Second Chance (22 page)

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Authors: Sawyer Bennett

Tags: #romance, #erotic, #magic, #paranormal

BOOK: Second Chance
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Carrick held up his hands in supplication and backed away a few feet.  “Okay, take it easy.  If you can give me assurance you will let Ava go, maybe we can discuss safe passage.”

“Of course,” Ralina said smoothly.  “I promise to let her go once I’m outside the palace walls.  I’ll even swear a blood oath on it so I won’t be able to break it without dying.  How’s that for a bargain?”

Carrick considered her words.  He was sure they were nothing but a ruse.  Ralina would never spare Ava’s life.

“Carrick,” Ava called.  He snapped his gaze to hers. “Listen to me.  Do not, under any circumstances, let her walk out of here.  She needs just a little more time to complete a ritual that will grant her unimaginable strength.  You cannot take the risk she will complete it.  Kestevayne cannot take the risk that she will complete it.  Do you understand me?”  Ava’s words were clipped and strong

“If you don’t let me walk,” Ralina taunted, “knife to the heart”.  She pressed the tip in just a bit and more blood trickled down Ava’s chest. 

Carrick’s heart was thundering so hard, he thought it might jump out of his chest.  His eyes flicked back and forth between Ava and Ralina.  He just didn’t know what to do.

Ava said his name again, softly and he was once again looking only at her. 

“Carrick.  Trust me on this and I swear it will turn out okay.  Take your shot at Ralina now and do not fear for me.”  Ava’s eyes radiated confidence in her statement and for a moment, he thought he saw something glowing deep within her green irises.  Carrick didn’t know how it would be okay, but it was time for him to trust her judgment. He thought about all those years ago when he left her without choices.  He wouldn’t do that to her again.

Without letting himself think about it further, Carrick summoned a white hot ball of energy and threw it at Ralina, while simultaneously whipping his knife out, and throwing it at Ralina as well.  

As if in slow motion, Carrick saw Ralina plunge the knife downward into Ava’s chest, just as the energy ball caught her in the face and the knife hit her in the throat.  The force of the energy threw Ralina backward against the cell wall, but Carrick wasn’t watching.  He only watched as Ava’s body dropped to the floor.

Carrick ran to Ava.  He heard Kieran and Heph make their way to Ralina to ensure she was dead.  He couldn’t care less. 

Ava was lying on her side, turned away from him.  He knelt down beside her and turned her over into his arms, cradling her with care.  The knife was stuck hilt deep into her chest.  Carrick caressed her face with his hand and her eyes fluttered open. 

“Hi,” he said with a watery smile.

“Hi yourself,” she said back with a faint voice.

“Don’t you die on me, Ava.  You can’t leave me,” Carrick pleaded.


“Because I love you.  I love you so much and will be lost without you.” Carrick reached down and kissed her gently on the lips.  He noticed tears sliding down her cheeks. “Please don’t say I’m too late to prove that to you.”

Ava moved her arms and Carrick loosened his hold.  He watched as Ava reached up to the knife and grabbed the hilt with both hands.

“Stop,” Carrick commanded to her.  He put his hands on hers to stop her from pulling it out.  “If you take it out, you will bleed out immediately.”

Ava seemed to be fading right before his eyes, but she looked at him and whispered, “Trust me.”

Indecision clouded his features.

“Please,” Ava pleaded. 

Carrick couldn’t refuse.  “Let me do it.  I don’t think you are strong enough.”

Ava gave a weak smile and let her hands fall to her side.  Carrick grabbed the knife and looked up.  Through the tears in his eyes, he saw Heph and Kieran standing there, looking down at them with sadness.  He turned his gaze back to Ava. 

“I love you,” he whispered as he leaned over and kissed her one last time.

Then Carrick ripped the knife from Ava’s chest.  The grief of her impending death hit him hard and he flung the knife away.  He gathered her back up in his arms and buried his face in her neck, breathing in the scent of her. A wail tore out of his mouth and he rocked her back and forth as knew her life force would start to drain.

But Carrick immediately noticed blood was not flowing from her wound and leaned back to look down at Ava.  A warm light appeared over her chest and Carrick watched in disbelief as the hole in her heart closed up.  Next the muscles and skin knitted together and even the blood moved backward in time to seep back into her body.  The warm light started to fade, and then it was gone. 

Carrick was staring dumbfounded at Ava’s chest.  He couldn’t believe it as he watched it rise up and down as she breathed.  The skin was smooth and free of any marks.  Her eyes were closed but her skin was warm.  Placing a hand over her chest, her heart was beating strong.

“Ava?”  Carrick stroked her face.  “Wake up.”


Ava heard voices, faint and whispered.  She opened her eyes slowly.  Everything was fuzzy but as she looked around, her focus returned.  She realized that she was in her bedroom in her palace apartments.  She was lying in bed, under her blankets.  Peering under the covers, she saw she was wearing a nightgown.

In a flash, the events of what happened played out in front of her.  The fact that she was awake, and alive, meant her gamble had paid off.  She took stock of her body.  She gingerly touched her chest and it felt normal.  No cut or gaping hole there.  She felt good. 
Damn good as a matter of fact!
  She sat up in bed.  Looking around her room, she noted she was alone. 

“Carrick?” Ava called out.

Carrick and Heph both appeared in her doorway, only to be knocked aside by Bing rushing in.  He took a flying leap onto the bed and crashed into Ava.  Laughing, she wrapped her arms around the furry beast and hugged him like there was no tomorrow.

“I missed you too, you big baby,” Ava murmured.  She looked over Bing’s shoulder and saw Carrick was looking at her with such intensity, she thought she might burst into flames.  Her cheeks flushed. 

Carrick’s gaze raked over her.   She saw his blue eyes were burning with emotion.  Ava pushed Bing aside who happily curled up at her side.  She watched as Carrick walked to the bed and then he was wrapping his arms around her.  He picked her up and crushed her to his chest in a hug so fierce, she gasped for breath.  Carrick loosened his hold and sat on the bed, cradling her in his lap.  He peered down at her. 


“How what?”

Carrick swept his face down to Ava’s and gave her a swift kiss.  “Stop teasing me, brat.  You know what I’m asking.”

“Oh, you mean how did I take a knife to the chest and live to tell about it?”  Ava looked slyly over at Heph.  “Well, it was actually pretty easy.  In his teachings to me, Heph told me the greatest protection spell of all can come from self-sacrifice.  I figured if I offered my life for the well-being of Kestevayne, I could use that blood sacrifice to weave a spell that would undo any damage that Ralina may inflict on me.”

“You ‘figured’ you could weave a spell?”  Carrick’s face was red with anger.  “How could you take a risk like that not knowing the outcome?”

“Don’t be angry, Carrick.  I was pretty sure it would work. I just had to hope that I lived long enough to incant the spell after she spilled my blood.  Once I was able to invoke it, the only thing left to do was pull the knife out and see if it worked.”

Carrick’s brow furrowed.  “But how did you invoke a spell while you were collared with iron?”

Ava gave Carrick a sheepish grin.  “Well, that I’m not exactly sure.  The iron definitely prevented me from unleashing my magic outward. But when I reached inside to invoke the spell, my magic was still there.  The iron apparently didn’t nullify the magic.  It just kept it contained inside of me.  And I only needed it to protect my heart.”

“That’s amazing,” Heph said.  “Truly amazing.”

Carrick gave Ava another hard hug, burying his head in her neck.  Ava knew he was frustrated and angry with her, but he was more grateful to have her alive so she considered that a win for her.

Heph walked up.  “Mind if I give my niece a hug?”

Carrick released Ava just enough so that Heph could bend down and give her a hug.  “I’m so proud of you, Ava.  I know your parents would be.  You’re going to make a wonderful Queen for Kestevayne.”

“Thanks, Uncle Heph.  I hope you will stay here with me.”

“You got it kiddo.  Now, let me leave as I’m sure you two have some catching up to do.”  They both watched as Heph walked out of the bedroom and closed the door.

Carrick looked down at Ava again and gently grabbed her chin, forcing her to look at him.  “I love you, Ava.”

Ava smiled at him.  “I thought I might have heard you make that proclamation while I was dying.” 

“I wanted to say it again, so you know I wasn’t just saying it under the duress of experiencing the most incredible fear I’ve ever had.”  Carrick leaned down and kissed her softly.  He whispered against her lips, “I was a fool to ever think of living without you.  Please say you’ll forgive me?”

“Hmmmmm,” Ava pondered.  “Are you offering me marriage, Carrick Dunne?”

“I’m offering you marriage, kids and all the hot sex you could ever want.”

“All the hot sex I could ever want?  That’s a deal I don’t think I can refuse.”

Sealing her acceptance with a kiss, Carrick told her one more time.  “I love you so much, Ava.”

“And I you, Carrick.”

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If you would like to read Kieran’s story, turn the page for a sneak peak at Stolen Heart.



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About the Author


Sawyer Bennett is the penname for Beth Noble, a native North Carolinian and practicing lawyer.  When not trying to save the world from injustice, she spends her time trying to get the stories she accumulates in her head down on paper.  She lives in North Carolina with her husband, Shawn, and their two big dogs, Piper and Atticus.


Coming Soon

Forever Young

Book 1 of the Forever Land Chronicles

A Young Adult Paranormal Series






AltVeritas of Vyronas - Kestevayne


Kieran Dunne awoke right on time, as he did every morning.  6:30a.m. sharp.  As a member of the Royal Army of the House of Clairmont, his years of military training couldn’t let him sleep any later.  It didn’t matter that he had stayed up until the wee hours of the morning, wrapped in the arms of a beautiful woman. 

Speaking of which…Kieran rolled over to his side to look at said beautiful woman.  What was her name again?  Kayla?  Kara?  He knew it started with a “K” but past that, it just wasn’t coming to him.  She lay on her stomach, with the sheets pulled up to her hips.  Her slender back was peeking out from the long layers of golden hair flowing down to her rear.

 A smile came to his face.  Perhaps a little morning fun could be had as well.  Reaching out, he stroked his finger down her back.  Reaching the sheet, he pulled it down over the gorgeous swells of her ass.  Kayla or Kara let out a sleepy sigh.

“Wake up darling”.  Best not to let her know I can’t remember her name right now.

He now got an annoyed groan in response and watched as Kayla or Kara reached back and pulled the sheet up over her body.  He supposed he should let her sleep.  They had gone at it for hours the night before and he had rewarded her with no less than four orgasms.  Poor girl had to be exhausted.

Kieran turned over on his back, placing his hands behind his head.  Looking up at the ceiling, he mentally calculated the things he had to accomplish today.  

Technically, he was on a hiatus from his duties with the Army.  What did his brother call it?  An extended vacation?  Yes, that was it.  Kieran had been on extended vacation for the past week.  That was the problem being a soldier in a world that was utterly at peace.  The Army was downsizing and without regiments to train, Kieran just didn’t have a lot to do anymore.  He hated not being busy.

His brother, Carrick, was King of Kestevayne.  King by marriage that is.  He had married his soul mate, Ava Clairmont, almost three years ago, after they had defeated the hell-bitch Ralina. 

He snickered at his new nickname for Ralina Haramish.  He tried to come up with a new one every month or so.  Hey, it’s what you did when you were bored!  In the recent past, she had been known as “her evil holiness”, “skank witch” and “No one would touch you if you were the last woman in the universe”.  She was a wretched excuse of a human indeed.  “Was” being the key word. 

Ralina Haramish had usurped the throne in Kestevayne seven years ago.  After murdering Ava’s parents, King Jaron and Queen Selena, she had planted herself in the Clairmont’s palace and proceeded forth with a furious path of destruction and mayhem.  Ralina, with her evil use of sacrificial blood magic, had tormented and killed wantonly the good people of Kestevayne.  But she had met her match with Ava Clairmont. 

Having been sent away to live in The First Dimension of Earth for the four years following her parents’ death, Ava had not been aware of the turmoil embroiling her country.  Carrick and Kieran had stayed behind, waging a bloody war against Ralina and her forces.  It was an uphill battle all the way.  Not only had Ralina commandeered troops by mind control, her blood magicks allowed her to conjure up demons to jump into the fray.  Oh, what he wouldn’t give right now for a good battle with an Erchras.  Now that was a demon that could chase away boredom.

It was only after Ava returned to their AltVeritas of Vyronas, and she was able to learn the secrets of blood magic herself, that they were able to defeat Ralina.  It nearly had cost Ava her life but she had prevailed.  Ava lived and Ralina was dead.

Since then, Kestevayne, as well as all of the other countries in Vyronas, had enjoyed peace and idyllic harmony.  Carrick and Ava had married and within a year had popped out the most gorgeous woman in the known universe.  Emma…Kieran’s niece.

Okay, so Kieran doted on his niece.  She was perfect in his eyes.  She had Carrick’s blond hair and Ava’s green eyes, which lit up every time Uncle Kieran came to visit her… which was, oh, about five times a day.  Living in the palace, in his own Royal apartments, it was nothing for Kieran to stop by often to play with Emma.  She was innocence personified.  So what if he was a little bored being a soldier in a peaceful country?  Emma deserved to live in a world where she could be free from hate and violence.

Kieran realized he had a huge grin plastered to his face just thinking of Emma. 
Who would have thought I would like kids?
  Not that Kieran wanted kids of his own.  He was perfectly fine to play with Emma and then be able to hand her back to her parents.  An uncle’s prerogative so to speak. 

Besides, children deserved to have two parents and he had no intention of ever marrying.  It’s not that he was cynical about love.  In fact, he had never seen a more perfect union of love than between Carrick and Ava.  It was something he knew existed.  It’s just not something he ever aspired to.  He was having too much fun living the single life.

Anyone that knew Kieran would describe him as such:  carefree, funny, and happy-go-lucky.  He was forever joking and rarely got angry.  He was not the slightest bit embarrassed that he was also known as a lady’s man.  Carrick had called him a man-whore on more than one occasion but he was sure a better nickname could be found for him.  Carrick was probably just a little jealous.

Yes. Kieran enjoyed women. So what?  He gave them immeasurable pleasure and no one had ever left dissatisfied, himself included.  But they all knew the real deal.  Yes, they all knew that Kieran was off the market when it came to committed relationships.  He was up front about it and never promised a woman anything more than a little fun between the sheets.  Which didn’t seem to be a turn off for most women.  Vyronas was a land of freedom and sensuality. Sex was not shameful and what went on between two consenting adults was respected.

And Kieran never had a problem finding a female consenting adult. Rarely a night went by that he had a cold bed.  At 6’5”, Kieran was packed with solid muscle.  His hair was blond but streaked with so many different shades it seemed to sparkle in the sun.  His eyes were deep blue and usually crinkled in mirth.  He never stared at himself overly long in the mirror but if he did, he would see strong, chiseled features and slanting eyebrows.  He could radiate danger or with just a crook of his finger have every female in a twenty foot radius climbing all over him.  Again, not that he minded that type of attention.  He just rolled with it.

But, it seemed lately that’s all his life revolved around.  One lady after another.  And it’s not that he had a different woman every day.  Please.  He wasn’t that good.  He was monogamous but he didn’t do long term relationships.  If there was even a whiff that a woman wanted something more than no strings sex, he cut it off. He didn’t have time or any desire for emotions deeper than a good orgasm.

So here he was on vacation.  Life in the army was nothing more than training since there was no war to wage.  With downsizing the army, there were hardly any new troops to train.  He had no real hobbies, other than spending time with Emma, so if he had to be pressured to admit, he would have to say his life had become quite boring. 

Thinking back again to the things he had to accomplish today, they were, and in no particular order, well… nothing.  He would probably clean up (done with a simple magical incantation which would take all of ten seconds), then go eat breakfast with Carrick, Ava and Emma. Then he would get some training in. Not that he had to, because, well he was on extended vacation.  But today he would get in some spell work since he tended to ignore his magical fighting abilities.  He’d much rather cut down an enemy with a sword.  Then he’d brush his horse, then go play with Emma, then he would get lunch.  Then play with Emma again, do some more training then dinner.  Then figure out who would warm his bed.  Probably Kayla.  Or was it Kara?  He should figure that out before she woke up.

Kieran sighed.  When had his life become so dull?  Not that he didn’t enjoy any of those activities. Again, Emma was the light of his life. But he needed something more.  Some action, or adventure. Anything to break these doldrums.


Kieran glanced over at Kayla/Kara to see if whoever was pounding on his door had awoken her.  Nope. She was still sound asleep.  Sighing, Kieran got out of bed and pulled on a pair of loose, drawstring pants that hung low on his waist.  Padding out of his bedroom and to the front door of his apartment, he ran a hand through his long hair, hoping to give it some semblance of normalcy before he saw who was on the other side. 
Screw it. I don’t care what I look like.

Opening the door, Kieran saw the smiling face of his brother, Carrick.  Even better, he held Emma in his arms.  Upon seeing Kieran, Emma reached her chubby arms out and happily screeched, “Unca Keera”.  She had not mastered the English language yet, but he knew what she wanted.  Taking her from Carrick’s arms, Kieran gave her a soft kiss on her head.

“Hey, munchkin.  Why are you visiting your Uncle Kieran so early?”

Kieran didn’t expect Emma to answer, so he looked over her head at Carrick with his eyebrows raised.  While Emma happily babbled in Kieran’s arms, Carrick stepped inside the front door.

“Good morning sunshine. Did we wake you?”

“Nope.  Just been lying in bed pondering life’s mysteries.”

Carrick snorted.   “Probably pondering the name of whatever girl you have in that bed with you.”

Kieran grinned but didn’t respond.  He didn’t need to…his brother knew him well.  He walked into his living room, smooching kisses over Emma’s face. She laughed gleefully.  Sitting on the couch with Emma in his arms, he looked back up at Carrick, waiting for him to answer his original question as to why they were there.  They normally ate breakfast together every morning around 8:00am so it was out of the ordinary for Carrick to show up this early at his apartment.

Carrick didn’t beat around the bush.  “We have a problem.  The Scepter has been stolen.”

Kieran gaped at Carrick.  Reaching behind a pillow, he pulled out a stuffed teddy bear.  He had all kinds of kid’s toys laying around for when Emma visited.  He put Emma on the floor to play with the teddy bear and turned his attention back to Carrick.

“What do you mean ‘stolen’”?

“What about ‘stolen’ don’t you understand?  It’s gone.  And it can’t have just vanished into thin air.  Ergo, it’s been stolen.”

“How?  You have armed guards surrounding it day and night.”

“We have no idea.  The guards were rendered unconscious.  They were found at the shift change at 6:00a.m.  I came directly here to let you know.”

“It has to be recovered, Carrick.  You know we can’t go unprotected.”

Carrick sighed.  “I know.” 

Picking Emma up from the floor, he looked at Kieran.  “Come have breakfast and we will fill you on everything we know.”

Purchase Stolen Heart from Amazon

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