Secret Desires (5 page)

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Authors: Cat Fields

BOOK: Secret Desires
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The three of them waved goodbye as their parents were taken away by a taxi to go to the airport.

Rory, and Rachel all stood in the doorway and looked at each other. Finally Rachel broke the silence. ‘So, party at our house?’

‘Hell yes!’ said Rory.

Tate chewed on the inside of his cheek. He wasn’t fond of crowd. ‘I dunno. Maybe we shouldn’t’

‘C’mon, they won’t care,’ said Rory. ‘We’re always having parties.’




Within an hour Rory and Rachel had called everyone they knew, and a party was being organized.

‘How many people are coming?’ asked Tate.

‘We’ll I’ve got at least thirty friends coming, and Rory probably has the same.’

‘Sixty people?’ Tate repeated. ‘Isn’t that a bit much?’

‘No way!’ said Rachel. ‘Also, you need to invite all of your friends, too.’

‘My friends?’ Tate had never had many friends in high school He’d been the loner type.

Rachel looked at him sympathetically. ‘Do you have anyone to invite?’

Tate shrugged. ‘I’m not really in the mood to see anyone,’ he lied.

Rachel waved a hand. ‘That doesn’t matter. You can meet our friends. I have lots of single girl friends.’

This raised Tate’s hopes for the evening. Perhaps he could be introduced to one of Rachel’s pretty friends. Of course, if he was going to get laid, he could do it on the couch. He supposed he could use his father’s bedroom while he way away.




By nine o’clock at night the house was filled with well over sixty people. It appeared that everyone had brought a friend, and now the house was full to the brim. There had to be at least one-hundred people at this party. It seemed Rory and Rachel were quite popular.

Alcohol flowed freely, and by midnight most party-goers were extremely intoxicated, Rachel and Rory included. Tate had had a couple of drinks, but was not as inebriated as the others. He still had his wits about him.

Perhaps that was why he was having trouble talking to any of the women. He’d barely had a conversation all night. But it wasn’t for lack of trying.

He sat alone on the couch as people chattered around him, staggering this way and that. He hadn’t seen Rory for a couple of hours, and was sure he’d retired to his bedroom with a young lady who was far too drunk to make an educated decision.

‘Hey!’ Rachel jumped into the seat next to Tate, grinning broadly. ‘Are you having a good time?’ she asked.

‘Yeah,’ Tate lied. ‘It’s a great party.’

‘I know, right?’ agreed Rachel, swaying slightly. ‘Did you meet my friend Sarah?’

‘Is that the blonde one?’ Tate asked. ‘Yeah, she wasn’t very interested in me.’

‘Aw, that’s too bad,’ said Rachel. ‘I thought you were just her type.’

‘Apparently not,’ he shrugged.

It was clear that Rachel was extremely drunk. She squinted at Tate as though she could not keep him in focus.

‘So why don’t you have a girlfriend, Tate?’ she asked, slopping her drink on his jeans. ‘Oh, I’m so sorry!’

‘It’s okay,’ he said, waving a hand. ‘Don’t worry about it.’

‘I’ll get a towel!’ said Rachel. She hopped up and dashed into the kitchen, bringing back a tea-towel. She dabbed the damp patch on the leg of Tate’s Jeans, apologizing profusely. Tate found it extremely uncomfortable to have his step-sister so close to his crotch.

‘It’s fine, really. You don’t need to do that,’ said Tate, taking the towel from her.

‘I think I’ve had too much to drink,’ said Rachel, her bottom lip pouting.

‘I think so, too,’ he agreed.

‘So you didn’t answer my question,’ said Rachel.

‘What question?’

‘Why don’t you have a girlfriend?’

‘Um, I’m not sure,’ he shrugged. ‘Why don’t you have a boyfriend?’

Rachel rolled her eyes. ‘Boys are stupid. I need a

‘I’m sure you could get any man you want,’ said Tate.

Rachel raised her eyebrows, her gaze unfocused. ‘You really mean that?’ she asked.

‘Yeah,’ said Tate, noticing how close Rachel was getting. He licked his lips nervously and stuttered, ‘Y-you’re gorgeous. Of course you can have anyone you want.’

Rachel grinned. ‘You’re so sweet.’ She hiccupped loudly.

‘I think you’ve had enough,’ said Tate, taking her drink from her.

Rachel nodded. ‘You’re right.’ She looked as though she was about to pass out.

‘Are you all right?’ he asked.

‘Will you … will you take me to my room? I need to lie down.’

, thought Tate. Now he was going to be responsible for the party.

‘All right, come on,’ he said, helping her up from the couch.

Tate led Rachel through the house, towards the staircase. He had to keep ahold of her so she wouldn’t fall down.

‘Hey, what are you doing with her?’ demanded a voice. It was Sarah, Rachel’s friend.

‘Oh, I’m just … it’s … Rachel has had too much to drink,’ he said quickly.

‘So you thought you’d take advantage of her, huh?’ said Sarah, hands on her hips.

‘No, Sarah,’ slurred Rachel. ‘He’s my

‘Oh,’ Sarah frowned.

‘He’s taking care of me. Aren’t you, Tate?’ asked Rachel.

‘Uh-huh. Sure. C’mon, let’s get your upstairs.’

Sarah left Tate and Rachel to climb the stairs alone. Once they were upon the landing, Tate led her to his old bedroom, which had been completely redecorated. The walls were lined with male celebrities, and feminine things.

‘Well, it’s certainly changed in here,’ said Tate.

Rachel giggled and dived for the bed, flopping down with her arms spread wide.

‘I had so much fun, Tate!’ she said. ‘Did you have fun?’

‘Yeah, it was great,’ he lied. ‘Are you going to be all right?’

‘Don’t leave me!’ said Rachel, sitting up. ‘Can you get me a glass of water, please?’

‘Uh, sure. One sec.’

Tate went into the bathroom and poured Rachel a glass of tap water. He could still hear the party continuing downstairs, and wondered how he would get rid of the stragglers.

Rachel drained the glass in three gulps before wiping her mouth and handing it back to Tate.

‘Thank you,’ she said.

‘That’s okay,’ he said, backing towards the door. ‘Well … uh … goodnight then.’

‘No, don’t go,’ Rachel whined, grabbing him by the shirt. ‘I need to get into my pajamas. But I’m too drunk.’

‘I’ll get Sarah to help you,’ said Tate, jerking his thumb at the door.

‘No!’ Rachel said, panicked. ‘I don’t want Sarah to help me. She’ll
my body. She’s so superficial.’

‘I thought she was your friend?’

‘She is.’

Tate frowned. ‘What do you want me to do, then?’

‘Help me?’ Rachel pulled a silky nightdress from under her pillow and showed it to him.

Tate’s arms moved of their own accord. He took the sheer material from Rachel and turned it over in his hands. ‘Okay,’ he said, barely aware of what he was saying.

Rachel stood, and swayed on the spot. She turned her back to Tate and lifted her dress over her head. Tate turned away, ashamed at the arousal he was feeling.

‘Don’t look,’ said Rachel, throwing her dress into a corner.

‘I wont,’ he lied again. Rachel’s silky back looked smooth to the touch. She wore black lingerie, and her hair was in a high bun. Rachel reached around and unfastened her bra, throwing that into the corner too.

Rachel lifted her arms above her head and waited for Tate to slip the night dress over her. He did so, taking great care not to touch her bare skin with his hands.

Finally, the nightdress was covering her body. Tate exhaled, unaware that he’d been holding his breath while he helped Rachel dress.

‘Thank you,’ she said, turning to face him.

He couldn’t help but stare at her pert breasts; her nipples were visible through the thin material. Rachel noticed him looking, and smiled.

‘Getting a good look,
?’ she asked.

‘What? No, I wasn’t. I swear.’

Rachel smirked and looked down at the obvious bulge in Tate’s pants. ‘Really?’

Tate covered his erection and took a step back. ‘I’m really sorry,’ he said.

‘Why?’ said Rachel. ‘It’s a compliment, right?’

Tate was growing increasingly awkward and embarrassed. He had to get out of this room, and away from her intoxicating scent. However the playful smirk on Rachel’s face held him captive.

He tried to think of pure, clean thoughts, but it was difficult with her standing so close.

‘I should go,’ he said.

‘Don’t go,’ Rachel purred, advancing on him.

‘Rachel, please. You’re extremely drunk.’

‘I know what I’m doing,’ she said, grabbing a fistful of his collar.

Rachel slid her hand gently over the bulge in Tate’s jeans. She looked into his eyes, daring him to object.

‘This isn’t a good idea,’ Tate muttered, his breath catching in his chest.

‘Why not?’

‘You’re my step-sister,’ Tate breathed. A small groan escaped his mouth as Rachel applied more pressure to his crotch.

‘We aren’t blood,’ she said, biting her bottom lip.

‘You’re drunk. You don’t know what you’re doing.’

‘I know perfectly well what I’m doing, and what I want,’ she said.

Tate found it difficult to argue. Slowly, Rachel sunk to her knees until her face was directly in front of his crotch. Tate’s throat felt dry, and his heart was pumping wildly as she rubbed her palm over his package. His legs felt like jelly.

Rachel leaned in and kissed Tate’s shaft through the fabric of his jeans, before tracing the outline of his cock with two fingers.

‘You’re big,’ she smiled up at him.

Tate licked his lips, praying for the will power to leave, but he didn’t have it in him.

Rachel unfastened his jeans, massaging his cock through the silky fabric of his boxers. Her tongue slid from between her lips to lick the head, moistening the fabric, and making Tate’s cock jump at the touch.

‘Rachel,’ he muttered. ‘You don’t have to do this.’

‘I want to,’ she whispered. ‘From the moment I saw you.’

‘You shouldn’t. It’s wrong. What if Rory find out? He’ll beat my brains out.’

‘Does it feel wrong?’ asked Rachel.

‘God, no.’

Rachel grasped the elastic waistband on either side of Tate’s shaft, and pulled them down until his cock sprang free.

    She grabbed it at the base, and with the tip of her tongue she touched the shaft about halfway up.

‘You’re bigger than I first though,’ she looked up at him, smirking.

Tate bit down on his bottom lip; the sight of Rachel simply holding his cock was too much for him to bear.

She pressed her tongue against it and dragged it up from the middle of the shaft up to the swollen head. Finally, Rachel opened her mouth wide and encased his member in her mouth.

She slid her mouth up and down over Tate’s cock, her tongue massaging his shaft. He was so aroused that he didn’t think he could hold on for much longer. He wanted nothing more than to sink his cock into her tight, wet, pussy, but he was not the kind of man to take advantage of drunken women.

Tate pulled away at the last second, before it was too late. He was on the edge of orgasm, but was not ready to defile his step-sister’s mouth.

‘What’s the matter?’ she said, looking hurt. ‘Don’t you like it?’

‘More than you know,’ replied Tate breathlessly.

Rachel stood, her eyes boring into Tate’s soul. She stared at him for a long while before speaking. ‘Kiss me,’ she said.

‘I … what?’ Tate stammered.

‘Kiss me,’ she repeated, leaning closer.

Tate gulped loudly, his head spinning, as Rachel’s lips got closer. Finally, her soft mouth was pressed against his, and their tongues met. They breathed in unison, tongues swirling. Tate ran his hand through Rachel’s long hair, holding her close. She held his still erect cock in the palm of her hand, slowly massaging it up and
down as they kissed.

‘You’re driving me mad,’ Tate breathed through the kiss.

‘I’m all yours,’ she replied. Tate didn’t need telling twice. He wanted her more than anything.

wrapped his arms around Rachel and lifted her into a sitting position on the side of her uncluttered desk. His hands moved down and grasped the elastic waistband of her panties. A small wet spot was already visible in the narrow crotch. He pulled them down her sleek thighs and over her shapely calves. Once removed, the legs parted in silent invitation and he glanced down at what was offered; the trimmed rectangular patch of curls and the glistening pink lips nestled within.

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