Secrets of My Hollywood Life #4: Paparazzi Princess (24 page)

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"Thatta girl," Austin sounds truly proud. "Knock 'em dead."

"I will," I promise. And for the first time in a long time, I feel prepared to do just that.

"Kaitlin?" The studio publicist appears at my side. "I'd like to take you to your first room."

I leave Mom, Laney, Liz, and Nadine and follow the woman down the hotel hallway. People are staring, but I don't care. The publicist opens the door and I see a group of about eight journalists sitting around a table with tape recorders in hand.

"Hi, everyone. Your first interview will be with Kaitlin Burke," the assistant tells them.

I eye the table full of food. Stars really don't eat at these things. The most we usually take is water. Otherwise you wind up with an article describing everything you ate that day. I grab a water and take a seat. I smile pleasantly as the publicist leaves the room.

"So," I begin. "We'll get to
in a moment, but first, should we start with what you really want to know?"

Saturday, February 28


Last week on

Monday calltime: 6 AM

TV Tome

Kaitlin Burke Comes Clean
"I let fear get the best of me"

Week of February 29

Why Kaitlin Burke had a near total meltdown--and how she fought her way back

By Joyce Waters

Kaitlin Burke has made many headlines over the past few weeks. When her sudden inner party animal was released, thanks to new pals Ava Hayden and Lauren Cobb, Kaitlin's photo was everywhere--she was seen dancing at Shelter, shopping at Belladonna, and lunching at the Ivy. For a celebrity whose usual photo ops are charity events and
Family Affair
fan meet-and-greets, the new Kaitlin was much discussed in the media. A leaked demo, touting the star's revved-up image, called "Paparazzi Princess," hit airwaves and caused even more drama. (Kaitlin's publicist, Laney Peters, says the demo was nothing more than that, and was not meant for the public. "Kaitlin WILL NOT be making an album and she did not agree with the philosophy of that song," says Peters. "We regret that someone invaded Kaitlin's privacy by releasing it.") Even Kaitlin's mother, Meg Burke, wound up in the press thanks to an infamous interview she gave to
, which branded her a momager.

But nothing compared to what went down two weeks ago when Kaitlin was at a
cover shoot. When the afternoon supposedly went haywire (courtesy of an unannounced visit by Ava and Lauren), Kaitlin collapsed and was rushed to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. Later came this statement from Peters: "Kaitlin became overheated at the
photo shoot and fainted. The room was really hot and Kaitlin was dehydrated. That is why she passed out. She is so thankful to her fans for their support."

Tongues were immediately wagging with speculation that the star had a drinking problem, or that excess partying was the real cause of Kaitlin's trip to the hospital. What the world wanted to know was what happened to the confident star
TV Tome
named the hottest young star on TV? At the
Pretty Young Assassins
junket over the weekend, Kaitlin finally came clean about that fateful trip to Cedars-Sinai. "You're right--I wasn't dehydrated. I did faint, but it was for a very different reason. I guess you could say I didn't handle the news that
Family Affair
was going off the air very well," she admits. "I should have talked to my friends and family about what I was feeling, but, instead, I bottled it up and tried to just go about my business. I kept pretending that it wasn't happening. I put off meetings about future projects. The truth is, the end of this series is a huge deal and I let fear get the best of me. I didn't know how to spend time away from a set I had been on since I was a pre-schooler.

"I tried to escape my problems rather than deal with them," she adds. Escape came in the form of shopping. (She racked up a four thousand dollar credit card bill in one month, something she claims to never have done before. She is currently paying her parents back with her monthly allowance.) Kaitlin also started hanging out with girls that really weren't her speed. "Lauren and Ava are great," Kaitlin says cautiously, "but I think we have different ideas of what is fun, and mine is being in control, not out of it." (For their part, when asked about Kaitlin at the Hugs Not Drugs charity event on Sunday, Ava, who was hanging out with former
er Alexis Holden, reportedly said, "We're over Kaitlin. This is our new BFF, Alexis.")

Even though Kaitlin tried to escape, her problems found her in different ways. "Every time I would get upset, I would get these frightening heart palpitations, have sweaty palms, and start freaking out," Kaitlin explains. "I tried to ignore what was happening. That's what really happened at the
shoot. I wasn't dehydrated. I did faint, but the real reason--which I was afraid to admit up until now--is that I had a panic attack." Her doctor explained that Kaitlin was suffering from panic attacks and that she had to find a way to keep her fear in check.

Kaitlin is sorry that she gave her family and friends a scare, and says she is ready to move forward, whatever the future brings. She's considering several new projects at the moment, but says she won't rush into anything unless she's sure it is right for her. She says her brief flirtation with the dark side of Hollywood taught her a good lesson about herself--even if she does wish she hadn't learned it while the whole country was watching. "I may have partied too much, but what I did wasn't illegal," Kaitlin points out. "If the worst thing I do in life is shop too much or dance on a table at a club one time, I think I'll be okay. Sure, I'm embarrassed by my actions, but I'm learning from them. I'm a teenager, and we mess up sometimes. I mess up a lot. But I still think we should be worrying about a lot more important things, like starving children in Africa or global warming. Not whether or not Kaitlin Burke shows up at Shelter."

FA2024 "One-Way Ticket to Miami"



The living room is bare, except for a pile of packed boxes. The rooms in view are also empty. Moving men continue to carry furniture past PAIGE, DENNIS, SAMANTHA, and SARA, as they stand together, watching the men work.


I guess that's everything, isn't it?


I think so. I told Penelope we'd leave our keys on the kitchen counter.


What time is our flight to Miami?


I told the pilot we'd be at the private runway at 4 PM. (She looks at her watch.) We still have a little time before we have to go.


Good. I feel like I need a few more minutes here, you know?


Were you okay saying goodbye to Ryan this morning?


I think so. Ryan and I are going to try to make the long-distance thing work. (Sara snorts.) He's forgiven me for the way I've been acting and it just makes me realize all the more how special my relationship with him is. (Looks at Paige and Dennis) I'm just glad you guys lifted my grounding long enough for me to say goodbye to him. There is something else I want to say too: I know this doesn't change the way I've acted lately, but I think I'm finally okay with moving to Miami.


I'm glad to hear that, sweetie. I know this is a little scary because it's happening so fast, but I think it's a great move for us. You can't be afraid of change, girls. Change happens whether you want it to or not. And sometimes, like now, it's for the best. This is the time to shake things up. Try new experiences on for size and see how they fit. You never know what you'll find out about yourself when you stretch outside of your comfort zone. There could be a new, better version of you just waiting for the opportunity to come out.


I hope you're right.


(Grabs Sam and hugs her. Paige reaches for Sara, who leans in too.) This isn't the end of your story, girls. I promise you, this is just the beginning.


You're right. I know things will work out the way they're supposed to. No more fighting fate, right?


(Holds Sam close.) Think of it this way: you realized that a lot quicker than I did. I don't think I picked up on that till I was thirty.


Maybe thirty-five. (Paige punches him in the arm.)


The truck is all loaded. Is there anything else? (The family looks around the room.)


Mom, the painting. (She points to the fireplace and to the family portrait of the four of them, taken several years back.)


Oh my God, you're right. How could we have forgotten to pack that? I guess it's been up there for so long, I think of it as a permanent fixture. (to the moving man) Could you get me some bubble wrap? We need to wrap this up. (The man nods and exits the room.)


I don't think Aunt Penelope will want our family portrait hanging in her new living room, do you? (giggles)


Probably not. But I don't care what hangs there. I'm just glad your granddaddy is giving her this place so that it stays in the family. Who knows? Maybe one day you two will want to move back and live here.


I call first dibs!

Everyone laughs. Paige walks over to the fireplace and Dennis helps her lift the picture off the wall. They rest it on the fireplace and stand back to admire it.


I've always loved this picture of the four of us. We looked so happy, didn't we?


We are happy, but do you remember what was going on that day? I think Sara had broken Granddaddy's favorite vase and we had given her a major time-out so she was still mad at us. Samantha was coming down with the flu. I was fighting with Krystal over the company finances, and Dennis, you had that hostile takeover you were worried about. We were all so stressed, but we couldn't reschedule so we tried to grin and bear it.


Sara, you had such a pout. We couldn't get you to smile for anything! (laughs) I think I had to bribe you with money to get you to cheer up.


I remember that! And Sam was sneezing all over me and her nose was running and I kept complaining that she was dripping all over my Burberry dress.


I think I was doing it on purpose because I was mad at you for ruining my American Girl doll's hair that morning.


You girls were so cranky that day! (laughs) The whole family had issues, but we all managed to pull together and take a beautiful portrait. I love this picture so. It goes to show that the Buchanans really pull together when we need to. (The four of them gather together, arm-in-arm.) Nothing can stop this family, can it? It reminds me of that time we all had to pitch in at the Buchanan charity ball a month after you two were born. Do you remember that, Dennis?


How could I forget?


What happened?


(looks at his watch) We can make the pilot wait, can't we? We do own the jet.


I guess it couldn't hurt to stay a few minutes more. I'm really going to miss this place.


Me too.


Me three.


So let's stay just a few minutes more.


So that means we have time for that story. Please?


Okay. Well, your father and I were . . .

PAIGE continues to tell the story, ad-libbed, and the camera pulls away from the family. The CAMERA SPINS DOWN to focus on the portrait of the four of them.
MUSIC UP: Coldplay's "Viva la Vida" FADE OUT.


Fifteen: Read It and Weep

This is it.

This is my last day on the set of
Family Affair

It feels like only yesterday that I walked through these studio doors for the first time. Okay, I don't really remember that day (I was only in pre-school!), but I know it happened. And now
Family Affair
is coming to the end and I feel ...


Seriously. The world doesn't have to worry about me anymore. My family and friends were right. I have to believe in myself. Sure, I don't have a job lined up, but I'll get one. And if it's not as great as I would like after the mess I've made for myself, well, that's okay. Even Drew Barrymore had to climb back up the Hollywood food chain at one point. (Does anyone even remember that she made
Poison Ivy
? I think not.)

"How are you doing?" Nadine wants to know. She's still clinging to my left arm as we walk through the long hallway to my dressing room and then to hair and makeup for the last time. "You're shaking. Do you want some water?" Nadine is rambling. She's wearing her
The Affair Isn't Ending, It's Just Beginning
rhinestone-studded black tee that everyone in the cast and crew got as a gift from Melli last Friday. I've got mine on too. "Do you need to stop for a minute? Because it's okay if you're upset, you know. This is a big day and you can cry if you want. Do you need a paper bag? Do you feel like you're going to throw up?"

"Maybe you should eat something," Rodney suggests. He looks concerned too. "I wasn't sure what you'd be in the mood for this early so I got you chicken fingers and a bagel."

"Nadine! Rod!" I laugh. "I'm okay. I swear." I say this even though my legs are shaking. I can do this. I have to do this. I know that now. "I can handle the walk to hair and makeup. And I'm not hungry yet."

"Okay." Nadine and Rodney don't look convinced. This is what you get for going off the deep end. Serves me right, I guess. Hopefully they'll snap out of this over-protective routine as soon as the magazines stop running those "Kaitlin Burke at the Brink and Back" stories. Laney says they're rating really well. In a recent
Hollywood Nation
poll, 87% of the people polled said they felt sorry for me and knew I'd be okay.

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