Read Second Chance Hero Online

Authors: Rebecca Sherwin

Second Chance Hero (23 page)

BOOK: Second Chance Hero
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Her eyes stay on my hand as I slowly work my shaft
and Jen steps towards me, her hand outstretched.

“No.” She says as I take my hand away to let her
take me in hers.

I continue, wondering what she’s doing but she curls
her hand around mine and our eyes connect as we work together. It’s the most
intimate thing I’ve ever done and the fire in her eyes tells me she feels the


I grab her and pull her into me, instantly seeking
her out to make her feel what I’m feeling. I feel her arousal as soon as I
touch her, and slide my finger through her wetness. Jenna gasps and squeezes my
arm, closing her eyes. I keep my eyes on her and slip my hand out from
underneath hers, cupping her throat and pulling her mouth to mine. She opens
her mouth for me and whimpers as I add a second finger and find her clit with
my thumb, and I smile watching her struggle to stay on her feet.

My lips leave Jenna’s and I look at her in time to
watch her fall apart, crying out my name and throwing her head back. When I
continue my rhythm she puts her forehead on my chest and begs me; I don't know
what for but I know she’s building again quickly and as her first orgasm rolls
into the second, her legs give way, and I catch her around the waist, lifting
her with one arm, while my hand creeps up to her hair and grabs a handful. I
pull her head back and she moans.

“Jenna, I need to fuck you.”

“I need to be fucked.”

I walk the few short strides across the living room,
stopping at the bottom of the stairs; Jenna’s kissing my neck, biting the
sensitive skin and soothing the burn with flicks of her tongue.

“You need to be fucked, by who?” I ask, needing her
give me the right answer.

“You.” She whispers, nipping my ear, “Only you.”

I lose control; I had planned to take her to my bed
again, but she speaks the answer I wanted to hear and I have to have her.


I slam her against the glass wall and she gasps as
her back hits the cold surface. I’ve been thinking about taking her here all
night. I wanted tonight to be gentle, a night we could savour, but it’s not
going to happen.

“Do it.”

She swallows hard and reaches round, gripping me
tightly, working me as she guides me towards her entrance. She tenses as I ease
myself in, gripping the back of my neck with both hands like I’ll drop her; but
nothing is going to ruin this for us tonight.

“Jen, you’re so tight. You’ve got to relax.”

She takes a deep breath, and sucking the air in
through her teeth, opens up and I sink in all the way. She grips my shoulders
and tells me to take her. Both of my hands are wrapped around her waist,
holding her to me as I lift her away and sink back in slowly. She’s pushing
against me, her legs hooked around my waist, her heels digging in the bottom of
my back as I drive into her.

“God, you're so deep.” She cries, gasping every time
she takes all of me.

I can feel her building, tensing and releasing. It
comes sweetly and I keep my eyes locked on her face as she thumps her head back
on the glass and cries in ecstasy.

I stop, still inside her and grip her behind,
holding her in place as I step back and walk backwards towards the stairs.

“What are you doing?” She asks, still riding the
waves of her climax.

“Shh.” I put my finger to her lips and her warm
breath caresses my finger tip. I climb up the first few steps, “I want to watch
you fuck me.”

I sit down, pulling Jenna down with me and she
kneels up on the step, almost taking me out of her. She grips the banisters on
either side of us and slides down my throbbing cock with ease. She’s slick and
wet and it feels incredible watching her ease herself up and down, her chest
rising and falling as she catches her breath.

She sits right up; I lift my head thinking she's
getting off but she slams down quickly, taking me by surprise and I curse,
feeling the spurt of pre-cum escape into her. Her pace quickens, and then
slows, teasing me and building the tension in my body. I’m desperate to come,
but she holds me back, and I want this to go on forever. The feel of her riding
me, the sound of flesh hitting flesh and the way she looks, bouncing above me with
her head thrown back, her hands behind her on my legs, and the cries that
escape her have me on the brink. I put my thumb to her lips and she takes it in
her mouth. I sneak one hand round and grab her behind, holding her still,
taking my thumb from her mouth and stroking circles on her clit.

“Deacon.” She whimpers, bucking as I control her
pace and take her pleasure.

I’m so close, but I need her to plunge first. She
likes it rough, I know that much. I decide to risk it. I let go of her, keeping
my thumb on her clit, I let her plunge back down, and smack her hard on the
behind as I fill her. She screams, and collapses on top of me, and her
tightening muscles is enough to send me over the edge. I hold her in place,
emptying myself inside her, while she milks me.


Jenna hasn’t moved from her spot on top of me; she’s
lethargic and sated. I roll us and she flops onto the stair next to me, not far
from sleep. I pick her up, holding her close to my chest while her legs dangle
exhaustedly over my arm. I take us straight to the bedroom, pull back the
sheets and climb in, spooning behind her.

“You alright?” I ask, kissing her hair.

“Yes, I've never been so alright.” She holds my arm
around her and runs her fingers up and down my forearm, “This situation sucks.”

I know, “why?”

“Because we should be doing this every night.”

“Why can't we?” She strokes circles on the back of
my hand.

“What happened?” She asks running her finger over
the already healing cut.

“I slipped off a ladder today.” We’re silent for
long minutes, and I listen to her slow breathing, “One day we’ll have this,
Jen. You're the only girl I’ll ever want and I’ll wait my whole life, until
you're ready.”

I stroke my fingers through her hair, waiting for
her response but she’s asleep. I can only hope she heard what I said, at least
in her dreams.



The minute I open my eyes Saturday morning I know
she’s gone. The presence I feel when Jenna is near isn’t there but I sit up
looking for her anyway. I turn to look at the pillow she slept on last night,
and see her blanket folded up on it with a note on top. I rub my eyes and pick
up the paper, unfolding it slowly.


‘People change. It has everything
to do with you.

I’m both sorry and ecstatic about
last night. I wish I could explain what’s

going on, but I think will work
out how they’re supposed to.

I’ll understand if you don't want
to come to dinner tonight, but I can promise

you my heart and mind will be
with you all night, wherever we both are.





P.S. I swapped my blanket for
your surf club sweater.’



I forgot about the damn dinner. How am I supposed to
go and watch Jenna and Kip together, knowing what happened last night? Maybe
I’ll just stay home and work on the contract for her cake shop.

Fuck it, I have to go. I need to see her with him to
make sure I’m not imagining what’s happening with us.

Chapter 22





            Last night was the most incredible night
of my life.

I take the long route home, trying to get the smile
off my face so I don’t attract any unwanted attention.

            “How was London?” Mum asks as I make us
both a cup of tea, and pop some toast in the toaster.

            “It was what I needed,” I say, squeezing
the tea bag, “I needed to do it. I know you were mad and I’m sorry, but I just
had to go and get it done.”

            “I know, sweetie. I was just worried.”

            I hand her the tea and sit opposite her
with my pineapple jam smothered toast. She thanks me and I reach out to take
her hand before she picks up her tea cup.

            “Stop worrying. I’m not going anywhere.”

            “I’m just scared I’ll lose you again...”
She stops talking abruptly.

            “Because of Deacon?” She nods, “Just
trust when I tell you we’re fine. I’m not running.”


            “Everything is fine. Kip will meet me at
the shop today, so we’ll be home about lunch time. Dinner is booked for eight.”

            I stand with my tea and toast and join
my dad who is up early, sitting in his usual seat, and looking like his knee is
bothering him.


            I left the door unlocked when I came in
the shop, and I’m in the back baking some test batches for the fete when the
bell rings above the shop door. I feel awful for wishing it isn’t the person
who I know it is. I’m still feeling the effects of last night; I’m aching, I’m
tired and I’m wearing a high neck jumper to cover up the love bites Deacon left
on my neck and shoulder.

I am the worst person in the world.

            “Hey baby.” Kip beams, making me jump.


            I turn around in time to be caged in his
arms as he squeezes me tight and kisses the top of my head.

            “I missed you.” He whispers, lowering
his head to seek out my lips.

            “Mm hmm.” Is all I manage to say,
because I’m already lying enough.

            His lips touch mine before I realise
it’s coming and I shudder. I knew this was going to happen; but I have no idea
what to do. There was no way to plan for this. He kisses me softly and gently,
and I think I might be safe; we’ve never been together anywhere but the
bedroom. But his kiss turns hungry, devouring my lips, erasing the touch that I
wish could be engraved there after last night. Kip’s hands squeeze my hips, as his
teeth graze my bottom lip, and he works his way across my cheek and down to my
jawline. I panic; there will be no denying anything and my heart stops when I
feel his fingers brush my skin as he takes the material of my top between his fingers.

            I grab Kip’s face, turn around so his
back is against the counter and, avoiding eye contact, tiptoe up and kiss his
neck. His hands are under the hem of my t-shirt, his breathing loud and warm in
my ear and I don't know how I’m supposed to stop this. I’ve just taken the lead
down a path that leads to somewhere I don't want to go. I can't.

            The bell above the door chimes and I
jump back and rush out to the front, ready to throw myself at whoever has come
in, in gratitude.

            “Can I help you?” I ask.

            Forget the hug, I have no idea who the
woman in my shop is, but she’s small, about my height, brunette and has huge
green eyes.

            “Hi, I’m Elizabeth.” She reaches out to
take my hand and I shake it, noticing how smooth her skin is, “I’m Hilary’s


            “Ms. Peyton.” She answers my unspoken

            “Oh, nice to meet you.”

            She wipes her hand down her jeans as if
I’m dirty, and I remember Ms. Peyton did the same thing when we shook hands.
Now I know who she is, I can see the resemblance. Both have mousy features;
small noses and little pouty lips.

            “She asked me to bring you these.” She
hands me a handful of fliers and an A3 poster for the fete.

            “Thank you.” I say, thinking she’ll
leave, but she has a determined look in her eyes and it gets my guard up.

            “She mentioned you’re running the cake
stall.” She says, craning her neck to look at Kip who’s leaning in the doorway
of the kitchen, “Do you have all your equipment here? I heard you moved here
from London?”

            “I did,” I answer, “but I grew up here.
I’ve got enough to equipment to sort the fete out.”

            “Great!” She shrieks, “Can I place a
personal order?”

            “Uh, sure. What would you like?”

            I’m wondering why she’s so excited, and
notice Kip frowning as I make my way behind the counter to grab a pen and piece
of paper. Elizabeth sits at a table, so apparently we’re going to sit down.

            “I need some cakes made for my

            Okay, so she doesn’t have a weird look
on her face because she’s checking out Kip.

            “Okay, what did you have in mind?”

            “Well, I was in his office last night,
and he mentioned something about lemon cakes.”

            My heart stops. I know why she looked
familiar when I first laid eyes on her. Yes, she looks like the town butt-in,
but she’s petite with dark hair. A trait girl.

            “He said they’re his favourite, have
been since childhood,” she continues, and I think I might be sick, “so I
thought I’d get him some, with a message in icing. It’s our anniversary

            “Anniversary?” I manage to find my voice
in time to lose it again as Kip sits next to me and strokes the back of my
neck, twirling the hair that has escaped my ponytail between his fingers.

            “Yeah. Deac and I have been together a
year tomorrow. I’m hoping he’ll take me for dinner and I want to surprise him
with some cake for dessert.”

            Elizabeth winks at me. I don't think I
can take anymore. I feel the nausea churning in my stomach and the lump in my
throat won't let me talk. Or breathe.

            The look in her eyes tells me she knows
who I am. She was in his office last night; she would have seen the pictures of
us that decorated his space. Is that why he had only just got in when I arrived
last night? I want to say something bitchy, like how I was with her
all night last night. But Kip is here, I’m suffocating in my own shame and
guilt, and if this is the punishment I get, I should take it gracefully.

            “Lemon. Cakes. Message.” I manage to
choke out the words, but can't stop my bottom lip from trembling.

            “Yes, something romantic.” She grabs the
paper off me and scribbles something down before handing it back, “Here. I’ll
come get them at lunch time tomorrow. I have to go, I’ve got to get to Millie’s

            Millie’s Box. The underwear shop. She
stands and I watch frozen in the spot as she leaves, with one look back at me
as I stare into space.

            “She was weird.”

            Kip stands up, failing to notice that I
feel like my world has come crashing down around me. I’m glad in this moment
that he’s ignorant and self-absorbed. But part of me wishes he’d notice the
change in me at the mention of Deacon’s name, so I can tell him everything and
watch him make the decision to walk away from me.

            “Where were we?” He comes behind me
smoothing my hair back and kissing my ear.

            I let a tear fall knowing he’s
completely oblivious and stand up, keeping my back to him.

            “I have to get baking.” I croak, “Why
don't you go and see my parents?”

            “You’re not getting rid of me, Jen,” he
follows me back to the kitchen, “the baking can wait.”

            Fuck this. The cakes can wait. But not
while I have sex with Kip.

            “Fine,” I pull off my apron, throwing it
on the counter and grab my bag, “we’ll both go back to mine.”

            He follows me through the shop, grabbing
my arm and turning me to face him.

            “Is it a problem?” He asks, “You know,
being somewhere other than the bedroom?”

            If only he knew. I pull my arm out of
his grasp and open the door, waiting for him to leave first.

            “Can't you see I’m not in the mood?”

            He frowns, his blue eyes hooded as he
walks out and waits, barely inches from me as I shut the door and lock up.


            Kip excuses himself to freshen up when
we get home and I grab the ball of dough from my mum, kneading it like my life
depends on it. I was so sure this morning of the direction I was going to
choose. And now I want the world and all their games to fuck off. But some
people won't take a hint.

            “Is everything okay, baby?” Mum asks as
I pound the dough.

            I shake my head that I am not going to
talk about it and she leaves me to punish the bread in peace. I love my mother
and her respect for personal space, and understanding the need to punch
innocent food to clear one’s head.

            “You’re going to town on that thing.”

            Jonas appears next to me, takes the
dough from me and puts in the bowl waiting for it.

            “Fuck off.”

            “Sorry?” He turns me to face him, “What
happened? Did he hurt you?”

            “No.” I push him back, “What if nobody
hurt me? What if I played a game and got played myself? What if I can't handle

            He doesn’t know what to say.

            “Just leave me alone.”

            I leave my brother standing in the
kitchen and run up to my room, desperate to block the world out. Everything is
out of my control and I can't handle it.

            And then I bump into Kip in my bedroom.
I forgot he was here. He’s fresh from a shower, the top half of his lean body
on show, his lower half covered by my towel. He has never understood why I hate
him using my towel, and never listens to me when I tell him not to use it.

            “You used my towel.”

            “Yeah well, you turned me down.”

            “What are you, sixteen?”

            “Coming from the girl with a room
covered in shit that should belong to a sixteen year old. Teddy bears and fairy
lights, seriously?”

            “Don't. Start.”

            I walk away and stand by the window with
my arms crossed looking out at the sea. Dark clouds are rolling in and the
waves are angry; fitting my mood. The first plop of rain hits the window and I
watch it slide down the glass.

            “I will start, Jen. What the hell is
wrong with you?”


            “We’re going for dinner with your family
tonight,” he says as I thank the heavens when Jade’s car pulls up outside. She
jumps out and waves up at my window, “we won't be arguing when we do.”

            “No, we won't.” I agree, “Because I’m
going to my sisters so we can both calm down.”

            I turn to see the shocked look on his
face. He isn’t used to me running away; I always just agree with what he says,
but I’m not being pushed around by him, and I won't take him slating my
bedroom. The only memory I have of when my life was easy.

            “It’ll be fine. Chill out here with my
parents and I’ll meet you tonight.”

            I kiss his cheek and leave him, still
shocked, in the bedroom. I run down the stairs as fast as I can and into Jade’s
arms as she opens the door. She holds me close and we step outside.

            “Do Mum and Dad know you’re coming?” I
ask, between shallow breaths.

            “No, I just thought I’d pop in.”

            “Great. Can you take me to your place
until dinner?”



            “Are you kidding?”

            We pull up Jade’s gravel driveway,
twenty minutes after I began recapping everything that’s happened since I went
to London.

            “About which part?” I ask, climbing out
of the car, “My entire life is a mess.”

            “About the cake girl.”

            “No, I’m not kidding. Where’s Pip?” I
ask as we step into the porch and I notice the house is silent.

            “It’s her friend’s birthday. Steve took
her to the party so I could have a few hours of peace.”

BOOK: Second Chance Hero
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