Secret Desires (3 page)

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Authors: Cat Fields

BOOK: Secret Desires
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They stood there awkwardly for a moment before Blue smiled nervously and left through the front door.

Adam was in a bit of a daze as he floated to his bedroom and flopped down onto the mattress.




Adam did not see Blue emerge from her home for several days. There was no sign of life from the house next door. Perhaps Adam had slipped up. Was there are picture of Madeline somewhere in the sitting room? No, he was sure there wasn’t. There was no explaining her odd behaviour.

Adam was worried about his wife returning home. He had been unfaithful, something he had never done before, and he felt terrible.

His biggest fear was Blue coming to the house and meeting Madeline, however Blue seemed to have dropped off the face of the earth.

Inevitably, Madeline returned home from her business trip, ranting and raving about multiple clients that Adam didn’t care about. He was preoccupied. He started his first day of work at the high school tomorrow.




Adam entered the classroom of the first lesson of the term. There was a sea of students already seated, jabbering away. They hadn’t even noticed him enter. Adam knew that he must assert his dominance over the class. First impressions were everything.

He began, as usual, by writing his name upon the black board.

Mr. Archer.

Turning around he saw that none of the students had bat an eyelid.  Adam hoped that this senior class would not be too troublesome – they were the advanced class after all. Surely they had some interest in English Literature if they had been chosen for the highest scoring class. Adam looked at his watch and timed the students to see how long it would take them to stop talking completely. They seemed to notice and the talking gradually died away.

After five minutes, all of the students were quiet, watching Adam expectantly.

‘Hm. Five minutes,’ he told them. ‘That is how long it took you to stop talking. That is how long you will remain in this classroom after the lunch-time bell has rung.’

The students began to protest loudly, but Adam simply looked at his watch again, to commence timing. They shut up immediately, scowling at him.

‘Excellent,’ Adam clapped his hands together. ‘Now, as you can see, I am Mr. Archer, the new head of the English department. If you want to pass Advanced English Literature, you’re going to have to get past me.’

The teens looked at each other warily. Adam cracked a smile.

‘I don’t mind talking in my class, feel free to chat to the person next to you – but please do not talk whilst I am talking, okay? If you can follow that rule, I’m sure we’ll get along great.’

This seemed to lighten their moods. A few of the girls smiled at him.

Adam pulled out the class roll, and began checking off names. He looked up at each person and tried to remember their faces. He liked knowing each individual student.

‘Mary Black?’

A mousy girl raised her hand and announced herself present.

‘Jessica Cohen?’

A chubby red head threw up her hand.

‘David Forrester?’

A bespeckled boy with a high voice said ‘here’.

‘Rose Goldman?’

No response. Adam looked up and searched the sea of students to see if anyone had raised their hands.

‘Rose Goldman?’ he repeated.

Slowly, the student’s heads began to turn, facing the back of the class. Adam followed their gaze, his eyes searching for what they were looking at.

A trembling hand slowly rose into the air, and Adam felt his stomach drop at the sight of Rose Goldman.

It was Blue.

Adam felt the colour drain from his face. She was here. In his class. There must be a mistake.

Suddenly, Adam understood why Blue had left in such a hurry one week ago. He had told her about his new job – his new job at the local high school. Christ. Adam had already fucked up his new job, before he had even started it. No wonder she had vanished off the face of the earth after their encounter.

Adam realised that he had been standing motionless for far too long. Clearing his throat loudly, his hands shaking, he continued down the list of names.

Adam tried very hard to stay calm for the remainder of the lesson. The students seemed to notice his loss of confidence.

Finally, when the bell rang, Adam tried to catch Blue’s eye, hoping she would see him after class. He needed to explain – he needed her to promise that she wouldn’t tell a soul what had happened between them.

However, as soon as the bell rang, she was the first person out of the door. She kept her head low, and did not make eye contact.

Christ. What If she told someone? He had to talk to her before anyone found out.




Adam didn’t want to draw attention to himself. The only way to talk to Blue … no … Rose Goldman was to ask her to remain after class. He couldn’t approach her in the school yard, and he most certainly would not go and knock upon her door.

The following day, during the period before lunch, Adam tried to catch Rose Goldman talking whilst he was. He didn’t have to wait long. Barely ten minutes into the class and she was muttering to the person adjacent.

‘You there,’ he pointed a finger at her. ‘No talking. See me after class.’

Rose Goldman scowled and stopped talking.

Adam handed out the literature they would be studying that term accompanied by an assignment. They were to read the text and supply a detailed analysis of the themes presented by next week.

‘An assignment?’ One of the boys exclaimed. ‘Already? It’s only the second day of class!’

Adam stopped handing out the books and turned to the boy that had spoken. Dean McGregor, a tall, and muscular boy.

‘Yes, Mr. McGregor, an assignment,’ Adam said coolly. ‘This is Advanced English Literature.’

Grumbling, the class flipped open their books and turned to page one.

By the end of the lesson, everyone was thoroughly miserable. The students slouched from the classroom, muttering darkly about having an assignment due the very next week. Adam didn’t care though. He was waiting for Blue to stay behind at the end of class.

Once the others had filed out, Adam looked up from his desk to see her still sitting in her seat. Everyone else was now at lunch. It was just the two of them.

Adam walked up to her desk, his legs like jelly. She didn’t look up, or acknowledge his presence.

‘We need to talk,’ he said in an undertone. He waited for her to look up, but she didn’t.

‘What about?’ she said, an edge to her voice.

‘You know what,’ Adam said through gritted teeth.

She shrugged, nonchalant. ‘It’s not
who is in deep shit.’

Adam’s throat felt tight. ‘How was I supposed to know?’

Blue shrugged.

‘How … how old are you?’ Adam didn’t know if he wanted to hear the answer.

‘Eighteen,’ she replied.

Well, at least she was legal. The age of consent in this state was sixteen. Regardless, Adam may still be in a lot of trouble.

‘Christ.’ Adam pinched the bridge of his nose. ‘I thought you were older. At least twenty-one. What the fuck is a eighteen year old girl doing, inviting herself over grown men’s houses?’

Blue looked up at him angrily. ‘I was house-sitting,’ she said. ‘My friend’s parents paid me to stay in the house for a few days, and walk their dog, Jett.’

No wonder she had vanished off the face of the earth. She had gone back to her own house.

‘I wanted to do something crazy,’ she said. ‘So I told you a fake name.’

Adam sat down in the chair adjacent, his face in his hands.

‘I don’t know what to do,’ he said. ‘I suppose I could transfer you from my class -’

‘Don’t kick me out of your class,’ she stood, looking down at him.

‘What other choice do I have?’ Adam said, standing also. ‘I can’t keep you in my class –’

Blue shook her head vigorously. ‘I need this class to get into the university I want to go to. Maybe you should go back to your old job before -’

Adam grabbed her by the arm. ‘Don’t you dare tell a soul what happened between … between us.’

Blue’s eye were wide, and for a moment Adam wanted to kiss her again.
. What was wrong with him?

‘I swear, I won’t tell anyone what happened,’ she said.

Adam dropped his hands to his side and sighed. ‘Get out of my sight.’

Blue scurried from the room as fast as she could.




Adam couldn’t get Rose Goldman out of his head for days. He avoided looking at her during classes, and avoided the place where she sat for lunch. The only words they shared with one another was during roll call, when she announced herself present. Adam wanted to put as much distance between himself and his attractive student. After what had happened between them, he could not help but be attracted to her. Every now and then she would float across his mind. He imagined the way she had taken his whole cock in her mouth. Where the fuck did a school girl learn to do that? She probably thought she would never see him again.

The day that the ‘dreaded assignment’ was due, Adam felt a sense of anticipation. He was curious to see how intelligent these kids were. Mostly, he wanted to know how intelligent Rose was. He walked in between the rows of desks, collecting each student’s assignment. To his surprise, everyone handed it in. Not a single person was late.

‘I’m impressed,’ he told them. ‘Not a single person forgot.’

He flicked through the pages that he had collected, and noticed that the messiest handwriting by far was Rose’s.

At three o’clock that afternoon, Adam sat in his office, scanning over the assignments. A red pen dangled from his mouth, and he tapped his foot impatiently. He circled spelling errors liberally.

Knock, knock, knock.
Someone wrapped gently on his door.

‘Come in,’ Adam called. He had expected it to be a fellow teacher, as the school day had ended half an hour ago.

Looking up, he saw that Rose stood in the doorway.

Adam stood at once, knocking his chair to the floor.

‘Blue,’ he said.

‘It’s Rose, remember?’ she stepped into his office and closed the door behind her. Adam wished she hadn’t done that.

‘You shouldn’t be here,’ he told her.

She shrugged and walked across the office until she stood by his desk, ‘I wanted to talk to you about the assignment.’

Adam didn’t believe her.

‘What about it?’

‘Have you looked at it yet?’ She asked.

‘No,’ Adam replied. ‘I haven’t gotten to yours yet. I am sceptical that I will even be able to read it.’

Rose’s cheeks flushed pink, and he was suddenly reminded of the expression she had pulled when coming. He remembered the way she had writhed against the sofa, and how she had grinded her pussy against his mouth. Adam’s trousers twitched. He shook the thoughts from his mind.

‘Why are you really here?’ Adam said, picking his chair up from the ground and walking around the desk.

Rose leant on the desk, casually. Her plaid skirt rose high on her thighs, revealing most of her bare legs. Adam tried very hard not to look, but was unsuccessful.

‘I can’t concentrate in your class,’ she said. She seemed unimpressed, like this whole ordeal was his fault. 

‘Don’t blame me,’ Adam growled. ‘This is your fault.’

‘Me?’ Rose said hotly. ‘You kissed

‘Shut up,’ Adam hissed, grabbing her by the arm. Rose let out a gasp, and shied away from him, as though he might hit her. He worried that someone might overhear them arguing, although that was highly unlikely since most people had left for the day.

‘You should leave,’ Rose glared. ‘I wish you would go back to your old job.’

Adam’s fingers tightened around her arm. ‘I’m not going anywhere,’ he said harshly.

They glared at each other for a long while. Adam’s pulse throbbed rapidly. Rose tried to wrench her arm free of his grip, but Adam couldn’t take it any more. He threw her across his desk, so she was bent over in front of him, her ass in the air.

Rose gasped, sprawled upon the surface, looking back at him over her shoulder. Adam was behind her in an instant, his hand cupping her hot mound over her panties.

‘Adam,’ Rose pleaded. ‘


Adam ignored her. He slipped his fingers inside her panties, and immediately felt the pool of wetness there. She was soaking.

‘Fucking hell,’ Adam growled. ‘You love this, don’t you?’

Rose groaned; her voice was muffled against the wood of the desk. ‘Someone might see,’ she panted.

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