SEAL Under Covers (SEAL Brotherhood Series Book 3) (28 page)

Read SEAL Under Covers (SEAL Brotherhood Series Book 3) Online

Authors: Sharon Hamilton

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Military, #Romantic Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense, #New Adult & College, #Series

BOOK: SEAL Under Covers (SEAL Brotherhood Series Book 3)
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The room was spinning from her quick change of position. She wondered why Sam didn’t put a blanket around her and she began to shiver.

“Let’s get you cleaned up, and then I’m going to tend to you.”

He tried to sound gentle, but the huskiness of his voice was ringing all the bells and alarms in her head. The man had devious intentions, and though she wanted to protest, allowed herself to be led to a sparkling white-tiled shower.

Steam from the shower began to fill the small bathroom.

Out of a fog she heard her own words, “I need to get home. I have to make some calls,” she said with effort.

“They all know about it. I called it in.”

“But Sam, this doesn’t make sense. They’re going to have to interview me. I can’t wash away all the evidence. And where’s Carlos?”

“Evidence?” His eyes were tiny slits as he licked his lips. She thought he was going to kiss her he got so close, but he deflected at the last minute and whispered into her ear, “We don’t need no evidence to convict that sonofabitch. I blew his head clean off.”

She did remember the way Tito’s head looked like an exploded ripe melon and she started to feel the sharp pain in her stomach again. Where were Carlos and Mia? Was there anybody else?

She wrinkled her nose; the tips of her fingers began to feel funny, too. “Why—why am I taking a shower?” she asked as she was led to the steamy opening. Fuzzy cotton balls were bouncing around in her brain. She recalled something about his appearance…oh yes, the brains on his pants. The fact that he had no shirt on. She heard the tinkling of a belt buckle.

And now he has no pants, either. We are both naked. Is he going to hurt me?

Yes. She remembered thinking that just a couple of minutes ago. She held onto the wall behind her, only to find out it was his chest.

“Yes, baby, I’m here.”

“Why? Why did you—?”

“Because I had to save you.” He pressed himself against her. “Come, let’s get clean. Then I’m gonna help you heal.”

“What happened to Mia? Where is she?” she whispered.

“I don’t know, but it turns out Tito was running his own little scheme.”

“Tito? He’s just a kid.”

“I found a boatload of money on him. I think he was going to sell you, sweetheart. If I hadn’t come, you’d be in Mexico already.”

It still didn’t make sense. “I’m dizzy. Something’s wrong. I need a doctor.”

“I’m your doctor. I can fix what ails you now.”

Her head rolled back and onto his massive shoulder. Smelling of sweat and death, he supported her back and head, lifting her over the lip of the shower pan by her waist.

The water felt wonderful. She leaned into it and lost her balance, but he caught her from behind and turned her around. Putting her under the warm spray, she laid her head against his chest. She was suddenly calm, and very tired. But it felt nice to be sheathed in the warm liquid.

“There you go. I’m gonna take good care of you, Gina. I’m gonna love out all the rough parts until you won’t even remember this entire nightmare. You’ll see. We will heal each other.”

She started to lift her head up but found she didn’t have the strength. She smelled shower gel and the touch of his hands rubbing against her back, her bottom and on the backs of her upper thighs. She couldn’t help but lay against him as he leaned back, bracing her cheek on his shoulder, holding her with one arm under the spray, rubbing her anus and crevice between her legs from behind. She was losing consciousness, but she thought perhaps he inserted a finger there just before the room went black.


Coming to, she realized she was back in the tiny dark room.  Her head hurt like hell, and when she tried to sit up she found she was fully restrained. A collar around her neck held her down. Her arms hurt where they’d been secured with velvet-covered handcuffs to the straight metal bedframe. She tried to struggle, but it was useless. Her ankles were also immobilized with hard steel cuffs. Her sex was wide open for anyone to see. Trying to concentrate on her body and her breathing, she couldn’t find anything wrong, and she didn’t think she’d been raped.


She’d been fixed up for someone’s sick pleasure.

And she knew who that someone would be. A camera on a tripod blinked with an eerie red light. She was being recorded.

“Sam?” she cried out. There was no answer. She remembered the shower and it felt like her hair was still wet. “Sam!” she shouted. She heard running footsteps coming down wooden stairs.

The door cracked open and a golden sliver of light illuminated the hallway behind him. She could see enough of him to make out that he was wearing leather chaps framing his thick hard-on, with a black mask covering his eyes. He also wore long-sleeved plastic gloves that made a crinkling noise. And he was barefoot.

“What’s going on here, Sam? Let me go.”

He responded by shushing her, then kneeling on the bed. He grabbed his cock and stroked himself as he looked down on her. The fingers of his gloves were peppered with small bumps and ridges she could hear traveling over his flesh. She couldn’t see clearly, but thought maybe she could hear evidence he’d covered himself with lube cream. Or he’d come. Either way, she was disgusted. This was sick and twisted. She was in serious danger, because she knew she would have to fight him, and what Sam had in mind might cause pain, even death. But no way was she going to be a willing participant.

“Sam, no. Don’t do this,” she pleaded. “It’s not too late. I’m not into this at all—”

“Hey baby, it takes some getting used to, but you’re gonna purr like a kitten.”

“Stop it. Stop it now.”

Sam abruptly ended his self-fondling and straddled her hips, bending over and placing a large, musk-scented paw over her mouth. “Shut the fuck up or I’ll do it to you gagged and fully bound. Or is that how you want it, baby?”

Not. Your. Baby.

She bit his hand and didn’t let go until he slapped her across the face so hard she felt like he might have fractured her cheekbone. She saw stars.

“I’m gonna take you, with or without your fuckin’ permission, Gina. You’re mine. You belong to me.”

He got up, adjusting himself, and walked into the bathroom. From what little she could see, he held something in his right hand. Something small.

And then she felt the pinprick of a needle in her arm. A warm glow traveled instantly all over her body and her limbs felt like rubber.

“Yes, baby, let it come to you. You like?”

Seconds later, she was drooling on the pillow, unable to say anything. She worked hard to keep her eyes open. Her headache went away, replaced by a haze that left her powerless to do anything to help herself

So this is how it ends. Captured, forced to do things. Maybe he’s already done them. I must stay alive to see to it he doesn’t get away with it. Stay alive to—to see—Armando. Where is Armando?

She began to mumble. He was fondling her sex with the ridged glove, probing and tickling her. She had to say something to make him stop. Or, if there was a chance, maybe, pass out so she wouldn’t have to remember what he was going to do to her. That would be better. Nothing else she could do, so she used the only tool she had left.

Her spirit.

Her tongue was thick but she managed to groan, mumbling words in a gurgling whisper.

“What’s that, baby? You like my little foreplay? Did he ever do this to you, honey? I think not. I think I got there just in time. Tito coulda fucked you up real good. I figured it out just in time. He had his own little angle going. So sorry it was almost too late, but I’ve got you now. I saved you, sweet Gina. You’re a lucky girl, Gina. I’m here now.”

She tried to force out the words. She was beginning to lose consciousness. She had to do it now or it would be too late.

“Mmm. Mmm,” she groaned.

He leaned over her mouth to listen. She felt the soft hairs of his ear brush against her lips so she opened them just enough to be able to bite down on the velvety cartilage of his right ear.

Sam screamed but she refused to let go. Her chin was covered in blood as the collar dug into her neck. She held on like a pit bull despite his jerking. Finally, he yanked himself free. She was sure she’d bitten all the way through and taken part of his ear. Her stomach heaved, and she had just enough room to turn her face to the side to avoid swallowing her own vomit. She spit the disgusting stuff out onto the pillow still hearing the string of curses coming from the bathroom.

Good. I hope it hurts like a sonofabitch, you asshole. Not a damn thing about this is consensual. The Team will know that

She passed out.


Chapter 30


Armando was impatient after getting the call from Riverton telling him to stand down until released by the task force. The morning light had come while they were waiting. Fredo was attending to Mia. The paramedics asked him several times to step aside, but he ignored them. When he started also ordering them around, Armando had to go over and hook him by the elbow and drag him away.

“She’s not hurt, and I’m sure they can tend to a couple of bruised knees, Fredo. She fell onto carpet. ”

“Carpet burns. You don’t want any scarring. They have to clean it properly if it broke the skin, and—”

“Fredo, you’re acting like an old woman. Drop it.” He leaned into his short buddy, “You’re beginning to embarrass us all.”

That made Fredo stand up straight.

One thing that warmed Armando’s heart was the fact that Mia was giving Fredo a very grateful look. A
grateful look. He hadn’t seen her look that way for literally years. Fredo hadn’t noticed, since he was checking his gear and talking with some of the force who had arrived, no doubt trying to make himself look useful and important.

It was always like this for Fredo. Heart of a warrior. The guy just wouldn’t quit. Like all of them, he guessed.

And then he thought of Gina. Cold fear began to seep into his bones. Riverton had said the operation was nearly over and her boss would be calling her in. He expressly told him not to interfere, but Armando could feel precious time running out.

“You’ve done enough, Armani. Stay the hell out and let them clean it up,” he’d said. “You’ve done them a favor, now continue to behave and let them finish it. You’ve got to have faith in what they do. Don’t want to make it worse on your sister. She’s gonna need you soon.”

It was true. He was supposed to let them do their job. But he couldn’t shake the feeling that something still wasn’t right. He’d asked Riverton if anyone had heard from Sam. Until Armando knew that guy was visible somewhere, he was going to worry about Gina.

The SEALs were allowed to go after being interviewed. Mia had to go downtown with them, which didn’t go over very well with Fredo either, but Armando had expected it. After all, she had been involved with Carlos, and that branded her. Hopefully, she could cut a break. Armando thought perhaps Riverton could help in that department. But from now on, it was going to have to be up to her to walk the straight and narrow. Armando figured he’d done enough. He loved her, but he couldn’t continue to try to clean up her life. Hell, he needed to clean up his own.

The boys were hungry, so they ate a late breakfast at the Scupper. Kyle and Malcolm Jones joined them. Rory was relating the details, describing the way Fredo had nearly exploded in the Hummer when he heard the “Huckleberry” signal.

“Where the fuck did you come up with that Huckleberry thing, anyhow, Armani?” Fredo wanted to know. “I think it was such a dumb-ass name you stunned Carlos for a second.”

Armando shrugged it off and matched Kyle’s warm smile. His LPO gave him a high five as they sat across from each other over the table.

“You did good, Armani. But it was a close one.”

Rory went off onto a further description of the operation. Kyle took the opportunity to whisper to Armando.

“Where’s the girl?”

Armando knew who he was talking about.

“Haven’t a clue. She’s probably crowing with her buddies right now.” Armando hoped this was the case. And hoped she wasn’t with Sam.

“Little surprised she didn’t call you. I gathered you two were close. Didn’t this just help her case?”

“We have issues.” That was putting it mildly.

“What, that she didn’t let you in on the bust?”

“Hell, no. I don’t care about that. She lied to me, Lannie. She never told me who she really was. Plus she used my sister, was planning all along to arrest her along with those scumbags. I just don’t see how I could trust her again. I even knew something was off, and I still went in wheels up and hot. I screwed up.”

“What did you lose, your pride?”

“I thought I had a read on her. Thought I really knew her, and I didn’t. When has that happened, Kyle?”

“You want me to be honest?”

“Shut the fuck up.” He smiled but it did needle him in the gut.

Kyle thought before he spoke again. “Who said you did the wrong thing? Anything about this arrest and the roundup of all these bad guys wrong? You
them do it.”

“I don’t know. I just expected that she would have trusted me with the truth. I don’t understand why she didn’t.”

“Maybe she was protecting you.”

Maybe she was.
He hadn’t thought about that. She did try her best to keep him separated from Sam. He’d never had a woman try to protect
. That was always his job.

Holy shit. Kyle’s right.

He jumped to his feet and dialed Riverton.

The first ring went to voicemail right away. He left a short message, but while doing so, Riverton dialed him back.

“Sorry Armani. I was in the middle of something,” Riverton said. Armando could hear sheets rustling in the background.

“Tell Daisy I’m sorry for that.”

“Gotta come up for air some time. What’s up?”

“Anybody heard from Gina?”

“Kozinski was going to call her when I spoke to him last night. But, no, like I said, he wondered if she was there with you and Mia.”

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