Sealed with a Hiss: Book Four Supernatural Enforcers Agency (21 page)

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“What’s that?”

“I have no idea, but I’m looking forward to finding out.”


Chapter Twenty-Eight

“Gerry, what are you doing up here?”

Jessie found Gerry in their temporary bedroom frowning in the mirror.  She pursed her lips to stop herself from laughing.

“You look very handsome.”

Gerry raised an eyebrow in disbelief.  “I love you, but you’re a dirty, rotten liar.”

“No, I love it.  Really.”

“Is the point of this torture party to wear the ugliest sweater?”

“No, it’s to wear the most fun and Christmassy sweater, and I think you have a shot at winning.”

“People will think I have a paunch.”

“So what if they do?”

Gerry grunted and pulled at the collar.  Her squirrel chuckled. 
He really did look cute
.  The sweater had Santa’s body, complete with a fake paunch, right up to the neck.  It looked like Gerry’s head was on top of Santa’s body. 
It was fun!

“Why do you get to wear that and I have to wear this?”

Jessie giggled.  “My sweater is at least as embarrassing as yours.”

It was a sweater on a similar theme.  Except hers had the body of an elf.

Gerry grasped her hips and pulled her to him.  “No, you look sexy in yours.  I look like an idiot.”

She leaned up and nipped his chin.  “A gorgeous idiot.”

He caught her lips in a kiss and wrapped his arms around her.  He trailed kisses along her cheek and down her neck.  “Mmmm, the house is so quiet.  Why isn’t Hayley running in to ask why my hands are on your ass?”

“Everyone already left for the party.  They’re helping my aunt set up.”

He stilled.  “So we’re all alone?”

“Mmmm hmmm.  We don’t have to leave for another half hour.”

His hands dipped under her sweater.  “I wonder what we can do for a half hour.”

“Watch TV?”

“Hmmm, no.”


“Nuh uh.”

“Oh, I’m fresh out of ideas.”

“Think harder.”

He pressed the hardness of his arousal against her, and she giggled.

“When are we getting married?” he purred into her ear.

“The ink’s barely dry on your divorce papers.”

“I don’t want to wait for you to be mine.”  His fingers found her bra and unclasped it.  Like a magician, swiftly he managed to withdraw it without taking off her sweater.  She was very impressed the first time he did that.

“I’m already yours,” she gasped as his hands roamed over her breasts.

Gerry murmured some indistinct objections about that.

“Well, maybe we should bond,” she suggested shyly.  His hands stilled, and she added, “We don’t have to if you don’t want to, I don’t mind.”

“No, I mind.  I want that.”

“Maybe when we get back to Los Lobos…”

“Now,” he growled, pulling the sweater over her head.

“Now?” she breathed, excitement coursing through her body.




“Here and now it is!” she beamed as her squirrel jumped for joy.

In seconds flat, she was out of her jeans and socks while Gerry was still trying to pull the Christmas sweater over his head.  A naughty thought flitted through her mind.  Well, he did need help getting undressed.  She undid his belt and pulled down his pants. 

Hmmm, no underwear
.  How risqué.  She thoroughly approved.

“What are you…” came his muffled voice from somewhere in the sweater.

Jessie gripped his hips and took his hardening manhood in her mouth.  Gerry let out a garbled cry as she sucked on the sensitive head.  She laved her tongue over his skin and started bobbing her head up and down his length, taking as much of him as she could.  He hardened even more under her loving ministrations.  She moaned around his flesh, enjoying the feel of him in her mouth.  She’d never thought that this could be such a turn-on for her.  But giving him pleasure, tasting him, making him groan and shudder with excitement almost made her come.  She could feel the moistness growing between her thighs as he gently began rocking in and out of her mouth.  She reached down between her legs and gently stroked a finger over her tender clit, making her throat vibrate around him.

There was a ripping sound as Gerry finally gave in and tore the sweater in two.  She looked up and found him staring down at her with wild black eyes.

“Mate,” he rumbled in a voice that was surely more animal than man.

Jessie mewled as he pulled himself free from her mouth.  Kicking his pants away, he bent down and hooked her under her arms, dragging her up his body.  In two long strides, he had her pinned against the wall by his hips.

He reached a hand between them and sank two digits inside her drenched channel.  He grinned as she tried to contract her muscles around them, trying to suck at his fingers, to give her what she needed.  He removed his fingers, and she growled at him.  He sucked her juices from his hand and delighted as she squirmed against him, desperately trying to wriggle her hips and sink down on his erection.

“Please,” she whimpered.  “I need you.”

The smug look died on his face, and he gave her a serious look.  For a second, she worried she’d done something wrong.  “No, my love,” he told her hoarsely, “I need you.  From the moment I saw you, I knew I couldn’t be with you.”

“Love you,” she panted.

The smug look was back.  “Love you more,” he growled and impaled her on his throbbing length.

She cried out as he filled her to the brim and before she even got her breath back, began driving himself inside her with long, hard thrusts.  She wrapped her arms and legs around him as he pounded into her.  She whined, moaned and squeaked as he took her with a ferocious possessiveness she’d never felt before.  He chanted the word ‘mine’ over and over, and she found herself saying it back to him.

He was hers.
  He was hers forever.  He belonged to her, and he would always belong to her.  Her squirrel howled, and her tiny claws pushed out of her fingertips.  Jessie dug them into his shoulders.  He snarled in pain and sped up his movements, crashing into her at a furious speed.

Her tiny fangs pushed forward, and as her release cascaded through her body, she plunged them into his neck.  She moaned as his sweet blood danced over her tongue.  Gerry roared and stilled as he exploded inside her.  She felt the slight prickle of pain as his sank his own teeth into her neck.  Feelings of bliss flooded her mind as their bond was completed.  She could sense his own emotions surrounding hers and her beast chittered in happiness.

She licked the small drips of blood from his shoulder as their bodies slowly calmed.  After sealing her wound, he carried her over to the bed and collapsed onto his back, his member still softly throbbing inside her.

“I ruined the sweater,” he murmured with a chuckle.

“I’ll let you off; I was being quite distracting.”

“Indeed, you were, mate.”

Jessie kissed his chest and tried not to giggle as she felt him twitch inside her.  “Do you think we’ll actually make it to the Christmas sweater party?”

“Well, the night is young.”

She teased his nipple between her teeth and he groaned before flipping her onto her back.  “But no, perhaps we should stay here and have a Christmas naked party.”

Jessie beamed.  “As long as we’re the only guests, that sounds good to me.”

“Merry Christmas, my love.”

“Merry Christmas, mate.”










Zane Matthews focused on not snapping his phone in two.  “But you’re not…”

“Enough!” snapped the cold voice of his former boss.  “The director will not be interested in a case about teenagers stealing underwear from clotheslines.  Report it to the LLPD and stop wasting my time.”

The snake shifter slammed the phone down, and Zane counted to ten before he slowly replaced the receiver back in its cradle.  He was calm, he was relaxed, there was no reason to get angry and throw his desk chair out of the window like his bear was goading him to do.  After a few minutes, Zane relaxed back into his chair and smiled.  Yep, his weekend hobby was paying off.  His bear snorted and turned his back on him, and Zane mentally flipped him the bird.  Hey, it was the bear and his damn anger problems that got them into this mess in the first place. 

Almost a year ago, he’d been a proud SEA agent.  Then, because of his short fuse and a very unfortunate series of events, he was unceremoniously fired and kicked out on his butt.  At first, he’d been furious, blaming everyone but him, but now he saw it was his fault.  He’d behaved like a bull-headed asshole.  His bear grumbled, but Zane shushed the beast.  It was his fault, there was no denying it, but thanks to all the personal growth he had achieved since then, he was a whole new person.  Well, he was a good person…
he was somewhat improved?
  And it was all thanks to his hobby. 

He’d tried anger management classes, therapy, group therapy and even went down the dreaded route of behavior-modifying drugs – they didn’t take at all, nothing could dent his constitution – but he found the only thing that helped him was paintball. 
Yep, that’s right – paintball
.  He spent his Saturdays chasing people through the woods with a toy gun, and he loved it.   It taught him patience and discipline while allowing him to shoot people – it was great.  Of course, getting his old boss to believe he’d changed enough to reinstate him was a different matter.  Gerry was a good guy, but even he didn’t want to save Zane from getting fired.  But, none of that mattered now.  Zane could almost –
– look back on the last ten months as being a good thing. 

However, he was now itching to get his job back.  He was currently working as a kind of unlicensed PI.  The LLPD turned a blind eye because all his clients were shifters – and if Zane was dealing with them, it meant they weren’t bothered by them.  While Zane was sympathetic to his clients, truthfully he was looking for a case to take to the SEA so that he might ingratiate his way back into a job there.  So far, no such luck.  His latest case, about the continued thefts of women’s panties right off of the clotheslines in backyards wasn’t ‘serious’ enough to spark any interest.  Still, he was ever hopeful. 

A tentative knock sounded at the door, and he yelled for them to enter.  Hesitantly, a young woman entered, and he sucked in a breath.  Even his bear hushed and stilled.  She had an ethereal quality that took his breath away.  Her skin was pale and almost shimmered in the sunlight that filtered through his window.  Her long, blonde, almost white hair fell to her waist and was arranged in a loose braid that hung over one shoulder.  A tentative fear marred her pretty face and made her green eyes flicker.  The desire to protect her swelled deep in his chest, and his bear urged him to go to her.

Zane stood up abruptly, banging his knee on his desk and smashing his head into the ceiling fan.  The office really wasn’t built for six-foot-ten bear shifters.  She gasped in sympathy, and his beast snarled at him to pull himself together.

“I’m Mane Zatthews, I mean, Zane Matthews,” he gurgled.  His bear practically slapped his forehead and growled D’oh.

“Sky Danvers,” she said before biting my lip.  “I’m sorry just to barge in…”

“No, no, it’s fine.”  He was quick to reassure her as his interest in his visitor surged.

“But I think I’m being followed.  It’s crazy, I don’t have any proof, but it’s just a feeling I get and I’m scared.”

His bear howled at the thought of anyone hurting this sweet creature.  In a flash he was standing in front of her, holding her hand, enjoying how nice her hand felt in his –
how right
.  “I won’t let anyone hurt you,” he promised.  Her delicate grip tightened, and he almost groaned at the sensual prickles her touch afforded.

“Thank you,” she murmured as tears pooled in her eyes.  Sky looked up into the handsome face of the bear and for the first time in weeks she felt content.  Her inner unicorn sighed and pawed the ground. 

To be continued…


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