Secrets of My Hollywood Life #4: Paparazzi Princess (27 page)

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"Who knows? Maybe I can come see you in Texas." I start to ramble as he traces a finger along my bare shoulder. Tonight I'm wearing a strapless white dress with black lace and tiny black DKNY heels. "I don't have a weekend off or anything, but I bet I could fly out Sunday night after my performance and come back Tuesday AM. Nadine could probably book me a flight or if she can't I could get a jet or something. I'm sure I could convince Mom to let me do it if I --" Austin kisses me and I finally stop talking.

"We'll work it out," he says. And I know when he says that, he means it.

"Okay," I agree and push my hair off my neck. It's down and super curly tonight and suddenly I'm feeling very warm.

"You two need to get a room," Sky says as she tries to slide past us. She's wearing what looks like a John Galliano. It's a tan halter-style empire waist dress with little black flowers. Her hair has been ironed pin straight. On her arm is the best accessory she could hope for -- Trevor. I think they're finally seeing each other again.

"You're one to talk," I tell Sky. "You two haven't come up for air all night!"

Trevor and Sky look at each other and blush. "Congrats on your play," Sky tells me. "I saw that show when I was in London and it was fabulous."

"Thanks," I tell her. "I'm looking forward to it."

"Maybe when you get back we could go on a double date," Trevor says hopefully.

Sky and I look at each other. Double with Sky? We're both at a loss for words at that one.

Thankfully, Melli interrupts before we have to answer that question. "There you all are!" she says. Melli looks dazzling in a shimmery blue dress, her hair pulled back in a small tight ponytail. She puts an arm around me. "I was just talking to your moms, girls. I was telling them how much I missed seeing you two this week. I feel like one of my kids went to college."

"We talked every day," I remind her. "But yeah, it was weird not to bust into your dressing room and complain about Sky or boy problems." I glance at Austin. "Not that I have any."

"You are the queen of smart PR moves," Melli tells me. "I'm so excited that you're going to do Broadway. I did it once in my twenties and it was exhilarating. Grueling, but a ton of fun working with a live audience. You're going to wow them. I'm trying to convince my husband to take a trip to New York so we can see you. Tom says he wants to come too."

"Really?" I'm so touched I don't know what to say. "I would love that."

"Good." Melli's eyes look watery. "Because you're not rid of me just because I'm not down the hall."

Now I feel the sniffles coming on. "Thank God for that," I tell her. I give her a kiss on the cheek. "Thanks, Melli."

"And as for my other daughter," Melli says, putting an arm around Sky, "I love your new pilot. I read the script and it sounds like it's a shoo-in for the fall schedule."

Sky's show does sound incredible. The
True You
book says to be happy for her, but it's kind of hard. A tiny part of me is still jealous that I screwed that one up.

"Thanks," Sky gushes. "The role is to die for and my director said I killed on the pilot. If we get picked up, the show is going to be Emmy-nominated for sure."

I smile sweetly because I'm afraid I'll accidentally say something I regret.

"This could be the last time you two see each other for a while," Melli tells us, sounding a lot like Paige, "and I want to make sure you two part on good terms." I feel my shoulders tense. "You don't want to burn too many bridges in this town, girls," Melli continues when neither of us speaks up. "Hollywood may seem like a big place, but everyone knows everyone here and chances are you'll find yourselves doing a project together down the road or bump into each other at the same functions."

Sky and I look at each other.

"I don't think you have to worry about us anymore," I tell Melli, even though I'm still looking at Sky. "We understand each other now and I think if our work paths cross again we're going to be okay."

"More than okay," Sky says and then actually smiles.

"Could I have everyone's attention?" Tom interrupts. He has a microphone and is addressing the large crowd. "We're going to get to the auction in a little bit, but I know several people wanted to make speeches and I want to be the one to start."

Austin, Melli, Sky, Trevor, and I make our way to where Tom is standing. I can see Mom, Dad, Matty, Rodney, and Nadine, and Austin and I walk over to them. In the crowd, I see Pete from crafty, Paul and Shelly, and Renee from wardrobe. We listen as Tom talks about his first season on the show, his favorite episode, and how proud he is of everything we've achieved over the years. Melli is the next to take the mic and she tells a hilarious story about shooting her first kissing scene with Spencer. One by one, cast members volunteer to speak. Finally, it's my turn.

I make my way through the crowd and take the microphone from Sky. Then I turn and face the room. I see all the faces I know so well and I smile.

"If there is anyone in this room who might be in denial about
Family Affair
ending, we all know it's me," I say and everyone laughs. "I've taken this really hard, but I know I'm not alone anymore." The crowd grows quiet. "You guys are like a second family to me." I feel myself begin to get choked up, but I try to fight it. "The thing that helps me get through all this is that I know we're going through it together. This show and the people who make it are a big part of all our lives and just because we stop taping the show doesn't mean that won't continue. I'm going to take with me everything you've taught me and hopefully the next project I work on will be that much better because of everything I learned from you. I love you guys so much," I say and now the tears are coming. "Thank you for a great run."

Everyone applauds. Trevor whistles. Even Sky looks weepy. I hand the microphone to Trevor and make my way back over to my family and friends. Mom is crying. Dad pats me hard on the back a few times and I know he's trying to hold it together. Liz squeezes my hand tightly. Then I turn and kiss Austin.

"You sounded great up there," he tells me softly. "And you're right, this is not the end for any of you," Austin says. "You've got the play to look forward to, and me to come home to, and so much more."

I grin. "You're right." I hold him tight. "It's kind of exciting, isn't it?" I have goosebumps.

Who knows what I'll be doing next week, or three or six months from now? But you know what? It doesn't matter. I'll make it work. Whatever happens next, I'm sure it's going to be a great adventure.


Kaitlin Burke Tackles Broadway!by Marleyna Martin

Family Affair
's Samantha is all grown up and taking on her toughest role yet--live theater--in the Broadway smash
Meeting of the Minds
. Does she have what it takes?

Kaitlin Burke is a pro when it comes to television drama. After years playing Samantha Buchanan, this 17-year-old has perfected the art of a good catfight, how to brawl with her mom and cry over boyfriend problems. But is she ready to do it all live? Come this May, she'll have to. Kaitlin begins a ten-week run in
Meeting of the Minds
playing wise-cracking Andie Amber. She takes over for original, beloved castmember Meg Valentine. The surprise casting choice has many wondering: Does Kaitlin have the chops for such a part? "Kaitlin was genius as Sam, and had some great film roles to date, but it will be a real test to her strength as an actress for her to take on Andie," admits one casting agent. "Hollywood will be watching very closely." We checked in with Kaitlin to hear how she's readying for a move to New York.

HN: Kaitlin Burke on Broadway! How does it feel to know your name will soon be up in lights?

KB: Exciting, nerve-wracking, thrilling . . . I still can't believe it's happening. I'm so thankful that the cast has given me the opportunity to work with them.

HN: Have you ever done live the-ater before?

KB: Um, no. (laughs) I've done acting workshops that teach you how to ready yourself for the stage, but this will be my first time in front of a live audience.

HN: Emma Price, who plays Jenny, is a bit of a firecracker, as well as a trained theater actress. Are you ready to go toe-to-toe with her?

KB: I hope I will be when the time comes! (laughs) I've only met Emma briefly, but she was really nice. I head to New York in April, after I finish press for
Family Affai
r's final episode.

HN: Dylan Carter, your love interest in the play, is easy on the eyes, isn't he?

KB: He's definitely cute, but I'm taken!

HN: What are you most looking forward to doing in New York?

KB: Everything. Seeing the museums, shopping, checking out all the landmarks. My mom is looking into a trip out to the Hamptons too. I keep telling her I don't get much time off. I don't think she's listening. *

Kaitlin's run in
Meeting of the Minds
starts May 1.


You didn't think that just because my show ended, my story had too, did you?

No way!

My career is far from over. First stop: New York, New York. The stage is going to be a whole new experience for me and what better place to have it than Manhattan? Mom says I'm already getting invitations to fetes from the Upper East Side to the Hamptons. But don't worry, I'm going to keep things low-key this time around. I've had my fill of being a gossip girl. This summer, I'm all about work. I just hope the critics don't pan me. Nadine says the tabloids already started quizzing every casting agent out there about my chances of getting a standing ovation. Sigh.

At least I have my family and friends for support. Everyone is coming to New York, and with Liz as my roomie, I know we're going to have a blast. I just wish Austin was coming too. What's an extended vacation in New York without your boyfriend to treat you to a carriage ride through Central Park? I'm sure it will work out, though. Hollywood is all about happy endings.

But wait. We're not talking about Hollywood anymore, are we? I'm going to be in New York and that's a whole different ballgame. What do they always say about the Big Apple? If you can make it there, you can make it anywhere. I hope I'm ready.

Broadway Lights

Secrets of My Hollywood Life

Coming in May 2010


I have nothing but love for my amazing editors, Cindy Eagan and Kate Sullivan. Not only are they well-versed in all things Kaitlin, they also come up with cool
titles, like this one --
Paparazzi Princess
! (Special thanks go to Kate for helping me fine-tune Kaitlin's "Paparazzi Princess" song. Even with her help, it is safe to say I will probably never add songwriter to my resume.)

My agent Laura Dail deserves huge praise, not only for always having my back, but for putting up with endless phone calls from me worrying about plot points, deadlines, and the like, all of which -- as she patiently points out -- come together nicely in the end. And to Tamar Ellman, for helping me brave foreign waters and their confusing contracts.

To the amazing team at Little, Brown Books for Young Readers -- Ames O'Neil, Melanie Chang, Andrew Smith, Lisa Ickowicz, Melanie Sanders, and Tracy Shaw (for yet another brilliant cover design) -- I can't thank you enough for showering
with so much love.

To Mara Reinstein, who I bombarded with e-mails and calls about paparazzi practices, catfights, and celebrity meltdowns -- I'm eternally grateful (as always).

Special thanks go to my tireless mom, Lynn Calonita, who has logged more hours with Tyler than a grandmother/babysitter should have to, just to make sure I always make my deadlines. I really couldn't do any of this without you. Love also to my dad, Nick Calonita, Nicole and John Neary, my grandfather Nick Calonita, Gail Smith, and Brian Smith for their endless support.

Finally, to my wonderful family -- my husband Mike, my son Tyler, and our way-too-pampered Chihuahua, Jack -- thank you for making home the sweetest place to be.

If you love

Secrets of My Hollywood Life, you'll adore Jen Calonita's

Sleepaway Girls

When Sam's best friend gets her first boyfriend, she's not ready to spend the summer being a third wheel. So she applies to be a camp counselor-in-training at Whispering Pines. But it's not going to be all kumbayya and s'mores. If Ashley, the camp's queen bee, doesn't ruin Sam's summer, then her raging crush on the cute and flirtatious Hunter just might. At least she has the gang of girls who become fast friends with her--the Sleepaway Girls.

Turn the page for a sneak peek of Sleepaway Girls.

Jen Calonita's newest novel is a fresh look into the worldof sleepaway summer camp--where the queen bee can

make life hell for a new CIT.

Sleepaway Girls

Two hours later, Mom and I were practically running to the mess hall, which according to the map was right down this super green, grassy hill. My heart was in my throat as I raced up the wood building's well-worn wood steps and pulled open the double doors. The large, open room had high ceilings with wood beams that held up rows and rows of camp banners. THE GREEN MACHINE -- 2003 COLOR WAR VICTORS! announced one. WELCOME (BACK) TO THE PINES! declared a large red one. And across the back wall was a glass cabinet full of trophies. The only thing missing were the people. Mom and I were standing in front of rows of empty picnic tables covered with folders and papers and discarded jackets. "They're not here." I freaked out. I was actually yelling. One of my biggest pet peeves was being late.

"Samantha Montgomery?" I heard someone bellow, and I turned around.

"Yes?" I said uncertainly.

A tall man wearing camouflage fatigues and holding a megaphone was walking toward us. He had white hair, was tan like it was the middle of August instead of late June, and his teeth were an eerie shade of white. The man bounded up the steps and shook my hand vigorously. "Alan Hitchens, but you can call me Hitch."

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