Secrets of My Hollywood Life #4: Paparazzi Princess (14 page)

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"Your last publicist dropped you," Ava reminds her. They both giggle. "For good reason."

"Why?" I ask.

"It doesn't matter," Ava says dismissively. "Right now we're worried about you. You're a mess! It's time for Kaitlin Burke to take some me time. Stop letting everyone else call the shots."

I feel the anger start to bubble over. "You're right!" I tell them. "I do deserve me time." I feel stronger just saying the words out loud.

"Thatta girl," Lauren commends me. "Be free." Suddenly she gasps and grabs my hand. "I love this song!"

It's a Ne-Yo tune and I know the lyrics by heart. The three of us start singing at the top of our lungs and I don't care if people are staring. It feels good to let loose.

"Ooh! Let's go dance," Ava suggests. "We can dance and make fun of people at the same time."

Lauren giggles. "Seriously, this is one of our favorite pastimes," she says conspiratorially. "Did you see what some of these people are wearing?" My face must look surprised because then she adds, "We do it all in good fun. We're not really being mean, you know. Everyone does it." I nod.

The two of them drag me away from our small corner after nearly an hour of chatting and we go dance. The party has an awesome DJ. We shimmy in a little circle, holding hands and singing to all the lyrics. We stop every so often so that Ava or Lauren can drool over some star that tries to break into our little group. I swear they must know everyone here. I'm having such a good time, I don't look at the time. It's not until Matty joins us that I realize how late it is.

"Rodney is waiting out front with the car," Matty yells over the thumping music. "It's one thirty."

One thirty? "Guys, I have to go," I tell Ava and Lauren sadly. They both groan.

"Nooooooo," Ava whines. "Do you have to go now? There's this awesome after-after-party happening in the Valley after this."

"I have to be at work tomorrow at seven," I tell them apologetically.

"Call in sick," Lauren suggests. "Fight the power!"

I laugh. "I can't call in tomorrow. Thanks again for tonight though. It felt good to vent."

"We're glad you did," Ava says as Matty begins tugging me. "We'll call you tomorrow."

It's not till we're finally in the car and I'm looking at Carrie Fisher's number on my Sidekick that I see I missed a call on my cellphone. It was from Liz. She called about twenty minutes ago. For a moment, I'm excited. If she's on the east coast it's not too late to call her and tell her all about tonight. But then again, why should I call? Liz didn't try too hard to reach me earlier. She could have left me a voicemail, but she didn't. Liz wasn't there for me when I needed her. Ava and Lauren were. I turn off the phone and replay my magical first
party in my mind.

Sunday, February 8


Monday calltime: 7 AM

Private Hollywood

Hollywood Can't Make a Move Without Us Watching


Oscar Night Sightings Continued . . .

February 9

Sky Mackenzie
Elton John's
ear off at the
In Style
bash. Guess Sky didn't have much company to keep. Her object of affection,
Trevor Wainright,
basically ignored her. Instead, he spent the night nestled between two unidentified blondes. Was Sky mad. Tee hee ...

Family Affair
Alexis Holden
being turned away at the door to the
Entertainment Weekly
party. We're sure the bad buzz on her upcoming film,
Paris Is Burning
(which had already been recast once), had a lot to do with it ...

Drew Thomas
, holding court with the latest Hollywood "It" Girl, Piper Long, at the Governor's Ball. Hmm ... was Drew actually into Piper, or just on her arm for the publicity? He was all love and affection in front of the cameras, but when the glare was off the pair, he looked beyond bored to us ...

Mac Murdoch
and his celebrity band taking the stage at the
Hollywood Nation
party. The guys were so awful that the room cleared in minutes. Do us a favor and stick to rockin' action films, Mac. Mwah!

Spotted at the
Vanity Fair
party in a delicious navy Jay Godfrey gown--none other than our favorite good girl,
Kaitlin Burke
. But were our eyes deceiving us or did she really spend the evening with notorious party animal heiresses
Ava Hayden
Lauren Cobb
? Those three seem to be spending an awful lot of time together. Better watch yourself with those two, Kaitlin. Unless you're gunning to be a daily fixture in this column for bad behavior, steer clear ...

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FA2020 "Sorry Is Not Part of My Vocabulary"



SAMANTHA is at her bedroom window looking over the Buchanan Estate. She's wearing sweats, her hair is uncombed, and her face is free of any makeup. She opens her window and waves to someone below. From underneath her bed she pulls out a rope and flings it over the side of the window. She starts to climb over when the door opens.


(alarmed) Samantha! What do you think you're doing? (grabs her daughter's arm)


Going out. Get off.


You're not going anywhere. You're grounded, young lady! (looks out the window) And you're certainly not going anywhere with Nick Masters. He's a con artist.


Nick is the only one who understands me.


Understands what, Sam? That you don't want to move? This is no way to make a case for staying. You're not with Ryan anymore. Your teachers keep calling about missing assignments. You got detention last week for mouthing off to the principal. This isn't you, Sam.


Maybe it's the new me, Mom. Did you ever think of that?


Sam, I know you've been having a hard time adjusting to the news that we're moving, but that doesn't give you license to act out like this. Fighting what's happening won't change things.


Maybe, but seeing the grief it causes you certainly makes me feel better.

Paige starts to cry and Sara enters the room.


Whoa. Sam, way to dress casual. Why is Mom crying?


I'm done with this drama. I'm out of here and I'm not coming back. Enjoy Miami!

Sam shimmies down the rope and runs to Nick's car. The two tear off with the engine roaring as Paige and Sara look on from the bedroom window.

Nine: Someone's in Denial and It Feels So Good

"Thanks, Pete," I mumble sleepily as he hands me my second iced double espresso latte of the day. "You're a life-saver."

Did I mention it's only ten thirty AM?

If we didn't have craft services at work, some days I don't know how I'd survive. Pete keeps crafty stocked with everything you could possibly need for a good jolt (frozen coffee concoctions included) or a major meltdown (M&Ms and brownies at your service). He's a pro at knowing exactly what we need when we need it -- like the morning after the Oscars, when almost everyone on set is overtired and cranky. Calling in sick won't fly. Tom knows we were out partying last night. He's got the paparazzi pictures in every major magazine and on every Web site to prove it.

Things are moving slower than usual, though. We've only shot a three-minute scene inside Summerville Breads (a school hangout) and we still have to get through the scene where Sam runs away from home. (Tom promises Sam will get her act together before the last episode. In the meantime, the bad Sam is fun to play.) I don't know if we're going to get to that scene today. We're all tripping over our lines. Thankfully Tom was out last night too, so he can't get too mad.

Sky snatches her own latte from Pete's outstretched hands. "There better be an extra shot of espresso in mine."

"That's Sky's way of saying thank you," Trevor tells Pete. Instead of coffee, he takes another Red Bull.

"How would you know what I meant?" Sky asks, sounding upset. "People have to spend time with other people if they want to know those people's thoughts. You can't ignore people and then expect those people to pay attention to you." Her voice is rising and Pete steps back to avoid the fire. "Isn't that right, K?"

Sky looks at me helplessly. Her under-eye circles are huge, as I'm sure are mine. The whole set has them and I'm sure the makeup staff will go through at least a dozen tubes of concealer today trying to cover them up.

"Yes?" I say, even though I'm not sure what Sky is so worked up over.

"So you're saying people need people?" Trevor starts singing the old Barbara Streisand song as he walks away and I can't help but giggle.

Sky's chest is rising and falling like she's just run a marathon. She grunts loudly in exasperation. "I don't get him," Sky complains to me. "He asked me if I was going to the
In Style
party and I said yes. And then when he got there he ignored me all night. I skipped the
Vanity Fair
party because of him and he still didn't talk to me!" She looks so upset that I actually feel bad for her. Maybe I should tell Trevor to tone down the cold shoulder act a bit. It could backfire.

"Did you ever think that Trevor was just trying to make you jealous?" I ask.

Sky's face brightens. "Did he say that?" she asks hopefully.

"No," I lie. I can't sell Trevor out completely. "But maybe that's what he's doing to get you back for the way you treated him last summer."

Sky rolls her eyes. "He's not over that yet?"

"Not all of us bounce back from humiliation as quickly as you do," I remind her. "Maybe if you just keep being nice to him, and don't fall all over him, he'll pay more attention to you. Give him time."

"Okay," Sky mumbles. "Now enough of you giving me advice. It's making me itchy. How was your night?"

I take a sip of my latte. "Fun. I hung out with Ava Hayden and Lauren Cobb."

Sky's eyes darken. "Again? What is with you three and the paparazzi?"

"We've hung out a few times," I say. Being with Ava and Lauren is the most relaxed I've felt in a while. "They're nice."

Sky makes an unidentifiable noise. "You wouldn't say that if you really knew them."

It's all coming back to me now as the sleep fog lifts. Lauren mentioned Sky! Apparently they were a tight threesome up until last year when they all had a major falling out over some guy. They hate each other now.

"Have you guys talked to Melli?" Matty interrupts us as he approaches crafty. He takes a granola bar and an apple from the table. "She dropped out of that

"Are you serious?" I'm shocked. Melli couldn't stop talking about the part all last week in between takes. "She loved that role!"

"It's in this morning's
," Matt says.

"You went to the
Vanity Fair
party and still woke up early enough to read
?" Sky asks.

Matty shrugs. "Anway, I just passed Melli talking to Tom and she said she realized she didn't want to take on another role so soon. She wanted time with her family."

"What did
give as the official reason?" I ask.

Matty smirks. "Creative differences."

Ah. That's always a good one.

HOLLYWOOD SECRET NUMBER NINE: Even after a celebrity has made it public knowledge that they intend to do a film, it doesn't mean it's actually going to happen. I've already told you about stars that are dropped like hot potatoes because the director realized their golden child was not so golden after all. But what happens when it's the stars, not the director or studio, who want to pull out of a role they've already committed to? You could probably pull out when you get a new draft of the script and hate it or if the film switches directors, but what if neither of those things happen? If you don't want to wind up slapped with a multi-million dollar lawsuit for delaying filming, then you have to be careful. Most stars who do this sort of thing veto the project somewhere between the original verbal agreement and the date they sign the official contract a few weeks later. Sure, it upsets the studio, but they can't actually sue you over that. And if the studio has already announced or leaked that you were starring in their summer must-see, it's their mess to clean up.

"So Melli's got no project lined up after
Family Affair
?" Sky looks stunned. "What is she thinking? People will forget about her!"

"I highly doubt anyone is going to forget about Melli," I tell her patiently. "She's a huge star."

Sky shrugs. "That's today, but a few months or a year without anyone seeing her face on TV or in theaters and she'll start getting passed over for Hallmark movies. You know how this town works -- one bad role and you're yesterday's news." Sky shakes her head sadly. "I know Melli's made money on this show, but it won't last forever. She won't be able to keep affording that house if she doesn't sign on to new movies."

"You're wrong," I tell her. I'm shaking and I fold my arms across my chest. It's kind of cold in the studio when all you have on is a Juicy tank and sweats. Sky is in a green skirt by Zac Posen, with ankle high boots and a belly-baring fitted dress shirt that screams tacky. "Not everyone has to have project after project lined up," I remind Sky. "Maybe Melli wants to take time before she makes her decision. Maybe she's tired of everyone bossing her around! Or maybe the project she really wants just hasn't gotten back to her yet." I think of the
movie. The director has been out of town for two weeks and Seth hasn't reached him. I'm beginning to lose hope.

Matty shifts uncomfortably in his Nike track pants and the Summerville High sweatshirt he had on for the previous scene.

"Are you sure we're talking about Melli, K?" Sky asks lightly. "Stop getting so stressed out. It's ruining your complexion." She takes a loud sip of her coffee, smiles at Matty, and practically skips off to her dressing room to get ready for the next scene.

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