direction she knew would take them to the female changing area.

“I bet you have,” Jess opened the door and peered inside a locker with its door ajar. “Told you. We have a shop on site, and I thought Aidan would have paid it a visit, just in case. Oh my, this is lovely, look.” She took out two items of clothing.

Ailsa looked as she was bidden and burst out laughing. “Well, I know he said he wanted to see me in a leather thong and bustier, but I didn’t think it would be quite so soon.”

“It’s fantastic. If you want privacy to change, there’s a wee room over there, but don’t mind me.” Jess took her top and jeans off so fast, Ailsa blinked. Within a few seconds Jess wore nothing but a tiny, tiny frill of a skirt and a low bra that barely covered her nipples. She must have felt Ailsa’s gaze on her.

“Ha, a year ago you wouldn’t have got me out of jeans and a top for a king’s ransom. Now normally I wouldn’t wear the top. But I love David and he loves me, and if he says braless, I’m all for it. Tonight I think it’s let’s ease Ailsa in gently. But seriously, think about it. What’s wrong with topless? After all, we’re all built on the same chassis. Well, women are one way and then men are in another. Do you need help?”

“No,” Ailsa said slowly. She’d never thought of it quite like that. She took a deep breath—she seemed to be doing that a lot these days—and stripped down to her bra and pants.

“Honey, with the best will in the world, you can’t wear a lacy bra and a pair of granny pants under that. Do you wax?”

Ailsa jerked out of her reverie. Was she going to wake up and find this was all a wet dream and she’d need her vibrator?

“Jess, do me a favor. Pinch me.”


Jess obliged and Ailsa felt the sharp nip. Not asleep then.

“Okay, yes, I wax. Down to a landing strip anyway. I’ve never been brave enough to dare to be bare.”

“You will. Hurry up we’ve not got long.”

Whether to spare Ailsa’s blushes, or because she wanted to tie back her hair using a mirror, Jess walked to the other end of the room. Ailsa stripped her underwear off and pulled on the tiny scrap of leather that fitted where it touched and didn’t leave a lot to the imagination. Then she looked at the bustier. She would never get her boobs in that.

“I don’t think this is big enough.” She pulled it on and held the edges together. “I need another six inches of leather.”

“Nah, turn round.” Jess loosened some strings and tied the rest over Ailsa’s breasts. At least four inches of boob and chest showed in a long strip down the front.

“Stunning. Look.” Jess steered Ailsa to a mirror angled beside another one so she could see her front and rear. Apart from the fact that she felt totally exposed, Ailsa decided it looked good. If only she didn’t have to let other people see. Her arse was split by a tiny strip of red leather and her back criss-crossed with tiny red leather thongs that highlighted her pale skin.


Ailsa nodded. “I do.”


“I’m shit scared, excited and worried my bum looks big in this, but yeah, I’m as ready as I’ll ever be. Let’s do it.”

“Shoes. You’ll take ‘em off at the door, but tonight we wear them to just inside. Here.”

Ailsa looked at the red, fuck me heels. “I’ll fall over in them.”

“Nah, I’ll hold onto you.” Kath had entered the room, with one ear plugged by an earphone. “As we thought, I’m at the back by the door. I’ve been sent to get you. And you both look fab. I feel frumpy.”

She didn’t look it. In her low cut sundress she looked glowing. Ailsa said so.

Kath curtsied. “Thank you, ma’am. Now come

Ailsa came with Jess bringing up the rear
. To make sure I don’t bolt?

They stopped outside a green door. Kath knocked, waited for the command to enter and stood back.

“You first, Ailsa. Go in, ditch the shoes, go to wherever Aidan is and assume the position. Remember, this is fun. You want it and so does Aidan. The rest of us are really only here for your safety. Both of you. Oh, and to be jealous. I have three weeks to go and counting.”

“Thanks, both of you. Wish me luck and good subbing.” Ailsa gave in to temptation and kissed Jess and Kath before she pulled her shoulders back and walked into the dungeon.

Once inside, she closed her eyes briefly to help them adjust to the darker lighting. She slipped her shoes off and wriggled her toes in relief—they nipped—as she located Aidan standing next to a long bed, similar to the one he’d used for his wax play.

With as much grace as she could muster, and not let her hands or legs shake, Ailsa walked over the tiled floor and tried not to gasp at the chill it sent into her feet.

She reached Aidan and suddenly it seemed so natural to kneel at his feet, bow her head and cross her hands behind her back.

The room was silent and Ailsa was sure the others must be able to hear her heart beating.

“Thank you, pet.” Aidan tugged her hair. “Look at me.” She did so. “Are you ready to be scribed? For me to score your skin and make you mine?”

She swallowed. Put like that, it sounded scary, even though she knew it wouldn’t last above a few hours.

“Yes, Sir.” Sod it, she did want it, and she wouldn’t duck out.

“Then up on the bed and lie on your stomach.”

Ailsa did as he asked as elegantly as she knew how. To someone of her height, it wasn’t easy to climb up onto the high, long bed, but she managed by standing on tip-toe and grabbing the sides. Once on, she settled on her tummy, and wriggled to get her head positioned over the hole in the mattress. It was just like a massage table.

What I wouldn’t do for a massage now.

She felt Aidan’s hands on her back, then the two sides of the bustier slipped apart.

It’s only your back, nothing else.

“This will sting. Remember, embrace the pain. What’s your safe word?”

“Quack, Sir. And I’m g…green.”

“G…green.” She heard the laugh in his voice.

“Just green, Sir. Ouch.” He’d touched her back with something. Either a knife tip or a needle and it stung. Worse than pricking her finger, but not as bad as a paper cut.

“Breathe and embrace the pain.”

His voice was even, but held no soothing tone. It commanded obedience and Ailsa responded as she reckoned he expected her to. She began to take deep, even breaths as the stings and pain spread over her back. Then it morphed into pleasure. As if she was above it all, experiencing love and arousal. She floated in that haze of arousal as each sting became pleasure, and warmed her skin.

Her clit throbbed, her pussy was wet and her nipples were hard, tight nubs. It would take so little to climax.

Perhaps Aidan realized it, because his breath was warm on her ear. “Does my pet want to come?”

It was hard to form the words she wanted to use. “Hmmm… Mmmm.”

He laughed softly and nipped her ear with his teeth. “Come then.” Her arse was slapped twice, hard. Any other time it wouldn’t be what she needed but at that moment? It was perfect. Along with Aidan’s “Now, come now for me, pet,” and the way he stroked her neck, Ailsa let go and came with a scream.

The next thing she knew, she was wrapped in a blanket and cuddled into Aidan, and sobbing her heart out. They were alone.

“Ah, pet. Now then, let it flow, you’ve just experienced something lots of people never do. My brave, lovely pet.”

He stroked her back, kissed her cheek and muttered nonsense until Ailsa hiccoughed and sniffed.

“Here, blow.”

He handed her a tissue. She took it and blew her nose.

“Whew, sorry.”

“No need to be sorry, pet. You’ve given me such an honor. Subspace so soon is amazing.”

She’d read about that. “That was subspace?”

“I reckon so.”

“Wow.” Ailsa wriggled around on Aidan’s lap and felt his erection dig into her bum. She’d have to see if she could do something about that—later.

“Wow,” she said again. “Subspace, eh? It was fantastic. Can I see what you did to me?”

“Of course. I’ve taken your bustier off, well it fell off when I picked you up, but no one saw you like that, except me.”

Ailsa nodded. The way she felt at the moment the whole band of the Scots Dragoon Guards could see and it wouldn’t bother her. She stood up and walked across to some angled mirrors.

Across her back was a series of tiny raised red lines. She looked at them carefully, amazed at how pretty it looked. Then she realized it was words.

“Will you be mine?” she spelled them out loud.

“Will you?” Aidan asked.

Ailsa turned and walked back to him. Slowly she knelt and going on instinct, and something she remembered from a book she’d read, bent her head and nuzzled his cock through the soft leather that covered it. She hadn’t even noticed he’d changed clothes earlier.

“I will, Sir.” She nuzzled him again then giggled. “And can we do it all again, please?”





“Someone tell me what the hell I’m doing, standing by a loch at dawn, wearing next to nothing and hoping the midges realize they should be in bed by now and not biting me?” Ailsa twisted her head to look from Jess to Kath.

“Well, we’re dressed—or undressed—the same,” Jess pointed out. “We’re here at dawn because you said that’s when you wanted this to happen, and any tourists who want to walk past, sail by or fly over probably won’t be up yet.”

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