Secret life: firsthand accounts of UFO abductions (8 page)

BOOK: Secret life: firsthand accounts of UFO abductions
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There was a window there, you say?
So the blue light is sort of aiming at you from behind.
As you notice this blue light, what is Tom doing?
Has he stopped?
No, it’s like he’s not there. It’s like he’s in a trance, he’s just lying there.
He’s lying there on your side?
He’s sort of next to me. He’s not moving.
But he was on top of you just before?
Yes, he was.
Now, as you see Tom lying there, there’s this blue light, do you get the sense that you and Tom are alone in the room?
Not anymore.
What’s going on in there? What do you see?
When I saw the light it’s like the window disappeared. It’s like something came through it.
You mean, sort of from over your head?
Yeah, because I was lying down [their heads were at the foot of the bed].
When you say something came through, what kind of a sense do you get of that? What do you think it might have been?
… I kept telling them to leave me alone, to stop using me because I told Tom I want another baby and I can’t get pregnant if they keep bugging me, if they’re messing my cycle up.
Are you saying this in your bedroom right then and there?
I feel like I’m still in the bedroom. I don’t feel like I’ve left.
When you say “them,” are you talking about more than….
I think there were two of them there.
Are they big, medium, small?
They were shorter than I am.
Where are they in relation to you?
They’re standing up against the bed.
Do they come up to you? Of course, if they’re next to the bed they’re fairly close, I would assume.
Well, let’s sort this out then. You’re lying in bed, you see a blue light, you see these little guys in the room. Tom is off to the side now.
He’s sort of in a trance. Are his eyes open, or are they closed?
I can’t see, he’s not facing me. They’ve got him moved from the way he was.
And these guys sort of come up to the side of the bed?
Right, they were standing up next to me.
Do you sit up, for instance?
I try, but they kept telling me it was all right, just to lie down. And I couldn’t move, I felt like I was just frozen in that position….

Nancy went on to describe an abduction event filled with physical and mental procedures that happened while her husband “waited” for her. The Beings then returned her to her original position in the bed.

What happens next? Do you just continue to lie there, or…
I don’t think they were there that long, I don’t remember how long it was, but they left and, I think, the next thing I remember is, Tom was on top of me again, and that’s when I felt the shock.
(“Nancy,” 1988)

An abduction from a car usually begins with a UFO sighting. The abductee may be driving alone when suddenly she sees a strange object flying through the air or even hovering off the side of the road. The victim pulls over and gets out, ostensibly to take a better look at it. Then for no apparent reason she walks toward the object now on the ground. As she gets closer she notices that the Small Beings are apparently waiting for her near it. She is not necessarily frightened, but she is uneasy, yet she cannot stop walking toward them. She comes up to them and they escort her into the object.

If she is driving and spots an object that appears to land out of view, she might stop the car and walk to an area off the road, with trees or heavy foliage, where she thinks the object has landed. She comes to a clearing where a Small Being joins her; they walk for a short distance toward a UFO resting on the ground and enter it.

If the person is in the car with other people, the aliens switch off the nontargeted individuals. For example: Several people are riding at night and the abductee is one of the passengers. Suddenly they spot a strange light in the sky that gives off an eerie glow and begins to move closer to them. Inexplicably, the driver pulls the car over to the side of the road and stops. The UFO shines a light directly on them. The abductee is excited and frightened; she yells at the driver to keep going, but it is too late. The driver and the other two people have “vacant” looks on their faces, and their heads are leaning against the window or the seat. The victim realizes in horror that her friends are “unconscious.” Their perceptions and information processing have been disrupted, and they no longer are in control of their senses, memories, or wills.

Then the light beam that was shining on the car takes on a different character. It has a physically compelling or pulling effect on the abductee. Her consciousness is altered, and it is difficult for her to understand what is happening. Before she realizes it, she floats up off her seat and heads directly through the windshield and up. She ascends as if she were on an invisible elevator until she reaches the UFO.

Will Parker, a computer programmer, was driving with his first wife, Ginny, through Virginia late one night in 1974. He inexplicably pulled into a closed gas station in a small town, turned off the motor and the lights, and waited in the darkness. A hypnosis session with
me fourteen years later revealed why he had performed this seemingly inexplicable act.

So we’re sitting there. I keep thinking. I don’t know why we keep waiting. Nothing’s come by. There’s nothing out there.
Are you talking with each other while you’re waiting?
Yes, we’re just talking. We’re both kind of jumpy….
You sit there talking.
Yes. She’s telling me to be quiet, she thought she heard something.
I don’t see anything, I’m looking around. I don’t know. I didn’t hear anything, but she said she did.
Does she hear a noise that’s coming from the front, the back, the side?
She didn’t say, she just said she thought she heard something. She didn’t say what kind of noise, she said she was sure she saw a light.
While you’re sitting there, or before?
Before. She said that there’s someone out there. Oh, shit.
What is it?
Yeah, I see them. Ginny, she’s shocked. She’s praying.
What do you see?
Little guy, he’s outside the car, and he’s not human. He’s, he ought to be cold because he hasn’t got a coat on. I’ve seen this
before, but I didn’t remember it until now. Now Ginny is quiet. I’m turning to her, but she’s just, she’s asleep is what she is.
Are her eyes closed?
No, they’re not, but she looks like she’s drifting off. They got me out of the car.
Do you open the car door, or do they…?
I don’t remember, I don’t think I opened it. I’m out of the car now, and she’s sitting in the car. I keep thinking I want to lock it up, but I can’t get to the car. I don’t want anyone to get in to her, because she’s by herself.
Does she get out of the car also?
No, she’s asleep.
They don’t take her out of the car?
No. I keep thinking I don’t want them to take me away from the car, but I’m afraid she’s going to be scared when she wakes up and I’m not there for her. We’re going around the building. It’s dark. There are a bunch of them.
How many do you think there are?
Four, maybe five. It’s weird. I’m saying, “Where are the rest?” But they don’t say anything to me.
When you talk to them, are you verbalizing?
I’m not sure. I think so, but it’s like they’re not talking back to me, but… they told me that they’ll bring me back. They’re not going to hurt me. I’m not scared. I’m surprised, but I’m not scared. I’m scared for Ginny because I don’t know how she’s going to, she’s not going to remember… They told me she’s not going to remember.

The Beings took Will around to the back of the service station where they all stood around in a tight group.

We’re just in the back of the building. It’s dark.
You’re behind the building?
We’re behind the building. We’re just standing there, like in a group….
Do they say what they’re waiting for, or what’s happening?
I know what they’re waiting for, they’re waiting to be picked up, but they… it’s here. It’s not very big. It’s bigger than the building, but it’s not huge. We’re going underneath it. We’re just, it’s like it’s opening up, but I don’t see any door. It’s just like it’s open. We’re going up inside.
How do you go up inside?
I’m not sure. It’s like we’re on an elevator, but it’s open. I’m not sure. We were on the ground a moment ago, now we’re inside. It’s like we were lifted up, but nothing grabbed hold of me. I can still see the ground and earth underneath, but it’s closing off. I can’t see it that well. It’s not all that bright inside either, it’s kind of dark.
(Will Parker, 19, 1974)

Sometimes the abductee will inexplicably get into her car and drive to a specific location where the abduction will take place. The abductee does not think about why she is doing this, or she invents a reason so that her behavior conforms to logic and reality. For example, the abductee tells herself that she “wanted to take a ride” or that she was “going to visit friends.” When asked where she went, she is at a loss to remember or makes up another excuse that she later realizes is not true.

The critical point is that the abductee’s activity can be altered somewhat to conform to the dictates of the intelligence that is directing
the behavior. Barney and Betty Hill raced down the highway trying to get away from a UFO when suddenly and for no particular reason Barney made a left turn onto a little-used dirt road leading nowhere. He made it with such confidence that Betty thought he knew exactly what he was doing and did not question it.

Patti Layne, a high school teacher with an ivory complexion and dark hair, indicated to me that she had a few memories that had upset her, but she did not know what had prompted them. Subsequent hypnotic regressions with me uncovered a series of abductions throughout her lifetime. In one that took place on her twentieth birthday, Patti decided to get into the car and go for a drive in the mountains. At the time she was attending college in a small town in Pennsylvania.

I was living in the apartment complex on campus, right in front of the health center, and I had my own car, and I just wanted to get out. I had to get out.
I don’t know, I wanted to get out, and I knew I had to go by myself.
Do you think it’s because you were excited about your birthday, or… ?
No, depressed, but nothing I couldn’t handle. I just had to… find this place in the mountains and I would feel better. I wouldn’t feel depressed.
So you got into the car and drove off toward the mountains?
I want you to sort of see yourself driving there. Do you kind of know where you’re going?
Kind of. I went out the campus, to the left, down English Street, make a left on Queen Road, go out to Mountain Street…. I
stayed on Queen Road until I got to Pine Road, and went right, and I just stayed on that for a long time. I made a right on Bluff Road… I got up to the mountains, to the foot of the mountains, and there were some dirt roads, and I don’t know where those dirt roads were. I don’t know what direction off of Bluff Road they were.
Did you turn off Bluff Road onto one of the dirt roads, though?
Hmm, I think I made a left on Aviation Road after Bluff Road, and I think I went out that, and there were some dirt roads up near there off of Aviation Road, and I could see the roads better. I didn’t know where, I forgot where Bluff Road went until just now, and it goes to Aviation, and I made a left on Aviation and then I kind of draw my blank, but I know there were dirt roads, and I followed one up to the mountains. There are some real ramshackle houses.
What are you thinking while you’re doing this?
Why am I doing this? I have a night class tonight, I should be studying for it. Why am I out here by myself?
You drive out past these ramshackle houses. Do you remember stopping the car, or the car stopping?
The car stopped. It just stopped on this road, and there weren’t any houses nearby. And I started to try to start it up, and I wanted it in reverse to get out of there, and I rode backward. I think it started again, I went backward.
Now before it started again, when the car stopped, did the car just die?
Maybe I stopped it. I think I put it in park and sat there and waited for something.
And as you’re sitting there for a while, can you tell me what’s happening as you’re sitting there waiting?

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