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Cali smiled devilishly and strolled over to the bed. She loosened
my tie, and removed it from her neck, then, she slipped it over
head and tightened the knot back up.


“That is one mighty fine suit you’re wearing there Mr. Danes.
I’m afraid you’re going to have to come with me, sir.”


Cali grabbed the tie and used it to pull me over to her so
she could plant a sizzling hot kiss on my mouth. Next, she used it like a dog
leash (
to walk me over to the bathroom and
into the marbled, rain shower enclosure. I loved surprises, and Cali was full
of them. My cock was rock-hard with anticipation.


She slid the tie off my neck, threw it over the towel rack
and turned on the gentle pulse of the rain shower. She sat me down on the stone
bench and squirted some tropical fruit shower gel into her open hand, as the
warm water flowed softly over my face and body. And then she gave me the most
erotic shower massage of my life. She started with my feet and worked her way
up my legs, giving special attention to my bum knee.
Fuck, her fingers were out of this world!


As great as the knee rub felt, I couldn’t wait for her to
slide her sudsy hands further north, to my awaiting cock. The trickling shower
water was turning me on as it ran down the head of my dick. She read my mind
and made no other detours. Her slick, soapy palm circling around on my balls
felt fucking amazing. I groaned her name as she slid her lathered hand up my
shaft. She worked me over


and over, teasing, and tugging at my ultra-sensitive ridge.


Cali added some more scented shower gel to her hands and rubbed
it into my abs and onto my
and hardened nipples.
Then she seductively soaped up her own beautiful body.
I loved watching her play with her own tits!
She was so fucking erotically
sudsy and wet as the water flowed over her dark glistening skin. I pulled her
to me and licked the fragrant soap off of her nipples.


She rubbed her hot wet body against mine, and fingered her
frothy, wet little pussy, (which was now inches from my face), until she purred
my name:


what would you like me to do,
baby? Want me to fuck you now?”


“Oh yeah, Cali! Please fuck me, honey! Oh please fuck my


I nibbled on her soapy beaver lips just long enough to make her
shudder and then she slid her slippery opening over my dick and rode me hard and
wet until I came in her. It was the dirtiest shower I ever took.


She laid her head on my chest, and we silently enjoyed the
soothing sound of the rain shower cleansing our bodies. We dried each other off
with the luxuriously thick bath towels and slipped into our cozy hotel robes.
Then we hopped in the bed and snuggled under the sheets until we got
hungry.......for food.


It was another truly amazing night. We ordered room service
and had a romantic dinner in the room that included more of our favorite French
wine. Afterward, we revisited all of our favorite fucking places, in and around
the room: The window seat, the overstuffed chair, and my personal favorite, the
balcony. We topped off the evening by feeding each other strawberries and
champagne in the tub.


All the while, we had to keep in mind that Cali had to go to
work in the morning. That really sucked, but we set the alarm for 6AM. I
respected the hell out of her work, so I didn’t try to persuade her to play
hooky, like I most certainly would have done with any other woman.


We woke up with the alarm but struggled to get up out of the
bed. Last night’s fuck fest was outrageously fun but extremely exhausting.


During our room service breakfast of Belgium waffles and
fresh fruit, Cali finally asked me the question I’d been waiting for:


“Devlin, what happened to your dick ring? When did you remove


“I was wondering when you were
say something about that. Yeah, I took it out a couple days ago. It just didn’t
feel like
anymore…… I didn’t hear
any complaints from you…………”


Cali stroked my cock with admiration, under my soft, plush


“I can’t imagine EVER complaining about your beautiful
instrument, Devlin. It’s spectacular, with or without the jewelry. But you
still put the ring back in, right?”


“Yes Cali, I can put it back in whenever I want. And if you
don’t behave yourself, that petting is
get you
into serious trouble, little girl….”


Cali smiled a big-ass teasing smile at me and said,


“You promise?”






Last night had been magical, in every way. I was completely
elated, despite having to end our hotel stay way too soon. We both needed to
make a pit stop at my house, before work; I wanted my own car, and Devlin
wanted to pick up Pete and take him to his new beach front home.


Neither one of us was prepared for the surprise awaiting us
when we got there. Mr. Dane’s Mercedes was parked behind my mother’s SUV in the
He spent the night with momma?


“What the Fuck?! My old man’s here!”


“I guess there’s really no reason for us to be


surprised, Devlin. They
been dating...”


We found the love birds sitting in the breakfast nook,
sipping coffee and having a lively discussion about whether or not Sea World
had a right to keep
in a tank. They were
laughing and both seemed to be enjoying their verbal breakfast spar. The four
pups snoozed under the table at their feet, apparently all played out. It was
quite the serene setting.


“Good morning, you two. You guys have a nice time last night?
Pete was a perfect angel, no problem getting along with the other dogs at all.”


“Good morning,
. Devlin and I
had a great time. How ‘bout you
uh, and Mr. Danes?”


Richard Danes jumped in, and apologized for what he
considered to be his indiscretion.


“I’m sorry you had to find me here this way, Cali. I didn’t
mean to disrespect your home. I’m really not in the habit of doing such things.
But your mother has a way about her… I’m glad to see you were able to patch
things up between you.”


“No need to apologize, Mr. Danes. You’re right, my mom is a
pretty amazing woman.”


I went over to momma and put my arm
around her.


Our parents both blushed and exchanged mischievous glances at
each other from across the table.


“Well, I’m a very traditional man, and I don’t trifle with a
woman’s affections. I make my intentions known. I’ve already given Amari here a
sign of my love and commitment. Show them the ring honey.”


Devlin and I both immediately made “What the fuck?!” facial
expressions, which couldn’t possibly have gone unnoticed by our folks.


My mom extended her left arm and wiggled her fingers at us,
like she was showing off a big sparkler.


“Now, there’s no need to get too freaked out you guys……. It’s
just a twist-tie off the bag of onion bagels!”


Richard quickly chimed in with:


“That’s all this stubborn mule will let me give her!”


“Did you actually ask my mom to marry you, Mr. Danes?”


“Yes, I did, Cali. I already know I love her. And I already
know she’s the best thing to happen to me since my Sarah...”


“And you said, ‘yes’ to my dad, Amari?”


“In a round-a-bout way. I said if I was still nuts about him
a year from now, I would marry him. With the understanding that I’m not
changing my last name, of course. I’m nobody’s property.”


“See…… what did I tell you about this
’ mule?”


“You know Dad,
’ mule might not
be the most loving pet name. Can’t you come up with something a little more


“Well she calls me
’ fart, so fair is fair.”


“But you actually
an old fart, dad!”


My mom and Devlin’s dad embraced and melted into a very
romantic kiss. They seemed to genuinely be in love and I had to admit Richard
was a pretty dashing and distinguished-looking man. I would have never guessed
him to be my mom’s type, though.


As, I was mulling over the idea of the two of them sharing
their lives together, a horrible thought came over me: If they married, Devlin
would be my stepbrother!
Oh my god…






While driving my new best friend, Pete, to his new luxury
beach house in La Jolla, my mind played over the incredible events of the past 18
hours of my life: My fight with Travis, my fruitful meeting with Amari, my
amazing night with Cali, my Romeo father’s silly marriage proposal, and now my
very first dog. It had been quite the whirlwind.


I looked over at Pete, sitting in the passenger seat of my
convertible with his shaggy dog hair blowing in the wind, his
-toothed, ear-to-ear smile and his tongue lolled out;
he was essentially the canine version of me. We were both happy as clams, and
excited as shit over our new lives, which were about to be forever changed in
countless, wondrous ways. Life was truly astounding for Pete and me: One day
we’re just roaming aimlessly and hopelessly, and the next day we’re on top of
the world.


Pete went ape-shit upon entering the house. He ran wildly in circles
around the kitchen and dining room, while I was stocking the pantry with all
the new dog food, treats, and supplies that I bought from Amari’s shop.
I poured some gourmet kibble into his
bright blue bowl that matched his bright blue collar, and he gobbled it down
with gusto. Pete even ate like I did!
We were a couple of lucky dogs, indeed.


To my surprise, my dad showed up at home only about a half
hour after Pete and I did. He stopped by to pick up some important papers that
he knew he would need, and completely unlike the “old” him, took a few minutes
to sit and watch Pete’s hilarious shenanigans. My dad seemed so different in so
many ways now. Amari Jamison had definitely had a positive impact on him. Those
Jamison women……


they were bewitching in more ways than one.


“So dad, what’s with the sudden urge to get married?
Your girl isn’t in the “family way” now,
is she?”


Dad chuckled and didn’t miss a


“Hey, be careful now son. You better watch what you say about


I cut him off before he could finish.


“Seriously, dad……. What is the rush? She sure doesn’t act
like she’s pressuring you for a commitment of any kind. She seems pretty laid


“You’re precisely right, Devlin. She isn’t pushing for
marriage. She’s quite the free spirit. It’s really all me. I’ve never met
anybody quite like her and I’m not letting her get away. I’m staking my claim
on that woman. For whatever reason, nobody has been quite able to secure that
little ball buster, but I intend to. I have to say, she makes me feel 20 years
younger. We’ve been at odds with each other for a long time, but I think I
understand now… All that was just foreplay.”


My dad definitely spoke like a man with a new lease on life:


“And don’t worry.
I’ll not kid myself by pretending we will ever be on the same side of the political
aisle, but we sure do have some lively, high-spirited debates. And she’s
already opened my eyes in many new ways. Like, slowing down and stopping to
appreciate the things that really matter in life. I forgot how often your
mother used to tell me to do that, but I was always too busy to listen back
then and have lived to regret it. But now, I have a second chance, with Amari,
and by god, I’m going to take it. I have no idea when we’ll actually get
married, but I have proudly proclaimed and marked my territory.”


Pete couldn’t have timed it any better: No sooner did the
words “marked my territory” leave my dad’s lips, then Pete scurried up to his
new bowl and lifted his leg on it. I couldn’t remember the last time my dad and
I shared a spontaneous laugh like the one we had at that moment. Carl must have
heard us, prompting him to come in from the garage to see what was going on.


“Will somebody please share the reason for your joviality?”


“Joviality? Can’t you just talk normal once in awhile Carl? We
were just cracking up over my new little buddy. I’ve adopted him. Carl, this is
Pete. Pete, this is Carl.”


I heard
barking in here. Thank god. I’m not going crazy after all. I do suppose,
however, that a dog will take some getting used to.”


“Well, I really don’t know how much longer Pete and I will be
living here, so no need to concern yourself too much about him. Right, dad?”


I smiled slyly at my dad, trying to provoke him into dropping
his big fat, wedding news bomb on Carl. But before dad could speak, Carl’s true
feelings came spewing out:


“I must say I’m a bit relieved about that. I’ve never cared
much for dogs, actually. I’m more of a cat person myself. Dogs are so gauche.”


My dad finally jumped in before Carl could stick his foot in
his mouth any further.


“So Carl…
how do you feel about 3
dogs and a woman moving in?”


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