Second Chances (135 page)

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Authors: Chris Hechtl

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Pedro Ruiz: 14-year-old son of Yasmine.


Miriam Ruiz: 12-year-old daughter of Yasmine, love interest to Jake.


Irma Salazar: bush pilot with her own plane.


Jesus Salazar: bush pilot, husband to Irma.


Suzanna Ortega: realtor.


Omar Ortega: husband to Suzanna. Let her change his last name because she had an established realty. Teased for loosing name and being someone's 'bitch.'


Mataeo Ortega: 10-year-old son of Suzanna and Omar.


Carmencita: Cita mama. Big gal. Pear shaped.


Angeni Dakota: Native American. Makes drums and other items.


Sandy Perez: married to Clay. Worked in a casino.


Clay Perez: married to Sandy.


Caleb Rodriguez


Mya Camacho: marries Diego.


Carlos: farmer. Settles down with Fuji.


Diego: rancher. Had roosters and a small ranch/farm.


Juanita: female mother of two, worked in a recycle center. Minimum wage, but it put food on the table.


Fuji: worked at a ski resort.


Two Native American families. One worked in a California casino; the other didn't have a casino on their reservation and was poor and uneducated.


Ming Li Yu: worked at a hotel in Vegas before she moved to California. Lesbian, shacks up with Mariah.


Abe: “Honest Abe” Texas Ranger. KIA early by alien while hunting. He had a battered red Dodge truck.


Bonnie: female from Flagstaff. Briefly bonded to Nicole.


Moira: Irish lass. Immigrated to California from Dublin. Very thick Irish brogue of an accent.


Orlin: ghoulish assistant medical examiner. Quiet, gaunt, long face. Tall, long face, dark eyes.


Other people:


Mongol Village:

Tsakhia: leader.


Narantuyaa “sun-beam”

Swedish Mountain Village:

Olaf: big quiet guy. Logger.


Sven Ericson

Christi Lief: female dental hygienist. Lead medic.

Prairie Village:

Clay Dawson: leader, Rancher/farmer.

Ema Dawson: nurse and only medic.

Adam Sevant: representative

Caribbean Village: (Tropic) thirty-nine dead from parasite, sixty-two people left.

Neal St Patrick: hunter.

Trinika Laffitte: leader, KIA parasite.

Kquewanda Powell: new leader, chocolate skin.

Tariq Powell: dead son of Kquewanda.

Yves Pierre: doctor.

Gilbert Peck: farmer.

Elise Jean-Louis: Coffee farmer.


Yuri Gagoravich: leader.

Ingrid Gagoravich: wife and domestic manager. Tall, long face.


Mussad Harif Nasad: leader/rep.


Curt Brennen: lead rep

Lucy Sun: radio person/domestic manager.


Yung Li Chow: daughter left with ester.


Mwanawa first born of my children Tanzania -KIA

Coblah born on Tuesday Ghana -KIA

Kirafiki Maalouf like a friend Kenya-Tanzania -Representative. Brother to Tendaji

Tendaji Maalouf makes things happen doer Kenya-Tanzania -leader



Anna Huber: plump, short Austrian. Long brown braids.

Sebastian Mayer: farmer, leader.

Yulia Peeters: Belgium, tall, thin blond.

Sandy Perez: biologist/medic. representative.

East Europeans:

Rabbi Ezra Weiss: representative from Poland w/ joint residence in Israel.



Asa -

Kalonymos Schwartz: Kalonymos is a Hungarian name meaning “merciful.”Doctor from Hungary.

The Meme Aliens:


At first they were enigmatic disembodied voices in a white-filled room. Possibly telepathic. Used color and feeling along with aural communications. They revealed themselves to look like giant floating jellyfish. They glow, changing color.

They expressed a love of human music and its mathematical equations. They seemed distant at first, but at the end reveal hints that they were robotic beings of pure energy following a program by their creators.


Planetary data:


Gravity: .9 Terran normal.

Planetary rotation: twenty-eight hours twenty-two Terran minutes.

Solar revolution: sixteen months. Egg-shaped orbit with fast pass near sun leading to high surface temperatures and cold winters.

3-month summer, 4-month autumn, 5-month winter, 4-month spring.

The Terran reserve planet has twelve continents, all roughly circular in shape. Over time the circles have moved out of shape due to natural forces such as weather and tectonics.


Alien and Terran Flora and Fauna:



Major Earth dinosaurs: All dinos are migratory; predators follow herds except dino crocs, which remain and hibernate in winter.

Dinos have evolved a bit from past and adapted to planet with new color schemes, armor, etc. The theropods (bipedal) animals are much more bird-like, with primitive feathers, bird behaviors, and some have beaks. All have a form of feathers; some animals with beaks have either an entire beak or a mix of beak and rear teeth (molars on cerataceans, cat-like sheering teeth or pointed teeth in predators).

Sauropods are mixed sizes (herbivores) with feathers on body, legs, neck, head and tail are bare or scaled. More stilt-like in appearance, shorter neck and tail. Some have armored spine, armored plates over spine from head to tail. Rumbling base trumpet sounds. Higher pitched when distressed.

Raptors (pack hunting predators) have feathers and are very smart. They are also very bird-like, since they were related. Their legs from knees down are scaled. They range in size from one-meter-long Velociraptors to three-meter-long Dienynus to four-meter long Utah raptors. Dienynus with tiger striped black and brown feathers. Like other dinos they have half beak, half teeth.

Tyranasauroids related to albertosaurus, carnatosaurus and or spinosaurus (rare dino type follows major herds pack hunter); front arms have developed back to raptor level. Heads are bare as are legs from knee down. Hunts in family packs. Threat displays similar to raptor. Sounds a lot like Rex.

From Jurassic park. Has beak in front of muzzle, rear teeth are mix of pointed (first two) then sheering teeth for last two sets. Threat displays include clopping mouth, sounds like a gunshot.

Cerataceans (triceratops, Protoceratops, etc) (herbivores): herd animal, grasslands. Heads are bare with feathers on frills. Bodies covered in feathers except scales on legs from knees down.

Hadrosaurs (herbivores): herd animal, grass and marsh areas. Most have evolved into two species, very bird-like, bipedal. Bare legs from knee down. Heads have distinctive crests, which are covered in plumage that rises for various displays. Full rainbow plumages make for stunning displays during mating. Low trumpeting sounds and lots of honking. Various breeds and subspecies from different eras including the Orolotitan, Parasaurolophus, and Camptosaurus.

Anklasaurus (herbivore): grass and forest dweller. Extremely rare, possibly endangered due to competition and habitat is unsafe due to forest predators like lobster creature.

Ornithosaurian theropods: theropod (bipedal) dinosaurs that resemble emus. Head and neck bare as are legs that are scaled. Saurian tail but with peacock plumage that sprouts up when it runs. Tail is shorter than ancient ancestor. Include many species, from Struthomimus, Galimimus, to others like the Citipati, and Caudipetryx.

Microdinos: herbivores, some predators of insects, some scavengers.

Dino crocs: (predators) rare, possibly due to competition, mating habits, location, or weather.

Known Aliens:


Six-legged razor hell cat: (predator) paired or small pack hunter, has lizard scales, four eyes.

Four-eyed flying bat-like thing: bigger than an eagle (called a shrieker) (predator) pack or flock hunter, ranging in size

Six-legged lizards (bug eaters): various species ranging in size from three centimeters to one meter; some have sail skin between limbs to glide between trees.

Hex Rat: six-legged rat spider. Primitive fur, Has four beady black eyes, long tongue, short hairless rat tail. Scavenger, known to live in crevices, underground, and in caves. Problem animal for cave base.

Dragonfly-like things: (pollinators) swamps and forests.

Trundle bugs: pollinator all region animals, pollinates everything. Has hives like termite mounds. Fills roll of ant/bee stinks if injured.

Giant lobster fisted mantis centaur: (six legs) predator solitary forest hunter, massive, over four-meters tall. Seen only from a distance. Outer shell evolved to look like tree bark. Can hold perfectly still for hours or possibly days at a time. Ambush hunter. Seen slamming a Protoceratops to the ground with one hammer fist then grasping it and cutting it in half. Later encounters make for better data. Raptors have killed one.

Poisonous spider mantis insect predator: fast runner found in grass six-inches tall, forest and grasslands.

Cassowary four-winged bird/bats (scavenger/insect predator, symbiotic parasite cleaner animal with all others).

Tremor worm (predator/scavenger): moves only through sand or soft earth, range in size from snakes to giant size.

Demon dog (predator): pack hunter, the alien wolves of the planet. Stocky bull-style chest, body, and head. 1.3 meters tall, covered in scales. Six stocky legs. Horns. Flatter bulldog like face. Possibly distantly related to snow monster.

Hammerhead herbivore (with hammerhead tail): six legs, eyes on both hammerheads, brain is in middle of body along spine in neural clusters armored on back and spine. Males have sails to attract mates and reduce heat. Matriarch society, males are bulls, solitary.

Hammerhead ceratops herbivore: (With tail tipped by bone hammer) six- legged herbivores, follow giants. Two meters tall. Grunt a lot.

Barnacle flies: parasitic insects that latch onto giant herbivores and build cone shape nests like Terran barnacles. Lays eggs in bottom, larva burrow into beast before hatching, then come out as a cloud of flies. Itchy parasites, mud does not protect unless heavily alkaline.

Shark hounds, hammerhead bipedal/quadruped predator: has spines, forked tail sharks mouth with teeth. Multifaceted eyes on stalks. Can walk/run on all fours or walk on two legs. Scary fast. One-meter tall, bony with no fat. Pack hunters, with seemingly opposable thumbs. Give off a series of low and high yipping like hyena. Grasslands. Reference pitch black and aliens.

Giant beaked quill lizard (light predator/scavenger): two toes per foot, six feet. Can be arboreal. Prefers to scavenge, has skunk scent glands; will spray kill to keep others from eating.

Quill beast (herbivore with poison spines): porcupine/porcine of planet aliens with six legs and nasty disposition. Forest dweller, hibernates in winter.

Giant six-legged tentacle creature (omnivore): solitary creature seen from a distance, strips land of anything in reach, entire trees or shorn. Drips feces and urine as it goes. Shriekers nest on top.

Flying scorpion bug (predator of bugs, small animals): nasty creatures swarm in warm weather.

Hex squirrel: rodent with six legs, four eyes, primitive feather/fur. Fast arboreal. Eats nuts. Colored like earth chipmunk. Possible cousin to rat spider.

Armadillo rat: six-legged rat annoying six-legged pest, when threatened goes into a ball. Can chew through almost anything cats bat around, but water traps work best. Also possibly related to rat spider and hex squirrel. Eats cave scorpions.

Cave scorpions: six-inch size scorpion creatures with stilt like legs and V split tail. Tail is under body, but can articulate up above as well. Lives in caves, is eaten by armadillo rats. Stuns.

Large prey with stingers, then crawls into body using pincers. Can crawl into mouth or orifice, or cut through skin to make own opening. Asexual, eats, then lays eggs inside moist body of victim and leaves. Eggs hatch in a day, eating their way through body. After two days will molt into young scorpions tearing apart inner organs, then bursting out of body. Serious and dangerous pest. Kills animals, and later critically injures child. See image beblith for visual reference.

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