Secrets (29 page)

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Authors: Debbie Viggiano

BOOK: Secrets
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Chapter Seventy


Nine months later

After a failed February wedding, Janey had opted for June nuptials.

‘Flaming June,’ said Susie peering out of the window. Outside it was tipping down.

‘It’s meant to brighten up later,’ said Janey.

The two women were in Janey’s childhood bedroom at Orchard House. Janey could hear her mother fretting downstairs.

‘Derek? Derek! Turn that television off and help me with my zip!’

Susie turned away from the window. ‘Blimey, how does your father stay so calm? I’ve never seen Violet in such a flap. Anybody would think this is a royal wedding the way she’s been jack-booting around.’

‘It’s understandable I suppose,’ Janey shrugged. She was standing in front of the long mirror applying the finishing touches to her make-up. ‘Her only daughter is getting married. It’s a big deal for her.’ When Janey had planned her wedding to Jake, she’d organised everything herself. As the plans had started to get underway this time around, Derek had taken Janey to one side for a quiet word.

‘Mum was a bit hurt at being excluded last time around,’ Derek had said in a confidential tone. ‘Perhaps you could let her take care of things this time?’

Janey had immediately delegated everything to her mother with a sigh of relief, not least because she wanted to avoid a sensation of jinxing things by doing it all herself. She hadn’t told a soul, but in truth she’d recently suffered unsettling flashbacks to the wedding-that-never-was. Consequently there was an element of paranoia and a need to do everything differently this time. So the previous winter wedding had been exchanged for an early summer wedding. The one bridesmaid – Susie – had now become two with the addition of Emma. There was even an adorable little flower girl in the angelic form of Anna. Joe was no longer best man, instead teaming up with Sanjay to be both usher and witness, and Adrian was Garth’s best man. There was even a different vicar to conduct the marriage. Only two things remained as before – the church and Janey’s wedding gown.

‘I’m surprised you didn’t give that dress to the jumble sale,’ said Susie scornfully.

Janey sighed. Her oldest friend had lost none of her ability to be caustic. ‘It cost me an absolute bomb, Susie. It was never going to end up on Mrs Jones’s charity stall, or on a mannequin in a charity shop window. Not many brides want a second-hand wedding dress, even if it was only worn for an hour.’

‘I think it’s bad luck,’ said Susie darkly.

‘Oh don’t be so dramatic,’ Janey said, faintly annoyed. ‘Jake didn’t even see the dress.’

‘No, his wife did instead. That’s even worse if you want my opinion.’

‘Well I don’t,’ said Janey. Her tone indicated the subject was closed. ‘Now are you going to help me into my dress?’

‘I suppose so,’ Susie sniffed. ‘I don’t know why that Emma couldn’t have got ready with us too.’ Susie helped Janey lift the heavy dress on its hanger and remove its dust cover. Carefully they shook out the skirts.

‘Emma has Anna to see to as well,’ said Janey as she carefully posted one leg into the dress. ‘Anna is quite a handful. Emma thought it better to let me get ready quietly, which I appreciated actually. She’ll join us on the way to the church.’

Susie sniffed again as she raised the dress up Janey’s body, helping her put her arms through the sleeves. ‘Can’t say I care for that Emma too much.’


‘Very full of herself, if you ask me.’

‘She’s not so bad.’

‘You think?’ Susie began the laborious task of doing up all the tiny buttons at the rear of the dress.

‘What’s that supposed to mean?’ asked Janey.

‘Well she wanted your fiancé, remember? So I’d watch her closely if I were you.’

Janey laughed dismissively. ‘Emma never truly wanted Garth. It was always Adrian she loved.’

‘So she’s also a manipulative cow. I mean, fancy trying to cuckold Garth into bringing up his brother’s kiddie!’

Janey sighed. ‘Look, Suze, it’s all in the past. Water under the bridge. Fortunately all’s well that ends well. I for one am delighted; otherwise I wouldn’t be marrying the man of my dreams.’

‘And you’re absolutely sure Garth
the man of your dreams?’

‘Yes! What a ridiculous thing to ask.’

‘It’s just that you thought Jake was the man of your dreams too.’

‘Yes, I did,’ said Janey quietly. ‘Once upon a time. But he turned out to be a nightmare.’

‘How do you know Garth won’t end up being a nightmare too? There’s always going to be a part of him hankering after that little girl. Anna. I’m not sure I could cope with that.’

‘Well you don’t have to,’ said Janey lightly, ‘because you’re not the one marrying him.’

‘Aren’t you niggled by it?’

‘What – that Garth loves and adores his niece? Now you’re being ridiculous. Firstly it tells me Garth is going to be a great dad to our own children one day. Secondly, you seem to forget that Adrian, Emma and Anna all live five thousand miles away. They aren’t exactly going to be in our faces every day.’

‘Thank heavens for small mercies,’ said Susie disdainfully. ‘Otherwise that Adrian could prove to be a total distraction.’

Janey stared at Susie in the long mirror. ‘What on earth are you on about now?’

‘Adrian.’ Susie gave Janey a sly look. ‘I certainly wouldn’t say no.’

‘Susie, let me just get one thing crystal clear,’ said Janey sternly. ‘I fancy the pants off Garth. Not Adrian. I’m
in love with Garth. Adrian doesn’t even figure on my radar. And one word of advice to you – don’t try to seduce the best man.’

‘There’s no harm in flirting,’ said Susie petulantly. ‘You don’t want me batting my eyelids at him because he’s the sort of man who drops his trousers at a whiff of skirt. He’d be putty in my hands.’ Susie smirked, pleased at such a thought.

‘Look, how he behaved in the past is his business. He’s meant to be totally reformed.’

‘So he’ll be impervious to my charms then, won’t he,’ said Susie defiantly.

‘I’m one-hundred-per-cent sure Arian will be,’ said Janey carefully. ‘However, I’d really appreciate you not making a play for him. I don’t want my sister-in-law upset.’

‘Oh give over,’ Susie muttered. ‘I was only having a joke.’

‘Not funny.’

There was a knock on the door. A moment later it pushed open and Violet stood there. ‘Darling!’ she cried. ‘You look absolutely stunning.’ Janey smiled in response. Her mother’s appearance was a welcome interruption to Susie’s constant harping. ‘Meanwhile, I’ve had a disaster. I’ve laddered my tights and, foolishly, don’t have a spare pair. Can I pinch some from you?’

‘I have a spare pair of hold-ups.’ Janey pointed to the dressing table. ‘Will they do?’

Violet bustled over to inspect the unopened packet. ‘I don’t know. I think I’d rather have tights. If your father saw me in hold-ups he might think I’m having a mid-life crisis.’

Janey laughed. ‘Well the offer is there.’

‘Oh dear,’ Violet dithered. ‘They’re not really the right shade. Thanks anyway, but I’ll despatch your father to the corner shop to get me some more.’ And with that Violet strode out of the bedroom like a woman on a mission. ‘Derek? Derek! Where are you? I need tights.’ The door closed leaving Janey and Susie staring after her. Moments later Violet’s voice drifted back. ‘Not a
, you silly man. TIGHTS!’

‘Just think,’ Susie sighed. ‘Thirty-something years from now and that could be you screeching at Garth.’

‘I hope not,’ said Janey sincerely. ‘Anyway, it could just as easily be you. I’m not the only one with the monopoly on getting hitched.’

Susie screwed up her nose. ‘There’s just one problem. Sean hasn’t popped the question.’

‘Well try and sweeten up and then he might,’ said Janey wryly.

‘Are you suggesting I’m a miserable old bat or something?’

‘Yes,’ Janey smiled amiably. ‘You have a tongue like a viper.’

The distant sound of the front door slamming interrupted their conversation. Seconds later the door could be heard being yanked back on its hinges. ‘And make sure they’re
Natural Tan
,’ Violet shrieked. ‘Not
Nearly Nude
, or
Barely Black
, or–’

‘YES, DEAR!’ Derek’s voice, full of impotent fury, floated back to Janey and Susie.

‘Poor chap,’ Susie grimaced.

A moment later Violet’s head appeared around the bedroom door again. ‘I just want you to know that everything is under control,’ she said in an unnaturally high voice.

‘Mum, just try and relax, eh?’

‘I’m perfectly calm,’ said Violet, sounding anything but. ‘Your brother and Sanjay are taking selfies in their room and might as well be on another planet for all the assistance they’ve given.’

Susie had finished buttoning up Janey’s dress. ‘Can I do anything to help, Violet?’

‘Oh, you are a dear.’ Violet gripped the door frame. ‘I think I need to lie down for five minutes and catch my breath. The florist should be along any minute. Would you kindly listen out for the doorbell?’

‘Of course!’ said Susie moving towards the door. ‘No problem.’

‘Thank you, dear.’ And with that Violet tottered off to her bedroom, emotionally spent.

Susie paused in the doorway. ‘Blimey, she’s got the rest of the day to get through yet. If this is what planning a wedding is like, I think I’ll pass on getting married.’ Janey mentally rolled her eyes. Both women knew Susie would have given anything to be the one dressed in floor-length ivory silk. ‘Actually, Janey, would
mind listening out for the doorbell for a mo. I need the loo.’

‘Okay,’ said Janey following Susie out onto the landing. ‘You can help me with the veil when you’re done.’

Susie had barely locked herself in the bathroom when the doorbell rang. Derek had his house key, so Janey knew it would be the florist. She made towards the stairs just as the doorbell rang again. Gathering up her skirts, she began to descend the staircase. She was only half-way down when the doorbell rang for a third time.

‘Coming!’ she yelled. ‘Give me a moment.’ The doorbell went into overdrive and began to ring in frantic urgent bursts. Janey mentally tutted. ‘I can hear you!’ she called. She came off the last step and touched down in the hallway. Her skirts rustled like falling leaves as she hastened towards the front door. The bell ringer had now taken to leaning on the button. It was starting to make Janey’s ears ring too. ‘For goodness
,’ she said crossly. ‘I’m right here! Would you mind terribly–’ But as she released the latch and allowed the door to swing open, whatever she’d been about to say next died on her lips. Janey gasped and leant against the door frame for support. For there, standing on the doorstep and looking as drop-dead gorgeous as ever, was Jake.


Chapter Seventy-One


Time stood still. Janey stared at the face of the man she’d last seen on the morning of another wedding day. There was an instant feeling of déjà vu, swiftly followed by disbelief, then nausea. Janey swallowed down a retch. Her breathing seemed to stop, as if somebody had pressed a pause button deep within her ribcage. Jake stared at her, his face a mixture of longing and desperation. He was the first to break the silence.

‘Janey.’ His voice was little more than a sigh. His eyes drank in her lovely face. He watched her staring at him, unblinking, like a rabbit caught in headlights. Words formed on her lips but caught in her throat and came out as incomprehensible noise. He willed her to say something. Shaking her head, she reached out to steady herself. In an instant he’d grabbed her hand. She broke eye contact to stare at her hand caught within his. Jake watched her shake her head again while her eyes…oh those beautiful eyes…stayed wide and disbelieving. ‘Janey,’ he repeated. ‘I don’t know where to begin, but I urgently need to talk to you.’

Janey’s eyes flicked back to Jake’s face. He was staring at her intensely. His face showed so many emotions. Heartbreak…sorrow…pain. Jake reached for her other hand.

‘Can I come in?’ he asked. ‘Please?’

Janey continued to be incapable of speech. It was as if she’d been struck dumb. Jake took the initiative and stepped over the threshold, propelling her back into the hall. The action broke her stupor. She snatched her hands away as if scalded.

‘Get away from me,’ she croaked. Her hands flew upwards, as if raising some invisible shield to block his touch.

‘I don’t mean any harm,’ Jake hastily assured. ‘I just want to talk.’ Janey made a strangled noise by way of answer. ‘Let’s go in here,’ he said gently and guided her into the lounge. He had been to Orchard House many a time in the past and knew his way around. ‘Where are Violet and Derek?’

Janey couldn’t believe this was happening. Everything was suddenly a blend of madness and normality. Jake was starting to sound almost matter of fact. Whether that was intentional, or just some sort of monumental effort on his part, she didn’t know. She found herself allowing this altered state of reality to wash over her. Time simply fell away. In that moment it became the day she’d last seen Jake. That morning he’d made love to her for the last time before disappearing out of her life, leaving her to pick up the pieces.

‘Where have you been?’ she whispered. The detached part of Janey’s mind wondered what sort of absurd question this was.

‘Elsewhere,’ Jake shrugged. ‘I ran away. Panicked. Somehow I’d fallen into a crazy situation – living a double life.’

Janey gazed at him incredulously. ‘
?’ she hissed. ‘What do you mean,
? Did you
forget you had a wife…children…and a mortgage on a family home at the other end of the country?’ Janey listened to herself finally managing to speak clearly. The detached part of her rebalanced, merging back as one. Later she would compare it to an out-of-body experience, watching a woman dressed in bridal glory berating a distraught man. But right now dormant emotions were making a fast and furious comeback. Anger erupted from a long-ago hidden place. Like Pandora’s Box with the lid flying off, so many unanswered questions roared through Janey’s mind. Her brain sorted through them at record speed. Right now, there was only one thing she wanted to know.

‘What the hell are you doing here?’ she demanded.

‘Listen to me,’ Jake said quietly, his tone almost pacifying. ‘I know this is unexpected, me turning up out of the blue.’ Janey’s lip curled by way of response. ‘But I had to see you. I want to put things right.’ Jake caught the disbelieving look on Janey’s face. ‘I mean
right. No, don’t say anything. Please. Just…sit down…for a minute, and hear me out.’

‘Don’t you
invite me to sit down in my own parents’ home!’ she spat. Nonetheless she sank down onto a sofa. Her legs were suddenly incapable of supporting her.

‘Please, Janey.’ Jake sounded close to tears. He dropped to his knees, shuffling across the small carpeted space between them. He stopped in front of her, his face full of remorse.

‘You could have got in touch with me before now,’ Janey argued. ‘Of all the ill-timed moments to stage a comeback and–’

‘I know…I know,’ said Jake. He sounded genuinely distraught. ‘But I wanted to explain before you walked off down the aisle and out of my life.’

I was getting married…
getting married…today?’ Janey gasped. ‘So you’ve come here to deliberately upset my wedding?’

‘No!’ Jake cried. He put his hands up in protest. ‘No, that’s absolutely not true. I arrived in Little Cobbleton early this morning. I went to Rose Cottage, our house–’

‘I haven’t lived there since you vanished into thin air.’

‘I gathered,’ Jake’s voice was thick with unshed tears. ‘And then, as only this village is capable of doing, the gossips put me straight…that you’d met some famous novelist and had been living with him for the last year or more, and were due to get hitched. When I found out it was today of all days, and you were getting ready at your parents’ home, I just legged it over here as fast as I could.’

‘So here you are!’ Janey sneered. ‘But you’re too late.’ Her voice sounded harsh. Horrible. She didn’t recognise it.

‘It’s never too late,’ Jake beseeched. ‘I made the biggest cock-up of my life. And why? Because I fell in love with you. If I’m guilty of anything, it’s love. You simply cannot comprehend how you turned my emotions upside down, Janey. You have no idea just how much I loved you.’ He took her hands again. ‘
love you.’

Janey felt powerless to remove her hands from his. Right now she didn’t have the wherewithal to even hoist herself up from this sofa. Suddenly she was as weak as a kitten. Her body started to shake. Shock was registering. The only strength she retained was in her voice. ‘Well you certainly managed to turn a few other people’s lives upside down, including your wife’s. How
Marie by the way? Does she have any idea her unfaithful husband is two-hundred-and-fifty miles away trying to explain his near criminal actions to the woman he almost committed bigamy for?’

‘Marie and I are divorced,’ said Jake quietly.

‘Is that meant to make me feel better?’ said Janey bitterly.

‘Just hear me out. Please,’ Jake implored. ‘On the morning of our wedding day, I made love to you, remember?’ Jake was rewarded with a look of disgust. Ignoring it, he ploughed on. ‘I told you from the moment I first met you, I was under your spell. You bewitched me and transported me to a place of insanity. And that is all I can say in my defence. I fell madly in love with you.
being the key word…I wanted to be with you. I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you.’

‘I see,’ said Janey sarcastically. ‘However, usually people bother to get divorced before they book Wedding Number Two.’

Jake hung his head. His hands were still firmly holding on to Janey’s, denying her any attempt to shrug off his touch. He looked up at her again. ‘I’m begging you to listen to me. As much as I loved you, I had two little girls who I also adored. It was my kids that brought me back to my senses…my girls took me fleeing back to Manchester with my tail between my legs.’

‘Do you know your wife turned up at Rose Cottage on the day of our wedding?’

‘Yes. There was a lot of explaining to do when Marie and I…well…when we caught up with each other.’

‘You don’t say!’ Janey mocked.

‘I love you, Janey. I love you. Only you.’

The shrill of the doorbell made them both jump. Susie’s voice floated down the stairs.

‘Janey? Where are you?’

Jake’s grip on Janey’s hands tightened. ‘I apologised to Marie…for what it was worth…and we tried to rock along together for the sake of our girls.’

‘I’m touched.’

Jake looked at Janey in anguish. ‘Please, just listen. The relationship never recovered and eventually turned to ashes. I’m now divorced.’

‘Am I meant to be thrilled?’

Jake ignored Janey’s scorn and carried on. ‘I’m still a doting dad to my girls, but I’ve done things properly now. Like I should have done in the first place.’

The doorbell burst into life again.

‘Janey!’ Susie cried. ‘Where the heck are you?’

‘Derek? Derek!’ Violet’s voice came next.

Suddenly there were two sets of feet frantically pounding down the stairs followed by Susie’s voice in the hallway. ‘Oh my goodness, Mrs Richardson. I think Janey’s done a runner.’

‘Don’t be ridiculous,’ Violet gasped. ‘She wouldn’t do such a thing…would she?’

The sound of the front door opening filtered into the lounge where Janey and Jake remained frozen, simply staring at each other, hands still linked.

‘Yoo hoo!’ came a male voice. It was Derek. ‘I have your tights, darling. Oh, and the florist is here.’

‘You’ve been gone ages. Where on earth have you been?’ Violet demanded. ‘Have you been drinking? Oh good heavens. You have! You
of whiskey.’

‘Just the one, my petal. I bumped into old Albert down the road who insisted on buying me a sniffed whifter. I mean, a swift snifter.’

‘I’ll deal with you in a minute, Derek Richardson,’ said Violet sounding absolutely livid. ‘Now get out of the way and let the florist in.’

‘Mrs Richardson,’ said Susie. ‘I don’t want to alarm you, but I really think we should find Janey.’

From inside the lounge Janey was the first to break the bubble she and Jake had been locked in. ‘I’m in here, everybody.’

A second later the lounge door flew open with Susie practically falling into the room, closely followed by Violet, Derek, and the florist – who was Mrs Jones’s niece. Janey inwardly groaned. How long until this cosy scenario was being relayed all over Little Cobbleton? At the sight of Jake on his knees before Janey, everybody stopped in their tracks. Susie’s jaw fell open, Violet let out a little whimper and Derek’s benign expression turned from surprise to fury.

‘What the hell are you doing here?’ he roared.

Without missing a beat Jake scrambled to his feet, hauling Janey up with him. He looked Derek firmly in the eye. ‘Mr Richardson, I’ve come to formally ask permission to marry your daughter.’ Then turning back to Janey, Jake gave her a desperate look. ‘Janey…will you marry me?’

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