SEAL's Baby (Navy SEAL Secret Baby Romance) (20 page)

BOOK: SEAL's Baby (Navy SEAL Secret Baby Romance)
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“It’s nice,” Dylan said
as he looked around. “Cozy and compact.”

“And very small.”

“No, I like that it’s
small,” Dylan said. “It feels more intimate.”

I moved towards the fridge and got some wine out. Then I joined
Dylan on the sofa with two glasses. “Is it strange?” I asked as I passed him
the wine. “Being back in Bastrop?”

“It was at first,” Dylan
replied. “But it’s starting to feel more like home now.”

“Why do you think that
is?” I asked.

“Mostly because of you,”
he replied without taking his eyes off mine.

He looked so unbelievably hot sitting against my sofa with a glass
of wine in hand. The more I looked at him the more I was glad he had cut his
hair. It highlighted the beauty of his face and the chiseled ruggedness of his
features. It was so easy, so terrifying easily to fall back into the rhythm of
their old relationship and I had to remind myself that it would only be harder
for me once he was gone again.

Still, it was pointless trying to fight it. I knew that I wasn’t
nearly strong enough to resist him. After all I was the one who had invited him
to my place, I was the one who wanted to lean in and kiss him, and I was the
one who wanted to feel him inside me again.

“You’re staring,” Dylan,
said mimicking the words I had said to him just a few hours ago.

“I’m aware,” I nodded.

He smiled and set down his wine glass. Then he moved closer to
where I sat and put his hand on my neck. Slowly, he bent his head down and
started kissing my neck as he brushed my hair away with his fingers. It was
amazing how intensely sensual the simple act of kissing could be. I felt myself
moisten against his touch almost instantly.

Slowly, his hands dipped down to my shorts and massaged them off
of me. Then he pulled off my shirt and threw it to the floor. His lips were
soft and gentle as they kissed the skin of my neck, moving down slowly until he
reached my bra. He opened the clasp in the front and I edged the straps off my
shoulders. He bent down and kissed my breasts, one by one. Then he took my left
nipple in his mouth and sucked on it gently as his other hand massaged my right

Slowly, he moved further down and his hands grabbed a hold of my
panties and pulled them down my legs. Once I was naked he settled between my
thighs, his hands cupping my buttocks before he bent his head down and pushed
my legs apart.

I was not prepared for the onslaught of sensations that flooded
through my body the moment I felt his tongue inside me. He was slow at first,
and then he got more and more insistent and I began to lose control. I gripped
at the sides of the sofa, trying to keep my moaning in check so that I didn’t
disturb the neighbors. I could feel the screams building up inside me.

I had no choice but to close my eyes and throw my head back as he
worked over me with confident certainty. I felt the excitement build until I
could not contain my moans of pleasure any longer. I gasped and screamed until
I had no choice but to relinquish control and let my orgasm carry me through the
wave. The moment I let go, I felt a burning sense of freedom that left me both
tired and exhilarated.

Dylan raised his head and leaned in to kiss me. I could taste myself
on his lips and that just made me more excited. I pushed him against the headrest
of the sofa and got to my feet. Then I knelt down in front of him, settling
myself between his legs. I pulled his shirt off and then I unzipped his pants
and pulled them down along with his boxers. His erection stood up to greet me
and I realized how hard he was.

We made eye contact for only a second before I bent my head down
and took the head of his cock into my mouth. I felt him shudder the moment my
tongue touched him and I felt a surge of satisfaction race through me. It was
the first time in years that I was so aware of my body. It felt like
electricity that was barely controllable; it felt like I was on the best high
of my life.

I sucked his dick slowly at first and then I took the length of
him into my mouth all at once without any warning. I heard him moan and grip
the sofa just as I had done moment before. I sucked him until I felt his
breathing race upwards and his body shiver with desire and want. With Paul, I
had hated giving head. I had felt cheap and demeaned, but with Dylan, it was a
completely different experience. I wasn’t sucking him off because he wanted me to;
I was doing it because
wanted to.

His penis was huge and it felt amazing in my mouth. Then suddenly
Dylan pulled me back gently, his eyes were on fire with fiery passion and that
excited me even further. He got to his knees behind me, his hands were on my
breasts, squeezing them gently, and his lips were at my neck.

“I can’t wait any
longer,” he breathed into my ear.

“Then don’t,” I gasped.

I could feel his erection against the back of my thigh and then he
stopped abruptly. “What’s wrong?” I asked, craning my head around to glance at

“I don’t have a condom on
me,” he said. “Do you have any protection in the house?”

“No,” I said.

“Maybe I should go get a
condom,” he said reluctantly.

“No,” I said quickly. “It
doesn’t matter; I just finished my period, and we should be fine.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes,” I gasped. “Now
stop talking and make love to me.”

Immediately, he pushed me against the seat of the couch and he
entered me quickly from behind. I was so wet that he slid inside me easily. I
could feel his hands on my ass, at my back, cupping my breasts. It was as
though he was everywhere at the same time and I simply could not keep up.

“Oh God,” I said into the
cushions of my sofa. “Oh God.”

He had so much stamina that it floored me. He pumped at me with single-minded
purpose and I felt my breath catch in my throat the deeper he went. It felt
amazing. It felt as though I had sleep walked through the last decade of my life
and I was finally opening my eyes.

Dylan reached down and pulled me up against him. My back was
pressed against his chest and I could feel the hard wall of muscle that ran
down his stomach. He tongue sucked at my ear, he kissed the nape of my neck as
he started moving more and more vigorously inside me and I knew I was going to
cum again.

I gasped in pleasure as I came. I felt Dylan pump at me for a few
more seconds before he collapsed on top of me with his energy spent and his
chest moving up and down in heavy breaths. Slowly we moved into a sitting
position, using the sofa as a backrest. Dylan wrapped his arm around my
shoulders and pulled me close against him. He kissed the top of my head and we
sat there for a while, waiting for our breathing to slow.

“That was … amazing,”
Dylan whispered.

I smiled. “It was,” I

“We should do that more

I laughed. “Are you sure
you have the stamina for that?” I teased.

“Ha!” Dylan said confidently. “I have the stamina; don’t you worry
about that.” He looked around curiously after a moment. “Where’s your cat?”

I searched around and found Elvis hiding under the TV console. I
couldn’t help but laugh. “He’s over there,” I pointed out. “All our moaning and
groaning might have scared him a little.”

“Is it appropriate to
call him a scaredy cat?” Dylan asked in a mock serious tone.

I shook my head at his
bad joke. “That was terrible,” I said.

“You laughed.”

“That was a pity laugh,”
I said.

“Please, you laughed because you’re completely infatuated with me,”
Dylan said teasingly. “That’s the only reason a woman laughs at lame jokes like
that one.”

I covered my face with my hands and refused to admit it but I knew
he was right; we both did. I prepared myself mentally for the departure I knew
was going to come. I didn’t have any expectations and he had made me no
promises. We were just going to enjoy the time we had together.

“I wish we could stay
here forever,” Dylan sighed into my hair.

“That does sound nice,” I

“What are you doing tomorrow?” Dylan asked. “I was thinking of
just walking around town. I haven’t really seen too much of it since I got back,
to be honest.”

I smiled. “Tomorrow’s
Monday,” I told him. “I have work.”

“Oh right,” he nodded. “I
forgot. Sorry. I just got a little too excited about spending time with you.”

It was those too-blue eyes; they made me weak in the knees, and
they made want to do things I would never have otherwise considered. Usually I
hated staying at home. I filled my time with work and friends to avoid coming home
to an empty apartment. So this was the first time I had ever felt the desire to
skip work.

“You know what?” I said.
“I think I’ll take tomorrow off; then I can join you on your reunion tour.”

Dylan smiled at me in
surprise. “Really?” he asked. “You’ll take a day off?”

“Sure,” I nodded. “I’d
like to take you around town, not that you need a guide.”

“Actually I’d love a
guide,” Dylan said immediately. “Especially given how hot this particular guide

“Again with the
flattery,” I said shielding my face from view, although I was really starting
to love it.

“Should I stop?” he

“Not if it’s sincere,” I

His smile grew wider.
“Then you’re in luck.”

We sat like that on the floor, completely naked, drinking wine and
exchanging stories about the old days. It was amazing how quickly the
atmosphere in my apartment started to change. I used to think of it as lonely, drab,
and claustrophobic. Now, all I could feel was laughter and life. I could feel
my hopes racing to catch up with the broken dreams of the past few years. I could
feel a new sense of resolve starting to form. I had allowed myself to be
weighed down with my failures and I knew that had to come to an end. I had to
do more than just survive. I had to start living.


Chapter Twenty-One



When I came back from the shower, Lizzie was still sound asleep in
bed. I slipped in beside her and wrapped an arm around her body. She stirred
slightly but she didn’t wake. I looked down at her peaceful face and wondered
if I would ever get tired of staring at it. It didn’t seem possible to me.

I thought about how easy it would be for me to stay with her but
on the heels of that thought came all the doubts. It wouldn’t be easy to just
pick up where we left off. A full-blown relationship would have its
complications, especially considering I was leaving in a few weeks. I didn’t
want to put her through a repeat of what had happened eleven years ago.

I leaned in and kissed her softly on the cheek. She sighed deeply
and her eyelashes fluttered softly. I wondered if she was dreaming and if she
was, what she was dreaming about. She had a vision for her life; she wanted to
have a solid marriage and a couple of kids. I could understand that; it was
what I wanted as well but I knew my life could not include those things now.

I was still in the Navy and even if I did decide to retire early
and build a business of my own, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to do that in
Bastrop. I wasn’t sure if Lizzie would want to leave and I was even less sure
if she would want to leave for me. I had done nothing to deserve the sacrifice
she would be required to make for me and I was starting to realize that more
and more. I knew it was probably a mistake to keep sleeping with her; it would
only complicate matters further, especially when the time came for me to leave.

I slipped out of bed and walked into the kitchen. Her cat was
there, observing me suspiciously with his large, green eyes. I bent down and
scratched him behind the ears and after that, he seemed to like me a little
better. I opened her fridge and took out the eggs and milk. I also found yogurt
and an assortment of different fruits. I picked out some blueberries and bananas
and then I started on a batter to make some pancakes.

I hadn’t cooked in so long that I’d forgotten how much I enjoyed
it. It felt almost like therapy, moving about the kitchen, knowing you had a
specific goal in mind. By the time Lizzie appeared from her bedroom door, I had
a stack of hot, blueberry pancakes on the table, alongside some bread,
scrambled eggs and sausages from the freezer.

BOOK: SEAL's Baby (Navy SEAL Secret Baby Romance)
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