Read SEAL Under Covers (SEAL Brotherhood Series Book 3) Online

Authors: Sharon Hamilton

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Military, #Romantic Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense, #New Adult & College, #Series

SEAL Under Covers (SEAL Brotherhood Series Book 3) (30 page)

BOOK: SEAL Under Covers (SEAL Brotherhood Series Book 3)
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Armando looked up at the nurse. “Can she?”

“She’s not steady on her own. I’ll have to assist but I’m still doing rounds.”

“Not a problem. I’d love to assist the lovely Gina in her very first hospital shower.”

“Are you family?” the nurse asked.

“Yes,” he said. He winked at Gina. “I’m her fiancé.”

Gina could tell the nurse was affected by Armando’s big white smile and handsome face, the rhythm of his voice rolling off his tongue in an almost hypnotic rhythm. She blushed and nodded. “Then of course.”

Gina didn’t hide her smile. He’d said they were engaged!

“You feel up to a shower?”

“You mean like the last one we took together?”

“Well, if you insist. I guess it would be a shame to get my clothes wrinkled.”

“I’m going to need lots of help.”

Armando sighed. “I think I’m just the man for the job.”

She extended her arms to him. He leaned forward and her fingers found his silky curly hair. “You are exactly the man for the job.”

Their kisses gave her the shivers. Her entire body tingled at the touch of the man. He nibbled at her lower lip and then sat back, watching her.

“Armando, I’m so sorry—”

“Shh, baby.” He put a finger over her mouth. “We can talk later.”

“No, I want to apologize for lying to you, for not telling you who I really was.”

He slipped her hair behind her left ear. “I knew who you really were. I knew it all along. And I knew we belonged together; it was something I never doubted.”

She let her palm run up his muscled forearm. “It was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do, and I won’t ever do it again. I’m never going to lie to you, or keep anything from you, if you’ll—”

“If I’ll what?” His eyes danced with fire. The wide smile on his tanned, clean-shaven face almost made her pass out.

“If you’ll forgive me.”

“Oh, baby, I’ve already forgiven you. But I can’t wait to see you prove how sorry you are.” He glanced down at her body underneath the sheets. “I think it’s time for a shower. And then I’m going to get them to release you to my care, much sooner than they planned.”


Chapter 32


Two days later they were back at Armando’s apartment. They’d been making jokes in bed after a gentle lovemaking. Armando had been so careful, Gina began to feel like she was a porcelain doll.

She paused. This was the point in the conversation things could go either way. Would he be able to see her damaged parts? She swallowed and began. “Can you help me face my fears?” She looked for any sign she was losing his interest.

She could see he was confused.

“I can protect you from anyone,” he said.

“Can you protect me from a part of myself?”

He rolled to his side and lay down next to her. “What part of yourself do you need to be protected from?” he asked.

How was she going to put this? “When Sam and I…” she looked sideways at Armando but he wasn’t reacting. “He used to...”

Armando lay very still.

“There was a part of me that liked it.”

There. She’d said it. She closed her eyes and waited for the words she knew would come, telling her he was repulsed, couldn’t wait to get rid of her. Hot tears escaped down her cheeks.

Armando was on top of her again. “Gina, look at me.”

His face was soft, but alarmed. “Like I said, we all have a dark space within us. All of us do. Not just some of us.” He bent down and kissed her, wiping her tears away with his thumbs. “Were you ever really in danger?”

“I’m not sure.”

“Think, Gina. Were you really in danger?”

“I think I was. But he unlocked something in me. Like he damaged me.”

“You’re here. You’re safe. You’re with me. Nothing bad is going to happen to you as long as you’re with me, Gina.”

“I’m still afraid.” She suddenly wanted to tell him everything about the undercover mission. It would be career ending, but hadn’t she already told him her darkest secret?

“Give me your fear. Give me your danger. I can handle it,” he whispered.

Their kisses became longer. The rising tide of their arousal was filling the room. She focused on the salty taste of his neck, his shoulders, the way his tongue searched her mouth, how it became all about giving herself to him. She was giving him access again—to all of her.

the one who’s dangerous,” he said between kisses.

“Danger? Me? As in here, in the bedroom?” she asked.

“Always the most dangerous room in the house. Where there is nothing that separates flesh from flesh, where emotions pour out and passions take over.” He traced her nipple and then suckled it between his teeth. “Losing control is what lovemaking was made for.”

She moaned and he covered her mouth, but gave her space to breathe. “Don’t speak. You must not talk. I want to fill you, Gina. Fill you with pleasure.”

“Yes,” she whispered. Again he covered her mouth with his palm, and replaced it with his soft lips.

“No talking.”

Pressing into her mouth hard, almost causing pain, and then retracting, rubbing lips against lips as he whispered, “We call it release. The French call it the Little Death.”

She was feeling that familiar dark blood coursing through her veins. The anticipation and the mystery of what was to follow heightened all her senses.

“Can I show you something about yourself?”

She nodded and was rewarded with a smile.

“Good girl,” he said. “Will you do everything I say?”

“Y—” she started and then stopped herself. Looking deep into his eyes, she nodded slowly. It was a commitment to follow along with wherever he was going with all of this. He was asking for her trust. He was asking for a commitment. She scanned his face, centering on his full lips. She licked hers and slowly nodded her assent.

She heard the small moan deep within his chest. He knew what she was giving him.

“Good girl, Gina.”

He arched up, lifted both her arms by the wrists and placed them atop her head, pushing them into the pillow. “Let’s try something. You don’t have to play along if you don’t want to. Tell me to stop at any time, and I will. I promise.”

She tried to look up to where her hands were crossed above her head, but he held her wrists with one hand while he pulled her head down by the chin with the other.

“No peeking. Trust me?”

She could feel his hungry arousal burning against her. She nodded, and raised her knees to help him find a home deep inside her. Armando’s cock stiffly rooted around her opening, but did not penetrate.

“Say it now. I want you to speak now.”


“Yes, what?”

“I trust you.”

“Good,” he whispered as he kissed her. “Hold on to this,” he said as he led her hands to a cool metal loop on the headboard frame. She grabbed it. “Good girl,” he said.

She heard the sound of silk next to her ears and felt the cool fabric slide over her eyes. Her adrenaline began to kick in when she realized she was being blindfolded. He carefully lifted the silk scarf up so her nose had ample room for breathing. His fingers pressed against her lips and she sucked at them, drawing them into her mouth. The salty remains of her own arousal heightened her senses and her sex began to vibrate. Armando nibbled between her breasts, which felt like they were riding higher since she was holding onto the bedframe above her head.

She felt him leave the bedside and heard water running in the bathroom. When he returned she felt a warm, round bowl tucked between her legs. Armando spread her knees apart fully, which exposed her full sex to him. She wished she could see his face as he looked down on her. It was torture not knowing.

“You are so beautiful, Gina,” he said. Now she knew, and the answer made her insides twitch, knowing her sex was bared, fully revealed. Several seconds of silence was followed by the warm feel of his tongue lapping at the lips of her labia. She instinctively raised her knees, presenting her pelvis to him. “Yes. Nice, Gina.” He took her further into his mouth.

She released her grip on the headboard to smash his head into her crotch when he stopped her firmly.

“No, no. Bad girl. If you don’t leave your hands there, I might have to secure them.”

Secure them?

She smiled as she replaced her hands atop her head, twisting her torso carefully from side to side, wanting him to penetrate her, and also wanting to be a good girl and not spill what was in the bowl that rested between her legs. “More,” she said.

“Yes. Happy to oblige,” he whispered to that private place between her thighs. He blew warm air on her and she moaned, raising her pelvis off the bed again.

“Need you. Need you inside.”


She heard water trickling in the bowl. Suddenly a warm washcloth was placed on her swollen peach. He rubbed her carefully, delicately, breathing slowly. Gina’s chest was heaving under the aching burden of her engorged breasts. Her nipples hurt, but the rough washcloth between her legs made her come.

He rubbed her nub between his thumb and forefinger. She jerked, uncontrolled, as he played her. His hands left her and she heard the sounds of a brush and lathering cup.

“I’m going to shave you,” he said.

Gina’s quivering crotch was dripping with her own juices.

“Yes.” She said.

The brush tickled as it swirled warm soap over the sides of her crevice and into the depression at the tops of her thighs. Then his fingers delicately spread her folds back and he scraped her flesh with a razor, rinsing it between the long strokes. He was careful not to nick or touch the insides of her lips. He shouldered under her thigh to shave the flesh around her anus. One finger delicately prodded her there and she inhaled.

“Shhh. Careful. I have a sharp tool in my hands,” he said.

After he was finished shaving, he applied a fresh washcloth to remove lather and rinse her off.

Far from feeling debased, her heightened arousal made her compliant, needing this strong man to command her to do anything he might desire. When she felt him leave the bed, she surreptitiously stroked the baby-skin-like lips of her labia and then inserted two fingers into her desperately needy vagina. The touch of her own fingers was a welcome pleasure, and something she had never done before. She heard him pour out the contents of the bowl of warm water in the bathroom.

When she heard his footsteps returning to the bedside, he said, “Oh Gina. You have been very, very bad. I asked you not to take your hands off the headboard. I’m afraid that means I will have to restrain you.”


Chapter 33


Armando knew his own body, but his goal was to understand hers even better. Each time she would climax, he slowed the pace a little, trying to extend the time they spent in peak arousal. He was so close; he forced himself to focus on little details of her body so he wouldn’t go over the edge. Not just yet.

He had tied her beautiful wrists to the headboard. It was a first for him. He’d had fantasies about it, but had never found anyone he trusted enough to explore those regions together. But with Gina he felt like something was building. He suddenly wanted to do everything with her, try things he had never dared before. If she was willing. Only if she was willing.

Looking at those long fingers of hers gripping the bedframe, showing her willingness to be his captive, nearly made him spill. He loved the curves of her hand, the smooth surfaces of the bright pink polish as he sucked on each finger rolling his tongue over every surface, lapping the places between her fingers just like what he was going to do to the place between her thighs later on. She moaned and rose to him, pressing her full breasts into his chest, rubbing them against him as he felt her vibrating sex below his own.

His cock had never wanted something so bad in his life. He licked down the insides of her arms, one at a time. He kissed and nipped at the insides of her elbows. Every shadowy private part of her body was his to devour.

There was the little hollow under her ears he especially enjoyed, full of the scent from her arousal, mixed with her cologne. He was adapting to her environment, exploring and tasting all her places, learning to tune his body to what she wanted, which happened to be exactly what he wanted. When she moaned, he needed to be there at her mouth to jealously take it all into him. Her moans became his. He would possess every part of her he could.

Something was sliding away as he licked and nibbled over her body. Some heavy shield of steel was being taken from him, dissolved in the scent of her body, in the soft recesses of her flesh. Every place he touched her, she reacted. Nothing was as thrilling as watching her face and feeling her body respond to his. 

“Please,” she whispered. He loved the baby-fine skin of her now-shaved labia, taking his fill, using his fingers and his tongue. Her nub was red he’d pinched and sucked at it so much. Yet each time he touched her there she jumped. A slow, lazy smile would appear, demanding a moist kiss, delivering her the taste of her own arousal.

“Please,” she begged again. He wasn’t done teasing her, heightening her pleasure. He had much more in store for her first.

Armando doubted he’d ever be able to go to sleep in this room without thinking about what Gina looked like naked, spread-eagled, tied to his bed and blindfolded. Best thing of all was that she wanted more.

He adjusted his position, straddling her neck. He rubbed his cock against her lips and she opened to him, taking him inside, and deep.

“Careful, Gina.” He was close to exploding. Her tongue rolled over his hardened rod, her lips sucking him, elongating him, making him even more engorged. He moved in and out through her pink lips, increasing the rhythm until he felt his hilt begin to tighten and he withdrew. Her high-pitched whine was a thing of beauty.

“Need you inside me,” she complained.

“In time. You trust me?”

“Of course.”

“I need a yes or no.”

“Yes, Armando. I trust you.”

“Good girl, Gina. Now, I’m going to untie you and turn you over.”

BOOK: SEAL Under Covers (SEAL Brotherhood Series Book 3)
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