Read Secrets After Dark Online

Authors: Sadie Matthews

Secrets After Dark (22 page)

BOOK: Secrets After Dark
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He lies next to me and pulls me round so that our bodies are pressed against one another, and rubs his hands over my hips, back and bottom, while I savour the sensation of his hardness rammed against my belly and the firmness of his muscled arms. We kiss again, slow, tender kisses growing by the second in passion, until I can’t stand it any longer and I have to touch him. I break the kiss and push him away so that I can take his hot shaft in my hand; it’s so smooth and soft under my touch, it’s hard to believe how very demanding it can be.

‘Remember when I used to be your slave?’ I say throatily. ‘You liked me serving you.’

‘Mmm,’ he says. ‘I still do.’

I feel a pleasurable thrill

‘Do you want me still? To dominate me?’

‘Yes... but this time, rules. And limits. Last time you trusted me.’ He smiles a little sadly. ‘And I let you down. A master owes his slave protection. The slave puts her faith in the master, that he will demand her obedience and take his pleasure, but that in return she will be allowed to taste the same delights. Her pain, of whatever kind, can only be what she is willing and able to bear.’

‘You want to have limits?’ I say, holding his stiff shaft in my hand, gently rubbing the skin back and forth. I hear his breath hitch in his throat as I draw my hand up to the smooth velvety tip, over it, and back again. ‘We don’t need that. I trust you. I know you don’t want to do things to me that I’m not ready for – such as...’

‘Such as what?’ he says. I run my hand downwards to the soft balls and behind, to the sensitive place beyond. I let my finger run lightly over the spot.

‘Like... here.’

‘You mean anal sex?’

I nod.

He stares at me and then says, ‘All right. If we ever went on that journey together, it would only be with your total consent. But even if you don’t want me to penetrate you fully, then you might find other things acceptable. Smaller tools can create an amazing feeling – a finger, a slender dildo, a specially designed plug just made to fit your sweet little ass. It will make you feel even fuller when I’m fucking you.’

I gasp at his words. Even if I’m not sure how I feel about anything anal, the idea is titillating, and the way he’s talking is sending darts of excitement all over me. He runs a hand over my bottom and takes his finger between the cheeks, not deeply but enough to make me tingle oddly in a place I don’t expect to. I can’t imagine wanting to having anything pressed into my behind when it could just as well go where I feel a need and a hunger to be filled.

‘I don’t know,’ I say. ‘I can’t agree to it explicitly but I trust you to know when I’m ready to go there.’

‘Uh uh.’ To my surprise, Dominic shakes his head, although he’s still smiling at me. ‘You have to say it out loud. Anything you don’t ask for, you don’t get.’

‘Is that really the ethos of a master?’ I say, gripping his cock again. I’m longing to taste him. In fact, I don’t think I can wait any longer.

‘I can’t control others if I can’t control myself,’ responds Dominic. ‘That’s something I learned from what happened between us.’ He looks serious for a moment and puts his hand down to stop me massaging him. ‘I’m serious, Beth. Things have changed since we were last together. Of course I’ll always want to be your master, and have you yield to me and everything I want to do to that gorgeous body of yours. But the effects of what I did when I lost my head... they’ve stayed with me in ways I can’t explain. Not just yet, anyhow. And that means, we have limits now. Some are yours – and some are mine. If you want me to follow my desires and use your ass when I feel it’s right, you’re going to have to tell me now. Or it won’t happen, honey. I mean it.’

His hand lets go of mine and I grip his shaft with even more force. ‘Hmm,’ I say. ‘Let me think about that... I’ll need just a little time, if that’s okay... sir.’

He gives me a half smile and his voice takes on the commanding tone of my sexual master. ‘You may have some time to do whatever you like. I’ll tell you when that time is over.’

‘Thank you, sir.’ I slide my way down his body, running my hands over his belly, letting my fingers play in the trail of dark hair that circles his navel and heads down to his groin. I kiss his smooth olive skin, marvelling at his firm stomach and the ripple of muscles I can feel there. He rests one hand on the top of my head, caressing my hair gently, and his breathing deepens. I roll over onto my front so that I’m between his legs and use my knees to nudge his thighs apart and make room for me to crouch in the hollow that’s created, as though I’m about to worship him – which in a way, I am. I intend to pay full homage to the part of Dominic that brings me so much pleasure. I grip the hot length of his erection in my hand, and it seems to stiffen even more in anticipation of what I intend to do. But I’m not going to give him that satisfaction quite yet. First I blow lightly upon his shaft and put out my tongue to touch it very softly, giving him a tiny taste of what is to come. Then I move to the soft package of his balls with its covering of dark hair and blow lightly on it, taking the whole thing in my hands and squeezing softly, before I starting kissing and licking them.

He moans as I work away with my hands and tongue. Both of his hands are now in my hair, and his fingers tighten over my scalp as he responds to the delicious feelings I’m giving him. I run a finger behind his balls, then slide my open mouth from the root of his cock slowly up its thickness. He throbs under my wet lips and the darting movements of my tongue as I approach the top of his manhood. I play around the top of his shaft with my tongue, rubbing at the skin around its head and tickling softly down it with my fingernails until I can feel that he’s impatient for more.

‘Suck me,’ he says roughly. ‘Put me in your mouth. All of me.’

I am only too eager to obey. I’m hungry for him now and I want to engulf him fully in the soft warm wetness of my mouth, even though I know it will be difficult. I lean forward on my knees and bring my head into a position that means I can take him deep inside. I close my eyes and let him slide into my mouth, welcoming him with the lapping movements of my tongue. He’s huge and I’m not sure if I can accommodate him entirely, but he pushes in and I concentrate on relaxing so that he can reach as far as he likes. Just when I think that I can’t take him another millimetre, he pulls back so that his tip grazes against my teeth, giving me a second to recover, before he pushes forward again, his hands hard on the back of my head.

‘I’m fucking your mouth,’ he says in a low voice. ‘I want to fuck you like this till I come, do you understand?’

I nod as I go on letting him slide in and out of my mouth, following his retreat with my darting tongue and then welcoming him back with my open throat. He starts to fuck me a little harder. Now I begin to move my head back and forth just a little, so that when he pushes in, I’m pulling back just enough to stop him ramming down my throat altogether, but not so that it interferes with his pleasure or the sensation he has that he’s getting his entire cock into me.

‘Stop,’ he commands suddenly, and I let his shaft slide from my mouth, releasing him. His cock stands before me, glossy with my saliva. I’m hungry at the sight of it, my appetite growing. But if Dominic has decided not to come quite yet, then I’m sure he has something interesting planned for me. ‘I’d like to see you play with yourself for me. But,’ he warns, ‘don’t come.’

Oh boy. That’s going to be hard.
I’m hot now, aroused and ready to do whatever he wants. I’ve never felt like this before. When I was last in the boudoir, I had boundaries to deal with, as well as my own fear and trepidation of what might happen to me. But now I’ve learned that my body has limits far beyond what I suspected. I know that pleasure comes from abandonment, not from repression or playing it safe. Out of the bedroom, I may not want to be a slave or a possession, but in it I know I can find delicious satisfaction from being dominated by my masterful, my voluptuous, licentious, demanding lover. My body is his to use, because I know he’ll use it to bring me to a state of ecstasy as well as for his own pleasure.

I want to obey his orders. I roll on to my back and drop my fingers between my legs. I’m soaking wet with  juices.

‘Not like that. I can’t see. Kneel up and hold yourself so that I can watch.’

I do as he says, turning to face him on my knees, raising myself up so that my crotch is almost level with his face as he reclines on the pillows. One of his hands rests lazily on his erection as he gazes with dark, lustful eyes at my mound.

‘Go on,’ he says. ‘Do it.’

I run my forefinger slowly down my stomach to my patch of downy hair, then let it tickle gently around my lips and the clitoris I can feel emerging stiffly from the top of my slit. Dominic licks his lips swiftly and I can tell that he is imagining what it would be like to lean over and suck on it, pulling it into his mouth and nipping it with his teeth. The thought makes me even wetter and my clitoris twitches for attention. With his burning gaze on me, I put my middle finger on the very sweetest place and give a rapid stroke that makes my thighs shudder as the electric sensations shoot out. Once I would have found this impossible to do in front of someone. Now I’m worried that I’ll come too soon. But I have to obey, so I circle my bud with my finger and then begin to tease it, moaning softly as my body obeys and ripples sweet electricity outwards. Almost without being aware of it, I cup my breast with the other hand, pinching and rubbing the nipple which increases my excitement even more.

Dominic is watching intently, his hand still on his erection, though he isn’t moving it. ‘Push your fingers inside,’ he orders.

I run my fingertips down into my wet groove and then push them up into the slippery warmth within. I can feel my fingers inside, and I start to rise and fall on them, fucking myself with them. Dominic pulls in a deep breath and his hand twitches over his length. I know that I’m tantalising him almost to his limits.

‘Good,’ he says, his voice low and thick with lust. ‘Very good. I like that. I want to fuck you before you give yourself the orgasm you want. But first...’

He gets off the bed and goes to the cabinet. I watch, taking my fingers back to my engorged clitoris, as he opens the cupboard and removes a length of rope. He brings it over to the bed and says, ‘Get off and put your arms together above your head.’

I do as he says, pressing my hands together. He takes the rope and lashes it quickly from just up above my elbows up to my wrists, leaving a long end by my hands. ‘Get on the bed with your back to the railings. Kneel with your legs apart.’

I obey again. He pulls the rope back and tethers it to the bedrail, forcing me to lean backwards. Now my arms are held tightly to the rail, while my thighs are stretched and my body is open and exposed, my sex pouting forward. I realise quickly that if I try to lean forwards, my arms begin to hurt, but if I relieve the pain in my arms by leaning back, my thighs immediately protest. There’s only one position somewhere between the two where I find relief, so I settle there as best I can while Dominic gets on the bed and watches me for a while, evidently enjoying my writhings and twistings to get comfortable.

‘I want to lick all the honey from you,’ he says in a dark voice. ‘But keep your pleasure back for later – understand?’

I nod, running my tongue over my lips.

‘Close your eyes. Don’t open them.’

I shut them, and all at once it’s as if everything is concentrated in my sex. All I know is that at some moment soon, I’ll be gifted with the delightful touch of my master’s tongue and I want it so much I’m almost whimpering with it. As I wait, I shift to relieve the tension in first my arms and then my legs.
This is unbearable.

I want to open my eyes but I fear that if I do, Dominic will punish me further by tying me tighter or holding back even longer from licking me, and I crave that tongue in me, it’s the only thing that can answer the need that’s burning there.

I wait and then, at last, I feel his breath ripple over my hair, tickling it delightfully, the rapture of it making me jerk and twist in my bonds. I open my thighs wider to tempt him in, but it’s long moments before I feel another tantalising breath shiver over my mound. I let out a noise like a squeak and say, ‘Dominic, please...’

A light slap on my bottom is the only answer I get. I squeeze my eyes shut, fearful I will forget and open them in my breathless anticipation.

I try to be patient.
Be humble and submissive and your master will give you what you want.
But as I wait for what seems like hours, I can hardly control my need, which is intensified by the way I have to keep moving to relieve the pressure in my limbs from the tension of the rope. If I could be still, I could be patient, but my moving keeps my sex hot and ready.

Then I feel the lightest touch, the very tip of his tongue on the apex of my bud, then pressing down a little harder and I let out a long ‘Ahh’ of fervent pleasure and gladness that my wait is over. The tongue probes at me for a moment, finding its way to the hard little seed at the centre of my clitoris and gives it a devilish flutter, before leaving my bud and sliding downwards, lapping slowly all the way as if feasting on my nectar. When he reaches my entrance, he lets his tongue play ticklishly there, sucking and biting gently at my lips before pushing his tongue hard inside and probing me with it. I twist back and forth under the racking sensations that come not just from the delightful activities of Dominic’s tongue but also from the tension of my bonds and the lines of pain that flare out along my arms and thighs when I forget myself and relax. It’s no pressure to keep my eyes shut now though, as I welcome the darkness that lets me focus everything on the feelings that Dominic’s slippery velvet tongue is creating inside me.

BOOK: Secrets After Dark
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