Sealed with a Hiss: Book Four Supernatural Enforcers Agency (13 page)

BOOK: Sealed with a Hiss: Book Four Supernatural Enforcers Agency
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Chapter Seventeen

Jessie looked up at the sound of the key in the door, and her squirrel squealed. 
Whoa, down girl.
We’re mad at him, remember?  She hastily stowed his present away and jumped on the couch, to appear nonchalant, and she just happened to have landed in a sexy, come-hither pose.

A slow, sexy grin spread across Gerry’s face as he found her.  “Hello, my love, still mad?”

She pursed her lips and sniffed.  His smile faltered slightly, and her squirrel whimpered.  Okay, she’d been freezing him out for five seconds –
he’d suffered enough
.  She giggled and with the alacrity that only a squirrel could possess, she leaped off the couch and into his arms.  He dropped his briefcase and expertly caught her.  He’d had a lot of practice since they first met. 

“You drive me crazy,” she breathed as she planted kisses over his face.

“You love it.”

Jessie rolled her eyes.  “Uh-huh.  Now, put me down on the couch, I want to give you your present.”

Gerry arched an eyebrow.  “Really?  On the couch?  Well okay, but wouldn’t you be a little more comfortable in the bed?”

“Mind out of the gutter, snake.  I mean an actual present.”

“That’s not necessary,” he said as he settled her onto his lap on the couch.  “My parents bought me a present last year.”  A set of monogrammed handkerchiefs, most of which were still in a drawer at home.  They declared that it was the last year they were giving presents because he was now too old.

She gave him a suffering sigh while her squirrel chirped at his silliness.  “You get presents every year.  My parents always make a big deal out of family birthdays.  One year, my dad set up a treasure hunt for my presents across town.  Took me six hours to find them all.”

“Well, when you’re a kid…”

“I was turning twenty-two.  Now stop your griping and open your gift.”  She pulled out the messily wrapped gift that in no way hid the obvious shape of the bottle.

Gerry chuckled and started peeling away the wrap.  “Is it a book?” he asked facetiously.

“Cold,” she cooed as she wriggled on his lap, delighting in his hardening arousal.



“I’ll bet it’s underwear; I’ll bet…”  He stilled as he uncovered the whiskey.

“Do you like it?” she asked, suddenly worried.  Gerry could be kind of hard to read.  While to the outside world he had two settings –
cold and annoyed
– with her he could be playful and passionate.  She wasn’t exactly expecting him to gush over it the way she had when he bought her the Ugg boots she’d been ogling for months for her birthday, but she was hoping for more than the impression of a stunned mullet.

“This is Glenfiddich twenty-one-year-old Gran Reserva single-malt whiskey,” he said slowly.

“That’s right, Captain Obvious, that’s exactly what it is.  But do you like it?”  Her little squirrel was wringing her paws, nervously awaiting the answer.

Gerry rotated the bottle in his hands.  “Where did you get it?”

“From a shop that specializes in whiskey.”  The full story was that she’d gone through his financials and spotted that he had a regular order of fairly pricey whiskey.  She’d then gone to the store that supplied it and asked for advice on finding a special bottle for her honey.  Of course, she wasn’t going to admit that she hacked into his online bank account.  While she saw it as going the extra mile to find a thoughtful gift, others saw it as borderline stalker behavior. 
At least, that’s what an ex-boyfriend said. 

She plucked the bottle out of his hand and looked at the picture of the stag on the bottle.  “It’s imported from Scotland.”  She tapped the stag as proof.  “The guy in the store said it was the world’s best-selling single-malt whiskey.  It wasn’t the best he had, but he said it was pretty good.”

“It’s really good,” he said with a frown.

Her brow creased.  “Yes, that must be why you’re gushing all over me about it.”

He took the bottle from her hands and carefully placed it on the coffee table.  Her squirrel almost had a petulant lip wobble.  “Aren’t you going to dri…”

She was cut off as his lips found hers.  He gave her a powerful kiss, making her moan into his mouth.  With hasty, anxious movements he twisted her, so she was straddling him and worked his hand up her thigh.

“Gah… fuck…” he groaned against her lips as he found her panty-less underneath her skirt.

“Easy access,” she giggled as she planted kisses on his jaw.

“Want you, now,” he demanded, in a throaty tone of voice that brooked no argument.  He pressed his thumb against her clit, and she squeaked as her squirrel fluttered.

“Yes, now,” she breathed.

Twittering hands tried to free him from his pants, but growing impatient, he knocked them away and ripped them open.  His sex sprang free, long, hard and irresistible.

“No underwear?” she cooed as she wrapped her hands around him.

“Easy access,” he grunted, as once again he knocked her hands away.  He aligned their sexes and wrenched her body down on his.

She cried out and threw her head back as he mercilessly filled her almost impossibly full, the sudden intrusion blurring the line between pain and pleasure.  His hands gripped her thighs, his long fingers sinking into her flesh.  Roughly, as if he didn’t care whether he broke her, he repeatedly lifted her and pulled her down his cock.  But she didn’t care.  Wouldn’t have cared even if she didn’t find her release.  The need and lust swirling in his eyes were so great she just wanted to satiate him, to make him happy.  And that feeling incited her passion even more than his hot, hard member ruthlessly filling her, and dragging along her sweet spot could.  Knowing that he was hers, that she made him happy, that he needed her was the biggest turn on in the world.  Her climax coiled inside her, warming her, tightening deep inside her, readying to be free.

“I love you,” he hissed through gritted teeth.  “I fucking love you, Jessica.”  He roared and ferociously pulled her down on him as he exploded.  Her own orgasm swept over her like a tsunami, making her shake and shudder as he pulsed inside her.

With a whimper, she collapsed against his body and nuzzled against him.

Gerry stroked her hair.  “I’m sorry, my love, I didn’t last very long.”

“Long enough,” she murmured.  Hey, he wasn’t about to hear any complaints from her.  Her animal was practically prancing around with a dazed look on her face.  “Besides, I’ll allow you to make it up to me later.  I think you’re good for a couple more times.”  She squeezed her muscles around his softening manhood, and he gave her a reflexive pump.

“At least a couple more.  I wasn’t too rough?  I didn’t hurt you?”

“No, but if you like, you can kiss it better, just to be sure.”

“How could I refuse an offer like that?”

“You can’t,” she said, smugly.  “Not that I’m complaining,”
perish the thought
, “but what brought that on?”

“The whiskey.”

“Ah, I have a similar reaction to tequila.  Gives me the urge to take off my clothes and dance on tables.”  Yep, that spring break in Mexico had been fun. 
Well, what she could remember, anyway
.  Her squirrel shook her head, disdainfully.

“That’s not what I meant, and you’re never allowed to drink tequila in public again.  Although I might get a couple of bottles for here.”

“Pfft!  If you want me to strip and dance around, just say the word.”

“Duly noted,” he laughed as his long fingers traced patterns on her back.  “But it was the gift.  It was very thoughtful.”

“It’s just whiskey.”  She shrugged feeling a little silly about it now.

“It’s what I like,” he said, simply.  “No one else in my life would have taken the time.  Although I don’t like you going to trouble on my account…”

“It was zero trouble.”

“Or spending money on me.”

Both Jessie and her squirrel folded their arms. 
Not this again
.  She pushed away from his embrace to look him in his disapproving eyes.  “It wasn’t that expensive.  And I wanted to show you that I cared.”

Gerry softened slightly and cupped her face, stroking his thumb over her cheek.  “The fact that you don’t leave me in spite of my, ah, situation, shows me that you care.”

Jessie fidgeted slightly.  Talking about his situation was never her favorite subject and of late had started sending her beast into a funk. 
Time to steer away from it
.  “Well, the fact that you love me in spite of my nerdy tendencies shows me that you care.”

His hand traveled down to land on her breast, and he kneaded the soft flesh over her shirt.  “I love your nerdy tendencies.”

“They are very lovable.”

“Indeed, now what was that about me kissing something better?” 

“Oh!  Director Sanders, I thought you’d never ask!”


Gerry groaned as the twangs of Ride of the Valkyries belted out of his phone. 
.  His snake sneered in annoyance.

Regretfully, he grabbed his phone as Jessie tidied the kitchen.  She’d made him a special birthday meal of spaghetti and meatballs and insisted he wasn’t needed to help clean up.

He glared at his phone reproachfully. 
Was he not allowed to just fucking relax with his mate for one night?
  It was bad enough he couldn’t spend the whole night.  He slipped into of the bedroom and answered the phone with a barely human sounding, “What?”

“Where are you?” demanded Edith, his irritated and irritating wife.

“None of your business.”

Edith snorted.  “As if I can’t guess.  You can’t spend the whole night in your little love nest, you know?  You need to come home.”

His snake huffed.  “Did you really ring me to tell me that?”

“No, that was just an added bonus.  Lance has been arrested; I need you to get him out.”

Gerry scrubbed a hand down his face.  How many fucking times did her dumb brother have to get himself arrested before enough was enough?  “What did he do?”

“I have no idea, but he called me in a panic – he was totally freaking out.  It’s probably all bullshit.  The cops who picked him up were human, they probably just hated him because he’s a shifter.”

Or because they’d met him
.  Two minutes with the young man was enough to piss off even the most peace-loving person on the planet.


“No.  I don’t interfere with you fucking your way through your gym.  You have no right to call me when you know I’m with Jessica.”  His python roared in agreement.  Time was precious enough as it was without Edith ruining it.


“Enough!”  He hissed, careful not to speak too loudly, lest he upset his little squirrel.  “A night in the cell won’t kill him.  I’ll deal with your brother tomorrow.”

He hung up.  It was a very satisfying feeling, right up there with yelling at errant employees.  He waited for a couple of moments to see if she would ring back.  She didn’t.  He set his phone down and sat on the bed just in time.  Seconds later a giggling Jessie ran into the room and launched herself at him.

It was going to be a very happy birthday.


Gerry groaned and slipped out of bed to answer his phone.  “Hello,” he mumbled.  He looked at the clock and realized he’d only been asleep for half an hour since his wife phoned.  It wasn’t so late that he should be getting home, but still late for anyone to be calling.

“Did I wake you?” asked the crisp but amused voice of his boss, vampire and uber bitch, Juliet.  Ah, she worked just about every hour of the day. 
She was particularly efficient at night

He snapped to attention, ignoring the loathing rumbles of his snake.  “Not at all.”

She talked about her decision regarding the outcome of a recent case involving digging up dead bodies and a mad scientist who built a ‘Frankenbear’ out of a dead gangster.  All information that really could have waited until he was back at work, but Juliet had no regard for working hours.

“I’ve also approved the application of Rafael Silva,” she told him.  “He’s yours to do with as you wish.”  The former detective had applied to the SEA to be nearer his tiger mate, Isis.  “But tell the tigress to keep the office humping to a minimum.  Hormones run high enough in the building as it is.”

“Thank you, I’m sure he’ll make a good agent.”

“Well, having a full human certainly looks good for us.  We’ve been criticized for not having many human employees.  Which is ridiculous!  How can we have humans working for us when no of them apply?”  Juliet sniffed disdainfully.  “Anyway, this application couldn’t have come at a better time.”

“You’re all heart, Juliet,” he commented, wryly.

She snorted loudly and hung up.  Gerry tossed his phone aside and slipped on his boxers.  His snake hissed at the emptiness of the bed and went in search of his pretty bedmate.  He found her in the kitchen, wearing a t-shirt with the slogan ‘snake handler’ –
which she found hilarious
– and that barely covered her sumptuous round behind and dancing around as she cooked; the mouthwatering smell of croque-monsieur was only second to her peony blossom scent.

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